Art of War

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Art of War Page 11

by Monique Orgeron

  I’m going to have to try to make amends with my mom. I just need time to calm down. I think I need to take a day or two before I talk to either Mom or Red. It might help all of us to just take a break. Work should occupy my time for a while; I have a few collections that are needing my delicate touch.



  The next two days are exhausting. Long hours working, and still, I’m no closer to understanding a damn thing. Poor Kyle has been working so hard helping me that I know he needs a break.

  “Kyle, why don’t you take off for the rest of the night?”

  “Why? Don’t you need me?”

  I chuckle. “I’ll always need you, but I don’t think anything will be accomplished tonight. Go have some fun, you deserve it. I know you’ve been wanting to go out and party in the quarter. Invite some of the people you met the other day, go. Plus, I agreed to dinner with Mark tonight. I was just about to call it quits myself.”

  “I would love to, if you’re sure?”

  “I’m sure, go.”

  He puts the files he was working on down, then gives me a kiss and grabs his bag to leave.

  I kick off my heels and call my mom. I’ve been missing her so much, this is the longest we have ever gone apart.

  “Hey Mom, how are you?”

  “Oh Chéri, I’ve missed you. I was just about to call you.”

  “Is everything all right?”

  “No, it’s not. I just received a letter threatening me that I need to get you back home before it’s too late. What the hell is going on? And don’t you dare lie to me!”

  Fuck, now I have no choice but to tell her something. I just don’t want to tell her that I was threatened, too. “Mom, it’s probably nothing.”

  “No, Murphy, a threat is not nothing. Tell me what’s going on, now.”

  “Fine. Look, Mom, I don’t know, but Judith is extremely pissed that I’m not leaving to go back home. She threatened to burn the casino down and swore she would never let me inherit anything. Then…”

  “That bitch, why didn’t you tell me?”

  “Mom, I told you what I thought you needed to know.”

  “Bullshit, Murphy, I need to know everything. What else were you about to say?”

  “I found out that Dad borrowed a lot of money against the casino. A family called the Sterns bought all his markers, and now they have the power to remove me. But fuck them, I’m not letting their scare tactics bother me. I’m not leaving, I need to do this.”

  “Did you say the Sterns?”

  “Yes, why? Do you know them?”

  “Yes, I know them. Look, Murphy, you should come home. I’m worried about Judith, but I’m scared for you if that family is involved. Please, just come home.”

  “No, Mom, I need to do this. It’s mine, I’m going to fight for it. Please try and understand, it’s all I have left of him.”

  “I do, Chéri. I understand all of that, but you can’t risk your life for a failing casino.”

  “See, Mom, that’s the thing. It’s not failing. I don’t understand it; the casino is not overly profitable, but it’s not on the brink of where you would think. I have no clue why Dad borrowed against it. Maybe it’s not the casino, maybe it was something in his personal life, but that still makes no sense. He should have been able to live comfortably on the income the casino is profiting.”

  “Murphy, I don’t care about all of that. If you don’t come back, maybe I should go down there?”

  “No, Mom, please, not yet. I promise, it was probably just Judith trying to get you to make me come back home so she doesn’t have to bother with me. Please don’t come, I have everything under control.”

  “Will you let me know if something else happens?”

  “Yes, of course, Mom. I promise, and you won’t get any more letters; don’t worry.”

  “I love you, Murphy, but you are a horrible liar. I know there’s something you’re not telling me, but I’ll let it go for now. Just promise me to be careful and leave the Sterns alone.”

  “I promise, Mom. Look, I have to go. Tell everyone hi for me. I love you, Mom.”

  “I love you, too, Chéri.”

  I hang up, getting pissed. How dare Zander and his family threaten my mother? I’m one thing, but she is off limits. For the last two days, I was surprised and a little disappointed that he didn’t call, text or try to see me again, but I know why now. It was definitely him and his family trying to threaten me, and now my mom. Fuck him, I need to find him and give him a piece of my mind. I put my heels back on and walk out of my office to find someone with the information I need.

  About an hour later, I learn that information is cheap here. I return to my office to grab my purse. When I open the door, I see Mark; shit, I forgot about our date.

  I stand tall and walk in. “Hello, Mark, have you been waiting long?”

  “No, not at all. Are you ready?”

  “I’m sorry, Mark, but something came up. I need to leave to take care of it.”

  “Will it take long?”

  I smile at him and say, “No, it shouldn’t, I just have to relay a message.”

  “Great, then I don’t see why we should have to change our plans. I’ll drive you, and after we can still go out to eat. I really don’t want to postpone our night.”

  I think it over, then tell him, “Fine, that sounds good, but you might not like what you see. I might get rather bitchy when I relay this message.”

  He chuckles. “I’d love to see you bitchy. Shall we go?”

  He waves his arm for me to lead the way. We drive to where I was guaranteed that Zander would be. It’s an upscale strip club, and it’s exactly where I would picture Zander to be.

  Once Mark parks, I make a move to get out of the car, but Mark stops me. “Are you sure you want to do this right now?”

  “Yes, why? Is it because it’s a strip club? Mark, you know I ran one, this doesn’t bother me.”

