Are You Listening to Me? : A Detective Toby Mystery (9781927899403)

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Are You Listening to Me? : A Detective Toby Mystery (9781927899403) Page 12

by Cushnie-mansour, Mary M.

  Toby hung around, watching, and just as he was about to leave he noticed a light flick on, on the upper floor. He looked around for something to climb. Near the lit window was a large tree branch, attached to an even larger tree. “Well, it’s been a while since I climbed a tree, but if I’m going to find out what Camden’s up to, I’m going to have to do this!” Toby began to make his way up the trunk. By the time he got to the spot where the branch veered off to the window, he was out of breath. “I really am too old for this!”

  Camden was in his closet. He reached up and took down a box. When he opened it he took out his coffee grinder. Toby’s head bent to the side, curious about what Camden would be doing with a coffee grinder in his room. Toby heard the back door open and Duke came bounding out. He ran right to the base of the tree and started barking. Camden was heading for the window.

  Toby moved as quickly as his old bones allowed, and hid amongst the leafy foliage. Duke was going crazy at the bottom of the tree. Camden opened the window and shouted down to the dog. When Duke still didn’t stop, Camden shut the window and the next thing Toby knew Camden was outside. He grabbed hold of Duke’s collar and dragged him into the house.

  “You want us to get kicked out of the neighbourhood, dog?”

  Toby didn’t like the dog, but he felt Camden yanked too hard on Duke’s collar. “But I don’t have time to ponder on the finer arts of dog handling; I have to get myself out of here!” Toby managed to scratch his way down the tree and then headed for home. “I sure wish I could’ve seen what he was going to do with the grinder, though. I wonder if it had anything to do with what he picked off the plant. Oh well, maybe I’ll be able to catch him another time. Whatever it is, I don’t think Emma would approve, or Camden wouldn’t have tried to hide from her the fact that he was picking things off her plants.”

  Toby pushed his way through the cat door. “Hey, old man, there you are. I was beginning to wonder what happened to you,” Jack greeted him.

  “You have no idea!” Toby headed to his dishes, first having a drink of water and then digging hungrily into his kibble.


  Lauren headed home after her workout. She was relatively new to Brantford. She had her own place, thanks to the divorce settlement. It wasn’t as big as what she had been used to, but at least now she didn’t have to always be looking over her shoulder, wondering where the next blow was going to come from. She hated the fact that she had to speak to the gym manager about the worker, but he looked so much like her ex-husband she couldn’t stand having him around. Lauren had even considered changing gyms, but she had already paid for a full year and didn’t want to lose her money. She closed her door and secured the locks into place: three on each door, just in case.

  After the divorce settlement, Lauren had returned to school and graduated with a legal secretary certificate from Mohawk College. She had been lucky when the lawyer’s office where she had done her co-op placement had an opening come up. They had been pleased with her work and she was hired on the spot.

  She hadn’t heard from her ex in six months, a good sign. He probably had another woman. Lauren wished whoever it might be had better luck than she’d had. After the last beating, the police had charged her husband and he was put on probation. As far as she was concerned, he should have served jail time! But, life wasn’t that bad now … she was moving forward … she was in counselling … she was healing. The workouts were helping, and she was determined to keep them up on a daily basis.


  When Camden returned to his room, he started to think about the ruckus Duke had caused earlier. There had to have been something up that tree outside his window. He walked over and closed the curtains and then retrieved the coffee grinder again. He took the seeds from his pocket, placed them in the mill’s dish, and pressed the on-button. Then he poured the powder into a zip-lock baggie, which still had residue from his last batch. There wasn’t quite as much as he thought there would be so he would have to pick more seeds later and add them to the mix.

  After putting the grinder back on the top shelf of his closet and placing the baggie under his pillow, Camden turned his computer on. He pulled up his special email, made the name change, typed in Lauren’s email address, and pushed send. He reclined back in his chair and smiled. It was sad things had to be moving so fast, but, in truth, it wasn’t his fault––people were just so mean!

