Reckless Love m-1

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Reckless Love m-1 Page 8

by Elizabeth Lowell

  Janna made a sound that had no meaning except to soothe the restive mustang.

  By the time they approached the slit in the cliffs that surrounded the valley, Zebra no longer shied at every shadow, Janna had relaxed so that she no longer jerked back from the inevitable contact with Ty’s nearly naked body-and Ty’s jaw ached from being clenched against the hot sensations radiating through his body from every accidental, brushing contact with Janna.

  And it seemed that she touched him everywhere, except in those places where he ached to the point of pain.

  Chapter Eleven

  Silently Ty endured the continual brush of Janna’s body against his as they went toward the cleft. They rode alongside the stream until it spread out into a small slough and vanished, leaving not even a trickle to enter the stone slot that was the valley’s only outlet. There was nothing about the mouth of the cleft to suggest that it was any different from the hundreds of other narrow, barren gouges in the eroded flanks of the huge plateau. That, and the fact that the narrow, twisting passage was both difficult and uninviting for a horse, were why the valley had remained Janna’s secret.

  The slit in the rocks looked like the entrance to hell, but Ty watched it approach with a feeling of relief. When the opening was thirty yards away, he could bear Janna’s unintentional sensual torment no longer. With a feeling of relief, he slid off Zebra and away from the fiery brush of Janna’s body.

  “Wait here,” Ty said curtly. “I’ll check out the trail.”

  He was gone before Janna could put her objections into words.

  Inside the cleft it was cool, damp, dusky. A few shallow pools left by recent rain showers reflected the dark red, oddly stained cliffs that towered above the floor of the narrow canyon. Overhead the sky was reduced to a thin blue string thrown carelessly between the cliffs. In the places where black lava replaced sandstone, the cleft darkened until it was both somber and eerie, as though night had condensed and taken a solid form on the face of the land itself.

  There were no tracks at all in the dry watercourse, not even those of wildlife. Ty wasn’t surprised by the lack of animal signs. He had expected to find nothing. Wild animals had an instinctive abhorrence of small openings, of being trapped somewhere that lacked room to run or places to hide. What did surprise Ty was that Mad Jack had left no more trail than if he had flown from the secret valley.

  In fact, Ty found it impossible to believe that Mad Jack had gone through the cleft at all.

  The passage itself was familiar to Ty. He had made it a point to familiarize himself with the slit that was the difference between the valley being a haven for them or a trap with no exit. Yet each time he walked the cleft he felt a deepening admiration for Janna, who had found and used a passage whose secret had been lost to the Indians for hundreds of years, perhaps even thousands. He doubted that any Indian had used the cleft at all since the coming of the horse several hundred years before.

  Or perhaps the valley hadn’t been lost by the Indians but simply avoided as a spirit place where mortal men shouldn’t go, a place of the People who Came Before. Within the twilight confines of the slot canyon, it would be very easy to imagine malevolent spirits waiting in ambush for anything foolish enough to stray inside the black stone jaws.

  The narrowest point of the cleft was not at the entrance to the valley but about a third of the way toward the open land beyond. At the stricture, both canyon walls were of a dense, black, fine-grained stone that cracked in long parallel columns. Water had polished the stone into a slick, shiny mass that, with the addition of a layer of fine mud, was almost as slippery as ice. Unlike Mad Jack, Janna had never found a way to avoid leaving tracks over that segment of the slot, which was why she had always taken on the passage just before or just after a rain, when any tracks she left would be washed completely away by the runoff stream.

  That was another thing Ty admired. Few people who knew the country would have had the courage to test the stone slit when clouds massed over the plateau and water was running down its sides in rushing veils. Fewer people still would have had the skill to read the land and weather correctly enough to survive negotiating the narrow slot. He wondered how many times Janna had waited, eyeing the muddy rush of water and calculating her best chance to pass through without leaving a sign or being drowned.