  “Would you mind if I waited for you here?”

  “No, that’s fine. I told you I shouldn’t be long.”

  “Great, I’ll be waiting.”

  I get out of the car, wondering what the hell that was all about. When I told Mark the name of the place I had to go to, he started acting strange. Whatever, right now I have to find Zander and tell his ass off.

  Once inside the club, I look around. I’m excited to see it’s a refined club like ours. At least Zander doesn’t go to the riff-raff clubs. Those clubs are just breeding grounds for the lowest of the low.

  As I’m looking around, I finally spot him. He’s reclining back into a chair as a stripper is giving him a lap dance. Perfect, he just showed me he’s like all the rest. I walk over to where they are, and he still hasn’t seen me yet, so I sit down across from him, crossing my legs, and enjoy the show for a minute.

  Then I say, “You seem to be enjoying her.”

  His hands stop the girl from dancing, and he sits up. With his hands still on her, he says casually, “I was. What’s up, Red? How did you find me?”

  “The old-fashion way, money.”

  He releases the girl and leans back again as she begins grinding on him like before.

  I smile at his nerve. I reach over after another minute and tell her, “Here, honey, give us a moment. It shouldn’t take him long to finish with me, if you know what I mean.”

  I hold up a hundred-dollar bill, and she gets off Zander and comes to collect. What surprises me is that she bends and whispers in my ear how she’s more interested in me than him.

  “Sorry, sweetheart, the only pussy I like is my own.”

  She takes the hundred and blows me a kiss as she struts away.

  Zander laughs when he hears my comment. “Don’t tell me she hit on you?”

  “Does it surprise you?”

  “No, actually, it doesn’t. So, Red, you’re strictly dickly, then?”

  “Why would you care?”

  “Because I’m jealous. I have a dick right here, and it
could be yours.”

  I laugh and say, “I’ve already had that dick. Plus, I don’t think the dick I have waiting in the car would appreciate that.”

  “So, you have a date? Then why are you here?”

  “To tell you to back off. I’ve had enough, Zander. You and your family don’t scare me. Your threats are not going to make me leave. If you ever threaten my mother again, I’ll…”

  His posture becomes threatening. “You’ll what, Red? I don’t know what you’re talking about. I never threatened you, and I sure in the hell wouldn’t threaten your mother. It’s not my style.”

  “Don’t lie to me, just stop it. It’s not going to work. I don’t know how my father got into the trouble that he was in, but I’ll figure it out and I’ll take care of it. Just give me time, I don’t need you or your goons threatening my life.”

  Zander jumps up and grabs me, pulling me up to him. “I told you, Red. I didn’t threaten you, and no one in my family would threaten you either. I already told them you’re off limits.”

  At first I was scared when he grabbed me, but now I see in his eyes that he’s telling me the truth. “All right, I’m sorry. Forget I mentioned anything to you.”

  “You need to tell me about these threats.”

  “Look, I’m sorry, Zander. I believe you, but I don’t need to tell you anything. Excuse me, I have a date waiting for me.”

  He releases me, and I walk out of the club.



  I was enjoying myself until Red came strolling in. I was only here to try to get her off my mind. The last two days have been hell forcing myself to not see or even contact her. But then she comes and accuses me of threatening her.

  I feel a hand on my shoulder as I watch Red storm out the door. Then I hear, “Is everything all right over here?”

  I turn to Theo and say, “Yeah, things are just peachy.”

  Theo owns this joint and a lot of other things, but lately his son Teddy’s been running the club.

  I sit down and order another drink. Theo sits across from me.

  He starts, “Is she the one from the party?’

  I decide to tell him, “Yep, she’s the one.”

  “Very nice, I see the appeal.”

  Knowing he’s referring to her looks, I laugh and say, “She’s more than that.”

  Theo leans back in his chair and says, “I see.”

  My drink is delivered, and Theo asks, “So what was the problem? I saw you get aggressive with her.”

  I shoot daggers at him. “It’s not like that, I would never hurt her or any woman.”

  “I didn’t think you would, son.” Theo always takes me by surprise with how liberal he is by calling me ‘son’ all the time. I had a father, and he was a piece of shit. I don’t need Theo thinking I need another.

  He speaks up again. “She seems like a real spitfire.”

  I chuckle and say, “You have no idea.”

  “Well, I think someone with a little spunk would be good for you. So again I’ll ask, what happened?”

  “She thinks I threatened her and her mom.”

  “Did you?”

  “No! She’s Murphy Larussa’s daughter.”

  “Really? Wait a minute, that’s why she looked familiar. She must be Cherry’s daughter?”

  “Cherry. I’ve heard that name. The hotel she’s staying at is registered to Cherry’s. She must be her daughter. Did you know her mom?”

  Theo starts laughing and says, “Yes, son, I knew the very famous Cherry.”


  “Yes, Cherry was the best stripper in almost the whole country. Men use to flock to those curves that she obviously passed down to her daughter. Wow, Cherry and Murphy had a daughter. I haven’t seen her in years, she was a good lady. She might have been a stripper, but she was very respectable, a class act.”

