Jones grinned. “A bit brutal, perhaps, but a sure way to find out. ’Bye.”
“So long.” Olmstead strolled out, nonchalantly picking up the wrong lunch box on the way, and left the building.
He ordered his Dillingham, and tossed the lunch-box aboard as carelessly as though it did not contain an unknown number of millions of credits’ worth of clear-quill, uncut thionite.
“I hope you have a nice week-end, sir,” the yard-man said, as he helped stow baggage and tackle.
“Thanks, Otto. I’ll bring you a couple of fish Monday, if I catch that many,” and it should be said in passing that he brought them. Lensmen keep their promises, under whatever circumstances or however lightly given.
It being mid-afternoon of Friday, the traffic was already heavy. Northport was not a metropolis, of course; but on the other hand it did not have metropolitan multi-tiered, one-way, non-intersecting streets. But Olmstead was in no hurry. He inched his spectacular mount—it was a violently iridescent chrome green in color, with highly polished chromium gingerbread wherever there was any excuse for gingerbread to be—across the city and into the north-bound side of the super-highway. Even then, he did not hurry. He wanted to hit the inspection station at the edge of the Preserve at dusk. Ninety miles an hour would do it. He worked his way into the ninety-mile lane and became motionless relative to the other vehicles on the strip.
It was a peculiar sensation; it seemed as though the cars themselves were stationary, with the pavement flowing backward beneath them. There was no passing, no weaving, no cutting in and out. Only occasionally would the formation be broken as a car would shift almost imperceptibly to one side or the other; speeding up or slowing down to match the assigned speed of the neighboring way.
The afternoon was bright and clear, neither too hot nor too cold. Olmstead enjoyed his drive thoroughly, and arrived at the turn-off right on schedule. Leaving the wide, smooth way, he slowed down abruptly; even a Dillingham Super-Sporter could not make speed on the narrow, rough, and hilly road to Chesuncook Lake.
At dusk he reached the Post. Instead of stopping on the pavement he pulled off the road, got out, stretched hugely, and took a few drum-major’s steps to take the kinks out of his legs.
“A lot of road, eh?” the smartly-uniformed trooper remarked. “No guns?”
“No guns.” Olmstead opened up for inspection. “From Northport. Funny, isn’t it, how hard it is to stop, even when you aren’t in any particular hurry? Guess I’ll eat now—join me in a sandwich and some hot coffee or a cold lemon sour or cherry soda?”
“I’ve got my own supper, thanks; I was just going to eat. But did you say a cold lemon sour?”
“Uh-huh. Ice-cold. Zero degrees Centigrade.”
“I will join you, in that case. Thanks.”
Olmstead opened a frost-lined compartment; took out two half-liter bottles; placed them and his open lunch-box invitingly on the low stone wall.
“Hm…m…m. Quite a zipper you got there, mister.” The trooper gazed admiringly at the luxurious, two-wheeled monster; listened appreciatively to its almost inaudible hum. “I’ve heard about those new supers, but that is the first one I ever saw. Nice. All the comforts of home, eh?”
“Just about. Sure you won’t help me clean up on those sandwiches, before they get stale?”
Seated on the wall, the two men ate and talked. If that trooper had known what was in the box beside his leg he probably would have fallen over backward; but how was he even to suspect? There was nothing crass or rough or coarse about any of the work of any of Boskone’s high-level operators.
Olmstead drove on to the lake and took up his reservation at the ramshackle hotel. He slept, and bright and early the next morning he was up and fishing—and this part of the performance he really enjoyed. He knew his stuff and the fish were there; big, wary, and game. He loved it.
At noon he ate, and quite openly and brazenly consigned the “empty” box to the watery deep. Even if he had not had so many fish to carry, be was not the type to lug a cheap lunch-box back to town. He fished joyously all afternoon, without getting quite the limit, and as the sun grazed the horizon he started his putt-putt and skimmed back to the dock.
The thing hadn’t sent out any radiation yet, Northrop informed him tensely, but it certainly would, and when it did they’d be ready. There were Lensmen and Patrolmen all over the place, thicker than hair on a dog.
