A Sea of Smoke: A Dark Romance (A War of Hearts Book 2)

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A Sea of Smoke: A Dark Romance (A War of Hearts Book 2) Page 24

by Karen Lynn

  Kristen wouldn't release her hold on Jake. “You know what he's doing here, Logan!”

  “Let me show him!” Jake groaned, his nostrils flaring.

  “No Jake, please, it's not worth it.”

  Trembling, he gave a second glance before getting in Logan’s face again. “Get the fuck outta here before I really mess you up!”

  Logan tottered closer to the door, dazed but fighting to recover. “Fuck you, she's my wife. You get the fuck outta here! This is ridiculous!”

  The door creaked open, a curious nurse pushing her body through the opening.

  “What's going on in here? We heard a commotion.” She stopped in her tracks at the sight of their agitated faces. “Do I need to call security, miss?”

  “No! He's leaving, it's okay. Logan, please...”

  Kristen’s eyes jerked frantically back and forth between them.

  The sound of Jake's furious breathing permeated the air. A second passed, the two men glaring at each other.

  “Who the fuck is he, telling me what to do? Doesn't he know we're still married, Kristen?” Logan’s face twisted in turmoil. He forced himself to ignore Jake.

  “I'm the baby's father asshole, and she doesn't want you here.” Jake stepped forward about to lunge at him. Kristen squeezed his arm, alerting him to the nurse poised to call security.

  Logan scrutinized the room, struggling to understand what was happening, but his mind was a tangled web, everything in his path blurring before his eyes. He shook his head over and over, reversing. “I wouldn't count on that. You think you're the only one she screwed?”

  Jake's face burned with fury, his eyes flew from Logan to the nurse, who stood at attention between them. He nodded slowly, a menacing warning of things to come. Logan disappeared into the hallway. Kristen let out a troubled sigh, maintaining her tight hold on Jake’s arm.

  “We can't have that kind of behavior here again, okay? I don't want to restrict you from visitors,” the nurse warned.

  “Can't you prevent him from coming back?” Kristen pleaded. Then it dawned on her. “I think I'm leaving today, aren’t I?”

  “There's a good chance. The doctor will be in shortly. Now if you can calm down, I need to check your vitals and draw some blood.”

  Jake was still fuming, unable to turn his attention away from the door.

  “You better have a seat, sir.” She motioned to the chair. With reluctance, he followed her instructions, sinking his powerful frame into it. As he took deep breaths, he held Kristen's gaze. She didn't blink when the nurse brought a thermometer to her forehead.

  “Your temp is normal, that's good. Let's calm down some more and check your pressure.”

  Despite her advice, Kristen couldn’t stop shaking.

  “I'll give you some time to wind down.” The nurse exited without looking back.

  Kristen turned anxiously to Jake. “I tried to get rid of him!”

  “What did he mean about I'm not the only one you screwed? Are there other guys besides him?”

  “No! He's trying to get back at me, that's all.”

  “Hmm, I guess we'll find out soon enough won't we.” With a loud groan, he sat next to her on the bed. It shook under his trembling.

  “Yeah, we will. I can't believe you'd even listen to him!” Kristen sulked, her lips puffed out as she crossed her arms in front of her.


  “What was he doing here anyway?”

  “How do I know? I tried to get him to leave!”

  He touched her cheek. “I know, baby. It's okay. You have to calm down so we can get outta here. What about Alex?” His pulse slowly returned to normal.

  She shrugged, aware that he was still on edge. “Logan woke me up. I never made it to Alex. Let's go after this.” She peeked demurely at him, hoping the atmosphere would remain peaceful. Hoping he would forget about Logan at least for a while.

  “We get those results today too, don't we?” Jake appeared to be studying her, but his mind was far away. I want everything resolved. I need to take care of Logan. I need her to believe it is over.

  “Yeah, we should. Maybe we can take him with us.”

  In the back of her mind, a storm brewed, threatening to destroy her entire word. She closed her eyes and said a silent prayer.

