Fanged Fury (The Adventures of Sydney Sedrick Book 3)

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Fanged Fury (The Adventures of Sydney Sedrick Book 3) Page 17

by Mandi Casey

  She lifted her eyes. “Yeah, hi.” Her lips pursed together in an attempt to staunch her urge to cry.

  I sat on the seat, enfolding her in my arms. “Brianna,” I said while rocking her in my arms. My instinctual motion to comfort her gave me pause. Our mother used to do the same thing when I’d come home crying because a boy had broken my heart or I didn’t get the solo in choir I’d practiced for weeks on. The tears for how my mother had changed for the worse would have to be shed another time. My sister needed me at that moment. I didn’t intend to let her down.

  Brianna dabbed the inner parts of her eyes to stop her trademark brown eyeliner from running. “I don’t get it, Sydney. Michael and Blake just told me Uncle Morris is making them both stay put. Michael isn’t allowed to come home with me to Chicago this weekend. He doesn’t know when he can, either.” Flinging her hands up, she let them fall to slap against her thighs in a show of despair.

  Gently giving her another squeeze, I stood in front of her with my hand held out. “We’re not going to spend the evening in this bathroom any longer, Brie. Get up. Spend the time you have with Michael.” That’s when I remembered something she said. “You said Blake and Michael told you about Morris. Are you saying Blake is here, at Max’s?”

  Smiling mischievously, she nodded, making her long red curls bounce around her shoulders. “Yes, Syd, Blake is here waiting to see you. We mentioned meeting you and Blake said he needed to get out of the house, so he decided to tag along.”

  Grabbing her arm, I made her look me in the eye. “Why were you so upset about Michael not going home with you to Chicago?”

  Brianna was deeply in love with the guy, but a weekend away wasn’t means to throw an all out sob fest.

  She shrugged. “I worry at every moment he will one day decide I’m not who he wants to be with. Women are everywhere; temptation is all around us. Michael is a hot guy. Women just don’t care anymore about guys being in relationships. I don’t know what my problem was. Sometimes I get insecure about how he feels about me, that’s all.”

  I eyed her suspiciously. Brianna’s swift change in tune made me question what was going on, but I decided to leave the interrogation for another time. I stood in the bathroom at Max’s, where alcohol was aplenty. I intended to take advantage of the facility’s offerings to drown the sexual tension coiling around the essence of my soul into submission.

  “Well, sister of mine, it’s time to get my drink on, so let’s go. I’m already behind.” I left the bathroom, once again trailing my fingertips along the gray stone walls in the hall as I headed straight for the bar. The bartender had another bottle of beer uncapped by the time I set the empty one on the bar.

  Brianna laughed behind me. She hadn’t seen me get good and drunk in a while, but that’s what was about to happen. Raising the cold bottle to my lips, my arms prickled with a heat that indicated a pack wolf was near, no, make that a few pack wolves.

  The heat from the one approaching intensified. I refused to turn around in acknowledgement. Taking another healthy swig from the bottle, I chugged until nothing remained but foam at the bottom.

  “Sydney.” Blake’s deep voice raised the hair along my neck. A cool shiver ran through my body. So much for using alcohol to tamp down my lusty appetite, dang it all.

  The bartender handed me another bottle of beer. I welcomed the feel of the cool glass against my palm. I turned with brows raised, imitating surprise.

  “Blake, what brings you here?” I raised the bottle intending to achieve my goal of full-blown intoxication. It didn’t matter how much I’d have to consume, I was determined.

  He traced his fingers along my jaw. Tendrils of a heat traveled down the front of my body, curling around my breasts. My nipples began to tingle.

  Blake smiled as his eyes turned an amber-bronze color. He took in an appreciative inhalation, testing the air. I shoved him away. “Blake, knock it off.”

  My third bottle of beer was soon empty so I turned for another.

  Blake didn’t move from behind me. I contemplated how long I could pretend to ignore him. Warm fingertips traced my neck, brushing my hair aside. Before I could move, warm lips touched my bare skin. The sensation made me shudder with need.