  Tuesday, June 16, 2009


  auren got up in the morning and turned her computer on. She hadn’t bothered to check her emails last night. Her friend, Betty, was supposed to be sending her a note about when she was coming for a visit. Lauren scrolled down through all the spam. Nothing from Betty. Then she noticed one whose subject line said: ‘JUST FOR YOU.’ She decided to click on it. “Dear Lauren: you are receiving this email because you have been very, very naughty. Do you know what happens to very naughty people? Think about it! When was the last time you ridiculed someone … ignored someone just because … blamed someone wrongfully? When was the last time you were nice to someone … really nice? When was the last time you helped someone … really helped? You are so pathetically naughty that I can’t stand it! Only you can turn this around and do something about it. I have given you the warning … now it is up to you to seek reconciliation. If you don’t, maybe retribution will come your way … if you have any friends who are just like you, pass this on to them so they can get help too … for every friend you try to save the retribution on yourself will be lessened … you know the drill … six to ten, maybe you won’t die … one to five, you will … signed: 666.”

  Lauren’s blood began to boil. How dare this person invade her personal space! She didn’t have time to digest it now because she had to get ready for work, so she left it in her inbox.

  After work, Lauren headed for the gym. She swiped her card and made her way to the change room. Camden was just coming out of the men’s change room and crossed her path. She shivered and threw him a dirty look, not really meaning to. In the change room, Lauren looked in the mirror and shook her head. She shouldn’t have done that. She should probably apologize to the young man, but she knew she wouldn’t.

  Camden returned to the drink counter and mixed a couple of drinks for some members that were waiting patiently for his return. He was boiling inside because of Lauren’s attitude. Well, she had hers coming!

  Lauren finished her workout and headed straight out the door. She didn’t bother to stop for a smoothie; she wasn’t hungry, and they filled her up too much. Camden was not happy about that. He breathed in deeply and tried to relax, realizing he was going to have to wait. He would send her a second email later; it was apparent she hadn’t paid any attention to the first one!

  Friday, June 19, 2009


  auren didn’t show up to the gym on Wednesday, and Camden was off on Thursday. He knew Lauren had received the second email though, and he was anxious to finish the job.

  Lauren’s fist came down hard on her desk when she read the email on Wednesday morning. She saw the subject line: ‘ARE YOU LISTENING TO ME.’ She clicked on it… “Dear Lauren: you are still being very, very naughty. I told you what happens to very naughty people. Did you think about it? Did you ridicule someone today … ignore someone just because … blame someone wrongfully? Were you nice to someone … really nice? Did you help someone today, just because … really help? I doubt you even gave my message a second thought. Oh, believe it … you are so pathetically naughty that I can’t stand it! You might still be able to turn this around and do something about it. I am being generous giving you another warning … but it is still up to you to seek reconciliation. If you don’t, retribution will come your way … and don’t forget all those selfish, naughty friends of yours who are just like you. Pass this on to them so they can get help too … for every friend you try to save the retribution on yourself might be lessened … you know the drill … six to ten, maybe you won’t die … one to five, you will
… signed: 666.”

  She decided to run a copy of both emails and take them to work and show them to her boss. She was nobody’s doormat anymore––least of all some sicko that sent out emails like this to frighten people. There had to be a way to trace where it was coming from. Lauren packed her gym bag and headed out the door. She had missed two days at the gym and was feeling it. She was going for sure tonight.

  When Lauren’s boss, Mr. Delaware, read the emails, he sat back in his chair and bit thoughtfully on the end of his pen for a few seconds. “I think you should take these to the police,” he suggested. “Whoever wrote them is an incredibly sick individual. The police will probably have someone on their staff who can trace the I.P. address.” He paused. “What I am afraid of the most is the fact that this email is dispatched directly to you. How does this person know your name? Do you know anyone who would send you something like this?”