  * * *

  Logan ran out of the hospital. He could tell he was moving, but couldn't feel his feet—or any other part of his body. His pulse raced, his breaths rapid bursts of air. Spinning in a suspended state of reality, his head was on fire. That hadn't really happened. It was a nightmare. He would wake up shortly, everything back to normal. Somehow ending up in his car, he found himself driving home. Everything would work out—he felt it in his bones.

  The moment he entered the apartment the truth struck him like a revelation. She was gone. She wasn't coming back, at least not to him. Sinking hopelessly to the floor, he buried his face in his shaking hands.

  This isn’t happening. That savage isn’t going to take her from me!

  He had to remain calm, to think, to plan what to do next. The phone rang.

  Maybe she had a change of heart.

  Instead it was Gina. No matter what he did, she still wanted him. Wherever he wanted it, she was ready. It was non-committal, strictly pleasure-driven. It served his needs, satisfied his hunger.

  Look how love is destroying me!

  He stretched out on the carpet, closing his eyes, unable to believe the incredible depth of his feelings. Images of Kristen when they first met blasted through his mind, refusing to disappear. He knew he had disappointed her, but she had to know how he felt about her. Why she needed to leave that savage to be with him. Maybe if he could just explain how he felt without interference.

  I should call her. I can make it right. This time it will be different, perfect, just like before. I have to do it.

  * * *

  “Kristen, please don't hang up,” Logan begged at the sound of her exasperated sigh. “Are you alone?”

  Her eyes darted to the door. They were ready to go for the paternity test results. Jake was in the bathroom.

  “What is it? Never mind! I don’t want to talk to you.” She wasn't shaking quite as bad as before. Her eyes moved around the stark white walls, her mind drifting. It would be uplifting to get out of there.

  “Why can't we discuss this? You're not being fair,” he moaned.

  “I'm finished talking, Logan. After what you did to me, don't you get it? It's over. The baby is Jake's...” She could feel Jake’s presence. Turning to look, the hardness in his face chilled her to the bone. It was time to put an end to the deception. No more secrets and hidden conversations.

  “I don't care about that! You have to stay—” Logan’s frenzied behavior bordered on hysteria.

  “No. I don't. I'm gonna be by to get some stuff later and I don't want to see you there. Why don't you go play with your mistress?”

  “What stuff? I don't know where you think you're going Kristen. Did you forget our bond?”

  “That's over, Logan, I'm staying with Jake. He's here because I called him! Please don't make this any harder. He'll be with me—”

  “—No, I'm serious, if you don't stay you will regret it. I'm gonna fight you, you won't get a cent! Oh, and remember—he broke into my house. Did you forget that too?”

  “You can fight all you want, Logan. I don't give a shit! I'm gonna get the divorce this time!” Losing control, her voice turned loud and shrill.

  Jake placed his hand on her arm, his eyes gentle as they gazed down at her. “Give me the phone.”

  His grip tightened. She shook her head, pulling her arm away. “Logan, I have to go.” She ended the call, biting her lip to alleviate the quivering.

  “You should let me handle him, Kris. You don't need any more stress.”

  “I'm okay. You did enough. It's my turn to stand up to him.”

  “Like last time?” he muttered, sadness filled his eyes now as they locked on hers.

! I'm different now. I'm a mother, and we're a family. This time I won't back down. I'm totally serious.”

  He stared at her, his mind zooming in all directions. It was difficult for him to accept, considering how many times she’d failed that test in the past. Between his raging distrust and everything else going on, he smelled disaster simmering.

  “Let's go get the results.”

  Kristen froze. There was no way out now. She carefully lifted herself from the bed, fixing her gown and hair.

  They walked side by side down the corridor. His skin tingled from her touch when she took his hand, but he was lost in another world, a dark world where the only thing that mattered was destroying Logan. A world where his only purpose, revenge, festered in him like a cancerous lesion.

  The time had come and he didn’t know how much longer he would be able to hold back.

  * * *

  A pang of terror struck Kristen the instant she saw Alicia waiting for them. From the pallor of her skin and distraught appearance, it was obvious something terrible had happened. But her own face retained that faint delighted glow when she held up the birth certificate.

  “Good news?” Alicia curled a lock of hair around her finger absentmindedly.

