One Size Fits All (The Classy ‘n’ Sassy Series Book 3)

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One Size Fits All (The Classy ‘n’ Sassy Series Book 3) Page 12

by Stephanie Haefner

  He looked around the bar. It was pretty crowded, but he instantly found Penny, tray of drinks in hand, handling it like a boss. He watched her, full of smiles, wishing she would turn and flash him one. But more people came through the door and he had to return to his duties.

  As the band tuned up, more people streamed in. Penny sailed by with another tray of drinks, and this time she met his gaze with the same look she’d had in that photo. His dick instantly twitched.

  She bent to set the tray on a table and holy fuck did he want to grab on to those hips and pull that luscious ass against him. He started to lose himself in lustful visions, but was jolted back to reality when the guy in the booth put his hand on her arm, a slight tug.

  Thor was there in two seconds flat.

  “Thanks for the offer, but I really need to get back to work,” she said.

  “Come on. Sit. Have a shot with us,” the guy said. He was older, sitting with a woman and another couple of similar age, but Thor didn’t like it. Regardless if it was Penny or not, it was his job to protect the waitresses.

  “Everything okay here?” he asked, sidling up next to her, his glare on the guy.

  “Perfect,” he said. “Having some drinks.”

  Thor turned his attention on Penny. “You okay?”

  “I’m fine,” she said, obviously feeling unthreatened by the man.

  “Okay.” Thor gave another pointed look at the man and stepped away, back to his post. Penny finished unloading her tray onto the table then headed for him.

  “Thanks for that, but it really wasn’t necessary. The guy was harmless.”

  “I just wanted to make sure. We get a lot of assholes in here, and mixed with too much liquor, they become predators. So just be careful, okay?”

  “I appreciate the concern. It’s good to know you’re watching out for me.”

  When he sat on his stool, she was the same height as him. He wanted to pull her between his thighs, his arms tight around her petite body. Kiss her until all sounds faded around them, until every last person in that bar besides them disappeared.

  “Uh . . . Did Seth or Shelly show you where we keep the napkins and stuff?”

  He couldn’t wait until the end of the night. He needed to kiss her now.

  “No,” she replied slowly, curiosity in her eyes.

  “I’ll show you. Right now.” He grabbed her hand as the band took the stage. The bar could be minus a waitress and bouncer for a few minutes. He led her toward the back and through the doors leading to the kitchen. He took the tray from her and set it down, trying not to run as they headed for the small supply closet.

  Thor yanked the door open, confused for a moment at what he found. A naked pasty-white ass pumping away. A pair of legs in the air, wrapped around the ass, bright red heels. Seth had Shelly off the ground and up against a shelf of toilet paper and napkins, neither of them noticing they’d been caught.

  Thor cleared his throat, trying not to laugh. Shelly’s eyelids popped open and Seth ceased thrusting.

  “I thought there was no fucking on the job,” Thor said, refusing to hold the laughter in any longer.

  Seth turned to him, sly smile. “I own the place, so I’m allowed to break the rules.”


  “Now can you get back to work so we can finish?”

  Shelly looked mortified, but a smile crept onto her face anyway.

  “Whatever you say, boss.”

  Thor closed the door and Penny giggled beside him.

  “I can’t believe that just happened,” she said.

  “I can.” He’d known Seth for years. It was no surprise. He’d have to be blind to miss the heat between him and Shelly, which had been there for as long as he could remember. He wondered how long they’d been screwing around, and if it was anything serious.

  But that was a conversation Thor could have with his friend later. Now that his not-so-secret make-out spot was taken, and the bar was short a waitress and a bartender, they needed to get back out there. But not without at least one kiss first.

  Thor bent and pressed a soft kiss to Penny’s lips, his tongue gliding between her teeth. Just a taste. “That was a preview of what’s to come later.”

  “I can’t wait.”

  They headed back to the bar and their jobs, but not without thoughts of what the night would bring after work. Thor wanted Penny more than ever. The rest of the night was going to drag by.


  PENNY FINALLY got her key in the lock and the door open. Normally this was a simple act, but not tonight. Not with Theo behind her, his lips on her neck, his tongue tracing a line from her earlobe, down her neck. He tugged the neckline of her tee away from her skin, continuing across her shoulder. So. Damn. Hot.

  She spun around, instantly connecting her lips to his, her arms around his neck, and stepped backward. He followed and the door slammed shut. Articles of clothing seemed to magically disappear from their bodies and by the time they reached her bed, she was naked and he was just in boxer briefs.

  “I’ve been fantasizing about this all day,” he said, and lifted her up, laying her across the paisley duvet. “And this is so much better than that picture or any of my daydreams.”

  “But you liked the picture?” she asked as his mouth sizzled against her skin, his tongue circling her nipple.

  “Oh yeah.” He nipped at her hardened bud, sending a wave of pleasure through her body. “You can send more of those, anytime you want.”

  “Does it turn you on?”

  Theo gave one last flick to her nipple and moved back to her lips, a hand sliding down her body to find her center. He dipped a finger in, then two, and she could tell she was already dripping. “Everything about you turns me on,” he murmured between kisses.

