Smugglers 2 The Sheriff: Sex, Meth & Murder; The Cartel from Tucson to the Florida Keys

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Smugglers 2 The Sheriff: Sex, Meth & Murder; The Cartel from Tucson to the Florida Keys Page 7

by Gerald McCallum

  Suddenly, the door opened and there stood the rest of our group, completely nude with drinks in hand and still ready to party. They joined us in bed, Ebony and Steve locked in a kiss and Terry kissing Sandy’s tits. We had an extra woman, which worked out great, especially for the men.

  Several hours later we went upstairs to find Charlie still asleep in the overstuffed chair. Sandy woke him and took him home and never mentioned what he had missed out on. Tara and I went to our stateroom, and we were still hot and on a roll, so we started making love all over again. We left the door open in case Ebony or Steve wanted to join in. We tasted each other for over an hour before finally falling asleep.

  We got up later that day to find Terry and Ebony already having breakfast. We talked about the night before and the fact that Charlie had passed out and missed all the fun, and Tara mentioned how sore her crotch was from all the attention it had received.


  Later that day we decided to take the high speed catamaran to the Dry Tortugas and see the sights. Needless to say we drank a lot of beer on the trip over, “Hair of the dog, don’t you know.” We saw the old fort and walked around until we were blue in the face, which only took about an hour, most likely due to the fact we were so hung over from the night before. We were thankful to get back on the boat for some vodka, toot and food. We stayed in that night and decided not to do any bar hopping until the next day, and that perhaps we would just head out on the boat to our next stop.

  We sat around the breakfast table the next morning planning the day and were in agreement to leave at noon and continue up the coast. We were at the Seven Mile Bridge by five and decided to find a slip for the night.

  As we backed in and tied down, a sexy woman came walking down the dock to welcome us to Bayside Marina. She introduced herself as Pat, the owner, and that Mike was her husband. She said that if we wanted something done to talk to her, not Mike.

  “Isn’t that the way it always is?” I commented.

  Tara and Pat gave each other the “high five,” saying in unison and laughing, “You got it.”

  I asked her if they would like to join us for drinks. She returned with Mike a few minutes later, and after introductions, they joined us and came aboard. We sat and talked with them and told them about our travels thus far and asked how long they had owned the marina. Pat explained that they had purchased it through an estate about four years ago. A lot of death and murders had taken place here prior to their ownership.

  The girls replied almost in unison, “No shit, I would be afraid to live here.”

  I questioned them further about the murders. Pat explained that there were five murders/deaths in two years and at least two bodies that had never been found. “I bet the same guy killed them too,” I said.

  “The strange part is they think it was a woman,” Pat said, “the previous owner, that killed everyone, and that some black dancer killed her.”

  I asked her if the dancer who had killed the owner was a woman, too.

  “Yes,” Pat said and I thought about Isabel and the other bodies found in Texas and that her murder had occurred about four years ago, too. I thought to myself that this was quite the coincidence, but it must be where Isabel came from. So where had the five million come from, and could this be the motive behind the murders? I knew I could not continue to ask questions or I would arouse suspicion, but I could not believe this was happening!

  We had a few more drinks, and then Pat and Mike went home. The rest of the evening and night passed uneventfully as we all were worn out, so we retired around midnight. After everyone had gone, Terry commented on the strange conversation I had had with Pat.

  At coffee in the morning, and after much coaxing from me, we decided to stay where we were for a week or so, and then go on to Miami. Pat came aboard and had coffee with us and told us where to rent a car so we could get around over the next few days. I was able to find out little about the money or where it may have come from. I did get more information, however, and that was that the dead bodies were found tied to a piling under the dock. One of the bodies was the previous marina owner’s, Nikki’s attorney, Kenney who had been connected with cocaine smuggling. I also found out that he was murdered in his office, and his whole family was found dead in their pool at their home, but not a word about the five million.

  Pat and Mike spent time with us on the boat drinking one night, and Terry let it slip about my being a retired police sheriff from Texas and about Isabel’s body. I could see the lights go off in Pat’s head as Terry talked, and the worst part was that the other people on board had heard it, also. No matter how I tried to avoid or brush off the topic, the fact of the matter was that it was too late. Too many people had heard it, and it was like trying to un-ring a bell.

  Over the next few days we went out to dinner, bar hopped and went boating. The marina owners came aboard one night while I was making drinks, and Pat stood next to me and said, “So you were the sheriff in Texas where they found Isabel. Did they find the twenty million that she had?”

  I looked at her for several seconds and replied, “She didn’t have anything with her, except two hundred eighty dollars.”

  “Really” she said.

  I asked her why she and Mike lived in the “headquarters for cocaine” and don’t do any.

  “Who says we don’t?” she said. “We’re just quiet about what we do and who we do it with.”

  “Now that it is out in the open, and you don’t mind, I’ll break out the toot,” I announced.

  “Well, go get it,” she said. As I came back to the main salon with mirror in hand and a pile in the middle, I was greeted with excitement and cheers from the group.

