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Spellsinger 02 - The Hour of the Gate

Page 11

by Foster, Alan Dean;

  a learned discussion, half balderdash and half science: which

  is to say, fine magic. Jon-Tom and Flor tried to follow, largely

  in vain.

  Talea leaned on the bow railing, her gaze fixed on the

  blackness ahead and around them. The cool wind continued,

  ruffling her hair and making her wonder what lay ahead,

  concealed by the screen of night.

  For days they drifted downstream in darkness; water above,

  water below, floating through an aqueous tube toward an

  uncertain destination. Jon-Tom was reminded of a corpuscle

  in the bloodstream. After all the talk of Zaryt's "Teeth" and

  of traveling into the "belly" bf the mountain, he found the

  analogy disquieting.

  From time to time they would anchor in midstream and

  supplement their supplies from the river's ample piscean

  population. Occasionally Bribbens and Mudge would make

  exploratory forays into the upper river. They would climb the

  mast, Mudge helping the less adapted boatman. A small float

  attached to an arrow was shot into the underside of the current

  overhead. The float was inflated until it held securely. Then

  the cord trailing from it would be tied to the mast. Bribbens


  Alan Dean Foster

  and the otter would then shinny up it, to disappear into the

  liquid ceiling.

  With them went small sealed oil lamps fitted with handles.

  These provided light in the darkness, a necessity since even

  such agile swimmers as the two explorers could become lost

  in the deep waters.

  On the twelfth day, when the monotony of the trip had

  become dangerously settled, Bribbens slid down the line in a

  state of uncharacteristic excitement.

  "I think we're through," he announced cheerily.

  "Through? Through where? Surely not the mountains."

  Clothahump frowned. "It could not be. The range is too

  massive to be so narrow. And the legends..."

  "No, no, sir. Not through the mountains. But the airspace

  above the upper river has suddenly expanded from but a few

  inches to one many feet high. There is a substantial cave, far

  more interesting to look at than this homogeneous tunnel. We

  can travel above now, and there's some light as well."

  "What kind of light?" Flor wanted to know.

  "You'll see."

  Preparations were made. Buoyant material did not have to

  be dragged or shoved downward this time. Instead, they

  simply had to raise it to the upper stream and insert it,

  whereupon it would instantly bob to the second surface.

  Mudge was waiting to slip a line on such packages and drag

  them to shore.

  When all their stores had been transferred, the nonaquatics

  climbed the mast rope and pushed themselves into the upper

  river. It was far easier to ascend than that first uncertain dive

  had been.

  Jon-Tom broke the surface with wind to spare. He remained

  there a while, treading water as he inspected the cavern into

  which the river emerged.

  The boatman had understated its size in his usual phlegmat-



  ic fashion. The cave was enormous. Off to his left Jon-Tom

  could see the abrupt cessation of the solid stone wall that had

  formed a tight lid on the upper stream for so many days.

  Little debris drifted this far on the river, and what few pieces

  and bits of wood tumbled by were worn almost smooth from

  the continual buffeting against that unyielding overhang.

  More amazing were the cavern walls. They appeared to be

  coated with millions of tiny lights. He swam lazily toward the

  nearby beach, crawled out and selected a towel with which to

  dry himself, and moved to inspect the nearest glowing rocks.

  The lights were predominantly gold in hue, though a few

  odd bursts and patches of red, blue, green, and yellow were

  visible. The bioluminescents were lichens and fungi of many

  species, ranging from mere colored smears against the rock to

  elaborate mushrooms and step fungi. Individually their lumen

  output was insignificant, but in the millions they illuminated

  the cavern as thoroughly as an evening sun.

  He was kneeling to examine a cluster of bright blue

  toadstools when a vast rush and burble sounded behind him.

  He turned, instinctively expecting to see some unmentionable

  river monster rising from the depths. It was only their boat.

  The first days on board he'd wondered at the purpose of

  great collapsed intestines, carefully scraped and dried, that

  lined the little craft's hold. Now he knew. Having been

  inflated in turn they'd given the boat sufficient lifting power

  to rise like a balloon from the lower river right up to the

  surface of its twin.

  Now it bobbed uncertainly as Bribbens rushed to open the

  valves sealing each inflated stomach before they could lift the

  ship from its second surface to the ceiling of the cavern.

  Water ran off the decks and out the seacocks. Mudge pumped

  furiously to purge the remaining water from the hold.

  Dry and dressed, the passengers were soon traveling once

  more eastward. The scenery had improved greatly. Jon-Tom


  Alan Dean Foster

  hoped the cavern would not shrink around them and force

  them again down to the dull surface of the understream.

  He needn't have worried. Instead of compacting, the cav-

  ern grew larger. It seemed endless, stretching vast and fluo-

  rescent ahead of them.

