Ripped Open (The Infected: Ripped to Shreds Book 2)

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Ripped Open (The Infected: Ripped to Shreds Book 2) Page 30

by P. S. Power

  Playing it cool, Cindy smiled at her.

  “I have to go and testify in a secret meeting for congress. So that means going to D.C. Where Rachel is right now? Marcia thought that it would be a good idea for you to get to see the capital, so we’re taking Lauren with us. Rachel is meeting us there, so for you three it will be a bit like a vacation. Now me, I have to work through most of it. We won’t be gone too long. A day or two, most likely.”

  That got a slow nod. The kid didn’t believe her after all. She wouldn’t, until after the thing had passed, and she wasn’t left there, hoping her new family would finally like her.

  “Brian is taking us in. Teleporting. If you want, he’ll bring you back here at night. Lauren too, I bet. The thing there is that part of his power makes him go and fight people sometimes.”

  Sara knew that part. How he took people’s place when they were about to die. It had happened to her once, after all. Then Brian had rescued her and took her there, to meet the IPB people. They didn’t even kill her, though that had been what she’d been told would happen. If she wasn’t good, the IPB would come and end her forever.

  Except they hadn’t.

  “Okay. I like Brian.”

  Wren nodded. She looked to be about fifteen, which was younger than Cindy had figured her to be by about six years or so. It was right, she realized, and Taman had done a perfect job that way. It meant she needed to be in school, not running their front desk.

  She was also smart enough to realize what she’d seen.

  “Oh! I know, you can copy his powers, and then teleport around whenever you want. Just don’t do the part that makes him have to take people’s place. That would suck.”

  Cindy didn’t let herself tense up, even as Felicia, who was about twenty-six, and Lobo, both caught on to the idea that Sara had that ability.

  Instead she made a face.

  “Actually, grab a copy of Sinclair’s power for that first, and practice. Though really, you need to remember to pretend not to have any powers. Especially on the trip. The rest of you need to remember that. She isn’t even Infected, in her teen form. Right? You need to set that up really firmly, Sara. Don’t slip up in that shape.”

  It was strange, but both Wren and Lobo nodded then.

  The former bird girl went wide eyed, things clicking into place that the others were missing.

  “Yes. I can see that. I’m not Infected either… Keith is the same right? We just do admin things here? Felicia… Well, no one is buying that from you. Still, when you get taller, you’ll be able to pass. At least if you dress down a bit. You’re gorgeous, by the way. That’s a great plan though, Cindy. We’re all just people that work here.”

  The words got Marcia to come out of her office, still there for the day, even if it was too late.

  She looked at everyone and then sneered a bit. She was trying to smile happily, but didn’t actually recognize any of them. Not exactly. Except Sara. That meant the tiny girl was the one she addressed first.

  “Who are these folks then? Friends of yours?” She was thinking they might be from a different world, since it had come up as an option for invasion in recent days.

  The little girl nodded and took Felicia by the hand.

  “This is Soar? From Team Two. She’ll get big and that man said she can still fly and has a… Field now?”

  Felicia nodded firmly, her voice was high pitched, but not unpleasant.

  “A force field. I don’t have the specs on those yet, but Timon seemed to think that my flying ability will actually increase and that not a lot will be able to hit me. I guess my powers were actually just flight of some kind, not the shape I ended up in? That was just one way for them to express themselves.”

  Then Sara patted the man on the leg.

  “This is Mr. Lobo. Keith… Brainless?”

  Cindy forced a considering look, but shook her head.

  “Bayless. He actually seems smart enough.”

  The guy didn’t blink, or seem upset at all about the name calling. Probably due to the fact that he had skin and fingers now. That was too cool to be ignored over little things like what a kid said.

  Cindy explained that.

  “Shape shifter. Like Lauren? Only that wasn’t in his original power set. Timon built that part for him.”

  The boss didn’t know who she was either, even though she couldn’t be that different looking. Her cheekbones were a bit higher maybe, but she was still a blonde and had blue eyes. Now they were just so light that they looked like ice, that was all.

