One Size Fits All (The Classy ‘n’ Sassy Series Book 3)

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One Size Fits All (The Classy ‘n’ Sassy Series Book 3) Page 21

by Stephanie Haefner

  “Gorgeous day, isn’t it?”

  Penny looked out the front window of the shop to see if the cloudy day had changed in the five seconds since she’d been outside. “Sure.”

  So weird. Was it possible that Mia had taken ecstasy or some other mood-enhancing drug on her way to work that morning? This was so unlike her. Mia didn’t do chipper.

  “Morning, chicas!” Bryn said as she breezed in. Chipper was definitely a Bryn thing, but this seemed chipper-er. If that was even possible.

  Had they both gotten laid before work?

  “I have news!” Bryn squealed, and bounced on her toes.

  “Me, too!” Mia said.

  “You go first!”

  The pair could barely contain themselves. Penny just stood there watching the show.

  “We’re engaged!” Mia screamed, and jutted her diamond-encrusted hand out.

  “Oh my God!” Bryn shoved her hand out, diamonds shimmering on hers, too. “We eloped!”

  “What?” Mia’s tone fell down about a thousand pegs. “You got married?”

  “Yes! Isn’t it exciting? Eli surprised me with a sunset wedding on Saturday night.”

  “It’s too soon. What were you thinking?”

  Now it was Bryn’s turn for the excitement to fade. “I was thinking I love him and he loves me so why wait?”

  “Because you just got your problems worked out. It’s barely been two months. How could you possibly know you want to spend your life together?”

  “Uh, and how long have you been with Oliver?”

  “Longer than you. And we’re just engaged. It’ll be awhile before we’re actually married.”

  Bryn crossed her arms over her chest. “This is so typical. You go do whatever you want but you constantly judge everyone else.”

  “Because I actually think about things before I do them. I don’t just jump in blind.”

  “So now I’m blind?”

  Oh shit. Penny didn’t know what to do. She’d never heard her bosses squabble with each other. She tried to ignore them and got to work on sorting through a new shipment of shapewear.

  “You think you know everything,” Bryn continued. “My opinions about the shop don’t even seem to matter anymore.”

  “Sue me for trying to look out for my best friend. I’m sorry I’m trying to keep this business afloat so I don’t have to watch you struggle for money again.”

  “Don’t even try and make it sound like you’re watching out for me. You like to be in control and boss people around. Just like your father.”

  Oh snap. Even Penny knew that was a low blow, after all the family drama Mia had had to deal with.

  Mia’s eyes went wide, her jaw falling open. “You did not just compare me to him.”

  “I’m sorry, but it’s true. Poor Penny can’t even do her job anymore because you needed to control everything.”

  That made Penny’s ears perk up.

  “What are you talking about?” Mia said.

  “Don’t think I haven’t noticed how you’ve completely eliminated all the things she’s worked so hard to do around here. You made all these decisions regarding promotion and marketing and barely even asked her opinion, or mine for that matter.”

  “Chanel has fresher ideas and I can’t help it if you don’t see the value in that.”

  “We’re a team and you took your little pet’s ideas and ran with them, regardless of what anyone else thought.”

  The bell over the door rang out, announcing the arrival of a customer. The woman browsed the satin and lace section of the store, Mia and Bryn breathing heavy from their emotional battle.

  “I’m leaving,” Mia said, and turned on her heel.

  “Good riddance,” Bryn whispered, then went to assist the customer.

  Shit. This was bad. Penny had been on the fence, but this was definitely the perfect time to find a new job.

  The rest of the afternoon was awkward, to say the least. Bryn kept to herself—quiet—which was so unlike her. Penny knew the fight with Mia had been hard on her. They’d been best friends since they were little girls.

  “Did anyone update the PhotoChat today, or whatever the hell it’s called?” Bryn asked. “Seeing as it’s our only social media outlet now, we should probably keep it updated daily.”

  “I have no clue.” And Penny really didn’t. It was no longer her department.

