Bella Vita

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Bella Vita Page 3

by Jesse Kimmel-Freeman

  Miss Emma? His mind was probing out to the crowd.

  I'm here. I waved at him.

  He walked over to where I was and held out a hand for my small underpacked bag. I handed it to him. Please follow me, Miss.

  Okay, what should I call you? I thought it polite to have a name to go with this guy who could've easily been with Betty since her beginning as a vampire- whenever that was.

  My name? He paused for a second- clearly he wasn't used to being asked what his name was. My name is Aldrich. He looked back at me and smiled- his fangs were present, and his teeth were only slightly tanned by age.

  Hi, Aldrich! Please just call me Emma. I beamed back at him.

  I'll try, Emma. He walked forward with long strides that took me multiple steps to keep up with.

  We finally made it out to the car. It was a 1929 solid black Pierce-Arrow Limousine- now when I say limo, I'm not talking about today's kind, oh no, this thing was beautiful and old and spooktastic.

  “Oh my goodness! This is the freaking coolest car I've ever seen!” Was the best thing I could say as I tried to explain the sheer awesomeness of this car.

  “I'm glad it pleases, Miss Emma.” Aldrich grinned. I could tell he took good care of this car.

  He opened my side of the car and held out a hand to assist me getting in. It was like I was suddenly stuck in a weird old movie- strangely enough, I was really enjoying it.

  “Thank you.” I replied as I hopped into the vintage beauty. Aldrich said nothing, just silently closed the door and got in the front and pulled away.

  I stared out the window, but there was too much to see and my mind drifted back to everything that had happened to me. I saw the rows of similar houses and the shops, but I didn't see them. I looked through the glass as the city slowly gave way to the countryside. I never thought Betty would be living out in the sticks. I continued to look out the window and that was when I saw the huge house looming- no house isn't what it should be called, rather a mansion.

  The place was clearly from the 1890s or maybe even the late 1880s. It was a French Renaissance chateau. The roof was angular and a bluish shade. The building itself was beige with brown trimmings. To be honest, it looked a lot like a place I had seen before in a magazine- the Biltmore Estate. Maybe they got the idea from here. It didn't matter where it came from, it was beautiful and utterly too big for Bettina alone.

  The long drive up to the house was an incredible way to see some of the vast surrounding estate. I could tell there were various gardens, pools, and all sorts of other things. Aldrich made a turn and parked directly in front of the door. I watched as he turned off the car, opened his door, walked around the front of the car and then opened my door with the same gesture as before.

  I climbed out and thanked him once more, he merely tipped his hat and walked back to the driver's door and got in. I was about to ask what I was supposed to do when a small squat woman walked up to me and tapped me ever so gently on the shoulder- she held a gold pocket watch.

  “I suppose you must be Miss Emma Hutchinson, coming from Italy, originally from the United States?” The woman was soft spoken and her words were quick and efficient- she understood how to make people listen to her.

  “That would be me.” I smiled at the woman that was probably three inches shorter than me- making her roughly five feet tall.

  Her lightly glossed lips turned down at the corners- an expression that was clearly common for the woman. “You are late.” With that she snapped the watch shut, turned, and walked back into the house, her cream colored dress suit barely moved as she walked. Not too sure about wearing cream with blonde hair and fair skin.

  I followed the woman silently.





  The small woman's heels sounded like a military march. As we walked by the rows of shiny suits of armor, I imagined them saluting her. I heard a chuckle and realized I had let my guard down and allowed my thoughts to float pass me. I saw a tall wiry man step out from behind one of the tin men, he held a feather duster. I raised an eyebrow.

  Merry Meet, Miss Emma. Do not fret, most of the staff are not of our kind. She didn't hear your thoughts. He lowered his head, his black ringlets fell forward and cover his honey brown eyes.

  Merry Met ? I wanted to know his name- he seemed young.

  Bernard. He smiled shyly.

