Send Me a Hero

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Send Me a Hero Page 24

by Rita Herron

  “Yes, sir, I do.”

  “Then that gives us something in common.”

  “You really do care about her, don’t you?” Nathan asked, wincing again as he tried to buckle his seatbelt.

  “Yes, I do,” Eli said quietly. “I love her very much. And I have to tell you the truth, Dawson. Veronica is my daughter.”

  VERONICA CLENCHED the purse to her side as her memories crashed back in a torrent of scattered, painful moments.

  “Tessa, it was you. You were here that night. But why?”

  The woman Veronica had thought was her friend moved inside the room, her body as sleek and cunning as a bobcat in the woods, but her voice sounded wild and razor sharp. “You knew it all the time. You never lost your memory. You played this stupid game so you could come back and get Father’s money.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  Tessa waved a knife in front of her. Her eyes blazed with hatred, and she wore an all-black warm-up suit, a drastic change from the silk suit she’d worn at the dinner party.

  Then a cold, eerie feeling crept over Veronica. Yes, she had seen it before. Those eyes. She’d seen that crazy look on Tessa’s face the night her parents had died.

  “You wanted Daddy’s money,” Tessa ranted. “You came back to destroy our family. You wanted to take him away from me, just like you would have years ago.” She stalked around the room waving the knife in wide circles.

  “That’s not true,” Veronica said, pressing her hand to her temple as a dull ache throbbed behind her eyes. Then she saw it—the horrible scene between her parents.

  “But you’re not part of our family. And you never will be.” Tessa kicked the end table and sent the lamp crashing to the floor. It shattered into pieces at Veronica’s feet. “I was Daddy’s little girl. Then Mama died and he married Barbara. And he forgot all about Mama. Then Barbara gave him sons. Sons!

  “It was bad enough I had to share Daddy with Gerald, then that snotty-nosed brat, Sonny, came along. He thought he was Daddy’s favorite. But he wasn’t.” Tessa was out of control. Veronica froze, afraid to say anything to add to her anger. “I was Daddy’s favorite. I should have all his money. Not Gerald or Sonny. And certainly not you—you’re his illegitimate baby.”

  “I know I’m not part of your family,” Veronica said, fighting her own emotions. “I never—”

  “Shut up!” Tessa screamed. “You were there. You heard what your mama said. You saw Daddy, too, and he would have taken you and then I would have had to share everything with you. And Daddy would have forgotten all about me like he did my mother.”

  “Tessa, I don’t know what you mean.” But Veronica did know. It was all coming back to her. The fight between her parents had started when Eli burst in.

  Eli was her father.

  A shudder racked through her at the realization. That was the reason her parents had fought.

  She could see her father crying. “What do you mean she’s not my baby?” he’d asked in disbelief.

  Her mother had sobbed, “I was pregnant when we got married.”

  “With my baby,” Eli had said. Then Eli had raged at her mother. “Why didn’t you tell me you were pregnant?”

  Her mother had broken down again. “Because you were running for senator. Your mother threatened me. She didn’t want me to ruin your career.”

  “I don’t believe that,” Eli had yelled.

  The whole time her father had stood in disbelief. And she’d hidden in the corner and watched her family fall apart. Her father had accused her mother of lying to him. Her mother had cried and sobbed until she couldn’t talk. Eli had been furious. He had said he’d just found out the truth and wanted to claim Veronica as his own. Her mother had yelled that he would never get custody of her. Her father had threatened to leave her mother.

  Then Eli had stormed out. But her parents had still been alive when Eli had left.

  She glanced at Tessa, and the memory of her sneaking into the house came back vividly. Tessa had been young and beautiful, but the evil she’d possessed had caused her to attack Veronica’s mother. She’d run in, yelling that she wanted to see Veronica. But her mother had told Tessa to leave. In a wild rage, Tessa had somehow grabbed the kitchen knife and fought with her mother. Her mother had been trying to protect Veronica, to keep Tessa from finding her. Then Tessa had stabbed her mother, and her mother had fallen to the floor with a scream. Her father had rushed in, and Tessa had spun around and lunged at him with the knife.