  I blew out a sigh and groaned. My body reacted before my brain had a say in the matter. I leaned my head to the side, giving Blake a larger area to caress with his mouth. He leaned against my backside, pressing me into the bar. I inhaled a quick breath at the touch of his hand curling around the front of my body, below the counter of the bar. His ministrations were blocked from view. I wasn’t quite sure I’d care if the customers could see the erotic display.

  A male’s voice broke us from our affections. “Sydney, do you always act in such ways? For surely I’ll take my place next in line.”

  Blake turned with an angry growl, his chest puffing. He was readying his body for a fight.

  Daire was certain to give him a good one.

  The sight of the vampire-demon raked my body with a fresh dousing of desire. Taking a step forward, I placed myself between Daire and Blake. Max’s nightclub was not the place for them to be fighting. I like being able to relish in the bass-heavy music while dancing my cares away. I wasn’t going to let their egos get us kicked out.

  “Both of you take it outside, right now.” I jabbed them both in the chest with my index fingers. Neither of them budged, of course, but they got my point.

  “Sydney, this blood-sucker insults you and you’re going to take it?” Blake all but spit out his words in disgust.

  I narrowed my eyes at Blake. “Yes, he can insult me all he wants. He’s my new vampire bodyguard assigned by Kieran.” Turning to Daire, I said, “And you would do well with getting along with each other because it seems like I’m stuck with both of you.”

  “Sydney, I believe it a good time for us to take our leave. A Knight in the area detected a few rogues running about. I’d have you safe in your bed this night.” Daire’s eyes were covered by dark sunglasses, but as he spoke, he lowered his head just enough for the glowing red orbs to peer over the frame in a show to intimidate Blake.

  I let out a laugh. Making the wolf afraid of anything was near impossible. I scanned the area to see who was near to ensure we weren’t overheard.

  “Daire, this is Blake, the heir to the local werewolf pack. Neither of you”—I looked at both of them in turn—“have the right to tell me what to do. Now, I’m going to say goodbye to my sister, then I’m going home. Alone.”

  Stomping away in high-heeled boots wasn’t an easy feat, but I succeeded, or so my alcohol-spiked mind thought. I trotted up the stairs, knowing Blake and Daire continued to glare at each other while I went to find my sister.

  Brianna and Michael were on the dance floor off to the side. Sighing heavily with relief that I wasn’t going to have to elbow my way through the crowd of dancers to find them, I managed to easily maneuver my way to my sister’s side. “Brianna, I’m leaving. I’ll see you at home.”

  Brianna turned with obvious reluctance at having to disengage from Michael. “Okay, I’ll see you later at Aunt Judith’s.”

  She smiled, dismissing me, and faced her partner. Michael gave me a nod before snuggling back into the crick of Brianna’s neck. If he weren’t a werewolf, I’d have to say my sister found a keeper. He may still be a keeper, but that depended on if she accepted his dual-natured way of life.

  Shrugging, I shook my head. After descending the stairs to the first floor, I realized how much the beer had affected my balance. The heel of my boot caught on the bottom stair. If I hadn’t had a hand on the railing, I would have done an embarrassing nosedive into the wooden floor of the bar, with many onlookers to increase my shame. I gripped the railing when the falling sensation hit but was able to keep myself upright.

  Going over to the bar, I handed my keys to Blake.
I was irritated that my night of fun with Brianna had to be cut short because Daire and Blake couldn’t behave, forcing me to leave Max’s because I didn’t want them to cause a scene.

  Daire was nowhere to be found. “I need a ride. I can’t drive myself so you have to take me home. No funny business either.”

  Waving my finger from side-to-side got me a raised brow from the wolf.

  “I’d be honored to be my lady’s escort home.” Blake held out an arm.

  I put my hand in the crook of his elbow while telling myself it was to keep my balance, and the fact I didn’t want to make more of a spectacle of myself, but I reveled in his nearness. I ached to be touched. With Blake, I knew my desire was genuine, not forced because of some curse or spell placed upon me. I knew we shared a deep bond, but I wasn’t sure where it would lead us to in the future.