  Merry Met, Bernard. I assume that the staff keeps the guests' thoughts private. I raised my left eyebrow and grinned more to the left than the right.

  Most certainly, Miss Emma. If you need anything feel free to call upon me during your stay. He lowered his gaze.

  Thank you. Now I must catch back up with that woman. Merry Part. I said as I ran until I was right behind her- I was lucky that the hall was so long, otherwise I would've lost her and she never even checked to see if I was behind her.

  The more I walked behind her, the more I was growing to dislike the woman. She said nothing. The only sound was that of her heels and the tiniest sound from her rough fabric moving- I'd learned to move silently. It only took another ten minutes before I started to get angry.

  “You know, you could at least tell me your name or where we're going.” I huffed at the back of her rigid self.

  “Some things are best left to the mystery of life,” was all she said as she walked up to a door, I could feel my temper raise just a little higher.

  The door was a rich mahogany. It held the appearance of being both old and heavy. Along the panels a story seemed to be carved. I stepped closer and found that the story was the prophecy- my prophecy- all laid out in tiny pictures. I looked at the small woman who had shrunk in comparison to the door. She was searching for a key on a massive key ring. Where did she pull that from? I could tell that it wasn't something she was used to doing often from her lack of familiarity with the keys.

  “Ah, there you are.” She said as she pulled a small plain iron key forward. From what I could tell it wasn't anything special.

  The key fit the lock on the door with the embrace of lovers reuniting. The lock gave the slightest click that sounded almost like a sigh, and the door creaked open. I wanted to stand and look at the door as much as possible, but the woman pushed the door open and started talking to me.

  “My name is Elizabeth. This room hasn't been opened since Bettina had it constructed. After she had the vision of some prophecy, that I see you recognized on the door, she had the room sealed until the bearer of this burden came to her house. Now you've come to Bettina's house and she says it's your burden, so this room has been opened for you. This will be your lodgings. She'll come for you when you're needed. If you need anything simply ask someone. I'm not sure what's in this room as it was constructed before I came into service here. If there is anything I can help you with right away then I'll be getting back to my normal duties.” Elizabeth exhaled and looked at me expectantly.

  “No, I'm fine. Thank you for everything, Elizabeth.” I smiled and tried to sound nice, not too sure if it worked.

  Elizabeth bowed slightly and then disappeared back down the long hallway.

  I was slightly afraid of what I'd find when I walked into the room, so I stood out in the hall debating on going in or not.

  “The room won't bite.” Bernard was standing to my left, he had a crooked smile on his face.

  “I know, but if it was built for me, what am I going to find?” I was unsure.

  “I can go with you, if you need someone.” He held out his hand.

  I thought about it. This was my burden to hold, not his. I needed to stop hiding behind others and face this demon alone, or with the guidance I could get from someone that knew about visions. “Thank you, Bernard, but I must face this alone. I think it's the best thing for me.” I smiled at him and walked to the doorway.

  “Miss Emma, I don't know if there is light in there. Please take this.” He held out his hand and a thick, cream colored candle appeared, he flicked his fingers a
bove the wick and it lit.

  I reached out my hand with my mouth hanging open. “Eh, thanks.”

  “Betty keeps on a few vampires with special gifts. If you need me, know I'm here.” He winked and walked away.

  I held the candle and touched the fire. Real flame. Wow. I walked toward the dark room and gripped the candle tighter. It would've been better to have a hand to hold through this. But I knew this was something I had to do alone.

  The room had an encompassing darkness. As I stepped in, the candle cast a small golden circle of light around me. The air was surprisingly fresh- not the musty scent of old things and dust. I tried to look around for a light switch, only to find rows of candle holders. I walked up to one and lit it from my candle. I heard a sudden whoosh and the rows of candles lining the room all lit. My senses heightened at once. It was scary to see something out of the movies- but nothing strange happened. I realized that I was standing in a long hallway.