And George Olmstead, sighing wearily and yet blissfully anticipatory of one more day of enthralling sport, gathered up his equipment and his fish and strolled toward the hotel.
Bennett the Arsenal
ORTY THOUSAND MILES FROM Earth’s center the Chicago loafed along a circular arc, inert, at a mere ten thousand miles an hour; a speed which, and not by accident, kept her practically stationary above a certain point on the planet’s surface. Nor was it by chance that both Virgil Samms and Roderick Kinnison were aboard. And a dozen or so other craft, cruisers and such, whose officers were out to put space-time in their logs, were flitting aimlessly about; but never very far away from the flagship. And farther out—well out—a cordon of diesel-powered detector ships swept space to the full limit of their prodigious reach. The navigating officers of those vessels knew to a nicety the place and course of every ship lawfully in the ether, and the appearance of even one unscheduled trace would set in motion a long succession of carefully-planned events.
And far below, grazing atmosphere, never very far from the direct line between the Chicago and Earth’s core, floated a palatial pleasure yacht. And this craft carried not one Lensman, or two, but eight; two of whom kept their eyes fixed upon their observation plates. They were watching a lunch box resting upon the bottom of a lake.
“Hasn’t it radiated yet?” Roderick Kinnison demanded. “Or been approached, or moved?”
“Not yet,” Lyman Cleveland replied, crisply. “Neither Northrop’s rig nor mine has shown any sign of activity.”
He did not amplify the statement, nor was there need. Mason Northrop was a Master Electronicist; Cleveland was perhaps the world’s greatest living expert. Neither of them had detected radiation. Ergo, none existed.
Equally certainly the box had not moved, or been moved, or approached. “No change, Rod,” Doctor Frederick Rodebush Lensed the assured thought. “Six of us have been watching the plates in five-minute shifts.”
A few minutes later, however: “Here is a thought which may be of interest,” DalNalten the Venerian announced, spraying himself with a couple pints of water. “It is natural enough, of course, for any Venerian to be in or on any water he can reach—I would enjoy very much being on or in that lake myself—but it may not be entirely by coincidence that one particular Venerian, Ossmen, is visiting this particular lake at this particular time.”
“What!” Nine Lensmen yelled the thought practically as one.
“Precisely. Ossmen.” It was a measure of the Venerian Lensman’s concern that he used only two words instead of twenty or thirty. “In the red boat with the yellow sail.”
“Do you see any detector rigs?” Samms asked.
“He wouldn’t need any,” DalNalten put in. “He will be able to see it. Or, if a little colane had been rubbed on it which no Tellurian could have noticed, any Venerian could smell it from one end of that lake to the other.”
“True. I didn’t think of that. It may not have a transmitter after all.”
“Maybe not, but keep on listening, anyway,” the Port Admiral ordered. “Bend a plate on Ossmen, and a couple more on the rest of the boats. But Ossmen is clean, you say, Jack? Not even a spy-ray block?”
“He couldn’t have a block, Dad. It’d give too much away, here on our home grounds. Like on Eridan, where their ops could wear anything they could lift, but we had to go naked.” He flinched mentally as he recalled his encounter with Hazel the Hell-cat, and Northrop flinched with him.
“That’s right, Rod,” Olmstead in his boat below ag
reed, and Conway Costigan, in his room in Northport, concurred. The top-drawer operatives of the enemy depended for safety upon perfection of technique, not upon crude and dangerous mechanical devices.
“Well, since you’re all so sure of it, I’ll buy it,” and the waiting went on.
Under the slight urge of the light and vagrant breeze, the red boat moved slowly across the water. A somnolent, lackadaisical youth, who very evidently cared nothing about where the boat went, sat in its stern, with his left arm draped loosely across the tiller. Nor was Ossmen any more concerned. His only care, apparently, was to avoid interference with the fishermen; his under-water jaunts were long, even for a Venerian, and he entered and left the water as smoothly as only a Venerian—or a seal—could.