  “Did you ever have a thing with her? You know what I mean.”

  He shakes his head. “Never, Murphy had her on lockdown. Men could look but not touch. I will say I did look a lot, though.”

  We both laugh, and I say, “I understand that.”

  “So she’s Murphy’s. Is that why she thinks you threatened her?”

  “I guess, but I didn’t, and I told my mom to back off.”

  “What do you mean, you told Catherine to back off?”

  “Just that. I told her I would handle her the way I wanted and that she’s off limits. So, if she did, I’ll…”

  “You’ll what, Zander? You’ve already gone to bat for this girl with your mom. What else would you do? Would you be willing to go to war with Catherine over her?”

  I look into my drink, thinking about what Theo asked. Would I be willing to let Red go? No, I don’t think I could, and if I can’t, then yes, I would go to war for her.

  “I hope it won’t get to that. But yes, I would go to war with my mom if I had to.”

  Theo twirls his drink and looks around, then says, “That’s a bad spot to be in, my boy, but if you need anything, you can call me. I won’t do anything to hurt Catherine, but maybe you could find some use for me.”

  I think about his offer. Why would he say that? My mother and Theo go back a long time. Why would he offer to help me against her, even if he said he wouldn’t do anything to hurt her? He should still have more loyalty than that. But I do know something he can help me with right now.

  “I do need something.”

  “What can I do?”

  “Red said she had someone waiting for her in the parking lot. Can I see your security footage?”

  “Boy, I know where this is going. Come on, I’ll show you.”

  We walk off to the back of the club and into the security room. Theo has state of the art equipment, I knew he would. He’s the type of man who can’t afford to be surprised by anything. He asks the man operating the footage to roll it back a few minutes. And then I see it. She’s walking to a car, and a man gets out to open her door.

  “Hey, can you tighten in on his face?”

  The guy nods and does what I asked. Theo and I say at the same time, “Mark Hebert.”

  “Oh, this is going to be fun. No wonder he didn’t come in; he was worried about the girls calling him out.”

  Theo puts his hand back on my shoulder and says, “Don’t get into any trouble, Zander.”

  “Me? Never. I’m just going to kill him if he’s touched her.”

  I don’t wait for a response. I need to find my mom, and then Red.

  Once I’m in my car, I call Vin. “Hey, man.”

  “I’m going to ask you one time, Vin, and only once: did you threaten Murphy Larussa or her mother?”

  “No! I didn’t. Look, man, I know what you said, I know she’s off limits, but if your mom asked me to, then yes, I would have. But she didn’t, Zander, so that means I didn’t.”

  “Where is she, Vin? Where’s mom?”

  “She’s at the casino, eating with the girls.”

  Before I hang up, I figure I could ask him to do something for me. “Vin, I need you to find someone for me. I need to know where Mark Hebert is right now.”

  “You got it. I’ll call when I get his location.”

  Now to confront my mom. She might not have asked Vin to do it, but she could have gotten any of our people to. I arrive at the casino in record time and go straight to the restaurant, where I see my mom, Fallon, and Avery, all eating.

  “Hello, Mother.”

  I sit down, ignoring the girls. Then I ask, “Have you gone behind my back, Mother, and threatened Murphy Larussa?”

  She looks at me like she’s ready to slap the shit out of me.

  “I don’t owe you an answer, Zander, but only because you’re my son, I’ll answer your question. No, Zander, I did not, but I will if I have to.”

  Fallon and Avery get up from the table just in time.

  “I’ve put up with your antics, Zander, but it’s enough. You hear me, boy? You asked me for time, and I am giving it to you, but
one way or another, I will get that casino.”

  “Well, Mom, you might find it interesting that if you didn’t threaten her, someone else is in the game.”


  “I don’t know, but I plan on finding out.”

  I stand to leave, but my mom grabs my arm. “Zander, please, son, I don’t like what’s going on between us. What is it with this girl?”

  I lay my hand on hers and say, “I don’t know, Mom. I know it’s fast, but somehow she got under my skin and I can’t shake her off.”

  Shocked, she releases my arm. Without kissing her cheek, I walk away.

  Now to find Red. I call Vin. “Hey, brother, you have that location for me?”

  “I was just about to call you. He’s at Brennan’s with who by her description can only be Murphy.”

  “That would be her. Thanks, I owe you one.”

  I hang up and race to the restaurant. I valet park, then make my way in. The hostess greets me, knowing exactly who I am.

  “Mr. Stern, a table for one?”

  “Yes. If I can, I’d like to pay you in advance. I don’t think I’ll be staying for long. You see that couple right there? I’ll throw in an extra hundred if you can get me the table right next to them.”

  “Yes, sir. Follow me.”

  I slip three hundred into her palm and follow her to Red. Once she shows me my table, I pretend to finally see them.

  “Mark, is that you?”

  He stands and shakes my hand. “Zander, it’s been a while. I would like you to meet Murphy Larussa.”

  I give her my winning smile. and tell Mark. “I’m afraid we’ve already met, Mark. Listen, it’s been a long time. How are the wife and kids?”


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