Bella Vita

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Bella Vita Page 7

by Jesse Kimmel-Freeman

  “What?” He looked at me.

  “Nothing. Why is your vest gray?” I changed the subject.

  “It's what separates the students from the faculty. Although I'm the youngest professor there- I don't look the youngest.” He smiled at me and I felt my cheeks pinken.

  “So, am I your student?” The question had been burning inside me since I found out he'd be teaching there.

  “Probably not, mia bella. I think I get the older students only. I don't think they'd let me teach you anyways- you know, with favoritism and all. But once you're settled with your classes, and you still want to learn from my travels, I'll teach you.” He closed the door behind him.

  “Yes! Of course!” I nearly shouted at the top of my lungs, but managed to tone it down.

  “We will see.” He gestured for me to turn, I did.

  Parked right in front of the house was my beautiful new black Jeep Wrangler with green flames- my second black beauty. I still missed my first one, but the accident on the bridge that had completed my change into a vampire, had taken my beautiful car along with my favorite black furry slippers. I ran to the car that I hadn't seen since I packed it up for travel.

  “When did it get here?” I asked as soon as I touched it.

  “While you were gone. I put the boxes inside the closet across from your room.” His eyes twinkled at my happiness over my beloved car.

  “With everything that has been happening, I forgot all about this. It was supposed to arrive right after I did.” The memory made me grumpy at how late it was.

  “Things sometimes take longer than expected in international travel, love.” He tried to calm me.

  “That's stupid. But I'm glad it's here.” I lovingly stroked my car.

  “So, shall we head out then?” He pulled a black newsboy hat down on his head.

  “Yes, sir.” I laughed as I saluted him.

  The top was off and the cool sea air felt fresh against my skin. Dom sat with his eyes closed as he hummed along to the Portishead CD I was playing. The morning was overcast, the sun was playing peek-a-boo behind the clouds. As we drove, I got to see more of the small towns that I loved with their terracotta tile roofs. The further spread out the homes were, the closer we got to the school. Many of them looked similar to my grandparents' villa.

  Once we passed through the very large impressive cast-iron gates with the word cognizione- knowledge, above them, I knew there was no turning back.

  “We are almost there. Just follow the road up to the main building. Someone there will take the car from us.” He said with his eyes still shut.

  I did as I was told. The road curved through a good deal of woods- or was it a forest? At the end of a long looping driveway stood a huge castle. It easily topped Hogwarts in my mind. The most amazing part was how well preserved it looked. It had several keeps, three towers, a moat and drawbridge, and a bailey. I mean, it was something that could've easily been here since its original use, which had to be a thousand years ago. The stones were a cool gray, and the slightest green moss clung to the lower stones that touched the surrounding grass before it dropped off into the moat.

  I wonder if there are gators or something scary in it? I inched toward the moat.

  “Absolutely nothing.” Dom laughed at me.

  “Curiosity. So now what?” I turned to him.

  “Now we go to the office and get your schedule. I'll show you around for a bit, then I'm off because I've a class to teach at noon. Oh, which reminds me, your professors are to be called 'Master' or 'Mistress'. Nothing else, okay?” His tone was so serious.

  “Ok, Master Dominic.” I stuck my tongue out at him.

  “Actually, I'd be Master DeDominico.” He winked.

  “Anything else? What happens if you or I finish before the other?” I was afraid to be completely alone with nothing to do.

  “I think you'll figure everything out as you go. If that happens, I've a course to outline and lessons to plan, and you'll make friends.” His smile was encouraging, but I was still so frightened.

  “Ok, do we talk only in our minds here? Should I take my bag?” I asked as we climbed out of the car.

  “It depends on the class. The instructors will inform you. When you're walking around, we speak aloud- less strange that way. Yes, you should take your bag. Although once you learn your way, you'll be able to find your car, but until then I think that you should keep it with you. On we go.” He took my hand.

  The well worn wood of the drawbridge was beautiful. Our feet made muffled thuds as we crossed under the defense line. I was worried that things might be dropped down from the holes above, like in the old movies. Once inside the courtyard, Dominic escorted me to the office which was the first door on the right. Inside you would've never guessed it was inside a castle. The walls were white- except for the brightly colored notices that were scattered throughout. The women sitting at the various desks behind the tall counter looked like they could be in any high school.

  “Ah, Master DeDominico, I'm glad you came in this morning. Here's your newest student list, the contents of your inbox, and an invitation to the first faculty dinner.” The cheery redhead with dreamy eyes for Dom, handed him a pile of papers.

  Eh, does she not realize how obvious she is? I had put up my blocks the moment I walked into the office, so I sent Dom a private message.

  I doubt it, mia bella. His words were humored.

  “Miss Taraneh, this is Emma Mary Hutchinson, my betrothed. She's starting classes and there were last minute changes to her schedule. We are here to pick up a copy of it now.” His smile was formal.

  “Oh, um, let me get that for you, Master DeDominico.” She flushed a deep red as she scooted off toward her computer.

