Laura and Gail Chronicles: Hot Lesbian Erotica Compilation

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Laura and Gail Chronicles: Hot Lesbian Erotica Compilation Page 15

by Miranda Mars

  Sara began to move her hand, twisting it ever so slowly, pushing it in further, watching Laura's face carefully. "Is it good?" she finally whispered.

  "Oh . . .yes!" Laura gulped, almost unable to reply. Her body was rippling with sexual fire, and her mind was overflowing with deep, almost painful love for Sara.

  "Are you going to come fast?"

  "Oh yes! Ungghhhh! Oh Jesus . . . it's so good! I don't want it to stop!"

  Sara smiled, now bunching her fingers into a fist inside of Laura's very tight pussy, then twisting her hand slowly so that Laura could feel the hard bumps of her knuckles against the squinchy, soft, wet flesh. She glanced down at her wrist protruding from Laura's crammed cunt, then up again into Laura's eyes.

  "You know I'm not going to let it stop," she said softly.

  And remarkably enough, considering how overwrought with sexual tension Laura already was, Sara did manage to prolong the process for several more minutes. She did it by moving her hand very slowly and watching Laura's face at the same time, gauging each small wince and grimace, listening to Laura's half-desperate panting, stopping when Laura seemed briefly to approach spilling over, then smiling and cooing to her and kissing Laura's rapidly heaving belly, then her thighs, then pushing her hand in deeper once again. Laura wondered if she had ever been fucked by anyone with such patient care and skill. She was nearly delirious with killing sexual hunger.

  But it could only go on so long. Even though she enjoyed the smoldering buildup, she was also consumed by a sharp and relentless need and could feel the heat inside her body swelling and throbbing and crying for release. Sara knew it too. Tearing her eyes from Laura's, she dropped her mouth to Laura's plundered pussy, flicking Laura's distended clit with her tongue as she now began to fuck Laura a little harder.

  "You're going to come now, Laura . . ." she murmured. "You know you are. Just let it come . . . let it come . . ."

  "Unhhhhh! Unhhh!" Laura panted desperately, now bucking and pumping her hips in frantic, urgent motions, feeling Sara's hand inside her, feeling it slide out, then back in. "Unhhhh! Ohnnggg!"

  "Yes . . . yes!" Sara panted back to her, still flicking Laura's clit rapidly with her tongue.

  "Oh! Ungghh!"


  "Oh Sara . . . oh Sara! I lov--"

  Unable to stop herself, Laura was about to cry out her love for Sara again, but the breath was literally torn from her throat by a fierce, wrenching spasm of coming that crushed her at the same moment.

  "Unnggghhhmmnnieee!" she wailed after her breath returned, her body flipping and surging in helpless, spastic jerks as several shattering spasms struck her. "Oonnmmmgghiiieee!"

  Sara's hand was embedded so deeply in Laura's clasping, aching cunt that it did not come out even during these wild convulsions, and in fact Laura in the latter stages of them managed to bear down with her pubic bone on Sara's wrist, so that she could feel Sara's clenching tendons rubbing into her clit, which made her aftershocks even more piercing. She whinnied and shuddered through them for another long thirty seconds.

  Finally, exhausted, she fell back, still quivering, still moaning softly, obliterated by a more emotional climax than she had experienced in months. Several minutes passed before she could even lift her arm. During that period, tiny, feathery waves of infinitely sweet pleasure spread through her tingling flesh, and a few fresh, startling aftershocks of ecstasy made her shudder again. She looked up to see Sara gazing down at her and stroking her side, her arm, her shoulder. She had evidently removed her hand from Laura's pussy without Laura even noticing it.

  "Oooohhhh, you had a good one," Sara beamed at her.

  "I . . . think I must've passed out for a second," Laura confessed.

  Sara nodded solemnly. "Uh huh. You sure did. I felt so proud. Never knocked anyone out before."

  "You knock me out every time," Laura croaked softly, still finding it difficult to speak.

  Sara almost visibly melted before Laura's eyes at this comment. A broad, delighted smile spread over her face. She lay down next to Laura, stretching out, pushing their bodies together from head to toe.

  "Give us a kiss," she whispered. "I'm finally happy."

  "Me too," Laura said right before their lips came together in a lengthy, very emotional kiss, one that went on so long they both broke it off finally to make breathing easier.

  Sara made yet another screwy face. "I guess we better stay alive so we can do more of that." She took a few deep breaths. "You suffocate me with all that love of yours, cuckoo brain."

  Laura pinched her ass, then, feeling her strength return, tickled her vigorously under the arms. For the next two minutes they had an exuberant and wildly happy tickling fight, rolling around on Laura's huge bed, tumbling over and under each other, and laughing hysterically. It ended only when they both were nearly weeping from laughter, gasping and giggling, their arms weak again from the struggle.

  "I'm going to pinch you again every time you call me that," Laura promised her, blinking away tears of laughter for a change.

  But Sara was solemn, her dark, glittering eyes smoking again with sex. "I think I want you to do something else to me instead," she said softly, her eyelids heavy.