  My feet felt heavy with uncertainty, but I managed to take tentative steps down the hall. There was a soft warm glow produced by the candles. The quiet padding of my footfalls seemed to calm my fears. As I walked the long hall, I found all the walls to be bare. Odd. Surely something should be here. I didn't stop to investigate any further. When I reached the end of the hall, I found another thick door- it wasn't as elaborate as the first one.

  Please let it be unlocked. I sent my silent prayer to whoever was listening. I turned the knob and heard the soft click. I had to shove the door ever so slightly to get it to move.

  The light that assaulted my eyes was blinding. The noise was like being within a tropical rain forest. The air was warm and moist. Where the hell am I? I felt completely lost. Am I even in England anymore? I stepped into the room and felt completely unprotected. All of my senses were overwhelmed, which left me unarmed. My fangs slid into place- a natural defense mechanism.

  Relax, Child. A female voice floated into my head.

  My body tensed from the sudden invasion of my mind. My internal block went up, I even tried to add booby traps to my thoughts. “ Please speak aloud to me, if you value your thoughts.” I spoke out to the room.

  Child, you can't harm me. Now please walk forward. The voice wasn't familiar, but it was. She sounded humored by my ineffective attack on her mind.

  I stepped into the bright colors and overpowering sensations.

  Do not fear. You are safe here. Take the path to the center. You'll find me there. Her voice left my mind completely. It felt like a sudden void.

  I stumbled into the vibrant greens, and sunburst colors of this man created world. I found a dirt packed path and strolled through my worst nightmare because I felt so blind. I focused my thoughts on the soil beneath my feet and tried to stretch my sensitive hearing around me like a protective cloak.

  The ground was a light brown with very few rocks in it, but was lined by larger stones. The colors were easily trumped by the luminous greens and bring colored flora and fauna. I wished I could just sink into the path.

  When my foot hit the first stone step, it was startling. It was a softly worn, beige stone. I looked up and found a slightly raised house. It was little more than a large hut. It was the same beige color as the smoothed stone steps that led up to it. It all looked plain amongst so much natural beauty.

  I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I could smell incense in the air- nag champa, a mixture of sandalwood and the extract from the tree of heaven.

  Merry Meet. I sent the mental greeting out.

  Merry Met, Emma. I knew the voice now- Bettina. Come.

  I jumped up the steps and landed silently outside the doorway. How did you mask your inner voice so well?

  A simple trick you'll learn soon enough. I noticed you sensed part of me within you mind. If you hadn't tried to focus your abilities for possible threats, I believe you would've seen it easily- which is an attribute to your abilities. Also your mental block is most impressive. And your first attempt at a mental attack was fair especially without any training in the topic. She stepped into the light of the doorway and she looked like a Grecian goddess in a white gauzy looking dress that appeared fluid around her.

  “How did... Where are we?” I decided the most important topic would be to discover where I was.

  We are in a part of my house that has more magic about it than anywhere else. Yes, we're still in my home. And in England. But this is a private place where no one comes, and I've not come since I had the vision of the prophecy that haunts your every step. This place will lend answers to your questions. And give sight to your blindnesses. I felt it to be the best place for you to learn some things about yourself and your gift. Betty smiled and gestured me to come into the hut.

  “Betty, I just don't understand it. The new vision. The prophecy. My gift. Why me?” I suddenly felt like a child looking for the answers to the universe from a teacher.

  Your new vision is just your gift allowing you to know what can be changed if you learn to understand your gift. The prophecy isn't set in stone. No future is. Your gift is one of the greatest that a vampire can have. Your gift is a mental one, you're a seer and so much more than that. I was the last vampire to be born with such an amazing ability. I believe that you've been given this gift to be able to handle the roads that have been laid out before you. Her appearance seemed older and her English accent was gone.

  Is this the same woman from before? I didn't know if my thoughts were safe or if I had to be guarded like in the beginning, and part of me didn't really care because I needed answers.

