The UnKnown (A Novel)

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The UnKnown (A Novel) Page 2

by Lara Henley

  “What a coincidence, that’s exactly where I’m headed. I just graduated from the University of Texas and I am heading home.” He said sounding surprised

  “A college man huh? Congratulations. What did you study?” I asked him.

  “Art literature. My parents were not too happy about it. They think it’s a wasted degree. My father wanted me to be a lawyer like he is, but that doesn’t make me happy,” he said. I saw the passion in eyes.

  “Are you an artist? I love art, although I can’t draw.” Frowning at the thought at how bad my art is. The best I could do is stick figures.

  “Not an artist, but I love all things art. I love to look at and study it. I am hoping to have my own gallery someday.” That was very ambitious of him. Art galleries were not doing so well these days.

  “Great dream. I hope to go to college one day and study history. I want to become a history teacher.” I knew that was dull and boring, but I loved history and wanted to share it with young minds. My history teacher in high school was wonderful, and I loved everything about it.

  “A teacher, huh? That’s a tough field with the kids nowadays.” His voice rose a question of surprise that I wanted to be a teacher.

  “Yeah I know, but it’s what I want.” He nodded and we rode in silence for the next hour. This was going to be a long drive not knowing the stranger next to me.

  Chapter 2


  I was so captivated by her beauty the minute I saw her by the pay phone. Her strawberry red hair and green eyes were a vision. She had to be young because she looked as innocent and pure as the driven snow. I had heard her telephone conversation and decided to give her a ride. I was hoping she would take me up on it. I had been driving for hours and could really use the company. Plus, she looked so afraid, and all I wanted to do was protect her. Why was she traveling across country by herself? She needed someone to protect her and to be there for her. Was I that man? Who was I kidding? I could barely take care of myself. I had always put up a façade instead of showing who I really was. I acted stuck up with my friends, which in hindsight, I realized I couldn’t care less about money. I just wanted to be happy like everyone else.

  I had just finished summer school and was heading home. Well, if you could call it that. I was dreading the idea of returning there, but I had no other choice since I was a hundred percent dependent on my parents. Parents, ha, what a joke. They had never been there for me for as long as I could remember. Our house keeper, Anna, was the one who raised my brother and me. My parents were always too busy to take care of us. They were always traveling or attending parties. I remember one evening Sean and I were playing in the laundry room and the iron was on for some reason. It fell on me and burned the skin right off my shoulder. Sean went to go find our parents, but they were nowhere to be found. He had to call 911 because there was no one there. Anna had just returned from the store when the ambulance arrived. She was so frantic when she saw me. She hugged and kissed me like a real mother should. I will never forget the love that Anna showed me. If it wasn’t for her, I don’t know how my life would have turned out. Once we made it to the hospital Anna took care of everything. She got my medicine and tucked me into bed later that night. I never did find out where my parents were that day. That was just a glimpse of the things that happened to me growing up.

  When I looked at Misty, I felt an instant connection to her I had never felt before. It was like all my problems were washed away. She hadn’t come to me as I started to pull away; my heart sank at the fact that I would probably never see her again. When I saw her running I was so excited. I had an entire trip to get to know her. Coincidentally, we were headed to the same town. How perfect was that?

  “I can help pay for gas,” she said, breaking me out of my thoughts.

  “No need. I was already going this way. I could use the company. It’s been a really long and boring drive. We will stop somewhere overnight.” She looked at me as if I said the world was on fire. “We don’t have to stay in the same room, Peaches. We can get separate ones if you feel more comfortable,” I say to reassure her that she will be safe.

  “No offense, but I still don’t know you.” Misty looked at me defensively.

  “Well, let’s change that. Ask me anything.” This was going to be a long drive, and I wanted to get to know as much about her as I could.

  “Let’s just ride. Do you mind if I turn on the radio?” She is evading the topic of getting to know me. I would have to find something to break the ice.

  “Sure.” She hit the radio button and Michael Jackson’s Beat it came blaring through.

  “I love this song. My mother and I would dance to it every time it came on the radio. We even came up with a dance routine,” she said smiling.

