Reckless Love m-1

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Reckless Love m-1 Page 12

by Elizabeth Lowell

  Ordinarily Janna would simply have settled deeper into cover and outwaited her hunter. She had done it many times before, when Cascabel’s men had come across her tracks and given chase. Always her patience had proven to be greater than that of her pursuers.

  But no longer. Janna’s patience was evaporating even more quickly than rain puddles beneath the hot sun. Every minute she stayed in hiding was one minute closer to Lucifer for Joe Troon. The thought was agony to Janna, especially when she knew that she wasn’t in any real danger from Ty. Even if he caught her, he wouldn’t beat or rape or torture her. In fact, Janna couldn’t think of anything painful he would be likely to do to her, except to remind her of how far she was from his ideal of a silken lady.

  The thought deepened the unhappy downward curve of Janna’s mouth. Beyond being certain that she didn’t stand out against the rugged landscape, she had never thought much about her appearance one way or another. Now she did. Seeing Ty in his new clothes with his cheeks smooth shaven had driven home to her just how handsome he was, and by how great a margin she missed being the fragile silken lady who could attract and hold him.

  Janna looked across the wild land at Ty and admitted to herself how much she wanted to be his dream. And at the same time she admitted to herself how impossible it was for her to be that dream.

  If she had been the silken lady of Ty’s desire, she would have died at the same lonely water hole her father had, for there had been no one to depend on but herself. If she hadn’t died there, she would certainly have starved, because she would not have been able to catch and kill her own food. Instead of feeling wretched because she was self-sufficient, she should be thanking God for her ability to adjust to the harsh demands of surviving in the wild land.

  Do I really want to be all soft and useless just so I can attract Ty? she asked herself scornfully.


  The prompt, honest reply didn’t improve Janna’s humor. She glared out across the ground separating Ty from herself.

  If I’d been all simpering and soft in the head, Cascabel would have tracked Ty down and killed him. But did Ty ever think of that? No. He just mooned over a will-o’-the-wisp that would probably faint combing tangles out of her own hair.

  Janna glared across the space separating herself from Ty. Move, dammit! I’ve got better things to do even if you don’t.

  Ty remained in place.

  Another half hour crawled by, marked by no more motion than that of the shadows responding to the slow arc of the sun across the empty sky. Ravens called across empty ravines. Rabbits nibbled on brush. Lizards whisked across hot rock, towing the racing black shape of their shadows behind. A hawk circled overhead, sending its keening cry to the earth like a thrown lance. Janna felt like calling out in return, venting her growing frustration.

  Another sound came-a rifle shot rather than the call of a hawk. The sound was distant and wasn’t repeated.

  Three things occurred to Janna simultaneously. The first was that no white man was crazy enough to call down the attention of Cascabel’s renegades by shooting at game. The second was that Joe Troon had taken a shot at Lucifer. The third was that Ty would be looking in the direction of the shot rather than at the open space between herself and the route up the east side of Black Plateau.

  No sooner had the thought occurred than Janna acted. She popped out of the crevice in which she had hidden and began running swiftly.

  Ty had heard the sound of the rifle shot at the same instant Janna did. Like her, he had thought of several things simultaneously while he strained to hear other shots and heard only the wind. But he didn’t look in the direction of the shot. He knew that whatever had happened or was happening over there was too far away for him to affect. His attention never wavered from the broken land between himself and the plateau.

  He spotted Janna instantly. He had spent the past few hours memorizing the possible approaches to the vague trail he had spotted up onto Black Plateau, so he didn’t even hesitate to choose his own route. He came to his feet and hit top speed within a few strides, running hard and fast and clean, covering ground with a devouring speed, closing in on Janna with a diagonal course.

  Janna caught the motion from the corner of her eye, recognized Ty and redoubled her own efforts to reach the plateau trail. It was as though she were standing still. She had seen Ty run once before, but he had been injured then, reeling from the effects of running Cascabel’s gauntlet. Ty wasn’t injured now. He ran with the speed of a wolf, closing the space between himself and his prey with every leaping stride.