  Sara did Wren next.

  “I helped with her. She’s pretty.”

  Cindy nodded, since it was true. Felicia was prettier, but that was by design. Wren looked like a real girl that her parents might have had. One that could eventually even go home, and out in public without anyone guessing who she was.

  “She can also knock a person out with a scream, turn water into steam, start fires and break solid objects with her voice. She always had that power, by the way.”

  Wren looked at her funny, and shook her head.

  “No… I just sang well. That’s all.”

  Cindy coughed. It wasn’t real, but she covered the smile on her face for a second.

  “That’s what you thought. No, you have an actual ability. Taman didn’t even change that part. The powers… Something about those make them have to stay the same. At least the intent of them.”

  She waved then, and explained herself to the boss.

  “Right, it’s Cindy. I’m still me. I also kind of have your powers. Not as cool, of course. I should grow taller, too. About five-six or so? My own powers are still intact, so…”

  She was punched, hard. Right in the face. It knocked her backwards, since she hadn’t been ready for it at all. Marcia stood there, waiting, as she stood back up. Unharmed, even if a super powered woman had just tried to kill her.

  “Really? You couldn’t have warned me first? Or gotten me outside? What if I’d started bleeding? It would be all over the carpet in here.” The blow, clearly powerful, hadn’t even tickled. She’d moved, but there was no discomfort from any of it. Not even where her hands had slid along the short pile of the flooring. It should have ripped skin off, but she was fine.

  Ms. Turner nodded then.

  “Right. All of you, outside, now. We’re testing your abilities. All of them. You, super-tramp, you’re up first. We’re running. Once around the perimeter. Loser has to make the coffee in the morning for the next month. Ready?” She didn’t wait, starting to run before her next word. “Go!”

  Marcia won, of course. Not just because of her cheating, either. She was about ten percent faster over all. Stronger too, by nearly twice as much, when they got to the gym to test that portion of things. So it was similar, but not exactly the same, power wise. On the good side, Cin was bullet proof now. Marcia tested that for her the simple way. By shooting her.

  Soar really could still fly, and she seemed to have better control of it now. Instead of flapping her arms, she just directed the whole thing with her mind. It was graceful, and faster when she tried to actually make herself really move. Before she’d been able to fly a little over a hundred miles per hour. Now it was more like the speed of sound. She could also float. Just hanging in the air without moving, if she wanted to. Even while carrying people, which had been really hard for her to do before. What she didn’t have was super strength, so that part was dicey.

  Cindy ended up being dropped from about fifty feet up, several times, while they checked that part out. It didn’t hurt at all.

  When Lobo lobbed a slow and careful slap at Felicia, it hovered about two inches from her skin. Then, ramping things up slowly, Marcia tried to hit her, until the ground shook under their feet from the effort.

  “Impressive! Now, Lobo, into armored form and back?”

  That just turned him into what he’d been before, which was exactly the same as it always had been. On the good side, he could do it pretty fast, and when Marcia
shot him, in the thigh, changing into his other form and back fixed the problem. No one mentioned that she had no way of knowing that would work. She’d just wanted to see if he’d get into his armor fast enough to protect himself.

  The answer was no, and seemed to hurt, but the man just grinned after it was over.

  Marcia did as well.

  Then Wren, who suggested they could call her that if they wanted, or Lydia, got to practice yelling at things. She managed to make a glass of water boil, and then broke it. She wasn’t great at doing that kind of thing yet, but the idea was a new one to her. On the good side, her control was so complete that it wasn’t that loud when she tried things.

  “Niiiice. Okay kids, this seemed to have worked out pretty well. Now, don’t let things go to your heads. That means safe sex, got it? All of you. We don’t need babies around here.” She looked down at Sara, and instead of apologizing, since she was little and her kind always had that forbidden, the woman just nodded.