  Warily Ty looked up the uneven walls where debris lodged twenty or thirty feet higher than his head. The thought of the risk Janna had taken to get him into the hidden valley made sweat start on his body. He remembered the black clouds, the pelting rain���and nothing more. He only knew that she had taken an enormous risk while getting him to a safe place to heal. In fact, she had taken one hell of a risk for him, period, since the first moment she had begun wiping out his trail so that Cascabel would lose his prey. If the renegade ever found out how his prisoner had truly escaped, J anna’s life wouldn’t be worth a handful of cold spit.

  Ty half walked, half slid over the cleft’s slick bottom. Once he was past the place where black walls pinched in, the cleft opened out slightly again. He moved quickly, leaving very little trace of his passage. There was no other sign of life within the steep canyon. When the gloom brightened, announcing the end of the slot, Ty went to the deepest area of shadow and eased forward until he could look over the fan of debris that washed down from the plateau’s edge, creating a sloping skirt that led to the flatlands beyond.

  For several minutes Ty remained motionless, studying the landscape for any sign of movement. There was no motion but the ragged race of cloud shadows over the earth. No bird was startled into flight. No raven scolded an intruder in hoarse tones. No shape of man or horse separated from cover to ghost over the land. If there were anyone about, he was even better hidden than Ty.

  After ten minutes Ty withdrew from the entrance to the slot and returned to Janna. She was waiting precisely where he had left her, for she knew the importance of keeping the secret of the slit canyon and the hidden valley beyond.

  “All clear,” Ty said, answering the question in Janna’s eyes. “Nothing has been in or out since the last shower.”

  Even though Janna had expected nothing else, she couldn’t conceal her relief. Without the secret valley she would have no place to hide, no sanctuary in which to live during the wild country’s cold winters.

  Ty saw Janna’s relief, guessed at its source and had to restrain himself from telling her not to worry, she wasn’t going to have to spend another winter hiding in the valley, she was leaving Indian country and that was that. But he said nothing, because she would have argued with him, and arguing against the inevitable was a waste of time. As far as he was concerned, it was inevitable that Janna would no longer live alone. No white woman should have to exist like a savage, fearful of every shadow and without even the company of other human beings when danger threatened.

  Ty had decided that he would take Janna to Sweetwater or Hat Rock or Santa Fe or even all the way to Denver, if it came to that. It was the least he could do for the orphan girl who had saved his life.

  To Ty’s surprise, Janna slid down from Zebra and walked to the cleft. As always, the mare followed her.

  “Aren’t you going to ride?” he asked.

  “Too dangerous. That narrow stretch must still be slick from the last rain.”

  “We rode in double that way.”

  “Someone had to keep you astride Zebra. We’ll mount after the canyon widens again.”

  Ty didn’t argue. No matter how important it might be not to leave human footprints, he had dreaded the thought of going over the slippery black rock while mounted bareback and double on an unbroken mustang.

  In the end it was the very narrowness of the canyon that kept Ty from falling. He simply levered himself along by acting as though he were trying to push the two sides of the canyon farther apart with his hands. Janna, more accustomed to the tricky stretch, knew where there were handholds and niches to use in maintaining her balance. Zebra had the advantage of four feet-if one slip
ped, there were three to take its place.

  “How did you manage on horseback?” Ty asked as he reached a wider point in the slit and Janna came alongside.

  “There was no other choice.”

  He thought about that for a moment, then nodded slowly, understanding that that was how Janna had managed to survive out here on her own: she believed that there was no other choice.

  But there was.

  “With all your books, you could be a teacher,” Ty said as he swung aboard Zebra once more and scraped his knee against the canyon wall in the process.

  Janna grabbed his arm and swung up behind him. “Not enough kids except in towns.”


  “I don’t like towns. They seem to bring out the worst in people.”

  Ty opened his mouth to argue, realized that he agreed with Janna and felt trapped. “Not all the time,” he muttered.

  She shrugged. “Maybe I just bring out the worst in towns.”