  Lauren thought for a moment. There was only one person she could think of who might be sick enough––her ex-husband. But he would be crazy to even attempt something like this because he should know it would be grounds for throwing him in jail. “Well, maybe my ex…”

  Mr. Delaware butt in. “I am sure the police will question him. Tell you what––I’ll give you an extra half hour at lunch to run these down to the police station. Ask for Captain Bryce Wagner. Tell him I sent you.”

  Unfortunately there was an emergency, and Mr. Delaware needed Lauren over the lunch hour. He apologized and suggested she go after work. If Captain Wagner wasn’t in, she could leave the copies and a message for him, and Mr. Delaware was sure the captain would get back to her on Monday.

  Lauren decided since it was so late when she finished work, and since the gym was closer to her work than the police station, she would go to the gym first. She could drop the letters on her way home.

  Camden was happy to see her walk in. He smiled at her. To his surprise, she half-smiled back. Camden was actually having a good day. Even Paige was nice for a change, hanging up her sarcasm for a friendlier tone. At lunchtime, she dumped her problems on his shoulders. Paige had been close to tears, but because they were at work, she held them in check. Camden was not surprised she was in trouble with the way she flirted. He had asked Paige if she was going to tell the father and her reply had been that she didn’t really know for sure which one it was; she had slept with both of them. Camden told her that she could always get a paternity test after the baby was born. To himself, he had thought, Slut deserves it! When Vincent and Nolan had come in to work, Camden had looked right through them. They were no better than Paige in his opinion.

  Lauren cut her workout short because she was anxious to get the letters delivered. Camden saw her enter the change room and after waiting about five minutes, he mixed her drink for her. When she came out, Lauren headed straight for the door.

  “Lauren,” he called out to her; “I have your smoothie ready for you.”

  She paused a moment and then walked over to the drink counter. “Sorry, I’m going to pass tonight. Some sicko has been sending me some pretty crazy emails, and I’m headed to the police station to drop off copies.” Lauren swallowed hard. It was hard to talk to Camden: she had to keep reminding herself he was not her ex.

  Camden felt a shooting pain through his head. He had to think quickly. “That’s terrible,” he finally managed to say. “How awful that someone would do such a thing.” He reached out his hand to touch her arm. She saw it coming and pulled away. He blushed.

  Lauren felt sorry, but pulling away from any advance made by a man had become second nature to her. “I’ll take a rain-check on the smoothie, though. Maybe tomorrow––you working tomorrow?” she tried to smooth things over.

  He managed to calm himself enough to say yes. As Lauren walked out the door, Camden dumped the drink in the sink. “Hey, you shouldn’t have dumped that; I could have drunk it,” Paige said as she popped her head around the corner.

  “Too late––maybe next time,” Camden answered as he crushed the cup and put it in the garbage can. “I have to empty this; do you mind watching the counter for me.”

  “No problem.”

  It was six-thirty by the time Lauren arrived at the police station. She assumed the captain would have left for the day, but when she asked at the front desk, to her surprise, he was still there. The receptionist laughed and told Lauren an old policeman friend and his famous cat had dropped by for a visit and they were in the captain’s office reminiscing.

  “I’ll check if the captain will see you for a minute,” the receptionist said as she got up and headed for his office. When she returned, she said, “Follow me.”

  Lauren was surprised at the scene that greeted her in Captain Wagner’s office. An elderly gentleman, not in uniform, was leaning back in a chair, his feet perched on the edge of the big wooden desk. On the other side of the desk was another elderly gentleman, a shade younger, also with his feet on the edge of the desk. In-between, sitting in the middle of the desk, was a huge, orange cat! Lauren hesitated in the doorway.

  The younger of the two men jumped to his feet and extended his hand to her. “Captain Wagner.” He pointed to Jack. “This is my friend, retired Officer Jack Nelson and this fur ball is his famous cat, Detective Toby. How might I help you, miss?”