  “You too. Actually, I heard that Rachel is saying that it’s a no go on dating until you turn fourteen? The same for the rest of you. Wren, that means you can date, but no sex until you’re legal, understood? Even if the guy, or gal, says they love you.” She clearly meant it, inside and out.

  Wren was already planning to get some anyway. As a bird that hadn’t been likely. Now she was even cute. Keeping her from that kind of thing wasn’t happening.

  Cindy snorted then, and smiled.

  “Except that I’ll totally snitch on you, if you go against a direct order that way. Also, we need to get her into classes. I’ll ask if Lauren can set up a program for her?”

  Marcia looked at her, and it was almost cold, at first.

  “Good plan. In fact, make sure that everyone here has at least a G.E.D. We need to cover driving as well. Lobo… Keith? You should be good for a driver’s license now. I know you can drive, so let’s make that legal. Firearms training, too. For all of you.” She considered Sara, but didn’t say she couldn’t do that too. After all, if she blew her hand off, she could grow a new one.

  It would be a teachable moment.

  Looking down at herself, Cindy sighed.

  “I need to get some other clothing going on. Then, I’ll meet the rest of you for a late night snack? We need Lauren. So we can plan the trip out and talk educational opportunities.”

  Felicia looked at herself and smiled as well. She had on a small t-shirt and some shorts. Those had both been borrowed, it seemed, and were half falling off of her, since she was so tiny it wasn’t even funny.

  “I need to do the same. How that’s going to work I don’t know… Well, normal world problems! I’ll take it.” She had to pull her shorts up, which had slipped about halfway down in the back.

  The others agreed to meet them, and Cindy jogged, a good bit faster than she would have been able to before, and managed to find a skirt that still fit, even though her hips were broader now, and a blouse that left a lot of room at her almost non-existent waist, and had to be unbuttoned at the top. She honestly wasn’t that huge, but nearly didn’t seem like a real woman any longer.

  None of her bras fit though. Not even close. On the good side, her girls were apparently like Marcia’s, in that they were defying gravity perfectly. It got her some looks as she got into the dining hall. Mainly from Bridget, who waved at her. She was already with the others, except for Felicia. She hadn’t made it in yet.

  “Hiya! Looking good! Sara was just telling me that you planned to dump her in D.C. and run off to be a showgirl?” Her face was deadpanned, and it was clear that the kid had only been sharing her worries about the world, not saying that Cin would do that to her. Just that everyone else always had.

  Lauren was busily making eyes at Lobo. Given everything, she didn’t blame the woman. The guy was cute enough, and seemed pleasant, really. She could do worse.

  “Not happening. We’re taking a trip, but she’s going to have a guard the whole time. Rachel, Lauren or myself. I even have super powers that don’t suck now, so I can do my part.” She pretended to make a muscle, which meant that Bridget felt her arm up.

  “That… Is actually pretty solid. Neat. What else can you do?” There was poking then, which seemed gentle, but started making louder and louder clicks as she was repeatedly stabbed by a tiny finger. Including in the chest, which barely moved when it happened.

  “That’s so cool. I should go with you. To Washington? I have friends there.”

  Cindy thought about it, and then shrugged. Sara looked hopeful about the idea, because she actually trusted Bridget not to get rid of her. She was a kid too, but also strong, and wouldn’t let them throw her away. At least Sara thought that was the case.

  “Can she? Please?” It wasn’t plaintive, and the girl obviously expected to be told no. After all, it wouldn’t make sense for Bridget to go, if she were being sent to a new home.

  “Sure? If we can clear it all. She’ll need a disguise though. Otherwise everyone will pester us for autographs the whole time, and we won’t get any sightseeing done.”

  It was interesting, but Bridget smiled at that bit.

  “I can do that one. I have mad disguise skills. When do we leave? I need to get some things ready.”

  Cindy had to think about that for a bit, but she actually knew the answer.