  They embraced slowly, side by side again, pushing their naked breasts together, kissing gently, soft, brief, love-peck kisses, nibbling each other's lips.

  "I think you wore my pussy out, darling," Laura purred. "Why don't we wait a few minutes. You don't have any plans, do you?"

  Sara kissed her neck, nipped her earlobe. "Only to be like this until we get so sick of each other you throw me out."

  Laura was again very bewildered. This was so sweet, snuggling together naked like this with her, after a thrilling episode of scorching sex. How could it be happening? What had made all those hostilities and suspicions and fierce rejections melt away? She couldn't believe it was true, or that it would last.

  "Are you hungry?" she nuzzled Sara's jaw with her lips and nose.

  "Only for you," Sara breathed.

  Laura pulled back an inch or so, crooked her elbow, and rested her head on her palm, facing Sara. "Okay . . . it's killing me. Tell me why you are being so nice to me. Why did you agree to come here?"

  She knew Sara still had feelings for her. Sara had made that abundantly clear. And yet, Laura could not put to rest her own fantasy, which she had been living with for weeks, of Sara and Evangelina Torres wrapped naked in each other's arms and whimpering together in the grip of acute sexual bliss. She was almost certain Sara knew nothing about how she had seen the two of them together, and so she couldn't help but feel that Sara was being somehow devious and disingenuous.

  Sara swallowed, not evading Laura's eyes, looking simply and painfully honest. "I . . . couldn't help it," she said, so softly she was nearly inaudible. "I . . . love you too, Laura," she whispered. A tear suddenly appeared at the bottom of each of her eyes. "I wish I didn't . . . but I do."

  Laura tried to grab her and kiss her passionately, but Sara would not let her and pushed her back a little.

  "No . . . wait."

  "I don't want to hear any more."

  "Yes. You have to hear it all." Now Sara did look away, briefly. She looked like she was having trouble framing her thoughts. "I don't think it can ever be . . . the way it was. You know?"

  Laura nodded slowly, disconsolately.

  Sara sighed and shrugged. "Who knows . . . maybe. Maybe it could. Eventually."

  But what about Evangelina? Laura wanted to ask, though she couldn't. She also hated herself for this spurt of jealousy. Clearly Evangelina had little to do with what Sara was confessing.

  She also felt a fresh wave of almost irresistible sexual desire for Sara flow through her suddenly, as if flinging herself forward onto Sara and raping her fiercely would somehow wipe out the painful emotions they were both feeling. But she kept control of herself.

  "I want to make it up to you," she whispered, again trying to touch her, to caress her.

time Sara did not push her away. She even smiled, abstractedly. Their faces were close. "There's no one but you, Laura," Sara said evenly, looking straight and deep into Laura's eyes, as if she knew the misgivings and hypothetical jealousies Laura was feeling.

  Laura didn't know exactly what Sara meant, since she knew there was obviously Evangelina. Could she herself say the same thing? Yes.

  "There's no one but you either, Sara," she murmured, pressing her lips to Sara's marvelous mouth and holding her tightly.

  She did at least know what she meant herself. There might be others, there might be scorching sex and sweet, soft moments, but there was no one higher or more intense in her mind than this woman in her arms. It was very confusing to her to love someone this deeply and yet have to come to terms with all these others on the periphery, on both sides. I don't know how we'll manage it, she realized. But one thing is clear: this is so much better than before. We have to figure out a way.

  "I love you," she breathed into Sara's ear.

  Sara giggled suddenly, a small, startling laugh, since they had both been so solemn. She nipped Laura's earlobe. "Don't adore me, just--"

  "Don't say it!" Laura laughed softly, squirming her suddenly hot naked body into Sara's voluptuous curves. "I already know. 'Don't adore me, just fuck me.'"

  Sara pulled her head back far enough so that Laura could see the excruciatingly funny, loopy face she was making. "You're a mind reader, cuckoo brain." She beamed warmly at Laura, then lowered her eyelids again. "No more talking."


  Sara rolled over on top of Laura, dangling her luscious breasts in Laura's face, knowing how Laura loved them and teasing her by brushing her large, dark, soft, puffy nipples against Laura's lips. Laura cradled them as if they were rare treasures (they were, to her) in both hands, gazing up into Sara's pulsing dark eyes.

  "Don't say it," Sara murmured playfully, a small grin tugging the sides of her mouth.

  "I have to say it. I do adore you, though."

  Sara's smile grew broader, her eyes rolled up, and she yielded her body completely as Laura then sucked one large, soft nipple deep into

  To be continued

  Sara was very tired. Weary, dragging. Exhausted not only from the traveling, sleeping in a strange bed, eating unaccustomed food, but also from the strain of dealing with apparently avaricious and back-biting relatives, lawyers, funeral directors, other long-lost, long-unseen siblings. She was not her usual upbeat self. No funny faces, no wisecracks.