  The blood had spouted out, and even as a child she’d been amazed at Tessa’s strength. Then Tessa, all wild-eyed, had come looking for her. Veronica had hidden under the bed and watched, holding her breath, knowing she was going to be next.

  Just like now.

  “Tessa, I didn’t remember,” Veronica said. “All this time, I didn’t know Eli was…was—”

  “Was your father!” Tessa spat the words at her and brought the knife up over her head. “Well, you remember now. I can see it on your face. That night I heard Dad arguing with Barbara. He had just found out about you, and Barbara was upset he’d had a mistress. Daddy said he was going after you, that you should be a Jones, but Barbara said your mother was a cheap whore and you weren’t coming to our house!”

  A shudder coursed through Veronica as Tessa moved toward her, her eyes crazed. “I’m going to get rid of you once and for all,” Tessa screamed.

  She pounced and slashed the knife at Veronica.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Veronica quickly backed away. She had to stall. “Tessa, I don’t want your father’s money. I don’t want anything—”

  “Be quiet!” Tessa barked wildly. “You think I’ve gone to all this trouble for nothing? When Daddy first learned he had cancer—”

  “Eli has cancer?” Veronica felt the shock to her system as if she’d been physically punched.

  “Yes. That’s when he changed his will to include you. And you came back to town. Don’t tell me you didn’t know!”

  “But…but I didn’t,” Veronica stammered. Why hadn’t Eli told her?

  “Then he started inviting you over, wanting us to get to know you. He pretended you were his goddaughter when all along I knew the truth and I hated you.”

  Veronica swiped at a tear streaming down her cheek. This was too much. Eli was her father. She barely knew how she felt about that, and now she’d learned he might be dying.

  “How long does Eli have?”

  “That’s none of your business,” Tessa snapped, taking a step forward.

  Veronica tensed. She had to stall a little longer, try to talk some sense into Tessa. “So you shot Nathan.”

  “That bullet was meant for you. Just like the knife.”

  “You broke into my apartment and tried to kill me. And all along I thought it was a man who tried to stab me.” I even suspected Eli.

  “Of course. All it took was a little padding. And a little help from my friend. She kept drugging your tea.”

  “What friend?”

  “Louise.” A sickening smile lit Tessa’s face.

  The tea Louise kept making for her. Veronica felt dizzy. How easy it had been for Tessa. “So Louise was helping you? Why, for money?”

  Tessa laughed, a hideous sound that turned Veronica’s stomach. Tessa truly was psychotic. “You idiot. I didn’t have to pay Louise. All I did was blackmail her.”

  Snatches of small things flitted back to Veronica. She remembered Nathan saying Louise had a shaky history, but she’d never suspected Louise was involved with Tessa. She’d thought the connection was Gerald.

  “I see. And she took my keys from the office. That’s how you kept getting in.”

  Tessa looked triumphant. “It was a great plan. Louise was so afraid someone would find out about her past and she’d have to leave. She loved this stupid small town.” Tessa laughed. “I thought we’d succeed in making you go nuts before I had to kill you, but I guess you’re stronger than I thought.”

  You’ve g
ot that right, Veronica thought, digging her nails into the side of her purse. If she could get the gun, maybe she could ward off Tessa.

  “When Louise drugged your tea at the office before our lunch, I was hoping you’d fall asleep at the wheel.”

  “But instead I showed up for our lunch meeting and got sick.”

  “Right.” Tessa waved the knife around, laughing.

  “And the red jacket and pin? The fire at my office?”

  “That was Louise’s idea. She got nervous, wanted to cover her own tracks.”

  “And that detective, Ford?”

  Tessa giggled. “He got in the way.” She narrowed her eyes. “And you—you’re going to die just like your parents.”

  Veronica sucked in a harsh breath. Ironic, everyone had thought she was the crazy one, when Tessa had obviously been unstable all her life. She would not let Tessa kill her. She would see her rot in jail or a mental ward. Tessa licked her lips like a predator coming in for the kill, and Veronica knew the time had come to defend herself. She reached inside and pulled out the gun just as Tessa lunged for her.