  My accent is only limited to verbal communication. I could color my thoughts with it, but I need not. And you look to me as a wise elder, so I'm a wise elder in your eyes now. Betty's eyes sparkled the way Grandpa's often did.

  Should I only be speaking through my mind? I wanted to start learning right away.

  Only if you're not worried that you'll forget that words will need to come from your mouth when you're among the rest of the world. I find that speaking mentally and staying more within our inner mental confines helps to keep me better connected to my seeing abilities. Betty walked over to a small tea kettle and poured out two cups, she handed one to me and then sat down on a small bean bag-like chair.

  So what's the plan, Stan? Even in my head I couldn't sound as eloquent as most of the adults in my life.

  I've arranged for you to be placed in special classes at school to help with your gifts. Here, as in this visit, we'll try to get a handle on your latest vision. I'll try to teach you to control your visions so that you may see simple things like small parts of the future- parlor tricks in my mind. I also want to know everything that you know of your own talents thus far, so that we can work on developing some of them or trying to make a plan to develop them. I think that we should also discuss your school and what you should expect, it'll be very different from your old schools and yet, somehow similar. She smiled ever so slightly.

  Okay, where do we begin? I stifled a yawn.

  The first thing we do is sleep. This will be your home for the next week. Bernard is the only other person that has permission to come into this area. Should you see anyone else, they're subject to anything that you can imagine. This room will help to strengthen your natural abilities as well. I'll send Bernard to help you get comfortable. He has the ability to manifest objects as well as several other talents. He'll help you alter the inside of this seer's hut, into a castle bedroom if you'd like. We shall start first thing in the morning. I'll also have him bring you something to eat. She smiled again and then walked out of the hut- taking her tea cup with her.

  “I don't know about all of this.” I said to the walls. I did like the idea of having another person to talk to besides Betty. I had a feeling that the week would feel much longer than it should. I sat on the floor and sipped my tea while I waited for Bernard to arrive.

  Bernard didn't seem out of place here for some odd reason. In this man-made paradise, he fit right in. He had changed from the butler-l
ike outfit he was wearing into soft white linen. His skin seemed a glowy tan. Something that was natural but wasn't right in the same sense. He walked in and bowed slightly, a gesture that I was going to have to adjust to. Strange ways they have here. I looked at him and for a moment I didn't know what to say, I mean do I just point to stuff and ask him to change it?

  Greetings, Miss Emma. Where shall we begin making this location more to your liking? His words tickled my mind, like the feather duster I had seen earlier.

  Um. Let's start with you trying really hard just to call me 'Emma' and not to be so formal with me, okay? I really wanted to get rid of the extra special treatment I got for me being me.

  I can try and work on it. I've not been on staff for long so it shouldn't be too hard. What should I call you then? He winked at me. Right away I knew that I liked him.

  Just call me Emma. Do you like being called Bernard or do you have a shortened version you like better. In short, I want to know what I should call you. I'm also wondering how you'll know if I, like, you know, need something. Curiosity was always something that got to me.

  If you'd like you can call me Bernie. I'll be able to hear you because I've been instructed to create another dwelling in this big room for myself. I'll be far enough away to give you privacy, but close enough to protect you and serve you. He beamed.

  Protect me? From what? Suddenly images of all the nature shows that I had watched of big toothy creatures ripping smaller ones to shreds went through my mind and I cringed.

  Not to worry. It is just a tradition to assign one of the servants to a guest to be their personal bodyguard. I asked to be assigned to you. He looked down at his sandaled feet.

  Why on Earth would you ask for me? Have you not realized I'm not special, just the regular pain in the arse that you come across on a daily basis?! I scoffed at him to try and dispel whatever he had imagined me into.

  I was told about you since I was a child. Mistress will have me test you later anyways, it's part of the reason I'm on the staff. This allows me to get to know you and thus design the test to you and your abilities. Now, shall we do something about this small hut or do you want to sleep on the floor? He grinned at me.


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