  Blake’s Audi smelled like him, tenfold. He cranked the seat heaters even though he didn’t need them. Blake didn’t need a jacket, either.

  Once we were on the road, heading to Aunt Judith’s, Blake said, “Sydney, I know you don’t want to talk about it, but who is that guy to you? I can’t believe you let him speak to you with such condescension.”

  Leaning back against the leather headrest, I turned my head toward Blake. “He is my new guardian from Kieran. The reason I didn’t want to cause more of a scene calling him on his behavior was because you two were going to fight in a public place filled with humans. To be honest, I think you both did a bang up job at ruining my night.”

  He tapped his fingers against the wheel, anger gripping him. “I would never have allowed it to get that far. I was pissed because a blood-sucking slime bag insulted my woman. It’s my right to defend your honor.”

  Blake’s warm fingers caressed my thigh, shooting hot flames of need upward. I pushed his hand away with a slow gentleness. “Blake, he’s helping me figure out what’s wrong with me. Someone did something to heighten my”—pausing, I didn’t know how much I wanted Blake to know about my new lack of self-control—“sensitivity. Daire has inside information to what’s going on in the city, who comes in and who goes out. We could use his knowledge to our advantage.”

  I tried to make him see the positives where Daire was concerned, but he wasn’t having any of it.

  Pulling into Aunt Judith’s driveway, Blake put the car in ‘park’. He waited for an invitation to come in with me but I wanted to be alone. I needed distance from anyone capable of triggering my lust.

  Leaning over the middle console, I pecked him quickly on the cheek. “I’ll see you tomorrow.” I knew Blake would check on me. I was starting to count on him doing so. He did every day in some fashion.

  “Sydney.” Grabbing my hand, he brought it to his lips. The gesture caused my groin to clench with the image of his lips roaming my body. Snatching my hand away, I opened the car door.

  Blake called after me while I shut the door. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  His words were cut off when I slammed the car door shut. I waved once I opened the front door, signaling all was well and he could leave. Blake was a gentleman, for the most part. I appreciated him more than he knew, maybe more than he’d ever know.

  After cleaning up for the night, I slumped back against my pillow with the lights off. The moon was high, sending a soft glow of illumination through my window.

  My eyelids became heavy. Giving in to exhaustion, I let them fall.

  The floorboard creaked, shocking me back into consciousness.

  No temperature change. That meant no ordinary or rogue vampire or wolf had broken Aunt Judith’s wards on the house. I opened my eyes.


  I flipped the comforter off my head. I tended to sleep under the covers, completely covered, head included. “What?”

  Daire’s finger pressed against my lips, shushing me. “Now, Sydney, you don’t want to wake your aunt, do you?”

  Again I wanted to slap the self-satisfied smile right off his handsome face.

  Forcing his hand away from my mouth, I asked, “What are you doing here? And how are you able to waltz into my house freely when no other uninvited”—I hesitated, not knowing how to categorize him in my life—“guest can?”

  Yanking the covers away from me, Daire climbed onto the bed. He covered us both up with the purple comforter while I tried to push him in the opposite direction.

  “Sydney, I’m not like your wolf friend, or the Other rogues who plague your life. I have my own abilities, but do not fret. Your aunt’s wards will work just fine on any other being in the city.” Leaning back against the headboard, he swung his arm around my shoulders.

  The nearness of his body began to wreak havoc on my senses.

  “Have you figured out what is going on with me yet? I thought you were going to help me. So far, you’ve done nothing but harass me, as far as I’m concerned.” Daire’s arrival did a number on the lingering buzz I’d caught from drinking three beers too quickly. I shimmied away from him, staying under the covers because my pajamas didn’t fall into the modest category of sleepwear. I didn’t want to stoke his desire, which would in turn make mine much worse.

  Shrugging at my repositioning, Daire put his hands behind his head. “I told you I would help you. Whoever did this to you is staying underground, so it is difficult to find the fiend, but my contacts are looking for the guilty party as we speak.”