“However, he could have, and probably has got, a capsule spy-ray detector,” Jack offered, presently. “Or, since a Venerian can swallow anything one inch smaller than a kitchen-stove, he could have a whole analyzing station stashed away in his stomach. Nobody’s put a beam on him yet, have you?”
Nobody had.
“It might be smart not to. Watch him with ’scopes…and when he gets up close to the box, better pull your beams off of it. DalNalten, I don’t suppose it would be quite bright for you to go swimming down there too, would it?”
“Very definitely not, which is why I am up here and dry. None of them would go near it.”
They waited, and finally Ossmen’s purposeless wanderings brought him over the spot on the lake’s bottom which was the target of so many Tellurian eyes. He gazed at the discarded lunch-box as incuriously as he had looked at so many other sunken objects, and swam over it as casually—and only the ultra-cameras caught what he actually did. He swam serenely on.
“The box is still there,” the spy-ray men reported, “but the package is gone.”
“Good!” Kinnison exclaimed. “Can you ’scopists see it on him?”
“Ten to one they can’t,” Jack said. “He swallowed it. I expected him to swallow it box and all.”
“We can’t see it, sir. He must have swallowed it.”
“Make sure.”
“Yes, sir… He’s back on the boat now and we’ve shot him from all angles. He’s clean—nothing outside.”
“Perfect! That means he isn’t figuring on slipping it to somebody else in a crowd. This will be an ordinary job of shadowing from here on in, so I’ll put in the umbrella.”
The detector ships were recalled. The Chicago and the various other ships of war returned to their various bases. The pleasure craft floated away. But on the other hand there were bursts of activity throughout the forest for a mile or so back from the shores of the lake. Camps were struck. Hiking parties decided that they had hiked enough and began to retrace their steps. Lithe young men, who had been doing this and that, stopped doing it and headed for the nearest trails.
For Kinnison pere had erred slightly in saying that the rest of the enterprise was to be an ordinary job of shadowing. No ordinary job would do. With the game this nearly in the bag it must be made absolutely certain that no suspicion was aroused, and yet Samms had to have facts. Sharp, hard, clear facts; facts so self-evidently facts that no intelligence above idiot grade could possibly mistake them for anything but facts.
Wherefore Ossmen the Venerian was not alone thenceforth. From lake to hotel, from hotel to car, along the road, into and in and out of train and plane, clear to an ordinary-enough-looking building in an ordinary business section of New York, he was never alone. Where the traveling population was light, the Patrol operatives were few and did not crowd the Venerian too nearly; where dense, as in a metropolitan station, they ringed him three deep.
He reached his destination, which was of course spy-ray proofed, late Sunday night. He went in, remained briefly, came out.
“Shall we spy-ray him, Virge? Follow him? Or what?”
“No spy-rays. Follow him. Cover him like a blanket. At the usual time give him the usual spy-ray going-over, but not until then. This time, make it thorough. Make certain that he hasn’t got it on him, in him, or in or around his house.”
“There’ll be nothing doing here tonight, will there?”
“No, it would be too noticeable. So you, Fred, and Lyman, take the first trick; the rest of us will get some sleep.”
When the building opened Monday morning the Lensmen were back, with dozens of others, including Knobos of Mars. There were also present or nearby literally hundreds of the shrewdest, most capable detectives of Earth.
“So this is their headquarters—one of them at least,” the Martian thought, studying the trickle of people entering and leaving the building. “It is as we thought, Dal, why we could never find it, why we could never trace any wholesaler backward. None of us has ever seen any of these persons before. Complete change of personnel per operation; probably inter-planetary. Long periods of quiescence. Check?”
“Check: but we have them now.”
“Just like that, huh?” Jack Kinnison jibed; and from his viewpoint his idea was the more valid, for the wholesalers were very clever operators indeed.
From the more professional viewpoint of Knobos and DalNalten, however, who had fought a steadily losing battle so long, the task was not too difficult. Their forces were beautifully organized and synchronized; they were present in such overwhelming numbers that “tails” could be changed every fifteen seconds; long before anybody, however suspicious, could begin to suspect any one shadow. Nor was it necessary for the tails to signal each other, however inconspicuously, or to indicate any suspect at change-over time. Lensed thoughts directed every move, without confusion or error.