  One instant Janna was in full flight-the next instant she was brought down on the hard earth. Only it wasn’t the ground she fell upon, it was Ty, who had turned as he grabbed her so that it would be his body that took the impact of the unforgiving land.

  Even so, Janna was knocked breathless. By the time she could react, it was too late. She was flat on her back, pinned to the hot earth by the weight of Ty’s big body. He caught her wrists and held them above her head, imprisoned in his hands.

  “Don’t you think it’s time that you and I had a little chat?” Ty drawled.

  “Let go of me!”

  “Promise you won’t run?”

  Janna twisted abruptly, trying to throw Ty off. He simply settled a bit more heavily onto her body.

  “I’m bigger than you are, if you hadn’t noticed,” “iy said. “A little thing like you doesn’t have a chance against a man of any size, much less one as big as I am.”

  Janna started calling Ty the same names her father had used when the wagon mule wouldn’t move. “You misbegotten whelp of a cross-eyed cow and the stupidest stud son of a bitch that God ever-”

  A big hand clamped over Janna’s mouth, cutting off the flow of her invective.

  “Didn’t anybody ever tell you a girl shouldn’t use such language?”

  The muffled sounds from beneath Ty’s hand told him that Janna wasn’t listening to him. She flailed against his shoulder and chin with the hand he had freed in order to cover her mouth. He lifted that hand and grabbed her wrist again.

  “Bastard son of a one-legged whore and a one-eyed, flea-brained-”

  Abruptly Ty’s hard mouth covered Janna’s. Her lips were open, her breath hot, the taste of her as fresh as rain. He shuddered heavily and thrust his tongue deep into her mouth again and again, wanting to devour her.

  The fierceness of Ty’s mouth and the wild penetration of his tongue shocked Janna into complete stillness. She trembled helplesslyf overpowered by his strength and by her awareness of his body moving over hers, rubbing urgently, as though he were trying to push her into the ground.

  Janna couldn’t move, couldn’t breathe, and still the contact went on and on, his big body crushing hers, showing her how futile it was to fight him. She tried to speak and found she couldn’t even do that. Twisting, writhing, she tried to fight him but he was too big, his body was everywhere; she was as helpless as a mouse caught in the talons of a hawk.

  Chapter Seventeen

  When Ty finally tore his mouth away and stared down at Janna, he was breathing in deep, ragged bursts and her pupils were wide, dark, enormous, magnified by tears.

  “Don’t you ever run from me again,” Ty said, his voice hoarse and his eyes almost black from the dilation of his pupils.

  Janna felt the violent shudder that shook his body, felt the quick force of his breaths against the tears on her cheeks, felt the savage power of his clenched muscles. She should have been terrified, yet at some deep, subconscious level she knew that Ty wouldn’t truly hurt her. Even so, she trembled, not understanding the feelings that were coursing through her body-and through his.

  “You can let me g-go,” she said shakily. “I w-won’t run.”

  For the space of several breaths there was only silence and the wild glitter of Ty’s eyes. Abruptly he let go of Janna and rolled aside into a sitting position, drawing his legs up to his body as though he were in pain.

  “Christ,” Ty sa
id through clenched teeth. “I’m sorry, little one. I’ve never forced myself on a woman in my life.”

  Janna let out one long, ragged breath and then another. “It’s all right.”

  “Like hell it is,” he snarled. He turned his head and looked at her with eyes as hard as stone. “You don’t belong out here, Janna Wayland. You’re a walking temptation to every man who sees you all alone and unprotected. I’m going to take you to the fort and that’s final.”

  “If you do that, Joe Troon will kill Lucifer, assuming he hasn’t already. That could have been the rifle shot we heard.”

  Ty said something savage beneath his breath, then added, “You don’t understand.”

  “No, it’s you who doesn’t understand,” Janna said quickly. “At the fort or in any town or at one of the ranches, I’m a girl without kin, fit only for washing clothes or dishes or feeding men or���well, you know.” Janna shook her head fiercely. “I don’t want that. Out here I’m free of their sly looks and pawing hands. The only man out here is you, and you don’t think of me that way.”

