James Black

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James Black Page 6

by Skye Turner

  “I’ll drop you off at home and call Charles. I can have you another driver in the morning.”

  She what? She’s quitting? Is she fucking serious?

  “What? Are you quitting?”

  She grasps the wheel tightly. “No, I’m not quitting. I just thought you’d want another driver.”

  I sigh and snap out, “So, you’re making more assumptions?”

  Her spine straightens and she turns. She meets my eyes. “I’m not making assumptions. We cannot get along. You grate on my nerves and I grate on yours. Why would you want me to continue to drive you?”

  I focus directly on her. “We got along just fine at the Capitol and the Tower.”

  She throws her hands up in the air. “Are you kidding me? Yeah, we got along because I gave you a history lesson and we watched a sunset. We didn’t talk other than that.”

  I pierce her with my gaze. “I kissed you, too. Let’s not leave that part out…”

  She rolls her eyes. “Yeah, can we forget about that?!”

  I laugh. “If you want to. Now, since you’re not quitting and I’m not firing you, can we find some food?”

  I see her hesitation, but then she chuckles. “Yeah, sure.”



  What in the hell was that all about? I lost my shit. Like climbed over my console and got in a client’s face, lost my shit. I have never done that in my life. I’ve never met a man who pisses me off like that man back there does. He makes me want to murder him. He’s so infuriating. He just vexes me!

  Yet, he also sort of charms me at times. He’s a conundrum, yet parts of me want to just stick around to see what he’s all about.

  He was absolutely right about me stereotyping him. I don’t know him. I know nothing about him, yet that didn’t stop me from judging him and formulating an opinion that could possibly be wrong.

  How did he know that I have these walls up from my past? I don’t talk about that. People know… but I don’t share my personal business. It’s mine and I keep my private life private. I’ve never let it interfere with my work before and I won’t now.

  Just do the job, Avangeline. It’s damn good money and James is certainly easy on the eyes…

  The man has wicked lips too…

  I park in front of the building and James looks at it in apprehension. “What is this place?”

  “It’s where we’re eating.”

  “We’re eating here? Is it safe? Isn’t that the name of the vampire town?”

  I laugh. “Of course it’s safe. Yes it is, though the town is fictional. You get cool points for knowing that. But guess what?! Vampires are not real.” I find myself giggling. “Welcome to Les Bon Temps Bar and Grill. It’s delicious. Come on.”

  He mutters, “Vampires aren’t real… Says who?!” Then, he reluctantly gets out and follows me to the door. We’re quickly seated in the corner and I put his back to the door to preserve his privacy. As we look over the menu, his face reflects his uneasiness with the choices. “What’s that look for?”

  He glances up with a sheepish expression. “I don’t know what some of this stuff is.”

  I have to laugh. “Ok, do you trust me?”

  He smirks. “Well, that’s a loaded question, but I guess so.”

  I giggle. What the hell? I don’t giggle. Imbeciles giggle. I do not. “Ok, do you trust me to order? And will you try what I order?”

  The waitress approaches and never looks up as she asks what we’d like to drink. I order a water with lemon and James asks for a cranberry with a splash of orange juice. As she walks away, he says, “Will you tell me what I’m eating?”

  My humor at the situation is killing me. I cheekily ask him, “Um, do you want me to tell you?”

  He shakes his head. “Probably better if you don’t. Ok, I’ll try things if you eat them, too. Don’t give me any weird shit, ok?”

  “Define weird shit.”

  He rolls his eyes. “I’m not eating testicles, a dick, or anything’s tongue!”

  I laugh so hard I snort and start coughing. The waitress hurries over with my water and after my coughing fit has subsided, she asks what we’re ordering.

  She puts the order in and brings fresh bread to the table. James looks at it. “I don’t normally eat carbs. That smells amazing though.”

  Buttering a piece, I take a bite and moan as it dissolves on my tongue. After I swallow, I look up. He’s watching me savor my bread. I love food. Food is a passion. And we have some of the best food in the world. “I love carbs. Bread, rice, pasta. I don’t care if my ass spreads, as long as my jeans fit.”