  Phosphorescent growths made the river an artist's palette,

  oils of many colors all run together and anarchically brilliant.

  Gigantic stalactites drooped like teeth from the distant ceil-

  ing. Some were far larger than the boat. They drifted past

  huge panels of flowstone, frozen rivers of stained calcite.

  Helictites curled and twisted from the walls, twitching at

  gravity like so many crystalline whiskers. Fungi flashed from

  diem all.

  On both sides they could see passages branching from the

  main cavern. Jon-Tom had a powerful urge to grab a lamp

  and do some casual spelunking. But Clothahump reminded hiru

  there would be ample exploring to do without deviating frori

  their course. So long as the river continued to run eastward

  they would keep to the boat.

  The size and magnificence of the cavern kept him fror.i

  thinking about the composition of the Sloomaz-ayor-le-Weenti:

  It was disconcerting to sail along a river that flowed not o.-

  rock or sand but on air.

  "How do you know it even has a solid bottom?" Plor onc,-

  asked their boatman. "Maybe it's a triple—or quadruple--


  Bribbens rested in his seat at the stem, one arm draped

  protectively across the steering oar.

  "Because I've been in and out of it many times, lady.

  Anyway, no matter where you are on the river the anchors

  always bite into the second bottom."

  Here and there the warm glow of the bioluminescents

  would fade and then vanish. At such times they had to rely on



  me lamps for light until they reached another fluorescent


  It didn't bother Pog. He'd finally recovered from his

  lengthy grumpiness. To him the darkness was natural, and he

  enjoyed the stretches of no-light. They could hear him swooping

  and darting beyond the range of the boat's lamps, playing

  dodgem with the cave formations. Sometimes he'd leave the

  boat for long stretches of time, much to Clothahump's dis-

  pleasure and concern, only to have his internal sonar unerringly

  bring him back to the ship many hours later.

  "Beautiful," Jon-Tom was murmuring as he watched the

  glowing shapes drift past. "It's absolutely beautiful."

  Talea stood next to him and eyed the dark openings that

  branched off from the main cavern. Sometimes these gaping

  holes would come right down to the river's edge.

  "Funny idea of beauty you have, Jon-Tom. I don't like it at


  "Humans got no appreciation of caves," said Pog with a

  snort, weaving in the air above them. "Dis all wasted on ya

  except da spellsinger dere, an' dat's da truth!"

  "Can I help it if I prefer light to dark, freedom to

  confinement?" she countered.

  "Amen," said Flor heartily.

  For both women the initial loveliness of the formations had

  been surrendered to the superstitious dread most people hold

  of deep, enclosed places. Jon-Tom was the only one with a

  real interest in caves, and so he was somewhat immune to

  such fears. To him the immense shapes, laid down patiently

  over the ages by dripping water and dissolved limestone,

  were as exquisite as anything the world of daylight had to


  Flor and Talea were not alone in their nervousness, however.

  "I think I liked it better inside the rivers," Mudge said one

  morning. "Leastwise there a chaploiew where 'e was, wot?"


  Alan Dean Foster

  He indicated the darkness of a large, unilluminated sic

  passage with a sweep of one furry arm. "Don't care much tc

  this place atall. I ain't ready t' be buried just yet."

  "Superstition," Clothahump muttered. "The bane (


  As for their boatman, he remained as calm as if he'd bee

  sailing familiar waters.

  "Does this place have a name?" Jon-Tom asked him

  watching a clump of bright azure mushrooms on the shore,

  "Only in legend." Bribbens looked away for a moment.

  An impossibly long tongue flicked out and snared something

  which Jon-Tom saw only as a ghost of glittering, transparent

  wings and body.

  The frog smacked his lips appraisingly. "No color, but the

  flavor isn't bad." He nodded at the cavern. "In stories and

  legends of the riverfolk this is known as the Earth's Throat.''

  "And where does it go?" Bor asked him.

  Bribbens shrugged. "Who knows? Your hard-shelled men

  tor believes it to travel much of the way through the mow

  tains. Perhaps he's right. I prefer to think we'll come ou

  there instead of, say, the earth's belly."

  "That doesn't sound very nice." Nearby Talea fingered the

  haft of her knife as though she could intimidate the surrounding

  darkness with it.

  Or whatever else might be out there....



  They were beginning to think they might complete the

  passage through the Teeth (or at least to the end of the river)

  without mishap. Long days of idle drifting, the boat carried

  smoothly by the current, had lulled the fears they'd acquired

  on the Swordsward.

  Pog, his hearing more acute than anyone else's, was first to

  note the noise.

  "Off key," he explained in response to their queries, "but

  it's definitely somebody's idea of song. More than one of

  whatever it is, too."

  "I'm sure of it." Caz's long ears were cocked alertly

  toward the northern shore. They twitched in counterpoint to

  his busy nose.