  “I’m sorry for all that. And for having to witness our fight earlier.”

  “It’s okay.” Penny didn’t know what else to say.

  Bryn slumped on the counter, face in her hands. “This is so fucked up.”

  “I’m sure it will be fine.”

  “We’ve never fought like this before. I mean, we’ve argued, but this was so different. It was supposed to be such a happy day and now it’s all screwed up.”

  “I’m sure she’ll calm down and you guys can talk.”

  Bryn sighed. “I shouldn’t have been such a bitch. I know she’s only looking out for me. She’s been very protective since Johnny died.”

  “That seems natural, but I think she went a little far.”

  “Maybe. In regards to Eli. But the shop . . . I should’ve never said she was acting like her father.”

  “I’m sure she knows you didn’t mean it.”

  “Mia is tough when it comes to Classy ’n’ Sassy, but I know it comes from a good place. And if she thinks we need an overhaul of our marketing plan, then I need to trust her. She’s the one with the business degree, not me.”

  “Wait a minute. I thought you disagreed with Mia about the marketing?”

  “I never said I disagreed. I just wish she would’ve asked my opinion. It’s stupid not to pursue all our options.”

  “But she basically took my job away from me and gave it to someone far less experienced. I thought that bothered you.”

  “Well . . . kind of. I mean . . . Chanel is younger than all of us, but she’s got a lot of new ideas and connections. She knows things that you . . . er . . . we don’t. We’re really lucky we found her.”

  What the hell was this? Now Bryn was in the Chanel fan club? Penny thought she’d found an ally, but nope. Tossed aside again.

  “I need to go,” Bryn said. “I need to find Mia and fix this. You don’t mind handling the shop alone, do you?” Bryn didn’t wait for Penny to answer. She grabbed her purse and was halfway to the back door before she added, “Thanks!”


  THIS SUCKED. It’s not like Penny had never been alone in the store before, but still. And of course it got super busy. By the time she flipped off the neon Open sign, she was exhausted and starving. She grabbed her stuff and locked up. Theo, and Chinese takeout, were waiting for her.

  She crossed the darkened parking lot, typing a quick text as she headed for her car.

  “Hey.” The voice startled her and her heart pounded as a shadowed figure stepped into the light. “I hoped you’d be done soon.”

  It was about three seconds of pure panic before she realized who was standing there. “Jack! You scared the crap out of me. What are you doing here?”

  “I wanted to talk to you.”

  “In the dark? In a parking lot?”

  “After you ignored my text the other day, I figured you wouldn’t answer my call or meet me anywhere.”

  “You figured right.” She brushed past him, clicking open the door locks of her car.

  “I like your hair. Are you doing something different with it?”

  “Nope. I can’t afford to have it styled anymore.” She pulled on her door handle.

  “Well, whatever you’re doing, you look radiant.”

  That stopped her. She turned and faced him, curiosity getting the best of her. “What’s with the compliments all of a sudden? I don’t think you ever said that to me whi
le we were married.”

  “Maybe I was blind to what was in front of me while we were married.”

  “Yeah. Blind to everything but slutty strippers.” She turned back.

  “I was a real jerk to you.”

  “Yeah. You were.” What the hell was going on? “But it’s over now and we’re both moving on.”

  “I guess so.” He stepped toward her. “Remember that hospital fund-raiser gala we went to last year? You wore that backless red dress.”

  She did. Bryn had helped her shop for it, insisting she get something sexy for once in her life. As if it had done any good. “And?”

  “I can’t stop thinking about it. You looked so damn hot I almost dragged you to a linen closet and made love to you right there.”

  Why hadn’t he? Why was he telling her this now? And why did she care? “I don’t understand what that has to do with today.”

  “I just wanted you to know.” He shoved his hands deep into his two-thousand-dollar suit pants. “I’m really sorry about what I did to you. You didn’t deserve that.”