  “Next time I want a picture of you.”

  “I can do that. What do you want me to take a picture of?” Theo’s mouth left hers and he went back to her breasts. Damn, she liked that so much more than she used to. Maybe it was the person doing the licking and flicking.

  She reached between them, to the elastic band of his briefs. She hadn’t touched him yet, hadn’t been able to see for herself if the rumors were true. If the lead pipe against her leg was an indication, they were totally true. She reached in, grabbing hold, and it felt smooth and thick, throbbing with every beat of his rampant heart.

  “This. Right here. This is what I want,” she said, her words ragged, breathless. “I want it now.”

  Desperation filled her in a way she’d never felt before. It sounded so cliché, but if she didn’t have him immediately, she just might die.

  He groaned as she stroked the length of him and felt him thrust into her hand. With a final flick of her nipple, he pulled away. Her body shivered without him there to cover her. Theo stood at the side of her bed and pushed his boxers down, over muscular mounds of ass, revealing the part of him she had most been anticipating.

  Damn. Every last rumor was true. It was a freaking masterpiece.

  Penny watched Theo’s glorious ass retreat out of her room, bending to pick up his discarded jeans. But when he returned, he wore an odd expression—and not one of a man who was about to get laid.

  “Do you have a condom?”

  She shook her head. “No. Don’t you?”

  “I haven’t needed one in . . . a while.”

  That certainly made her feel good.

  “It’s fine. We don’t need one,” she said, ignoring the feelings that were bubbling up.

  Theo crawled back to her, immediately pressing a kiss to her lips. That was one great way to make her forget her problems.

  “Are you on the pill?” he asked, moving those delicious lips to her neck.

  “No. But it’s fine.”

  His head popped up. “We can’t just not use anything.”

; Avoidance was key here. Penny grabbed for his cock again, stroking, an attempt to make him forget whatever he was going to say. She kissed him and wiggled out from underneath, then pushed him flat on his back. She straddled him, rubbing her wetness along his shaft. He groaned again, eyelids fluttering shut.

  She positioned herself, ready to take him fully, finally feel that beautiful piece of manhood inside her, filling her.

  “Wait,” he said. “We need to use some kind of birth control.”

  “We don’t need it,” she said, a little gruffer this time, avoiding his eyes. She couldn’t look at him when she said it. She just wanted to be wrapped in his arms, lost in his taste and scent, the magic of his hands on her body. “I won’t get pregnant. I promise.”

  She leaned back down and kissed his neck then moved to suck his earlobe, but his hands had stopped moving. He was completely still.

  “What’s wrong?” she asked, still refusing to look at him. If she could just get the sex started, they could forget all this and just relax and have fun.

  “Penny,” he said, and she recognized the tone. Pity. He put his hands on her and gently moved her off of him. “Talk to me.”

  “I don’t want to talk. I want to fuck.” She tried to kiss him, but he stopped her. He tilted her chin, her gaze finally meeting his, and that was it. The tears she’d tried to hold inside spilled out, and they kept coming. He cradled her against his chest as she wept, rubbing circles on her back.

  They lay there, even after she stopped crying. Theo let go of her only for the few seconds it took to flip off the bedside lamp and pull her comforter over them. She snuggled back into his embrace, praying he’d let it go and not ask. She didn’t want to tell him what was wrong with her. What if he didn’t like what she said? What if he left? They hadn’t discussed their relationship or where it was going yet, but would any guy want a woman who couldn’t give him a child? This was the first time she’d given that any thought, and she didn’t like the answer she came up with.

  But Penny felt safe and warm. The guy was amazing. And he deserved to know what he was getting himself into. She had to tell him. She had to offer him the facts and give him the opportunity to walk away. It was the right thing to do. It’d hurt like hell if he ended it, but better now than later, right?

  “I need to tell you something,” she started.

  He kissed the top of her head. “You don’t have to if you don’t want to. We can just lay here.”

  “I know, and I thank you for that, but we can’t continue with . . . whatever this is until I tell you.”


  It was dark, but moonlight illuminated his features. So caring, so concerned. Penny hated to tell him. This might be the last time she lay in his arms.

  “I . . . um . . .” She took a deep breath, his arms still around her, still caressing her skin. “I can’t have children.”

  His eyes widened, just a bit, and she couldn’t tell if he was trying to hide shock. “Oh,” was all he said.

  “Jack and I tried to get pregnant for so long. It didn’t happen, and obviously it’s not him, since he got that other woman pregnant so fast. So it must be me.”

  He pulled her close again. “I’m sorry.”

  She was glad she couldn’t see his face when she said her next words. “I know we haven’t talked about us or what this thing even is, but I understand if you want to break it off.”

  Confusion crossed his face. “What? Why?”

  “Well . . .” She shrugged, willing her tears to stay put. “Most guys want to someday have a family, and I can’t give you that. So I understand if you want to move on . . .” The last few words stuck in her throat but she forced them out anyway. “. . . and find someone else.”

  Theo traced the line of her eyebrow with his fingertip, then her cheek and jaw. He traced the line between her lips, as a tear trailed down her face to the pillow.