  “Do you really plan on spending the rest of your life out here?” he demanded.

  “Unless you keep your voice down, the rest of my life won’t amount to more than a few hours,” Janna said dryly. “These walls make a dropped pin echo like a landslide/’

  Ty turned around and glared at her but said nothing more, except for a muffled word or two when his legs scraped against narrow points in the cleft. Janna’s slender legs were in no such danger, and in any case were enveloped by protective folds of cloth. Even so, Ty had an acute appreciation of the warm flesh beneath the folds, especially when she rubbed against him as she adjusted to Zebra’s motions.

  Cautiously Ty urged Zebra out of the cleft, keeping to shadows and high brush wherever possible, trying to break up the telltale silhouette of horse and rider. They had gone no more than a mile when they cut across tracks left by a group of unshod ponies. The horses had moved in a bunch, not stopping to graze or to drink from the few puddles that remained after the previous thunderstorm. From the distance between sets of prints, Janna guessed that the horses had been cantering.

  “That’s Cascabel’s horse,” Janna said in a low voice.

  She pointed to a set of larger hoofprints that had been all but obliterated by the rest of the group. Though the horse had once been shod, it had no shoes any longer. All that remained were vague traces of nail holes around the rim of the untrimmed hooves.

  “He stole two Kentucky horses from an officer at the fort over by Split-rock Springs,” she continued. “One of the horses used to be the fastest horse in Utah Territory.”

  “Used to be? What happened?”

  “Cascabel ran it to death trying to catch Lucifer. He takes better care of the second horse. It won’t last much longer, though. It’s a paddock horse, bred for grooming and grain. All it has out here is grass and a big renegade with a whip.”

  “Yeah, and that big renegade is too damn close for comfort.”

  Janna chewed silently on her lip for a moment before agreeing. “Yes. This is only the third time I’ve found his tracks on the east side of Black Plateau. I wonder what happened to make him come this far. The ranches he usually raids are in the opposite direction.”

  “I’ll bet the soldiers are closing in. They have a real mission where Cascabel is concerned. They’re going to see him hang or know the reason why.”

  She closed her eyes and shook her head, trying to throw off the uneasy feeling that had been growing in her day by day since the beginning of the summer, when she had discovered that Cascabel had been forced to move his camp. He had chosen to make his new camp on the Raven Creek watershed, a place that was perilously close to Mustang Canyon. Whether Black Hawk had driven Cascabel south, or the soldiers had, or Lucifer had lured him to the red buttes and high plateau and brooding Fire Mountains, it didn’t matter. Janna knew that she couldn’t remain hidden for long once so many eyes started scrutinizing every shadow.

  Yet she couldn’t leave, either. She had no place to go. A woman alone among men was the subject of snickers and speculation and blunt offers of sex in exchange for money or safety. The closest thing she had to a home was the wild land itself. She couldn’t bear to lose it and her freedom in the same blow.

  Unfortunately, it was becoming clear that she had no other choice.

  Silently Janna guided Zebra in a circuitous route to Sweetwater. When Ty realized where they were going, he turned questioningly to her.

  “Hat Rock is closer,” he said.

  “I know. I went to Sweetwater last time.”


  “So Joe Troon won’t be looking for me there.”


  “I never go to the same town or ranch twice in a row,” Janna explained. “Except for the hidden valley, I never go to the same places at the same time of year or in the same order. If you don’t have a pattern, no one can guess where you’re going to be and lay a trap for you.”

  Ty sensed the apprehension behind Janna’s calm words. “Did this Troon character try to trap you?”

  “Once or twice.”


  “Mad Jack’s mine, Lucifer or���” Janna’s voice died as she remembered overhearing Troon bragging about how he would break her in right and then sell her south to a Mexican whorehouse after she led him to Lucifer and Mad Jack’s gold mine. She cleared her throat. “I didn’t wait around to find out.”