  Had she been sucked into some parallel universe? Jack—apologizing? This couldn’t be real. “Oh . . . kay. Thanks?”

  “Good night,” he said, and walked toward his car.

  Penny slid into her seat. That was the weirdest thing ever, and she was having a hard time processing it. The man had dumped her for a sparklier piece of ass and was now apologizing for it and complimenting her? Unreal.

  But she had to admit, it felt good. Damn good.


  “HEY,” THOR said as he welcomed Penny into his house and his arms. “You don’t look so good.”

  “I had a horrible yet bizarre day. Mia and Bryn had a huge fight and they both left so I was all alone in the shop. It got super busy, which never happens on a Monday. People were getting pissed and there was nothing I could do. I swear . . . I’m done putting up with this shit.”

  He held her close, rubbing up and down her back. “That sucks. They never should have left. It’s their place. They should’ve stayed. But what was the bizarre part?”

  “Jack came by the shop.”

  Thor pulled back. “What?”

  “I know. It was totally weird.”

  “What did he want?”

  “He apologized.” She pulled out of his embrace and hung her coat on his kitchen chair. “Said I didn’t deserve what he did.”

  He stood there, stunned, trying to form a thought. “You didn’t believe him, did you?”

  “Of course not.”

  “Good. Because he’s an asshole. Why do you think he apologized?”

  “No clue. But it doesn’t even matter—he’s out of my life.” She reached into the brown take-out bag she’d carried in and pulled out a paper carton of pork-fried rice.

  “Just be careful, okay? I don’t trust him.”

  “I sure as hell don’t, either. So, can we eat now?”

  Thor dropped it after that, but he’d stay on high alert when it came to Jack.

  CHAPTER Twenty-Eight

  The rest of the week at Classy ’n’ Sassy had been a chilly one, and it had nothing to do with the the arrival of fall. Everyone kept to themselves, heads down, jobs done. Some days Penny had to fake her way through, unable to stand being in the same room with either Bryn or Mia. It seemed everything they did irritated her.

  Penny looked at the clock. Damn it. Not even 11 a.m. yet. This day was going to drag, despite that it was Saturday and their busiest day of the week. It had been forever since she’d had an entire weekend off. She hadn’t even asked. But she was done caring what they thought. It was the big homecoming game in Kenville and she’d much rather be there, cheering for Theo and his players.

  “I’ve got somewhere I need to be, so I’m taking off,” she said to Bryn as she slid an arm into her jacket.

  “But it’s going to get busy in here. It’s just me and Chanel.”

  “Sorry. You guys can manage without me for one day.” She forced a smile.

  “Okay. I guess we’ll see you tomorrow night then, for painting class.”

  “Yep. See ya then.” Penny headed for the back employee entrance, a weight lifted as she pushed it open.

  After a quick stop at home for a wardrobe change, she donned an orange cable-knit sweater and headed for the high school’s football field. She found a single empty seat—hot dog in hand—just as one of the boys on the blue-and-white team kicked the ball toward the orange-and-black team. Penny knew very little about football, but watched intently. She’d need to learn a little bit about the sport if she was going to be with Theo. She just wished he was with her so he could answer her questions.

  As the clock ran down at the end of the second period . . . or quarter . . . the band marched onto the field as cheerleaders danced around. Penny sat there, enjoying the atmosphere. She could see why Theo loved it so much. But then she caught some conversation that perked her ears right up.

  “That new coach is hot. What’s his name? Theodore something or other?” A woman sitting in front of Penny chatted with another woman. “He’s from Kenville, right? I wonder if he’s married.”

  “He graduated with my cousin,” the other said. “I don’t know for sure, but even if he’s married, who cares? I don’t want to marry him . . . ” She lowered her voice. “I just want to fuck him. I should see if my cousin can introduce me.”

  “Hey! I saw him first!” the first woman exclaimed. “Get in line.”

  Penny couldn’t believe what she was hearing. They didn’t care if he was married or not. Were there no women left on the planet who respected other women’s relationships? So much for female solidarity.