  Was that necessary? Look how she reacted. I felt for the woman.

  She's a human, Emma. She is in fact a secretary here. I can't have her thinking that there is any chance. Although we don't look down on human-vampire relationships, we don't allow them on school grounds. Too many questions could be raised. I had to make things perfectly clear that I was taken. The words were so cold and formal that I felt like I was receiving a lecture for doing something.

  Okay! Jeeze! I sent him.

  I'm sorry, cara mia, this place sends me into teacher mode. He was apologetic.

  “Here we go, Miss Hutchinson. Such advanced classes for a fresh student? Congratulations, or good luck.” Taraneh smiled, but I could see the female predatory eyes glint at me over Dominic.

  “Thank you, Miss Taraneh. I do hope you have a nice day.” I smiled as sweetly as I could, took Dom's hand and pulled him out the door.

  Can you say territorial much? Dominic laughed.

  Did you not see her eyes? My anger flared into my thoughts.

  “Anyways, what classes are you in, my love? There should be 4 to 6.” He changed the subject on me.

  “Um, Advanced Healing 4, Mental Training 4, History of Our People 1, Learning Our Ways 1, Tracking 1. Bloody hell! They are everyday! What is tracking?” I felt grumpy.

  “Wow, that's some list. Well, tracking is one of our vampire skills- we can track people. The other two level one classes are basic entry classes. One is to teach you about the people that you come from, and the other is meant to help you learn about your own gifts and skills as a vampire- something you should know. Perhaps you had to take that class. And you have Friday, Saturday, and Sunday off, my love.” He patted my arm.

  “That just means that instead of suffering through one class a day, one day I suffer through two!” I whined.

  “I think you'll enjoy your classes. And in fact, you have each class each day- much like high school.” Dom was suddenly interested in his shoes.

  “What!” I moaned.

  “It isn't so bad. At least you know that we both have the same amount of days here.” I could tell he was grasping for something positive.

  I took a deep breath and let it out.

  “It won't be as bad as you think, I promise.” He held m
y hand tightly.

  “So let's see this place before I've to go to a class that I doubt I belong in because of how advanced it is.” I sighed.

  “Okay, well this is obviously a castle. It's the main building, it houses the main classes. So your level one and level two classes will probably be here for the most basic courses, sometimes there are more advanced ones here. Your healing class will be held out in the greenhouses, which are in the gardens- they're out back, can't miss them. Your mental class will be held out in the empty field. Everything around the building has been removed, kind of strange if you ask me. And your tracking class will be held in those woods we passed coming in. There is a hunters' lodge out there. I'll show it all to you, but we must move quickly.” He walked us out the back of the castle and over another bridge.

  We walked faster than a human's quick walk, he showed me the hunters' lodge first. It looked just like I imagined it would- all wood, lots of angles, and dead things attached to it. I hated it. Next we moved onto the empty field and plain beige circle building. There was one door and many windows just below the flat roof. It seemed really strange. The garden was beautiful, mapped out with flowers and plants of a huge variety. The greenhouse was a huge building of well crafted blue glass. I wanted to go inside, but Dominic wanted to make sure that I ended up in the castle.

  “Wow! This place is really, um, interesting. Structurally, at least.” I smiled.

  “I love it.” His eyes were lost in a distant thought.

  “Dominic!” A male voice called out to him, I turned to it.

  “Excuse me?” Dom's voice became steal.

  “Oh, bollocks, it's Master DeDominico now, right mate?” The guy had an Australian accent.

  “Hey, Leland! Man, how long has it been?” Dom hugged a tall tan guy, that couldn't be much older than us.

  “Isn't it supposed to be Mr. Williams or something snobbish like that? Aye, it's been a while.” He punched Dom in the shoulder.

  “Too long, my friend.” The smile on Dom's face was huge.

  “Hi! I'm Emma Hutchinson, Dominic's fiancée. And you are?” I held out my hand.

  “Mate, you are forgetting your manners. I'm Leland Beau Aldridge the first.” He bowed to me before he took my hand and kissed it.

  “Eh, it's nice to meet you, Leland.” I blushed nervously at him.

  “Don't worry, darl, I won't bite ya. Your beau would kick me arse.” He laughed.

  “Look, bud. My name is Emma.” I huffed. He was ruffling my feathers.

  “Ah, Emma, mia bella. This is Leland. One of my best buddies. I grew up with him and his parents, Beau and Kylie- good vampire family. I spent some time with them in their homeland of Australia. It's actually where I got one of my tats. Oh, crud! I've got to go, my love, I've a class to teach. I'll see you later.” He kissed me briefly and then ran off at light speed.

  “Wonderful!” I grumbled.

  “Don't worry your sweet face. I'll keep you company.” Leland said and he offered me his arm.

  I was tempted to ignore him and run off to my class, but I had a few hours to kill. So I took it.

  “So, Leland, tell me about yourself.” I wanted to know more about this vampire that was so suddenly in my life.