  “HURRY!” Nathan bellowed as Eli raced down the road. He used Eli’s car phone to call for backup. He’d wanted to explain his suspicions to Eli, but he’d decided to wait. Maybe he was wrong about Gerald. He could always hope.

  “Are you sure she’ll be here?”

  “No, but it’s our best guess. She’s been coming here to try and regain her memory.”

  When they turned the corner to the old homestead, a black customized Cadillac sat in the drive.

  “Gerald’s car?” Eli said. “What the hell?”

  Eli barreled into the drive and Nathan leaped out with Eli on his heels, his bandaged arm pressed against his side. Nathan stopped by the car for his gun and quickly checked the glove compartment. It was gone. He prayed Veronica had taken it. Putting a finger to his lips, he motioned for Eli to be quiet as they padded up to the porch. Just as they made the last step, Nathan heard a scream. Then a gunshot.


  He bolted through the door, sending a fresh wave of pain jolting through his shoulder. He’d probably undone his stitches, but he didn’t care. He had to save Veronica from Gerald. He quickly scanned the den, but saw nothing. Then he heard sounds from the back. He raced through the hall toward Veronica’s parents’ room. Eli hurried behind him. The sounds of scuffling brought another surge of panic. He hoped he was in time! Bracing his good arm against the door, he inched into the doorway.

  Only it wasn’t Gerald who was fighting with Veronica. Veronica was struggling with Tessa. Their heavy breathing filled the air. Tessa knocked the gun from Veronica’s hand, and it fell to the floor. Then Tessa pushed Veronica down and climbed over her, raising the knife to Veronica’s neck.

  Eli ran in behind him. Nathan kicked the gun aside, then grabbed Tessa’s arm and tried to drag her off Veronica. Tessa struggled, clawing at him with one hand while arcing the hand with the knife above Veronica. Veronica bucked upward, trying to dislodge Tessa.

  “Tessa, stop!” Eli shouted. Eli grabbed Tessa’s hand and pried her fingers from the knife. Tessa stared at him as if she didn’t recognize him, her face etched with fury. Veronica pushed Tessa away and Eli managed to drag Tessa to the corner. She kicked and screamed. “No, she has to die. She has to.”

  “Tessa, my God, what are you doing?” Eli said, choking on his emotions.

  Tessa broke into hysterical sobs, and Eli took her in his arms and rocked her back and forth. Nathan rushed to Veronica and crushed her to him, prodding her body with his hands to check for injuries. Veronica clung to him, her breath erratic. He felt her heart pounding as he hugged her. “Are you hurt?”

  “I’m okay,” Veronica whispered.

  He spotted blood on her blouse. “But you’re bleeding. Tell me where you’re hurt!”

  A soft nervous laugh escaped Veronica. “It’s not me. It’s you.” Her voice broke on a sob. “You undid your stitches.”

  Nathan looked down and realized blood was seeping through his bandage. His shoulder and arm throbbed, but it didn’t matter. Veronica was safe. And the whole nightmare was over. All his prior reservations about marriage and his job faded when he looked into her eyes. He wouldn’t be able to do his job if he wasn’t with her. Nothing mattered without Veronica. He kissed her hair, her face, her mouth, her fingers. His voice cracked as he said, “Dammit, why did you come here by yourself? I might not have made it in time.”

  “You’re here now, that’s all that matters,” Veronica said in a strangled whisper. He hugged her to him and braced her face with his hands to kiss her again.

  “Eli’s my father,” Veronica said when he finally relaxed against her. “I…I didn’t know.”

  Nathan stroked her hair. “I know, sweetheart. I know.”

  AS SOON AS the police arrived, Tessa was taken into custody. Her frantic, hysterical sobs had died, and she looked like a shattered, injured animal. Veronica almost felt sorry for her. Almost.

  “I’ll be there with you,” Eli told Tessa. “We’ll get you some help.”

  “We’ll wait for you in the car.” Lieutenant Stevens escorted a handcuffed and subdued Tessa outside.

  Eli’s eyes were red and swollen and his expression wary as he approached Veronica. Nathan sat beside her on the old couch, holding her hand. She was still trembling from shock. The memories that had flooded back were painful, yet in the background of her mind, occasionally a sweet memory surfaced. She hoped in time she would recall completely the precious little time she’d had with her parents. And no matter what Eli or Tessa said, her mother and father were dead.