  It was several minutes more before the humans could hear

  the subject of their companion's intense listening. It was a

  rhythmic rising and falling, light and ethereal as an all-female


  Alan Dean Foster

  choir might produce. Definitely music, but nothing recogniz-

  able as words.

  It was occasionally interrupted by a few moments of vivace

  modulation that sounded like laughter. Jon-Tom could appre-

  ciate the peculiar melodies, but he didn't care for the laughter-

  chords one bit.

  Bribbens interrupted their listening, his tone quiet as al-

  ways but unusually urgent. "Tiller's not answering properly."

  Indeed, the boat was drifting steadily toward the north

  shore. There was a gravel beach and rocks: not much of a

  landing place. Muscles strained beneath the boatman's slick

  skin as he fought the steering, but the boat continued to

  incline landward.

  Soon they were bumping against the first rocks. These

  obstacles poked damp dark heads out of the water around the


  Flor stumbled away from the railing on the opposite side

  and screamed. Jon-Tom rushed to join her. He stared over the

  side and recoiled instinctively.

  Dozens of shapes filled the water. They had their hands on

  the side of the boat and were methodically pushing at it evec

  though it was already half grounded on the rocky bottom.

  "Steady now," said Talea wamingly. She stood at the bow,

  her knife and sword naked in the glow-light, and pointed tc

  me land.

  A great number of creatures were marching toward the

  boat. They were identical to the persistent pushers in the

  water. All were approximately five feet tall and thin to the

  point of emaciation. They were faintly human, memories of

  almost-people parading in unison.

  Two legs and two arms. They were nude but smooth-

  bodied and devoid of external sex organs. For that matter they

  displayed nothing in the way of differentiating characteristics

  They might have been stamped from a single mold.



  Their white flesh was truly white, blank-white, like milk

  and bordering on translucence. Two tiny coal-pit eyes sat in

  the puttylike heads where real eyes ought to have been. There

  were no pupils, no ears or nostrils, and only a flat slit of a

  mouth cutting the flesh below the eye-dots. Hands had short

  fingers, which along with the legs looked jointless as rubber.

  In time to the music they marched toward the ship, waving

  their arms slowly and hypnotically while singing their moan-

  ing, methodical song.

  Jon-Tom looked to Clothahump. The wizard looked baf-

  fled. "I don't know, my boy. None of the legends says

  anything about a tribe of albino chanters living in the Throat."

  He called to the marchers.

  "What are you called? What is it you want of us?"

  "What can we do for you?" Flor asked, adding something

  unintelligible in Spanish.

  The singers did not respon
d. They descended the slight

  slope of the beach with fluid grace. The ones in the lead

  began reaching, clutching over the railing.

  Two of them grabbed Talea's right arm. "Ease back

  there," she ordered them, pulling away. They did not let go

  and continued to tug at her insistently.

  Several other pale singers were already on the deck and

  were pulling with similar patient determination at Jon-Tom

  and Mudge.

  " 'Ere now, you cold buggerers, take your bloody 'ands off

  me!" The otter twisted free.

  So didJTalea and Jon-Tom. Yet the pale visitors wordlessly

  kept advancing, groping for the strangers.

  Another sound quietly filled the cavern. It seeped across

  the river and dominated the rise and fall of the expressionless

  choir. A deep, low moaning, it was in considerable contrast

  to the melody of the white singers. It was not at all nice. In

  fact, it seemed to Jon-Tom that it embodied every overtone of


  Alan Dean Foster

  menace and malignance one could put into a single moan. It

  issued from somewhere back in the black depths, beyond

  where the singers had come from.

  "That's about enough," said Bribbens firmly. He hefted

  his backup steering sweep and began swinging it at the

  singers stumbling about on deck. Two of them went down

  with unexpected lack of resistance. Their heads bounced like

  a pair of rubber balls across the deck. The black eyespots

  never twitched and they uttered not a word of pain. Their

  singing, however, ceased. One of the skulls bounced over the

  railing and landed in the water with a slight splash, to sink

  quickly out of sight.

  A shocked Bribbens paused to stare at the decapitated

  corpses. There was no blood.

  "Damn. They aren't alive."

  "They are," Clothahump insisted, struggling awkwardly in

  the grasp of three singers who were trying to wrestle his

  heavy body off the ship, "but it is not our kind of alive."

  "I'll make them our kind of dead." Talea's sword was

  moving like a scythe. Three singers fell neatly into six halves.

  They lay on the deck like so many lumps of white clay,

  motionless and cold.

  Jon-Tom hurried to assist Clothahump. "Sir, what do you

  think we... ?"

  "Fight for it, my boy, fight! You can't argue with these

  things, and I have a feeling that if we're taken from this boat

  we'll never see it again." He had retreated inside his shell,


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