  And yet from the very moment she walked off the airplane, Laura was enveloped in a warm, throbbing glow of fierce love for her. Some of the intensity might paradoxically have come, she knew, from her fresh guilt over having fucked both Kendra and Shaniqua in Sara's absence. Guilt could work that way, she knew. But she pushed that into the back of her mind. She knew that most of the strong, pulsating emotion she felt was simply her pure, deep love for this woman.

  She wanted to grab her and claw her with savage love and crush her in a consuming embrace. Sara did not like to be told too often by Laura how much Laura loved her, especially not now, after their contretemps involving Dee Dee, but Laura could not keep it in. When they were finally almost alone, walking down one of the long, echoing corridors that led to the parking garage, Sara pulling her wheeled suitcase behind her, Laura carrying her smaller satchel, Laura leaned close.

  "I love you," she whispered. "I love you so much. I'm just bursting with love. I thought I was going to explode while I was waiting there for you to come out. I love you, Sara. I love you so much."

  This kind of undisciplined and gushing outburst would usually have drawn a sharply sarcastic, though affectionate, rebuke from Sara. Moreover, as Laura only realized halfway into it, this love explosion of hers--and especially considering how long it went on--really had the earmarks of a guilty conscience all over it. But Sara turned her face to Laura and, weary or not, seemed to melt with love herself, right there in the hollow tunnel, smiling broadly, warmly, adoringly. She even stopped walking for a second, her happy, tired eyes searching Laura's face.

  She shook her head, as if unable to believe it. "I love you too, Laura. God, it's good to see you."

  In the car, in the darkened parking garage, they kissed. Sara batted Laura's hands away from her breasts. "Not here!"

  "I can't wait. I want to touch you."

  But Sara remained subdued. Clearly she was bone-weary, and she even fell asleep briefly in the car on the way home. As they entered the downstairs door to her apartment, they noticed lights, music, many people in the street-level apartment below hers.

  "They must be having a party," Laura said. "On a Wednesday night?"

  Sara shrugged, pulling her luggage inside the door, lifting the wheels with Laura's help over the doorjamb. "Sometimes they do it. Always ends early. Remember what I told you? They live in San Rafael and go home on the weekends. Maybe one of them is having a birthday or something."

  Inside the apartment, Laura was still concerned. The noise from downstairs was loud and annoying. "It's so loud," she said. "How're you going to be able to sleep?"

  Sara, who was unzipping her suitcase on the bed in the adjacent bedroom, looked up disarmingly at Laura, her expression bemused and again warm and affectionate. She stopped what she was doing and raised her arms up over her head, stretching, yawning slowly and widely, with accompanying groans and sensual sighs. It was such an artless, authentic gesture that Laura wondered if she knew how voluptuous and alluring this made her gorgeous breasts look as they rose and jutted out through her blouse while she stretched.

  Sara grinned at Laura across the room. "After The Big O, or maybe two Big O’s, I'm going to sleep until next Tuesday."

  Laura smiled back, feeling her body suddenly come alive. Until now she had been disciplining herself, feeling that Sara might be too tired for fucking, though they both obviously hungered for one another after this brief absence. "Don't you have to go to work tomorrow?"

  "Damn." Sara's dark brown eyes twinkled as she playfully punched the air with her fist. "You would have to bring that up."

  Laura crossed the room to her. "I can wake you in the morning, when I get up to go home and change," she purred seductively, putting one arm on Sara's shoulder as a preliminary to looping it completely around her body.

  "Help me unpack and I'll think about it," Sara whispered back, giving Laura a smoking stare, the most nakedly sexual look Laura could ever remember seeing from her.

  It was such a hot, sexual look that Laura wanted to attack her immediately. She wanted to shove the suitcase off the bed and push Sara down onto it and consume her. Instead, she swallowed and proceeded to help, and in minutes they were finished.

  The noise downstairs was undiminished, loud thumps, gales of laughter. Having unpacked, Sara looked more tired than ever. She was drooping, moving slowly, lethargically.

  "Let me give you a back rub," Laura said.

  Sara smirked at her sexily. "I think you just want my little black kitty, you nasty thing."

  Laura reached into the pocket of her shirt, where she had carefully placed the pussy ring. "I've got something that belongs to you," she said, mysteriously.

  She held it up between her thumb and forefinger. The silver ring sparkled in the soft light. For the first time this evening, Sara made one of her funny faces, screwing her lips up, and crossing her eyes.

  "There it is," she said. "How did it get in your pocket?"

  "You left it in my bathroom."

  Now Sara became sly. She turned away coyly. "That's right. I did. I thought you might be less likely to fool around while I was gone if you found it there. Just a little reminder." She grinned over her shoulder at Laura. "Am I clever or what?"

  "Very clever." Laura concentrated on her own smile, trying not to recall how she had blithely fucked both Kendra and Shaniqua without discovering the ring. In fact, it had been Shaniqua who had discovered it, not Laura. She pouted. "What about you?" She sashayed playfully across the room
again to Sara, still holding up the ring. "I didn't have anything to leave with you . . . to . . . to keep you . . . faithful."

  She kissed Sara's broad, shiny forehead. Sara looked up at her very honestly. "There's no one but you, Laura."


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