  He coughs. “It is a nice ass.”

  Huh? Did he just compliment my ass?


  “I said it’s a nice ass.” My mouth drops open in shock as he continues. “Yes, I’ve noticed. I’m a man. Don’t sue me for sexual harassment.”

  I laugh. “I won’t sue you. Thanks for the compliment. What is it with you and telling me not to sue you? Have you been sued a lot?”

  He takes a sip of water and pops a bite of bread into his mouth. I watch him eat. When he’s done, he smirks. “No, not really. Never in fact. Hugo can’t believe it with the shit I say.”

  “I can imagine why. You don’t really filter much, do you?”

  He’s pensive for a bit. “No, I don’t. I say what I want to say, do what I want to do, and answer to no one but me.”

  What an odd answer.

  Before I can question him, the food is brought out, Duck and Andouille Egg Rolls, Abita Amber Tempura Shrimp Corndogs, Sautéed Frog Legs, Andouille and Shrimp Stuffed Mirliton. I educate him on the different dishes. He’s a trooper and tries them all.

  The meal is delicious. The company is surprisingly good and we laugh a lot. It’s a very enjoyable evening.

  Chapter Eight


  Last night was really fun. AJ is a very smart and funny woman and she’s a blast to be around. It was a little surprising how comfortable we were around each other given our history the past couple of weeks. I can’t believe I ate some of the things I ate, but they were all delicious. It was an experience I’ll never forget.

  I’m finishing my work-out and about to start my cool down when my cell buzzes. It’s Hugo.


  Everything ok over there? You getting along with AJ? Has she dropped you or have you fired her yet?

  Enjoying my visit with my mom.

  Be cool and I’ll let you know when I hear news of your new co-star. News has already dropped about them letting Genevera go.”

  I read through the text and shoot back a quick reply before finishing my workout.

  I wonder who my new co-star will be. I doubt they’ll make the same mistake twice, so I’m guessing they’ll try to get a veteran instead of a rising star. It’ll all come down to availability and money though. Either way, I don’t care. I never get involved with my co-stars, though the tabloids paint a very different picture.

  Hell, if I’d had affairs with even half of the people they claim I have, my dick would certainly fall off. I use the hype, though. It fuels the fire that feeds my allure. And my allure helps me get roles. Roles make me money. I like money. I’m careful with my money and invest a lot. I’m not frivolous and Hugo and my accountant help make sure I’m smart with it.

  I’ve been penniless and at the mercy of others before and I’ll never be that way again.

  My thoughts carry me all the way through my workout, cool down, and shower. Checking the time, I see I have a bit of time before I’m being picked up. I told AJ not to be here until nine to grab me since I’m not shooting today. I’m sure she appreciates the extra time to sleep, too.

  The only down side is I’m starving and I have no food in the house. Hugo is supposed to be finding me a personal chef, but I haven’t been impressed with anyone he’s found, and the one person I did like, turned down my more-than-generous offer to start a magazine.

  Maybe I can catch A
J and she can grab me some breakfast on her way over here.

  Grabbing the phone, I text her.


  Can you pick up an egg white omelet with goat cheese and green onions and some sliced fresh fruit on the way to get me?”

  My mouth is already watering at the thought. Shit, I’m going to have to go to the grocery store today since I have four days free now. Food is kind of necessary. I can cook, but not that well and I don’t really like it. Hugo usually cooks when he’s around and I don’t eat out. We need to really pursue that personal chef thing when he gets back.

  As I’m making a cup of coffee with the Keurig in my apartment, my cell buzzes.


  Sure. Be there in about half an hour.”

  Since I have nothing else to do, I flip on the TV while I wait. Hawaii Five-0 keeps me entertained. Note to self, tell Hugo to put out feelers about a guest spot on Hawaii Five-0. I could use the black sand beaches and sea breeze.

  A little before nine, the doorbell rings. Checking the peep-hole, I see AJ holding a bag… and a squirming bundle of energy.