  Lauren did not take his offered hand. Instead, she began her story of the two emails. Part way through the captain motioned for her to have a seat. Jack took his feet down from the desk. Toby listened intently.

  “So, having saved the first letter,” Lauren continued, “When the second one came in I realized whoever this was they were pretty twisted, and I thought it might be best to show the letters to my boss, Mr. Delaware. He was the one who gave me your name and suggested I bring the letters here.”

  “So the letters are still saved on your computer?” the captain asked.


  “Could you bring your computer in so our tech expert can take a look and see if he can trace the I.P. address?”

  “Sure. When would you like me to do that?”

  “As soon as possible,” Captain Wagner replied. “If you want to bring it right now, I’ll wait around until you return.”

  “That sounds like a good idea.”

  “Before you go, though, I have a couple questions. Is there anyone in your life who would be sending these to you as a practical joke?”

  “None of my friends would do this to me. They all know I’ve been through enough in the past few years.”

  “How about enemies?” Jack spoke for the first time.

  Lauren paused before answering. She didn’t want to blame her ex-husband or cast an accusation toward him, but there was a significant possibility that he, of everyone she knew, could be capable of this. “Only my ex,” she finally answered. “But I don’t think he’d go this far.”

  “Why is that?” Jack asked.

  “Well, he’d end up in jail, for one. Our lives together weren’t … ah … the most pleasant and he’s walking a thin line with the law where I’m concerned. He’s not supposed to have any contact with me.”

  The Captain bent forward. “We need his name anyway. With something like this, someone like him is our prime suspect. Since there doesn’t appear to be any other enemies or prankster friends in your life, we would talk to him first.”

  “Ethan Wolf. He lives in Hamilton. I don’t know his address though, or his number. You can probably get hold of him through his lawyer, or maybe even the Central Hamilton police station … yeah, they’d probably be the quickest. Ethan was there enough times, and I think his probation officer has his office there, as well.”

  Toby stood up and stretched. “Poor girl.” He walked across the desk and jumped onto Lauren’s lap, startling her. Jack laughed.

  “Toby likes you,” he said. “Not often he jumps on someone’s lap.”

  Lauren stroked Toby’s back and scratched behind his ears. “Oh, this is so lovely; this girl has
fantastic fingers!”

  Lauren missed having a cat and had recently contemplated picking up a couple kittens from the S.P.C.A., but she wanted to make sure she was well settled first. Ethan had ordered her to get rid of her cats after they were married. She scooped Toby up in her arms, stood, and then set him back on the desk. “I guess I better get going if I’m to get my computer back here at a decent hour.”

  Captain Wagner saw Lauren to the door. “Just bring the computer straight to me; I’ll arrange to have it looked at first thing in the morning. Make sure to leave a number where I can reach you.”

  “Thanks.” Lauren headed out to her car.

  Bryce Wagner returned to his office. Jack returned his feet to the desk. Toby was lying down. “Where were we?”

  “We were discussing the three young people who died from this mysterious flu,” Jack answered. “Do you think there might be a connection somewhere? I have a paramedic friend who just happened to be at the hospital the night the last girl who died was brought in. He said, basically, if that was a flu she had, he’d never seen anything like it before.” Jack paused. “You know, I was wondering if it would not be a good idea to send someone over to the hospital to talk to the doctors or nurses who were on duty those nights. We don’t want to jump to any conclusions, but…”

  “I’m pretty short-handed, Jack,” Bryce grinned, and it wasn’t until his next statement that Jack realized why his friend was smirking. “How would you like to do a little freelance work here? You could go up to the hospital and snoop around. I’ll give you a badge to show you are with the police.”

  Toby sat up at attention at the mention of Jack doing some police work. “Come on Jack, say yes! This could be fun––life is a bit dull at the moment.” Toby stared at Jack.


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