  We partied until daybreak, parted company and went to our separate beds. The four of us did not get up until dark that next day. It was late, but I talked to Terry and told him he had to be more careful about what he said, especially about my past. The next day, the local Chief of Police arrived on the dock. He was in his late fifties, about one hundred pounds overweight, with a huge pot belly. He appeared shook up as he introduced himself as Joe. He said that he had heard that I was the retired sheriff from Texas that had found Isabel’s body, but not the millions.

  I said I was the one who found her body, but that I had never heard of any money connected to her. He only stayed about ten minutes, then left, and I was hoping that I would never see him again. As he was leaving he made reference to how expensive a boat like mine was and that it must have cost a fortune.


  The next day while we were out at a restaurant, I went to the can where I was accosted by two South American men. They said they wanted the money, the twenty million, and would give me twenty four hours to come up with it. They also instructed me to stay in the bathroom for three minutes after they left.

  When I got back to the table, I told Terry what had happened, so we had to get back to the boat. We did so, and the girls went out on the dock to have a few drinks and socialize. This gave Terry and me an opportunity to talk alone.

  I told him the whole story, and let him know where the five million was hidden on the boat. I told him I thought we should leave in the morning, but he felt we should end it here because they would find us and kill us as they were probably connected. He wanted to “hold court” there and then, especially since the only ones who knew about the money were not connected to the “law.”

  Part of me knew that what Terry was saying made sense, but I also knew that he just might be looking for a good fight. One thing I knew for sure was that none of this would be going on if he had not slipped up, and I reminded him of that fact. We decided to finish our conversation in the morning and hold off on a decision until then, so we joined the girls on the dock.

  The next morning over coffee, we decided to do it Terry’s way. Besides, we liked it at Bayside Marina and did not want to be driven away to live in fear. We also knew that they would not stop at us, but would kill the girls and the captain and the
cook. We started our plan in motion with Terry asking Pat if he could rent an apartment for a month using the ruse that it was for hookers and sex. Pat said she would rent him the apartment in their duplex which was upstairs from her and Mike. It would be fifteen hundred a month which he said was great and gave her two grand in cash, and that he needed her to keep it just between them.

  As she took the money and handed him the key she exclaimed, “You dog, you! Don’t worry, no one will ever know.”

  Terry set up the room with a walkie-talkie, field glasses, a pistol and a rifle. We did not think that we would see neither hide nor hair of them until after dark. Much to our surprise, my phone rang about six and the call was from a person who spoke English as a first language, asking if I had the money. I told them I did not, but that I needed to meet them at the marina to discuss it further. They said they would get back to me and hung up.

  In less than thirty minutes my phone rang again; it was the same person who said they would be there by midnight. I asked how they got my number, but the phone just went dead.

  I told Terry to get up to the apartment and set up because giving a large space of time was an old trick used to catch you off guard, and I wanted to be ready for them. Terry agreed and said that he would have my back, and if there was something I could not handle, he would kill them before they killed me.

  As I had thought might happen, the same two guys from the bathroom showed up on the dock within the hour. When they reached the back deck they sat down at the table, and I knew that Terry would have a clear head shot if need be. I told them I did not have the money, that it was back in Texas, and it would take a week for Terry and me to drive there and back. I also told them that there was only ten million, not twenty as they thought, and that a one million dollar finder’s fee would be appropriate. I knew that they wouldn’t beat me or shoot me, because the boss wanted the money, and this was not about revenge, it was about the cash!

  Terry followed them when they left, hoping to find the boss, but strangely enough they went to the State Police Station and came out shortly after in police uniforms and drove off in squad cars.

  So who was this boss and were the police really behind this? I wondered. The drug running business had really bottomed out since the laws changed in 1986, and it was only ten percent of what it was four or five years ago. Ten million dollars is a major score in anyone’s life, and so it could be for them.

  If the police were really involved, they must die. Not killing a cop is a myth started by cops. You can kill anybody if planned well and performed carefully. Remember Monroe and Kennedy? I knew I needed to find out who this boss was and kill him.

  The next morning Terry reported that the Chief met with the same two guys, and that they had gone out to breakfast together, only this time they were in uniform. The only conclusion we could come to was that he was the boss and that these two goons were just acting like they were drug kingpins from Columbia or part of a big Cartel. Our only way out was to convince them that I had no money and hadn’t found any with Isabel, or we had to kill them. Of course, Terry voted to kill them. He was always into the thrill of it which makes his blood hot. A fire fight to him was equal or better than great sex.

  We didn’t have any way to contact them, so we just waited for their next call. The days passed slowly and every time my phone rang I could feel my heart beating fast in anticipation.

  The day finally came. They called and we set up a meeting in the parking lot at Publix to take within the hour. When they arrived, the cops were in full acting mode and in full dress and speaking broken English. They became pretty upset when I tried to explain again that I had no money. They told me that the boss may decide to have everyone on the boat hit. I removed my baseball cap and scratched my head which was a signal to Terry to shoot.