  I open the door and look around to see if someone is outside calling for the dog. No one is. AJ grins sheepishly and hands me the puppy.

  What the hell am I doing holding a dog?

  She pushes past me and walks in, placing the bag of food on the counter between my living room and kitchen. I follow behind her because I don’t know what else to do. I’m holding the dog with both hands and making sure it’s away from my body. It’s barking and trying to lick my hands.

  I look at the dog and then at her in confusion. My eyes narrow at her. “Um, what is this?”

  She looks at me like I’m speaking Greek. “A puppy.”

  “Yes…” I drag it out as I wait for an explanation. Nothing comes. “I know it’s a puppy. Why am I holding it?”

  She laughs. “You can put it down.”

  “Put it down where?” I ask incredulously.

  Her face reflects her irritation with my question. “Seriously, James?” She points at the floor. “On the floor.”

  “On my floor?”

  Throwing her hands up before settling them on her ample hips, she mutters, “No, on my damn floor. YES! On your floor. It’s your house!”

  I stare at the hardwood floors. No way. What if it has an accident? Who’s going to clean it? The puppy is really wiggling and I pull it closer to my body. It licks my chin. Gazing down at it, I realize it is a cute little thing.

  Back on track! Why is there a dog in my hands licking my face? What is this about?

  “AJ, why am I holding a puppy?”

  She retorts, “Because you refuse to put it down.”

  I’m going to kill her. She’s enjoying this shit way too much and her smart-ass mouth is pissing me off.

  “Stop being a smartass and tell me why there’s a puppy in my house right now. Whose puppy is this?”

  She stares at me for a minute. “Yours.”

  The hell it is! I don’t have a puppy. I don’t want a puppy. I don’t know what to DO with a puppy!

  Looking at it and then at her, I push the puppy at her. “Take it back.” She steps back and shakes her head. “I don’t want a puppy. Why would you bring me a dog?”

  She smiles. “You need a dog.”

  “Bullshit. I’m not keeping it.”

  “Oh yes, you are. It’s your dog. She needed to be rescued and you are her forever home. I asked Hugo. He said you’ve always talked about wanting a dog.” She looks down at the puppy now somehow cradled against my chest. “Now you have one. See, she likes you. That’s your puppy. She’s already had her shots. She’s ten weeks old. Her bedding, food, water bowl, treats, leash, and toys are in the Tahoe. I’ll go grab them. You have to name her.”

  “I’m not keeping the dog.” I say it, but the little warm body snuggled into my chest is already changing my mind. She’s sweet.

  AJ chuckles. “Uh huh.”

  Before I can tell her again that I’m not keeping the dog, she walks out. Walking over to the couch I sit down and look at the puppy. She has big brown eyes that she’s having trouble keeping open and wrinkly skin. She’s like a little bear. Her fur is short and black and brown with a white spot under her chin. I find myself scratching it. She leans her head back against my chest and gazes at me. “What kind of dog are you anyway?”

  A voice from the door startles me and I jump. The puppy yelps in surprise.

  “She’s a cross between a lab and a shepard they said. She’ll get big.” She drops the huge bag of puppy chow by the door and unloads two bags from her arms before walking over to the couch. Leaning down, she kisses the puppy’s nose. The puppy barks at her before licking her face and her tail starts wagging.

  “What are you going to name her?”

  Thinking about it, I say, “Marie Leveau.”

  AJ throws her head back and laughs. It causes a warmth in my belly. “Ah, she’s bewitched you already.”

  Well, shit… I have a damn dog.



  We’re out at the park near my place a few hours later, letting the dog run around. James is really taken with her and they’re running around the park together. He throws her the ball and she races off to get it and bring it back. I was a little leery of bringing her out today, but he wanted to and she is staying right near him. She’s captivated by the man and refuses to leave his side.

  Not sure I can blame her for being infatuated.

  Whoa, sista! Bring it down a notch. He’s your client. We’re getting along, but no need to go getting all crazy. He’s interesting and when he’s not acting like a… well, movie star, he’s actually really pleasant to be around.

