The Guardian

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The Guardian Page 6

by J. L McFadden

  “Because you eat just the way I used to as a human.”

  “Really?” He asked.

  She took a moment and replied, “I guess our bond does go deep, doesn’t it?”

  John just looked at her as he came out of the bathroom and agreed with her. “So I guess being a vampire messed up that for you.”

  She smiled and tossed him a bag of her blood,” I only eat lab-made not human. I would if needed from a bag, but not from a human. I have a problem with killing them.” He walked over to his vampire princess and embraced her, taking in every moment and feeling at peace with her; this kind of peace he had never known. With his eyes closed he thanked God for bringing her into his life. He treasured her and believed he could never live without her.

  Adela’s Dilemma

  Back in Adela’s room, a large room typical for a queen in a castle, stone walls, a ceiling that seemed to be miles high, large fireplace on one wall, old wooden floors that had very rustic looking rugs placed through-out the room and of course a huge canapé bed full of pillows of all sizes. She and Vitaliy each sat in one of the two chairs placed in front of the fireplace with a round coffee table that was made of beautiful mahogany wood, having beautiful inlays of birds all around the sides of it. They were talking about all of the dilemmas that were pressing their coven at the moment. Vitaliy had just been out on a diplomatic trip seeing how their relations were with all of the other covens and Vitaliy had more than just a few concerns for them. They were careful to only speak in the older languages to keep the youngsters from knowing of what they spoke. Being that Vitaliy has been with Adela since before she had her guardian killed, she trusted him more than anything on Earth. It was clear to see they were both of some sort of older higher class society. Vitaliy had and her were sipping tea to be nostalgic of the times before. Vitaliy was expressing his troubling worries that someone from within their coven was feeding Intel to Darvon’s coven. Vitaliy’s gift of extreme speed and bionic like hearing, gave him an unusual advantage of eavesdropping. He was explaining to her how they knew too much about the workings of their house and how they needed to find the loose end and deal with it. That was not the only problem, they were having trouble with one of the younger covens in America and had actually tossed around the idea of killing the group with one of the human security teams and tell the public that it was zombies from some unknown street drug. Adela was deeply alarmed by all of this news from her friend that had been through the millenniums with her.

  Adela leaned forward and sat her hand upon his trying to reassure him that they would deal with it as they had always done before. He shook his head and explained to her that the power shift was too great and that if they started this with one coven they could do it with the rest very quickly every time a coven stepped out of line. His concerns were that soon everyday people would have the type of technology that would allow them to recognize a vampire if they wanted to. She assured him that the ancients would never allow the public to ever have that sort of technology, because it would flush them out as well. She told her dear friend that there was one chance left and that they finally had an ace of their own.

  Vitaliy pulled his chair a bit closer to Adela and in a low voice in the old vampire language said, “We are not in the days of or before Christ; my dear friend of the ages, I would die for you and you for me, but you need to realize that we haven’t much time left.” Adela also slid a bit closer inching ahead inch by inch, she used one arm to lift her dangling eloquent crushed velvet dress up so not to get under foot. Vitaliy smirked, because it reminded him of a small child in preschool trying to scoot ahead. As soon as she was done fidgeting like she only did when she was alone with her old friend and whispered, “We have the weapon that will end it all.” He shook his head not being sure replying with as much sincerity as he could dwell up, “I know losing your loved one was hard on you. I know that you believe if he had more time he would have been unstoppable. How do you know that this John will be able to do it before they find him?” Adela not one to show emotion on a normally started to tear up, “In my heart I always knew that Galechka was special; now we know it is so now. I always thought it was her unusual personality that made me love her so much like a daughter to me, but I believe it is a deeper bound of us both being blessed with having guardians. I cannot allow her to feel the pain I felt when I saw his heart being ripped from his chest.” She was tearing up; this is something that no one but Vitaliy ever saw. Vitaliy smiled, “She has become your daughter, hasn’t she?” “Yes, she has and is very.” They both looked at each other as they heard the sound of a crack of dust under a shoe; true dust cracking is something younger vampires cannot yet hear, but to a vampire over a thousand years it is an extremely loud sound in an supposedly dark and empty call way.