  “I don’t? What the hell do you think just happened?” Ty demanded, hardly able to believe his ears.

  “I made you mad and you got even.” Janna shrugged. “So what? I’ve taken a lot worse from men and survived.”

  Ty started to ask what Janna meant, then realized that he didn’t want to know. He had heard his sister’s broken cries when she relived in nightmare the time of her captivity at the hands of white raiders. The thought of Janna being brutalized like that was unendurable. She was so fierce in her desire for freedom, so terrifyingly fragile beneath the heavy clothes that muffled her.

  “God,” Ty groaned, putting his head in his hands, hating himself. “Janna���little one��� I didn’t mean to hurt you.”

  “But you didn’t.” She looked at him anxiously when he didn’t respond. She put her hand on his wrist where the shirt ended and his warm flesh began. “Ty? Honest. You scared me a little and confused me a lot, but you didn’t hurt me at all. And I’ve changed my mind. I’ll help you get Lucifer before Joe Troon does.”

  For a long moment Ty stared at the hand resting on his wrist. The fingers were long and delicate, gently browned by the sun, the nails beautifully formed and pink with health, the skin supple and warm. He wanted to pick up that feminine hand and kiss the hollow of her palm, lick the sensitive skin between her fingers, bite gently at the pad of flesh at the base of her thumb until her breath broke and her hand curled around his touch like a sleeping flower.

  “Stop looking at me like that,” Janna said, snatching her fingers back. “I know my hand isn’t lily-white and soft and stinking of perfume, but it’s a good hand all the same. It helped to save your stupid masculine hide, remember?”

  Ty opened his mouth to tell Janna that she had misunderstood, that he had been thinking how alluring her hand was rather than the opposite. At the last instant common sense held his tongue in check. She refused to leave the country, and he couldn’t leave until he had Lucifer. He needed her help with the stallion and she needed him to guard her back; but he was so woman hungry that he barely trusted himself to keep his hands off her. Keeping her irritated with him would go a long way toward maintaining a safe distance between them. Knowing what her experience with men must have been like, he simply couldn’t have lived with himself if Janna thought he were demanding sex in return for safety or anything else he could give her.

  “And I’ve been trying to thank you for saving my hide by saving yours in return,” Ty drawled, “but to hell with it. You want to run around here risking your scrawny little self, you go right ahead. Me? I’m just thanking God that He made you so damned unappealing to men. Any other woman and I’d be tempted to find out what was beneath all the rough clothes. But you? You’re like a baby quail, all eyes and mouth and frizzled features. With you I’m as safe from the temptations of the flesh as any monk in a monastery.”

  “Why, you-”

  Ty’s hand shot out, covering Janna’s mouth and cutting off her words.

  “You should be down on your knees thanking God that I feel that way,” Ty said savagely. “If I ever put my hands on you, it wouldn’t be violins and roses. I’m too woman hungry to stop short of taking what I need. And that’s all it would be. Taking. No promises, no soft words, no wedding vows, nothing but male hunger and a handy female.”

  Janna heard every word but only cared about Ty’s admission that he was woman hungry. It gave her the weapon she needed. It appeared that her efforts at proving she was a woman had been having some effect.

  She smiled rather bitterly and decided that she would make him eat every one of his cutting words about her lack of womanly allure. From that moment on she would redouble her efforts to remind him that she was a woman and he was a hungry man. She would bring him to his knees with desire��� and then she would laugh in his face and walk away, leaving him as miserable and unhappy as she was now.

  “Now that we understand each other,” Janna said tightly, “could we possibly get going so that Joe Troon doesn’t kill Lucifer before we can stop him?”

  Ty told himself that the hurt and anger he saw in Janna’s eyes were better than the bigger hurt that would come if he couldn’t keep his hands off her. From what he had heard, at best she had been roughly treated by men; at worst she had been brutalized. If he took advantage of her, he would be no better than Joe Troon.

  Ty told himself that, but he wasn’t sure he believed it. He would be gentle with Janna even if it killed him���wouldn’t he? Surely he would. He wasn’t an animal to take what a woman wouldn’t freely give him.