  Jake and Kristen’s heads bobbed up and down simultaneously, both beaming with happiness. “He's a daddy!” Kristen exclaimed, her eyes dancing. When she saw the smile fade from Alicia's face, her edginess returned. “What happened?”

  Alicia moved closer to her. “Logan—he threatened me.” Her lips brushed Kristen’s ear. When her voice trailed off, she glanced over at Jake, lost in a daydream.

  “What? What did he say?” Kristen stiffened, forcing her voice to stay low. The last thing she needed was Jake overreacting.

  Neither of them heard Jake’s approach.

  “What's going on?” His hand rested on Kristen's back. Although he caressed her shoulders, his attention remained on Alicia.

  Kristen gave her the go ahead signal. Alicia nervously knotted her fingers together, looking down at her feet. “He surprised me at the beach. I told him to fuck off, but he wouldn’t let up. He warned me to keep away from you. He said I was ruining his life...” She raised her eyes. They were filled with rage and anguish.

  A burst of adrenaline raced through Jake’s veins. His hands tensed uncontrollably on Kristen’s back. “What the fuck! Is he fucking crazy?”

  “Jake, that hurts...” Kristen squirmed under the pressure. He pulled back from her. Startled, she looked up at his flushed face.

  Alicia’s jumpiness increased. “It's nothing. I probably shouldn't have told you.”

  “No, we're glad you did. I'm sorry you got dragged into this.” Kristen wrapped her arms around Alicia, whispering in her ear, “Don't worry.”

  “Did he touch you?” Jake's body inflated, ready to burst.

  “No! I left pretty fast…”

  “Did he follow you?” Jake’s eyes blazed. All he needed was one tiny reason to hunt Logan down like an animal.

  “No, no, seriously, I'm fine. He felt stupid afterward.”

  “Yeah, right. I'm sure after what happened earlier he won't be bothering either of you anymore.” Jake smirked, turning away.

  “We're leaving in a little while.” Kristen broke the sudden silence.

  “Alex too?” Alicia perked up.

  “No. Not until Saturday or Sunday at the latest. We just came from there.” Kristen sank to the chair in exhaustion and leaned her head back.

  Jake peeked at her, but his restlessness propelled him into the hallway. He was too wound up to console her. Let Alicia do it. He had the meeting with Henry to think about and Logan to take care of, before Kristen had the opportunity to change his mind.


  Instant replay of nine months earlier in Brooklyn—the same unpleasant feeling in a different setting. This time it was an apartment building, but the circumstances were all too familiar to Jake. He pulled his truck into the guest parking space in the underground parking garage. His hands were numb from the pressure he applied as he gripped the steering wheel, but his mind was blank.

  “Jake? Are you okay?”

  Although Kristen had been talking to him, he failed to hear a single word.

  Snapping back to the moment, he stared at her. “Yeah. I'm fine. If he's up there… I can't promise anything.”

  “Jake, please, just let me get as much as I can and then we can come back again before Alex gets out. Unless you want to make two trips today?” They were going to the Miami Beach Inn a few miles away, where he booked a large room with a kitchenette.

  “No, you need to get some rest. Just get the essentials for today. Don't worry about me. Just remind me not to blow up.” He flashed his cutest smile, then opened the door, leaping out.

  When they entered the apartment it was quiet and dark. She couldn’t hold back a relieved sigh when she stood on her tip toes to kiss him.

  “Hey, just make sure once we get everything outta here, it’s over, okay? I do not want to see his ugly face again. Got it?” He raised his eyebrows hopefully.

  “Okay.” It was all she could muster. Despite the momentary sense of security, she was infused with fear.

  Jake made a brief inspection of the apartment as they headed to the master bedroom. Huge, filled with expensive looking modern age furniture—he couldn’t begin to imagine the price tag. Not wanting to dwell on it or let intimidation take over, he concentrated on the long balcony outside the living room. Seeking a diversion, he opened the sliding glass doors, contemplating on the beach in the distance. He could hear the ocean crashing onto the shore as he gazed at the spectacular sunset. For a second he felt at peace.

  “Baby, come here a minute,” he called her, lacing his fingers through hers when she came close. “It's gorgeous, isn't it?”