  “I will have to see this dance of yours. Maybe you and your mother can teach me.” Her smile faded instantly. Did I say something wrong?? She turned the station.

  “What did I say? I am sorry. I didn’t mean to offend you.” Apologizing to her made me sound like such a wimp. Who talks to a girl like this after only knowing her a short time?

  “It’s nothing you said. My mother and father are dead.” Her voice was at a whisper and I barely made out what she said. Misty’s face turned beet red, and she looked as though she was going to cry.

  “I’m sorry, Peaches. How did they die?” I wanted to know more about this mystery woman without making her cry.

  “Car accident, and why do you keep calling me Peaches?” Her voice had returned back to normal. It seemed as though she was trying to change the subject.

  “That is terrible. How long ago?” I saw that she didn’t want to talk about it and almost regretted asking the question.

  “They died six years ago. And before you ask, I will just get this over with. I was in the foster care system. I have aged out. I had nowhere to go until my aunt answered the phone. I am headed to her hopefully to start my life.” I had no idea what to say. This girl had been through so much in so little time.

  Looking at the pain in her eyes I decided it was time for a subject change. “I call you Peaches because you look sweet. The color of your skin reminds me of peaches.” God I loved to look at her. With her parents dying six years ago, that has to put her at least at eighteen. I need to find out so that I’m not messing with jail bait.

  “So, that means you are eighteen?” I asked, hoping that she wasn’t underage.

  “Yes. I have no idea what I am doing.” She covered her face and began to cry. I pulled the truck over onto the shoulder of the road. I wanted to touch her, to let her know she was not alone. I wanted to be her saving grace.

  “Look at me, Misty.” She still had her hands over her face. “Look at me.” I pulled her hands down. Her face was swollen and her eyes were red and puffy.

  “It will be ok, Peaches. You are so brave. You are facing this world alone, but look, you are here and making it work. Yes, I know this must be hard, but I will help you as much as I can. You’re not alone anymore.” I wiped the tears from her face. God I wanted to kiss her in that moment, but I knew it was not the right time. I looked at her. “You are so beautiful, Peaches, do you know that? I thought it the minute I saw you.” What the hell was I doing? I barely knew this girl but I felt the need to protect her. I wrapped my arms around her and just let her cry on my shoulder.

  “Thank you,” she said as she sniffled. I moved back over to my seat in search of a tissue. I pulled the hand rest up to find a few lying there. I got some out and handed them to her. Getting adjusted to my driving position, I glanced over to make sure she was ok.

  “Please don’t thank me. It is the least I can do. Why don’t you lean back and rest?” I said looking over at her before pulling back onto the highway. She nodded, leaned the seat back and closed those stunning green eyes. As soon as she did I missed them. I knew at that moment I was in a world of trouble.

  Chapter 3


  I closed my eyes as Drake suggested. I felt weirdl
y safe with him. I never felt this way before. When Drake touched my hands, I felt a flash of energy rush through my body. It was a heat that I never felt before. I loved his touch already and it scared the crap out of me. I had only known this man a few short hours and missed his arms around me. They made me feel safe and protected. I was thinking about him when I finally drifted off to sleep. Was it possible to miss someone before you even knew them?

  I awoke to the truck pulling off the highway. It was dark out and I saw other cars whizzing by us. I could feel him staring at me but I pretended not to notice. I wished my mom were here right now. It was confusing. It’s times like these that I wished I had someone to turn to. My parents were always my anchor and I felt like I was cheated because they were taken before their time. I was cheated out of a life of happiness and love. Rubbing my eyes, and trying to focus, I looked to see where we were.

  “What are we doing? Where are we?” I rubbed my eyes and stretched out my arms. I rolled my neck and began rubbing it because I had a kink in it. I peered over at Drake. He seemed tired. I had no idea how long he had been driving before he picked me up.

  “We are in Montgomery, Alabama. I figured this was a good stopping point. We can grab some dinner to go and check into a hotel.”

  I pulled my seat into the upright position. “Sounds good,” I said yawning.