  Adela blew out through the door with the slinters and chunks of wood exploding everywhere bouncing off of the back of the hallways wall and ricochet back and bouncing off of the other wall; the snooping young vampire was trying to shield himself from the debris that was launching in his direction as if a bomb had exploded behind the door, to only find himself pinned up against the wall with Adela’s hand clasped firmly around his throat. The capillaries and blood vessels in his eyes were already swelling and popping in his eyes, his skin had veins protruding almost completely out of his skin from the pressure that she was inflicting on his neck. She had her arm full extracted with his feet dangling a few inches from the ground helplessly, while he was trying to plead with him tapping on Adela’s arms, shaking his head back and forth mouthing,” No, please no.” At no prevail to Adela’s patience. She slammed him back against the wall, brick and morder began to tumble down around his head down to his shoulders and rolling down the wall using his body as a guide as the chunks and bits bounced off the ground. Cracks formed in the stone wall making the outline of his body that was being rammed slowly through this massive stone wall. She bounced him off the wall again and more chunks, hunks and nuggets of stone and mortor that bounced of his shoulders, followed the shape of his form again and bouncing of the old wooden floor as the cracks deepened. His eyes were bulging further and further out of his skull. In a demonic voice strait out of the deepest levels of hell Adela screamed,” WHAT ARE YOU DOING LISTENING TO MY ROOM! WHO ARE YOU WORKING FOR?!” She loosened her grip just enough for him to utter a few words, “No one my queen, please have mercy on me.” He pleaded and begged. His fear and shameless crying infuriated Adela even more. She thrusted him into the wall again; this time the wall gave a little allowing her to actually have him partly in the wall. She knew he was a spy. “WHICH COVEN ARE YOU WORKING FOR!” she demanded from him.

  “I would tell her son,” uttered Vitaliy as he leaned against the door frame that was now in shambles, one shoulder wedged up against it as he peered at Adela in wonder, “It seems my Lady is becoming an ancient. Drakus, I have never trusted you much and think it is time to come clean,” he exclaimed as he was rolling his thumb along his finger tip.

  You could see the fear in Drakus’ eyes, with the capillaries giving way to the stress, the veins on his face showed signs of being ready to rupture. It was clear as Adela had her death grip on his throat that he was no match for the vampire that was showing signs of ancient strength. His arms become limp and his legs just dangled helplessly in the air. “ I WARNED YOU DRAKUS, NEVER TO BETRAY ME!” Her voice was even more demonic sounding then before with it harmonizing with its self as if four were speaking,” DID YOU NOT THINK THAT I HAD NOT ALREADY CAUGHT ONTO YOU BETRAYING OUR COVEN?!” You could see bits and pieces of stone was still coming loose and falling down around Drakus, his usual black suit was now covered in dust fragments from the stone wall that Adela was impelling him through. His head began to shake; you could hear his spine starting to crush under the power of Adela’s hand. Seeing such a small dainty woman with such power is awe inspiring to anyone. She was glaring at him eye to eye when all the sudden you heard snap, it was his spin popping from all the pressure. She dropped hi
m to the ground backed up a half step and with all her force brought her knee up, showing out of her long dress through the slit and slamming into his skull launching it down the hallway leaving his body to lay cold and alone on the floor.