  Oh, sure. I’m a real Southern gentleman. That’s why I was grinding Janna beneath me into the dirt as though I’d never had a woman and never would unless I had her right there. I can’t trust myself with her any farther than I can throw myself uphill.

  Ty looked at Janna’s gray eyes watching him with too many shadows, waiting for his answer.

  “Hell of an idea,” Ty said curtly. “Wait here while I get my pack.”

  Janna watched him get up and leave without a backward look. She didn’t move. She knew that he was testing her, finding out if he could trust her. If she were going to run off at the first opportunity, better that he discover her untrustworthiness now than when it came time for her turn at night guard while he slept. Approving his pragmatism almost as much as she approved his lithe, muscular stride, Janna watched until Ty disappeared. She waited for his return without moving one inch from her cross-legged position on the ground.

  When Ty returned and saw Janna precisely where he had left her, he understood her silent message: he could trust her. He nodded approvingly and held out his hand to help Janna to her feet.

  It was the opportunity she had been waiting for. She allowed herself to be pulled upright, then stumbled and fell against Ty’s body, letting him take her full weight. His arms closed around her automatically, supporting her.

  The impact of Janna’s weight was negligible to a man of Ty’s size, but the warmth of her body wasn’t. When his arms tightened around her to keep her upright, he knew a lightning stroke of pleasure at how perfectly she fit against him. Supple, slender, smelling of pinon, she was like an armful of sunlight.

  “Janna? What’s wrong?”

  For a moment longer she savored the delicious warmth and strength of Ty’s body before she slowly began to take her own weight again. Even then, she held on to his muscular arms, bracing herself against his strength.

  “Sorry,” Janna said, eyes downcast as she flexed her fingers into the swell of Ty’s biceps and very slowly released him. “I guess I’m a little��� hungry.”

  Ty was glad Janna wasn’t looking at him when she confessed her hunger, because she would have seen the naked statement of his own need in the tension of his face. In the next instant he understood that Janna wasn’t talking about the elemental hunger of sex but the equally basic hunger of the stomach. Hers was growling audibly as s
he rested her cheek against his chest, leaning as though she were too tired to stand entirely by herself. He smiled despite the desire snaking through his loins. He tapped the bridge of Janna’s nose gently with his index finger.

  “Poor little baby bird,” Ty said sympathetically. “Come on. As soon as we get in better cover, I’ll feed you.”

  His voice was a deep rumble beneath Janna’s cheek, but the indulgence in his tone was unmistakable. Baby bird. Her mouth drew down unhappily. Her attempt to arouse desire in him had resulted in a brotherly pat. The temptation to bite the hard, warm chest that lay beneath her cheek almost overwhelmed her. She sensed that would have been a serious mistake in her campaign of “accidental” seduction, so she contented herself with pushing away from the shelter offered by Ty’s arms.

  “Thank you,” Janna said politely. “I’m fine now.”

  She turned away and began walking quickly toward the rugged wall of black lava and red sandstone that formed the east face of Black Plateau. Ty stood and watched the almost concealed sway of Janna’s hips beneath the men’s clothing and prayed that she would find Lucifer and find him very soon; the more he looked at Janna, the harder it became to ignore her unconscious, utterly feminine allure.

  Yet he had to ignore it. He had to forget how good it had felt to rock his hips hard against the softness beneath her clothes.

  He had to��� but he couldn’t.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Anger helped Janna to hold to a good pace despite her growling stomach. Without looking back to see how Ty was doing with his heavy pack, she attacked the steep, winding trail that led to the top of Black Plateau. As she climbed, she looked for signs of anyone else using the trail.

  She found no traces of man and very little of beast. There were no signs that anything had used the trail recently other than herself. There were no hoofprints in the rare patches of dirt, nor scars where hooves had slipped or scraped across stone. She had never seen signs of any hoofed animal on the trail except occasional deer-and once, just once, tracks that indicated that Lucifer had skidded down over the precipitous path in order to shake off mustangers who had gotten too close.


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