  Terry was set up in a borrowed car, and I did not have to signal twice as he loved the action. Walking up to the car with a silenced 9mm, he shot through the window and into the shotgun side, sending blood, brains and bone all over the driver and the inside of the car. He fired three more times, hitting the driver in the jaw and chest, and then fired one more shot at each cop’s head for good measure.

  We drove back to the boat and waited for the Chief’s next move. We needed to find out where he lived and what his schedule was. We did not have to jump through hoops to find out this information as he was at the dock with several of his men in the morning, asking a lot of questions. He wanted to know our whereabouts the previous day, and using police tactics, they separated us and questioned us over and over again. They kept at this for about four hours, never mentioning why they were there until after a couple of hours into it. They even tried to scare us, stating they had a video tape of the incident, although we knew that the cops would not have parked where there were any surveillance cameras. They would have parked in a blind spot since they were committing a crime at the time of the incident.

  After they left, Terry and I met and talked and realized that they would be watching us closely, so we decided to just party as usual and do nothing out of the ordinary for the next week or so. We spent a lot of time partying with the girls and the others on the dock while learning what we could about the Chief. We were also able to obtain his address for use at a later time.

  At one of the parties, Mike and Pat were there to partake, and when the rest of the crowd left, we broke out the toot. Clothes started coming off as usual. Pat told us that Mike liked to talk dirty to her during sex, and I brought up watching pornos.

  “Well, of course, all men watch them, don’t they?” Pat said and Tara and Ebony agreed in unison “No shit, all men have pornos!” She also mentioned that Mike liked her to dress up like a stripper with spiked heels, fishnet stockings, black bra and panties and a black baby doll nightie with a sheer cover up.

  Terry laughed and said, “I don’t know about anyone else, but I’m getting hot! When are we going to see this outfit?”

  Mike told Pat to go home and put it on and she said “You are crazy. I’m not going to walk down the dock dressed like that!” As the owner of the marina, she thought that it might not be the best way to be seen on the dock.

  “Well, go on and get the costume and put it on when you get back here,” Mack said.

  The girls chimed in, too, and said if she did that, they would get their “outfits” on, too.

  Pat left to get her costume.

  When she got back, she went inside to change with the girls. They were in there over an hour, laughing and giggling all the while. Before they came out they requested specific music, that the lights be dimmed, and that we have drinks ready as well as lines drawn.

  When they finally came out in their sexy attire and high heels, they put on a show that was better than any I’ve seen in a tittie bar. We got so hot we could hardly contain ourselves. We didn’t know who or what they were fantasizing about, and we didn’t care as long as they were hot for us, too! When the girls took off their see-through tops, it was more than we could bear, and we joined in the dancing. This is when the fantasies came out. None of the men picked their own mates, and the girls loved this, too. It was a free for all of dancing, drinking, tooting and kissing.

  We were getting into some serious making out when I heard Pat ask how big Mack’s stateroom was. I took control at this point and told everyone to bring their drinks, and I would show them.

  The music continued to blare upstairs, as we went to my stateroom. I was on one side of the bed busy kissing Pat while Terry was assisting. Mike was being entertained by Tara and Ebony. Soon all six of us were naked on the bed and breathing heavy in the dark, but still able to find what or who we needed. Every so often, one of us would get untangled and go to the bathroom to do more toot, coming back to dive back into the pile and start licking and kissing all over again without missing a beat.

  After about an hour passed, we decided to concentrate on making Tara and Pat come, and they did several times. As they fell into a sweaty heap, we turned our att
ention to the rest, and eventually we all ended up in the same pile, spent and satisfied. Eventually everyone woke up and went to their own beds. I made love to Tara one more time before falling asleep, holding her tightly.


  Terry and I met up to have coffee and discuss our problem and figure out how we were going to fix it. It was a practical problem, because obviously we could not afford to be seen in the Chief’s neighborhood, and his house was on a cul de sac, which made it worse. We were sure he was very heavily armed, and that police cruisers monitored the house frequently. We devised our plan and decided to act on it right after the cops had their morning meeting and shift change at the department.

  I borrowed a car and had Terry drop me off in the woods several blocks from the Chief’s house. I wore a jogging outfit to allay suspicion, should anyone see me.

  Once at the house, I disabled the alarm system by jumping it so it would not go off upon my entry. I entered the house through a bedroom window and was careful not to disturb anything.

  Once inside, I knew I had most likely eight to ten hours to kill until the Chief would arrive home, so I started searching the house in hopes of finding some kind of evidence that would tie him to Isabel or the money. I found a wall safe (under a picture of course) and got an ax from the garage and chopped the wall to get the safe out. Any burglary case I had ever been on in the past, the thief would chop the safe from the wall in order to take it with them and check out the contents at his leisure.

  I carried the safe to the garage and beat it open, where I found files on the money, dope, Isabel and the dead cops. I burned all the evidenced related to us and flushed it.

  I continued to search the house and noticed loose floor boards in the kitchen, which I pulled up to find a metal locker in the opening. I pulled up several other boards so I could open the box where I found what looked like ten or fifteen million dollars.


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