  She stood there for a moment trying to regain control of herself as she had processed what she had just done. “My lady, are you alright,” asked her good friend Vitaliy as he approached her. She put out her hand motioning for him to stop replying, “Looks like I have some changes going on,” she looked up at her close friend and continued, “I think we need to keep this a secret from the others. If the elder ancients hear that I am now showing signs they will kill us all and I am still centuries away from being as strong as one of them.” He friend clasping his mouth with his hand contemplating what would happen stated, “Of course mam, I shall tell the others that we have caught a spy and that this section of the castle is off limits to all.” She signaled for him to go on his way. As soon as he was out of ear shot she tumbled to the grown in disbelief of what just happened. Not just the sudden appearance of power, but how she had no control over herself and she did not like this at all. It dawned on her that as soon as John was able to she needed to start training with him to let him understand how strong a young ancient was, so that he would be more prepared for the original ancients when they came. She was still convinced that he stood a better chance than she.

  Vitaliy went down and gathered the coven into the main hall and began to explain the treachery that had just occurred,” My coven, we have all been betrayed by the rat, sneak, and not lastly the snake, Drakus; our fair lady and faithful leader caught him in an act of espionage this early evening.” He paused for a moment to look out upon the flock and gauge the temperature of the crowd and started back with,” My brethren and sisters we have been betrayed, deceived, and forsaken by one if not more in our coven. I full you not when I tell you how dangerous this could be for our family here. If one of the other covens have placed a spy within our community, that means we must be some sort of threat to another coven; this means we are already in a war that we had no prior notice to.” Vitaliy clenched his fists together at his side and cracked his neck by turning it as far right as he could,” I know all of you are too young to know what a war between covens is like. In these wars an entire coven is always wiped out. If anyone is left it is those used for sexual trophy pieces and usually they do not get to live much longer than their novelty to the captor.”

  The entire coven was at disbelief when they heard this, but knowing Vitaliy was not a man to mince untrue words they headed them very heavily. The coven whispered amongst themselves as Vitaliy paced the alter, which the two thrones sat upon trying to think of a way to weed out any other snakes among them. He picked up the great sword that hung from the wall, behind the thrones, on an elegantly made hanger of iron. With the sword in his one hand he began to speak in a voice that sounded as if it was from the depths of hell not his normal aristocratic style, “ANY OTHER RATS AMONGST US, WILL SUFFER A WORSE FATE THEN THE LAST IF YOU DO NOT STEP UP NOW! NOW, YOU WOULD BE SENT TO YOUR EMPLOYER WITH A MESSAGE FROM ME! THIS IS A ONE TIME OFFER AND ONLY GOOD FOR THE NEXT FEW MOMENTS.” He looked around to see if anyone looked shaken any more than the rest, since he knew this was a way that they had never seen him. No one seemed out of place or of guilty conscience. He tapped the blade of the sword off of his left palm and divulged,” We will be under lockdown for the unknown near future. No one, absolutely no one leaves this castle or communicates with the outside world until I have time to interview every last one of you,” now the demon sound and power from his voice came back into full swing to finish with,” ANY ONE CAUGHT TRYING TO BREAK THIS LOCK DOWN WILL HAVE A SLOW, SEEMINGLY NEVER ENDING DEATH! DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME?!” He could see the whole room shake in fear. Everyone understood that these words were not to be taken lightly. He calmly placed the sword back upon its resting place and said in a calm voice as he was going out the double camber door, “If anyone suspects anything, come see me.”

  Adela sat on the bottom edge of her bed with one of her many diaries upon her lap; she was looking at notes that her beloved had written her all those years ago. She had huge regrets of not being more careful with protecting him until he had grown stronger. She now feared for her coven knowing that if a spy was amongst them, one of the other covens already had her young family in their crosshairs. She was frightened knowing that her new found strengths were not enough to stop one of the older ancients, but enough to cause them to eradicate her entire coven and that is without counting the fact that they had a new guardian. She knew that this was their last chance of freeing themselves from the ancients and they would not suffer a second guardian from her coven gladly. Her heart was heavier than it had ever been for she was worried about her dear Galechka and how she would feel if she would lose her guardian the same way as Adela did. She knew not what to do, because her whole coven was in grave danger.