  “Tomorrow, after I talk to Rachel about it? Now…” She waved to Felicia, who was dressed up in a very tiny tan uniform. She had the cuffs folded up, but it still kind of fit her. It said Peterson over the pocket, which made total sense. It would either have to be Tobin’s or Bridget’s.

  “Soar, over here! We’re doing a planning session thing!”

  After all, given all the changes, someone was going to have to.

  Chapter eleven

  Cindy honestly would have suspected that traveling with a child would be harder than just going to a new place, if anyone would have asked her beforehand. It was the kind of thing that simply made sense, even if you didn’t have experience with that kind of thing. Kids had little bladders, wanted ice-cream and got uncomfortable on long plane flights. Worse, they didn’t know how to procure those items, comfort and food, for themselves.

  As it turned out, she was about half right.

  Sara was a little difficult, but managed to travel pretty well, since they were flying via Brian’s instant teleportation airlines. The only real problem there was that she wanted to produce a copy of Sinclair’s power, to add to her supposedly non-Infected teen girl disguise. Which, even after Cindy explained the idea to her again, not using any powers, she still wanted to do. Her idea was that if she was left behind, holding a single bag, on some stranger’s doorstep, she’d be able to get away, if she had that kind of power. It wouldn’t require her to be able to use it even.

  Just having it would allow her to escape, eventually.

  Cindy looked at the seven-year-old, who currently seemed like a young adult, and nodded. After all, in her world that kind of thing, being abandoned, was the most likely thing that was about to happen. Claiming that she couldn’t protect herself from it was pretty much going to be letting her know that it was the actual plan.

  “All right. You have to be careful though. Add it to this form, but make sure you don’t use any of your abilities once we get there. That would give you away, and the plan is for you to not be known as Infected in public. Life is easier that way, because some people are kind of bigoted.” Which was true, but the real reason was still a bit different than that.

  If the government found out about the girl, what she might be able to do someday, then the best plan would be to kill her, right where she stood. That day. Explaining that was going to be kind of hard however, since the girl didn’t get that part of things yet. If she found out, then odds were she was going to panic over it, start adding powers to protect herself, and flee as fast as she could.

  That wouldn’t end well for anyone.

  “I know. Thank you, Cindy.” For some reason the girl hugged her th

  Not that she didn’t get it. To her little mind, Cin was being nice to her, and making certain that she wouldn’t be abandoned. Which was true. Not that she needed to be able to teleport for that to happen.

  “No problem, kiddo. Just keep to the script for the trip. You’re a regular girl for this one. If you do that well, we can move to the next step of your special training.” She was making that part up, but only a little bit. The girl could change her form at will, which meant that she’d need to gain skills in a lot of different areas.

  Which had Cindy stared at, with a bit of disbelief.


  “Yup. Meditation, and learning to control different kinds of powers, so you can be a real hero someday. It isn’t just enough to be really strong or fast…” Stretching, which felt like nothing much to her now, even as she reached up toward the ceiling, she sighed. “Not that I know about that kind of thing. Of course, you can also be a dentist, if you want. Or an accountant. Just having abilities shouldn’t make it so that you can’t be whatever you want.”

  “You mean I can be a princess, if I want?” The words over the girl spoke of her actually knowing that one wasn’t real, and that she was playing with Cindy, since almost no one got that she knew what a joke was yet. Mainly they thought she wouldn’t understand that kind of thing, but she did. Mostly.

  Cin winked at her.

  “Honestly? Most girls can’t pull that off, but you just might. I wouldn’t bother with it though. If you can be anything you want, that one should probably come in like, number ten on your list? Maybe lower. Just before politician.” She grinned, and they were able to grab their bags from their rooms. They’d already packed, which had taken some shopping in town, since neither of them really had clothing that was going to fit in their current forms.

  So far Cindy wasn’t that impressed with her new powers. She liked the fact that she wasn’t being hurt constantly, but that was most days, regardless. Her little bag, which was a single, fairly small, cloth thing, that merged into a hanging sack like thing, didn’t weigh very much, so super strength wasn’t actually helping her at the moment.


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