  “I’m so sorry, Veronica,” Eli said, kneeling in front of her. He ran a hand through his disheveled gray hair.

  “I remember everything,” Veronica said, squeezing Nathan’s hand for support. “I remember all about that night. You and my mom…and dad.”

  Eli lowered his face. “I…I didn’t know Tessa was there.” He shook his head sadly. “I swear I didn’t. When I left that night, your parents were so upset, I honestly believed what Scroggins said.”

  “You didn’t know Tessa was disturbed?” Nathan asked.

  Eli cleared his throat, his voice husky with emotions. “She had problems as a child, emotional ones after her mother died. But I never knew it was this bad. And I never realized my transgressions hurt her so badly.” He wiped a tear from his cheek. “I covered up her problems. She got in trouble with the law a few times, but Scroggins always helped me cover it up. And lately…”

  “Lately what?” Nathan asked.

  “Lately I thought she was doing better.” He sighed. “I know I made some mistakes, Veronica. I hope you can forgive me.”

  Veronica’s throat tightened. “You didn’t know my mother was pregnant when you broke up with her?”

  “No. I was young and ambitious and foolish. I had no idea.”

  “And you didn’t know your mother threatened her?”

  “No. I was caught up in the campaign. I allowed Mother to run my life. Then when I found out about you…” He paused and squeezed her hand. Veronica stiffened, unsure how to respond. “I wanted you. But your parents didn’t want to make it public. We argued. And I left.” He paused again, then cleared his throat. “Then after they died, I wanted to come for you. But your grandmother was there. And when I saw how traumatized you were, I was afraid if you remembered, you’d blame me. I didn’t think I could live with that.”

  “Then I didn’t remember,” Veronica said.

  Eli wiped tears from his cheeks. “I decided that was for the best. I was so afraid you’d hate me.”

  The sincerity in Eli’s voice tugged at Veronica’s heart. She remembered Tessa saying Eli was ill. “Was Tessa telling the truth about your illness?”

  Eli nodded. “When I discovered my illness, I knew I had to make up for lost time with you. Then you moved back, and I couldn’t stay away from you.”

  Veronica felt Nathan’s arm tighten around he
r. She pressed her hand over his and squeezed it, thanking him for his silent support.

  Lieutenant Stevens poked his head in. “We’re ready to go.” He nodded toward Nathan. “They picked Louise Falk up a few minutes ago.”

  Eli stood. “I’d like to see you again, Veronica.”

  Veronica hesitated. “Give me some time, Eli.”

  He bent and kissed her cheek. “I’ll be waiting.”

  “What about the rest of your family?”

  Eli smiled. “They’ll have to understand. It’s about time I took charge of things.” Then he left to take care of Tessa.

  Veronica turned to Nathan and saw the blood still soaking his bandage. He must be in pain, but he hadn’t complained. “We need to get you back to the hospital.” She started to rise, but he pulled her back against him.

  “Not until we settle something.”


  Nathan cupped her face in his hands. “I love you, Veronica. I want you to marry me.”

  Veronica’s emotions ranged from surprise to joy to fear. “I can’t.”

  He winced as if she’d hurt him. “Why not?”

  Veronica bit her lip and moved across the room, distancing herself from him. “I love you, Nathan. But…but I cause people to die.”

  Nathan grabbed her with his uninjured arm and lowered his mouth to hers. “I’m still here.”

  Veronica gazed into his eyes.

  “Ah, darling, you’ve given me back my life. Don’t you know, you’re the very reason I want to live.” Then he crushed her in his embrace and there was nothing else for her to say except “Yes.”


  Veronica slipped her hand into the crook of Eli’s arm, and he escorted her down the aisle. She couldn’t control the smile on her face. The wedding was set in the small chapel in Oakland, and beautiful azaleas flanked the front lawn. Tulips and wildflowers lined the walkway outside, and gorgeous white dogwood blossoms filled the trees. Inside she’d asked for pots of pansies so she could take them home and plant them in her yard—the one she and Nathan would share—the one where their children would run and play.


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