  Waking this evening was not easy, John heard his alarm, but just wanted to lay with this woman that he was falling in love with. Slapping the alarm, he quickly rolls up under the covers placing his head on her perfectly sculpted stomach, her piercing in her navel and looking down to see all that seemed made in heaven, he wrapped his arm around her and said, I don’t want to.” She laughed a sweet loving laugh and pulled him up onto her so they saying,” Come on I ‘ll help you wake up,” she pulled him so they were face to face looking deep into each other’s eyes; He thought to himself I will never find someone I love as much as her. Knowing at this moment that he could only find solace in her. As they kissed she opened herself to him in more ways than one. This at the moment was magic to her and him, but in the same heart beat was a nightmare to her. Opening herself up to loving someone was a huge fear of hers, in this moment she felt none of these fears as they made love, but later is bothered her deeply.

  After they had already been out of bed, a gentle rapping came upon the door; it was apparent enough that it was the knocking of a feminine touch. Galechka had her suspicions on whom it might be, so she went to the door to no elude it was Vixen. Galechka not liking this flee bag anyways took a strong stance with her hand upon her hip and said, “It is not yet his time for training.” Vixen smiled and replied, “Well that is perfect, because we are not training today. I was asked to tell you to bring him to our main fire ring other the hill. We are celebrating tonight and we want him to take place in the ceremony,” she rose her eyebrows at Galechka as she spoke,” Since he has been training with us, we want to make him one of the pack.” Galechka interjected,” What do you mean?” “We have the same suppressors and are enslaved by the same group as your coven, since we are preparing him for battle against them; we want to celebrate with him before. You understand, right?” Galechka was a bit surprised by this and retorted, “I hadn’t thought of it like that.” Vixen reminded her, “Bring some blood bags for yourself; we do not keep that sort of thing on stock.”

  Galechka and John headed through the woods towards the wolves main fire ring. This was the place that they had all of their celebrations and ceremonies for the pack. Galechka pointed out the carvings in the stones as they passed each one. John was astounded by the art work these were and deeply impressed by Galechka’s knowledge of how they were they records of this packs legacy. She explained to him that unlike the other covens, Adela did not try to kill off of enslave the pack, but created a truce and friendship with the pack leader ages ago. She said at times Adela would refer to the pack as the coven’s brethren and extended family. She went on to explain how in some areas the vampires hunt down any werewolf and dispatch death on sight. They soon could see the glowing of the huge fire in the distance and hear the wolves some in human form and some in wolf celebrating loudly.

  As the two approached the fire they witnessed they pack mostly in human form dancing some sort of tribal type dance around the fire, while a few in wolf form howled into the moon lit night in due timing with the music. There were r
hythmic drums and native stringed Slavic instruments; the stringed instruments placed a powerful, but joyful melody along with the rhythm of the percussion instruments. This was a tight pack, you could see how everyone knew what the other was going to do and react accordingly, never missing a beat or miss stepping a step.

  Bernandas motioned the two to come sit by him with, with his enormous monstrous sized arms. He patted his hands on the log next to him for them to take a place. Reaching over to his right he grabbed two large glasses of wine and handed one to each of them,” My friends and my pack,” Bernandas exclaimed in a loud, happy, and cheerful voice,” We are here to celebrate a new brother in arms today. He may not be wolf or vampire,” he sniffed the air and then sniffed at John,” O.K. O.K., he smells a bit more like a wolf than a vamp,” the whole pack erupted into laughter,” no no, all joking a side I am glad to welcome this man into our pack as a part of the pack, as an alley to us and my dearest friend Adela; I trust her beliefs and chooses more than any others. We have hidden in the shadows and lived in fear for long enough; I am hoping that this man can do what Adela believes.” He raised his class into the air and the rest of the pack including Galechka and John, “A toast to our newest family member and his life companion, may they both have a rich long life together!” The pack all in unison proclaimed. “Here! Here!” and slammed back their glasses of wine.


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