  Drake smiled and pulled into a McDonalds and yawned as well. “See what you made me do? Now I’m yawning. You mind if we go through the drive-thru?”

  “Fine with me.” He pulled around so I could see the menu board. I was rather excited. I didn’t get to eat out much due to lack of money.

  “What do you want?” I looked over the menu and decided on a chicken sandwich meal. Now that Drake was taking me to Florida I could spend a little extra on food. Drake ordered the double quarter pounder meal. I pulled a ten out of my pocket and tried to hand it to him. He pushed my hand away.

  “I can’t let you pay for my food. You were kind enough to give me a ride.”

  “Misty, I can afford it. Please just let me do this.” Feeling defeated, I put the money back in my pocket. I did need to hold onto the money I had. I didn’t know how much my room was going to be.

  “Thank you,” I said quietly.

  “Stop thanking me, Peaches. I am a southern gentleman. My father would tear my hide if I let you pay for anything.” I couldn’t help but giggle. He paid for the food and we moved on to a Holiday Inn.

  “Now listen. I am getting a suite with two rooms. Each room will have a lock on it. I just feel more comfortable with you close. Are you ok with that?” How could I not be? I nodded yes, and Drake jumped out of the truck to get the rooms while I stayed in the car. He came back out a few minutes later to park the car and then pulled our bags out of the trunk.

  “Come on. Let’s get some rest.” I followed him to an elevator where we rode up in silence to the room. I couldn’t believe I was staying in a room with a perfect stranger. I had a good feeling this guy was ok. Drake pushed the key card in and opened the door. I followed him, letting the door latch behind us. If he were going to do something to me he would have done it already, right?

  The suite was simple, yet very comfy-looking. There was a small black and white kitchenette and living area separating the two rooms. This room felt more like home than any other place I had ever lived.

  “Which one do you want?” he asked. I pointed to the one on the left. He took my bag in and set it on the bed. Then he came back out.

  “I promise I won’t bother you. Here’s your food. I am taking mine to my room.” He went in his room and shut the door behind him, leaving me standing in the kitchenette. With the food in my hands, I quietly walked over to my room and closed and locked the door. I set the food on the night stand and flipped the TV on. The Tonight Show with Jay Leno was on. He was talking to guest Scarlett Johanssen. She was talking about her upcoming movie. I sat there watching as I ate my food only half listening.

  I was thinking about the man across the hall from me. What was I doing? I was so stupid to think that maybe he was interested in me. He was out of my league. He came from money and was a college graduate. But I could have sworn we had shared a moment in the car. I finished my sandwich and fries and pulled out my pajamas. Too tired to shower; I slipped them on and pulled the covers down. I lay there for hours tossing and turning. I needed to be near him. I sat up on the side of the bed and contemplated whether or not to knock on his door. Deciding against it, I laid back down and tried my darnedest to go to sleep. I tossed and turned for most of the night.

  I thought about Lucy and how happy she must be. I wondered if I could ever have a life like that. Something told me I could with Drake; that God had brought him to me for a reason. At the same time, I was thinking that I also felt like Drake had a secret he was withholding from me. Of course, I was a stranger and he didn’t have to tell me anything. I didn’t like secrets and I didn’t like being lied to. For his sake I hoped he came clean before we got serious. What did I mean before we got serious? Drake was way older than I was. He probably liked girls his own age, but I knew there was something there between us.

  Chapter 4


  I didn’t know what to say to her when we got into the room. I wanted to make her feel comfortable and safe. So, I left her to it. I put my bag down and sat on the edge of the bed. I wanted to go to her, but refrained. She was only eighteen years old. I was twenty-one pushing twenty-two. What could we possibly have in common? One year ago, she would have been jail bait. I rubbed my face, fell back on the bed and stared up at the ceiling. I had so many other problems right now than to worry about this. I sat back up, opened my bag, and pulled out my food. I turned the TV on and flipped channels until I stumbled upon an action movie I had never seen before. As I was watching I was thinking about what Misty was doing next door. “Get it together Drake. You are no good for her.” Sighing, I put the contents of my food back in the bag. No longer hungry, I decided to take a shower to wash the day away. After getting some shorts and a t-shirt, I headed to the shower and turned the water on as hot as I could stand it. I stepped in and scrubbed my body until I was red. I finished washing and towel dried off. When I made my way back to the room, Misty was standing there.