  Crossing my arms over my chest, I closed my eyes. Visions of Daire hovering over me with his naked body imprinted on the backs of my eyelids. My eyes popped open. I glanced over at my unwanted visitor under my lashes.

  Red glowing eyes met my stare. He smiled, exposing a pair of pearly whites extending past his bottom lip. “Sydney.” His voice was husky with desire.

  Shaking my head, I said, “No, Daire. Whatever it is, this thing between us, it can’t be. We’re not even sure if the spell cast on me is what’s making me feel this way toward you, because I’m feeling it toward others, too.”

  His lids lowered halfway, which gave me a glance at what Daire’s expression would be like in the act of passionate sex. Where did that thought come from?

  Daire leaned forward to take his suit jacket off, followed by his long-sleeved white dress shirt. His bare chest in real life was just like it was in the dream we shared. I assumed that meant the rest of him would be as I’d seen, and felt, from the dream.

  I used my heels to scoot myself further under the covers.

  In a flash, Daire covered my body with his. “Sydney.” Extending his tongue, he licked the curve of my jaw, making my body respond to the gesture.

  “Daire, enough. You said you’d help protect me. What you’re doing doesn’t go along with that.” I yanked the blanket up to my neck. My efforts were for naught. Sliding his hand under the thin material of my tank-top, he placed his hand on my bare breast.

  His lips closed around the shell of my ear. The sensation caused the strength in my arms holding the blanket tightly to me to slacken. “You want me, Sydney, so I’m going to give you what you want. I’m going to fulfill your fantasies. You’re going to do the same for me.”

  Whatever spell or curse that had been inflicted upon me kicked into high gear. My fear and hesitation of being with Daire melted away as he continued to caress my breast. His lips pressed gently against mine. I closed my eyes. The wetness on my lips from his tongue felt cool against the air in my bedroom.

  His hand began to travel lower until his fingertips found the top hem of my panties. Taking the material between his fingers, he lifted the elastic up and slid his hand downward. He deepened the kiss. My hips bucked up against his hand when he found my hot slick center.

  Up and down motions, mixed with soft circles, his able fingers continued as pressure built in my lower abdomen, tightening.

  Daire broke away from my lips. He moved hi
s head downward until I could feel his hot breath against my nipple through the thin material. His used his other hand to free the rosy tip, putting the top portion into his mouth all while his other hand continued to stroke me as I neared climax.

  His tongue flicked across the peak of my nipple. I came, hard. A cry escaped me. He covered my mouth once more with his to quiet me while my body convulsed with wave after wave of orgasmic bolts of pleasure shooting through me.

  I anticipated him to remove his pants but he continued to lie next to me in my bed.

  “I can’t tell you how much I needed release, more than I knew.” I glanced down at my hands clasped on my lap, covered by his.

  He patted them in a consoling manner. “Sydney, you’ve been suffering a great deal. Any fool with half a care could see. I said I would help you any way I am capable, and that, my dear, was exactly what I did.”

  My temper rose as my cheeks burned. “You mean to tell me what just happened was because you felt sorry for me? Please, I don’t want your pity. Get out of my bed.”

  When I tugged on my hands to move the covers off me to put distance between us, he used his Other speed to clasp onto my forearm.

  “Sydney, have no doubt where I’m coming from. You and I will be together, in all ways, but only in time. We just shared a moment. Don’t wreck it.” He exerted pressure on my arm to bring me closer to him, toward the middle of the bed.

  “Maybe you misunderstood me, vampire slash demon. We can never be together, just as Blake and I can never be life-mates. You know what? You’re right, my mistake. I thought we shared a mutual attraction. I was wrong, but I won’t make the same mistake twice.” Tears loomed in the corner of my eyes, threatening to fall. When did I come to care about what Daire thought of me?

  He slid his hand down my arm to open my palm. Before I knew what he was doing, Daire placed my hand over the zippered portion of his suit pants.


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