  I’m not certain why I thought of him when I saw the desperate plea for someone to come get the puppy on the shelter’s Facebook page this morning. She was owner surrendered and had already had all of her shots. Apparently the original owner decided they didn’t want a loud puppy who wasn’t housebroken and ran in the house after all.

  I couldn’t keep her since I’m more of a cat person and my place doesn’t have the yard for a dog, but I immediately thought of James. Something about the big brown eyes and the pretty blue bow in her photos told me he’d be the perfect family for her. Her bow also matched his eyes.

  I was right. He fought it, but I called Hugo to ask before just getting the dog. He told me James would complain and refuse it, but to just ignore it and walk away. I did. Hugo knows James very well.

  While I’m thinking, I’m also snapping photos of the duo as they play. James is racing around the grounds in jeans, boots, his leather jacket, a baseball cap, and aviators and Marie Leveau is nipping at his heels and yapping as she chases him.

  I quickly take out my cell phone and snap a pic to text to Hugo. As I do, I see a movement in the bushes near James and Marie Leveau. The glare from a camera lens is unmistakable.

  Acting quickly, I fake a fall and as I get James’s attention, he races over.

  “AJ, are you alright? What happened? Are you hurt?”

  Shaking my head, I nod toward the bushes where the lens is now pointed in our direction. “I’m fine. There’s a photographer hiding in the bushes over there.” He turns to look. “NO! Don’t turn. I’m going to speak loudly and call you David. Just go with it, ok?”

  He nods and tries to move his eyes to see. I shake my head again. “Keep your head down and pull the brim of your cap lower. Help me up.”

  He pulls me up to a standing position and I lean heavily on him as if I need the support. Reaching up, I jostle the front of his cap and hide his face as much as I can. Pulling back and still holding onto his arms, I call out loudly, “Damn loose grass! Help me to the car, David. I think I might have twisted my ankle.” Leaning down, I scoop up the puppy and we quickly make it back to the SUV.

  Thankfully my windows are darkly tinted. No one can see in the interior. It’s legal due to the nature of my job and the safety of my clients. As we b
oth get in and get settled, we watch the man come out of the bushes and make his way to a red rental car. Once he’s in his car, he just watches the vehicle. We watch back through the dark glass.

  James asks, “Do you have to do that a lot?”

  Turning to look at him as he holds the puppy and pets her head to calm her down from the excitement, I ask, “Do what?”

  “Create diversions to sprint people away.”

  I nod. “Sometimes. It’s a part of the job. I haven’t had to do it that often, but I’ve had to do it more than once.”

  He nods. “That was pretty quick thinking. I don’t think he had time to get any clear shots. Hopefully you threw him off with the fake name, too.”

  I watch James as I ask, “Did you recognize him? As paparazzi I mean? I know that y’all have people who like stalk y’all for tabloids.”

  He’s looking at me inquisitively. “No, I didn’t, but I don’t really pay much attention to trash mags. I’m followed everywhere I go. I’m kind of used to it and just ignore it. Though I’m kind of surprised someone found me at a park in Louisiana when I’ve been at the studio for almost three weeks.”

  That’s exactly what I’m worried about. If someone found him here, in an out of the way park, then they had to be following us. And if they are following us now… how long have they been following us and what exactly have they seen?

  I’m going to have to call Charles to swap vehicles since my beauty has apparently been made.

  Damn, two weeks into this gig and I’m already having to pull the switch-ups. This is going to be a long year…

  Chapter Nine


  The past two days have been really great. Once AJ called her boss and told him what happened, we were able to swap out her Tahoe for a Pilot and we haven’t seen the paparazzi again.

  AJ is really in tune with Louisiana and the broad history. I asked her about seeing some plantations while here, so Thursday afternoon we got the puppy settled at my house with the TV on for noise and she took me out to Oak Alley. We stayed at the plantation looking at the house and grounds for hours. It’s a gorgeous plantation and the long driveway right off the river lined with massive oak trees is like something out of a movie. AJ told me the plantation has graced a few movie screens. It was a long day and by the time we got back to my place, I was exhausted.


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