And there were tiny cameras with tremendous, protuberant lenses, the “long eyes” capable of taking wire-sharp close ups from five hundred feet; and other devices and apparatus and equipment too numerous to mention here.
Thus the wholesalers were traced and their transactions with the retail peddlers were recorded. And from that point on, even Jack Kinnison had to admit that the sailing was clear. These small fry were not smart, and their customers were even less so. None had screens or detectors or other apparatus; their every transaction could be and was recorded from a distance of many miles by the ultra-instruments of the Patrol. And not only the transactions. Clearly, unmistakably, the purchaser was followed from buying to sniffing; nor was the time intervening ever long. Thionite, then as now, was bought at retail only to use, and the whole ghastly thing went down on tape and film. The gasping, hysterical appeal; the exchange of currency for drug; the headlong rush to a place of solitude; the rigid muscle-lock and the horribly ecstatic transports; the shaken, soul-searing recovery or the entranced death. It all went on record. It was sickening to have to record such things. More than one observer did sicken in fact, and had to be relieved. But Virgil Samms had to have concrete, positive, irrefutable evidence. He got it. Any possible jury, upon seeing that evidence, would know it to be the truth; no possible jury, after seeing that evidence, could bring in any verdict other than “guilty”.
Oddly enough, Jack Kinnison was the only casualty of that long and hectic day. A man—later proved to be a middle-sized potentate of the underworld—who was not even under suspicion at the time, for some reason or other got the idea that Jack was after him. The Lensman had, perhaps, allowed some part of his long eye to show; a fast and efficient long-range telephoto lens is a devilishly awkward thing to conceal. At any rate the racketeer sent out a call for help, just in case his bodyguards would not be enough, and in the meantime his personal attendants rallied enthusiastically around.
They had two objects in view; One, to pass a knife expeditiously and quietly through young Kinnison’s throat from ear to ear; and: Two, to tear the long eye apart and subject a few square inches of super-sensitive emulsion to the bright light of day. And if the Big Shot had known that the photographer was not alone, that the big, hulking bruiser a few feet away was also a bull, they might have succeeded.
Two of the four hoods reached Jack just fra
ctionally ahead of the other two; one to seize the camera, the other to swing the knife. But Jack Kinnison was fast; fast of brain and nerve and muscle. He saw them coming. In three flashing motions he bent the barrel of the telephoto into a neat arc around the side of the first man’s head, ducked frantically under the fiercely-driven knife, and drove the toe of his boot into the spot upon which prize-fighters like to have their rabbit-punches land. Both of those attackers lost interest promptly. One of them lost interest permanently; for a telephoto lens in barrel is heavy, very rigid, and very, very hard.
While Battling Jack was still off balance, the other two guards arrived—but so did Mason Northrop. Mase was not quite as fast as Jack was; but, as has been pointed out, he was bigger and much stronger. When he hit a man, with either hand, that man dropped. It was the same as being on the receiving end of the blow of a twenty-pound hammer falling through a distance of ninety seven and one-half feet.
The Lensmen had of course also yelled for help, and it took only a split second for a Patrol speedster to travel from any given point to any other in the same county. It took no time at all for that speedster to fill a couple of square blocks with patterns of force through which neither bullets nor beams could be driven: Therefore the battle ended as suddenly as it began; before more thugs, with their automatics and portables, could reach the scene.
Kinnison fils cursed and damned fulminantly the edict which had forbidden arms that day, and swore that he would never get out of bed again without strapping on at least two blasters; but he had to admit finally that he had nothing to squawk about. Kinnison pere explained quite patiently—for him—that all he had got out of the little fracas was a split lip, that young Northrop’s hair wasn’t even mussed, and that if everybody had been packing guns some scatter-brained young damn fool like him would have started blasting and blown everything higher than up—would have spoiled. Samms’ whole operation maybe beyond repair. Now would he please quit bellyaching and get to hell out?
First Lensman Page 26