  Why couldn't the whole world be this pure and simple?

  She melted into him in awe. “It's amazing. We didn’t see this in New York, did we?” She gazed up at him, her eyes warm and tender.

  “Nope. But we do have that awesome New York skyline!” He chuckled. “Have you thought about where you wanna live?” Becoming somber, he looked off into the distance.

  “Not really. Don't you have to see how that business deal goes with Franky's friend?” It so bizarre. My life has changed drastically twice in such a short period of time. How uncertain the world is. Why can’t it always be so beautiful and mellow like it is at this moment?

  “Yeah. I have to decide when to meet him. But that won't be until Franky comes down next week, I think, so for the rest of the week, I belong to you and Alex. I was hoping we could head to Oregon and see my mom at some point.”

  “I'd love that Jake, really.” Her arms encircled his waist. “I'm dying to meet your family. How is she?” All she wanted to do for the time being was absorb him, without worrying about any hardship, extreme changes in lifestyle or materialistic elements.

  “She's doing great.” Reflecting for a minute, he kissed her head. “Let's get your stuff and grab some dinner.”

  Once in the bedroom, she pulled out overnight bags from the large walk-in closet. Paralyzed, by the uninvited vision, she stood staring sightlessly at the bags.

  Queens, NY: Thirteen years earlier, but it burned so brightly in her mind’s eye, it could have been yesterday. She and Logan cuddling in the closet of her childhood bedroom. Fooling around instead of packing. The tight space so hot, their sweaty thighs stuck together, the air so stuffy, they were suffocating. None of it mattered—the world revolved around them, the only thing of importance their smoldering passion. When she’d joked about her fuzzy wool pajamas, he tossed them aside. A useless item to leave behind, to forget like so many others. It made sense—they were naked most of the time. And his pale blue eyes glowed when he held onto her face, kissing her hungrily. So comfortable, so secure, so perfect, for both of them…

  “Hey, where are you?” Jake asked, holding her chin between his fingers. She blinked, a stray te
ar sneaking out, rolling down her face. It was impossible to pretend with her eyes vacant and red. He knew she was thinking about Logan.

  “Right here. I'm just tired, baby, that's all,” she whispered, throwing her arms around his waist, squeezing as tight as she could. Sensing her distress, he pulled her close, bending to rub his face in her hair, until she couldn’t hold back any longer and broke down, weeping silently in his arms.

  There was nothing he could do for her. It was too close to her final break from Logan. Things were very fragile, and he was well aware of it, but there was also no way he would risk losing her again. Not this time.

  “I know it's been hard on you, baby, but I promise, things will get better. I'm gonna take good care of you and Alex. We'll be very, very happy, you'll see. No more pain.”

  Waiting for her sobbing to slack off, he tried to convince himself.

  “I know Jake, I love you.” She clung to him, her face deep in his chest. “I was thinking about my dad and when I left home after he was gone.”

  “I'm sorry about that, baby. I know you miss him a lot. We'll make new memories.” He smiled down at her, blinking away all signs of moisture in his own eyes.

  It hurt her to lie to him, but it would be a lot worse if she told him the truth. She nodded, her thoughts wandering to her old photo album. If she could just find any photo to remember Logan by. Perhaps one from the early days of their marriage, when his love was deep and pure. Something to prove it hadn’t been a complete waste of time. Taking a desperate breath, she started to pack. What did it matter anyway since she would probably run into him at the divorce hearing? Then again, the task of finding an attorney in Florida and starting the divorce would be a matter for the future.

  Jake gave her space. Lost in his own thoughts, he strolled aimlessly around the apartment.

  Just two rooms are bigger than my old apartment! But why aren't there any photos of them around? Instead, there were large paintings of ocean scenes, nudes, and glossy mirrors hanging randomly throughout. Then it caught his eye—what appeared to be a photo album hidden away on a bookshelf. With a quick glance to confirm Kristen was still busy packing, he picked it up. Page after page of photographs of her and Logan around New York, apparently taken years earlier. They were lost in each other. A sharp pain stabbed into his chest. He dropped the album onto the shiny ceramic tiles and sought the sanctuary of the balcony.


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