  “What’s the matter? Everything ok?” I knew something had to be wrong for her to come into my room.

  “I can’t sleep. I have been sleeping in the same bed for six years. I can’t get comfortable.” She was so cute in her pink tank top and matching pink shorts. I couldn’t help eyeing her perfectly sculpted legs. Misty was tall and I still towered over her.

  “I don’t think it’s a good idea for you stay in here with me,” I told her.

  “Why not? I trust you.” Oh God. This girl didn’t know what she was getting herself into.

  “Because I won’t be able to control myself. It’s best if you go back to your own room.” She looked confused.

  “I, ummm, I don’t want to be alone. This is so strange for me.” She was going to be the death of me and I had known her less than twenty-four hours.

  “Let’s go watch some TV in the living room, and I will sit with you until you fall asleep.” I pushed her towards the living room and turned on the television.

  “What do you want to watch, Peaches?” I asked while flipping through some channels.

  “Anything, it doesn’t matter.” Misty stretched her body out on the couch while I sat on the chair next to it. We settled on the same action movie I was watching earlier. Before I knew it, she was fast asleep. I went over to the closet to pull out a blanket and covered her with it. I kissed her forehead and felt that surge of energy pulse through me again.

  As I backed away slowly, I pulled my phone from my pocket. I scrolled through until I found the name I had been looking for. Going back in my room and shutting the door, I hit the dial button and heard the ring.

  “Hey baby, where are you? I’ve been worried sick.” Hearing Sara’s voice made me sick to my s
tomach. We had been through so much shit the past three years. I wasn’t even sure that I loved her anymore.

  “I’m in a hotel in Alabama. I should get home sometime tomorrow evening.” Misty was nothing. Just a girl you are giving a ride to.

  “Ok, I can’t wait to see you. I have missed you so much.” The truth was I didn’t miss her. I was relieved when she decided to go to the University of Florida our last year of college. She said they had a better physical therapy program there. I didn’t care what the reason was. She was a spoiled brat and I was getting sick of her. The distance between us was good, but I never broke it off with her. If she found out I was giving Misty a ride, she would claw her eyes out. She was so jealous it was ridiculous.

  “Hello, Drake? Are you there?” Why did I even call her? Her voice was so irritating.

  “Yeah, I’m here.”

  “Good. I thought I’d lost you. Anyway, as I was saying, Mom and Dad have this gala they want us to attend.” Her voice trailed off or I just stopped listening.

  “So, will you go?”

  “Go where?” I asked.

  “To the gala. Have you not been listening? Drake, this is what I am talking about. You never listen to me anymore. It’s like we are not on the same page. I love you, and I am trying my best to make this work.” Blah, blah, blah. I have heard this crap before.

  “Listen, Sara, I’ve been driving all day. I am really tired. We can go to the gala if that is what you want. I’ll call you tomorrow before I hit the road. Goodnight.” I said, hanging the phone up before she could respond. I powered it down and climbed into bed. I didn’t want her to call me back.

  I turned off the TV and laid there wondering what was awaiting me at home. My parents were not too happy with me at this point. They told me I had six months to find a job and support myself. They would not be taking care of me. I thought this was a load of crap because they let my brother Sean live with them and he’s not much older than me. He was such a screw up and I was the golden child, so they thought. I had always worked hard and it seemed like they came down the hardest on me. I made straight A’s in high school and had a high B average in college. I got an internship at a small art gallery in town. Hopefully, it would turn into something permanent. All this crap was starting to drive me nuts. I knew that I shouldn’t be complaining, but I just didn’t give a shit right now. I thought of Misty and how strong she was. She had nothing, but she was surging forward to a life unknown to her. I admired that in her. Yet, I was stuck with a spoiled rich brat. I was going to have a little chat with Sara when I got home. My eyes finally felt heavy and I fell asleep watching a movie.


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