  The surge of anger and adrenaline that went through Ty’s body surprised him, but it didn’t keep him from demanding roughly, “Did he lay a hand on you?”

  “He never even saw me that time,” Janna said evasively. “I hung back in the brush and listened long enough to figure out how he had found me, and then I swore never to be predictable again. I haven’t been, either.”

  “You said you follow Lucifer’s bunch in the summertime.”


  “Then you’re predictable. Every mustanger knows Lucifer’s territory. All any man would have to do is to lie in wait at the water holes his herd uses. Lucifer is fast enough to get away from that kind of ambush. You aren’t.”

  “Cascabel is keeping the mustangers away.”

  “He didn’t keep me away. Nothing will. I’m going to have that stud no matter what. I need him too badly to let a few renegades get in my way.”

  “You plan to use Lucifer to buy your silken lady?”

  “Yes,” Ty said, his voice flat inflexible. “The war took everything but my life and my dreams. I’ll have that silken lady or die trying.”

  Janna held herself tightly, trying not to flinch against the pain she felt.

  “Then you understand,” she said huskily.


  “You understand why I can’t live in a town as a kitchen maid or a saloon girl. I have my own dream.”

  There was a surprised silence while Ty digested the idea that the ragged waif had a goal beyond simple survival. “What is it?”

  Shaking her head, eyes tightly closed, Janna said nothing. There was no point in telling Ty that she had begun to dream of having him turn to her and discover within her the silken lady he sought. It was a dream that would never come true and she was practical enough to know it.

  But it was the most compelling dream Janna had ever had. She could no more turn away from it than she could transform herself into the lady of Ty’s dreams.

  Chapter Twelve

  A mile outside of town, Ty shifted his weight and spoke softly to the mare. Zebra stopped obediently no more than two feet from a clump of boulders and brush.

  “Get down,” Ty said, handing Janna the big knife she had given him. “I’ll be back as quick as I can.”

  “I’m going with you.”



  “No!” Hearing the roughness in his own voice, Ty winced. “Janna, it isn’t safe. If you’re seen with me on a mustang-”

  “We’ll tell them you tamed her,” Janna interrupted quickly.

  “They’d have to be dumb as a stump to believe th
at,” he retorted. “I’m going to have enough trouble making them believe I survived without help as it is. You know damn good and well if Cascabel finds out you were responsible for making him the laughingstock of the Utah Territory, he’ll come after you until he gets you and cooks you over a slow fire.”

  Without another word Janna slid down from Zebra. She vanished into concealment between one breath and the next. For a moment Ty couldn’t believe that she had ever been with him at all. An odd feeling shot through him, loneliness and desire combined into a yearning that was like nothing he had ever known.

  “Janna?” he called softly.

  Nothing answered but branches stirring beneath a rain-bearing wind. The scent of moisture reminded iy of the urgency of the situation. They had to be back at the hidden valley before the storm broke or they would spend a miserable night out in the open, unable even to have a fire to warm them for fear of giving away their presence.

  Thunder rumbled in the distance, causing Zebra to throw up her head and snort. Ears pricked, nostrils flared, the horse sniffed the wind.

  “Easy, girl,” Ty murmured. “It’s just the summer rains.”

  He slid from Zebra’s back, landed lightly and pulled off his breechcloth. His foot wrappings came off next. After he poked the scraps of blanket into an opening between two boulders, he turned east and began working his way over the rocky surface of the land toward a wagon trail a half mile beyond. He was very careful not to leave any signs of his passage, for he had been into Sweetwater once before, riding Blackbird and armed with two pistols, a rifle and a shotgun. He had been glad for each weapon; the only thing sweet about the town was the name and the tiny spring that bubbled to the surface nearby, watering stock and men alike without regard to their individual natures.

  As Ty walked toward town, he wished heartily for one of the new repeating carbines that loaded as fast as they fired. Even a pistol would have been nice. Two revolvers and extra cylinders loaded with bullets would have made him feel a lot better about going in among the canted shacks.


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