  Theo led his team back onto the field after the short intermission. She wanted to run down and hug him, show these women that he was hers.

  “Damn, that’s a fine ass,” woman number one exclaimed.

  Penny couldn’t sit there for the next hour or more, watching them salivate over her boyfriend. She stood and inched her way to the end of the row. She’d stand if she had to, but she managed to find another seat toward the end of the bleachers, farther away from Theo. All the excitement she’d experienced during the first half was gone, replaced with fear and anxiety, counting down the minutes until she could get to him.

  When the final buzzer sounded, the Kenville coaches and players cheered for their win, and Penny’s heart cheered, too. Her excruciating wait was over.

  The masses stood and shuffled to the ends of their rows and out of the stadium. Come on! Move! Let’s get out of here. Finally she made it to the end of her row only to become a salmon swimming upstream against the flow of people as she made her way toward the field. She kept her eye on Theo as he talked with the other coaches, the kids, the referees. A woman. Not the ones who had ogled him all game. But still.

  “Are you sure you can’t come over for dinner tonight?” the woman whined.

  “I can’t. Sorry.” Theo shook his head, then noticed Penny standing there. “Hey! What’re you doing here?”

  “I wanted to surprise you.” His smile made her chilled body instantly warm.

  “How about tomorrow, then?” the woman persisted, ignoring Penny’s existence. “I know Joey would love it. I’m sure he could use some extra practice time with you, one-on-one.”

  Penny didn’t know who Joey was, but it sure sounded like it was this woman who wanted the one-on-one time.

  “We’ll arrange something for before school, okay? But thank you for the invitation.” He leaned over and kissed Penny’s cheek. “I’m so glad you’re here.”

  The woman still stood there, making the situation ridiculously awkward. Get the hint, lady! Penny was seriously appalled by the lack of manners in these women. It was a damn fight to the death out here in Dating Land.

  “Okay,” she finally said. “I guess we
’ll make plans for another time. You haven’t lived until you’ve tried my lasagna.”

  The woman walked away, leaving Penny in pure shock. These women did not give up. And she couldn’t help but wonder how many others were admiring Theo’s ass at games, inviting him to dinner. Was every single woman in Kenville out to sleep with her boyfriend? And how long would it be before he caved?

  CHAPTER Twenty-Nine

  What do you want to do today?” Theo asked as his hand snaked around to cup Penny’s naked breast.

  “I know what you want to do.”

  “Got a problem with that?”

  “Not at all.”

  He maneuvered himself on top of her, his hips between her thighs, tantalizing nips and kisses along her jawline and neck. “How about we stay in bed for most of the day . . .” He sucked her nipple between his teeth. “Then later we’ll get dressed and go out for dinner.” He licked a trail from her cleavage to her belly button. “I’m in the mood for Italian.”

  “Sounds like a plan to me.”

  A perfect lazy Sunday. It had taken some time the night before, but Penny had finally gotten those women out of her head, and all the crazy scenarios her brain had concocted. Spending the afternoon and evening wrapped in Theo’s arms had helped. He was a good man. It wasn’t his fault he was hot and women noticed.

  Penny needed to keep reminding herself of that and not let her brain keep envisioning bad things. Especially since it was starting to happen far more frequently.

  His lips inched lower, pulling her from worrisome thoughts. “Maybe after dinner we’ll rent a movie and get some wine.”

  Wine. Crap. She’d totally forgotten. “Ugh . . . ” she sighed. “I can’t.”

  “What?” His head popped up.

  “I can’t do a movie. Maybe not even dinner. I have to meet Bryn, Mia, and Chanel at that wine and painting thing at seven.”

  “Skip it.”

  “I should, but Bryn already paid and I don’t want to deal with the fallout if I don’t show. I don’t have a new job yet, remember?”

  “Well, maybe it’ll be a good thing if you go. It might help and then you won’t need to find a new job.”



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