  “I want you. Nothing else matters.”

  He cupped her cheek and pressed his lips to hers, a soft kiss, then tucked her back into the comfort of his arms. They drifted off to sleep like that.

  Maybe everything would work out just fine.

  CHAPTER Sixteen

  Penny felt warm and secure, still tucked into Theo’s arms. This was the right way to wake up. He gave her a squeeze, sizzling lips on the back of her neck. Man, did she love that. A shiver traveled the length of her body and she spun in his arms, no desire for morning pleasantries. She wanted him. His hands on her, his lips and tongue to explore her body. She wanted to explore his just as intimately. He returned her kiss, holding her tight. He wanted her, too. The evidence was pressed against her thigh. She moved her hand between them to stroke it, her palm itching to grasp it.

  “Mmm,” he groaned against her as she wrapped her hand around him, using the tiny drip of pre-cum to massage it.

  “It’ll feel even better once you’re inside me.”

  “Uh-uh,” he murmured against her lips. “Not without a condom.”

  She gripped him tighter, rubbing her thumb over the head. His body tensed, abs like freaking rocks. “I want you so bad,” she whispered, then trailed her tongue along his jawline. “I already told you. We don’t need a condom.”

  He gently pushed her back, his gaze burning into hers. It was full of care and concern, and maybe even something else. “You don’t know that for sure.”

  Penny tried not to let the tears overtake her. “I do. I know it in my heart.”

  “Well, I think your heart is wrong about this. I think he just wasn’t the right man for you.” He let the corner of his lips turn upward. “And I’m pretty positive I have super sperm. It’s way better than his and would surely knock you up in one shot.”

  That made her laugh. “Conceited much?”

  “Not really. But it made you laugh.”

  Penny told her tears to stay away as she gazed at this wonderful man in her arms. “You’re amazing.”

  “Nah. You’re the one who’s amazing.”

  He pressed his lips to hers again and all she wanted to do was pleasure him. Make him feel even a teeny bit as good as he made her feel. She reached down again, determined to continue what he’d interrupted moments earlier, but once again he stopped her.

  “We both need to be out of here in an hour.”

  “So? I’m sure I can get you off in less time than that.” She giggled and tried to shake free of his grip.

  He pressed another kiss to her lips, then a peck on her nose. “I don’t want to just get off.”


  He stopped her with another kiss.

  “Trust me,” he said when he pulled back, something naughty in those gorgeous eyes of his. “When we finally do it, it’ll be great and so much more than just a quick orgasm. I need a whole lot more than an hour to do all the things I plan to do to your body.”

  She sure liked the sound of that. How the hell was she going to concentrate at work now?

  But it was so much more than the sexual attraction between them. Last night, the way he’d held her and listened. He cared about her, not about her baby-making abilities. And as she lay there now, in his arms, his fingertips tracing the curve of her eyebrows, the dip of her lips, she knew. She was falling for him.

  After another soft kiss, he pulled back. “I should go so you can get ready for work.” He started to peel away, but she yanked him back.

  “Not so fast!”

  Laughter turned into another steamy kiss, her legs wrapped around his waist, wishing they could forget the responsibilities ahead and stay in that moment.

  Theo’s kisses traveled between her breasts, but then his head popped up. Damn it! “How about we continue this later? The bar’s closed tonight for a private event, so we have the night free. I’ll pick you up after work and we’ll do something fun.”

  “Does this ‘
something fun’ include us being naked?”

  “Maybe. You’ll have to wait and see.”

  Yep. She was head over heels.


  THOR LEFT Penny’s place, back in his jeans and Red Brick tee. The night before had been intense. He’d been so hot for her, so ready to finally have her. Only an idiot would forget to shove a few condoms in his wallet.

  But it had been for the best anyway. Penny had opened up to him. Normally a conversation like that would send him running for the door. But not with Penny. He liked comforting her, being there for her. Their connection was now ten times stronger.

  Holy shit! A connection? Was he really thinking this way?

  Yeah, he was. He wanted to be with her, be there for her. This was all new for him, but he knew what was happening. He was falling in love. And despite what other guys said, what movies portrayed, he wasn’t the least bit scared.

  Thor headed home, let Blitz outside and fed him, then showered and jerked off. He had to—all that pent-up sexual energy had to be wiped out somehow. Now he could think clearly and make a plan for the day, especially since his time was ticking away. He had to meet his players at the field in forty-five minutes.

  Still wet and wrapped in a towel, he plopped onto his couch with his phone and typed, “Unique romantic date ideas.” Within two seconds he had millions of links to browse, but so many of them sounded corny. A scavenger hunt? Really?

  But then he saw a link that suggested going to a drive-in movie. The Newford Drive-In had closed at least a decade ago, and he didn’t know of any others. But it sparked an idea.

  A quick glance at the clock told him he needed to get dressed now or be late. Not a good example for his kids. Thor headed for his bedroom, typing a quick text to Penny as he did.

  Ill pick you up at 3 when your shft ends

  She responded with okay! and he was out the door. He had his girl, his day was set, and now it was football time. Life was pretty damn good.


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