  “Well, I'm from a traditional vampire family- only I knew about vampires from the beginning. We are always surrounded by the vampire culture, it would've been foolish for my folks to try and hide it. So, I knew from the get go what I would be. My family has been around for a long time. Um, they've a horse rescue. I'm 20, although like you my aging has slowed down. I was born in Newcastle in New South Wales. I like long walks on the beach, sunsets, sweet blood, and bold girls that try to pump people for information.” He winked his hazel green eyes at me.

  “Well then... I guess we're going to be great friends.” I felt drawn to his charismatic personality.

  “Now, how about you tell me something about yourself, short stuff.” His words were more like a command, but done in a way that I couldn't resist.

  “Let me guess, you're a skilled compeller?” I understood the feeling at once.

  “Perhaps. I'll tell you mine, if you tell me yours.” He was addicting.

  “I'm a healer, a psychic, and I've mental abilities that I don't know the right word for. Your turn, Aussie.” I felt like I was suddenly in a peeing contest.

  “Wow, quite a gifted one you're. Well, darl, I can compel, but it's more of a natural thing. I'm a healer as well. But I'm an excellent tracker- so much that I get to teach the intro class this year.” He beamed at his own excellence.

  “Does that mean I'm going to have to call you Master Aldridge?” I dreaded this thought.

  “Nah. I like Leland. But if you want make a sweet pet name for me, feel free. Special permission given to you for that.” He was such a flirt.

  “For now, I'll just stick with Leland. What level are you at healing?” I was hoping that he would actually be part of one of my classes.

  “I'm in as advanced as you can get here without specializing, level four. Why, trying to see where you might end up?” Usually being teased bugged me, but his words felt like coming home to a close friend.

  “Actually, I was wondering if you would be in another class with me. You see, this is my first go around here and I didn't want to be completely alone. And I'm in Advanced Healing 4.” I proclaimed with all the pleasure of watching his smug face drop.

  “Wait just a second here, missy. You are just starting this semester and you were placed in the level four class? How is that even possible, what other classes do you have, ya bugga?” He looked at me with suspicion.

  “Excuse me? Did you just call me a 'bugga'?” I was flabbergasted.

  “Oh, sorry, mate, it's a term of endearment back home.” Leland looked sheepishly up from his dark blonde shaggy hair.

  “Right. Well I've Healing 4, Mental Training 4, Tracking 1, History of Our People 1, and something about learning our ways one or something.”

  “Wow, that's bonzer! You're like a conch?” His words were lost to me.

  “What?” I felt like an idiot for asking.

  “Sorry. I know, the slang is different. Bonzer is like great, and conch is a bloke that would rather work than play.” His forehead pinched together as he tried to define his Australian slang for me.

  “No, I'm not a conch. I'm just naturally gifted... And do try to remember I'm a Yank, so some things will be lost on me.” I smiled.

  “You're a seppo? Wow, never would've guessed it. You seem like you could be from anywhere given the right lingo and accent. So, should we stroll over to the gardens?” He looked me in the eyes and I felt absolutely comfortable with him, it was like my fears just melted away.

  The healing class began at two in the afternoon and lasted an hour. Leland and I sat outside until we needed to go in. When I entered the large glass room I was taken aback by the amount of space that was available. And the blue tint to the glass, made the room feel like being underwater. In the middle of the room, everything was cleared away and throw pillows were placed. Along each wall, tables were setup for what I assumed to be potion making. I sat next to Leland. The woman standing at the front of the room was a thin wiry woman. Her hair was a soft brown with ringlet curls- clearly from the natural humidity in the room. She was easily five foot seven, but instead of being imposing, she was very down-to-earth. Her brown eyes were very kind. Before she began the class, she called me to the front.

  “Welcome, Emma Hutchinson. I'm Mistress Fleur, but please call me Lily unless you see someone official come in the room. I realize that you have some extraordinary abilities for healing and mental control. I also understand that most of the people in this room have been together since the beginning. Please feel free to jot down anything that you're not familiar with as we go and later we can work on it together.” Lily's words were softened by her French accent.

  “Thank you, Lily. I hope to be able to follow along. I don't know much of learned healing, perhaps they should've p
ut me in a lower level class. But I do know that I can heal my own way.” I smiled at her.

  “Perhaps today after class, if you have time, we can discuss your special talent?” Lily's voice was like soft rose petals floating on a spring wind.

  “I think I have some time before my mental training class.” I nodded.

  “Good, now please sit and just try to relax and get your bearings.” She dismissed me.

  “Thank you.” I went and sat back down next to Leland.

  I sat and watched as everyone in the class followed exactly what Lily had to say. I, on the other hand, was lost. I didn't understand why they had to go through all of these exercises and use creams to heal small wounds. It seemed as though everything that they took extra time to do, I could do within seconds. After about forty-five minutes, I decided that I definitely did things differently. I was seriously curious as to whether or not these vampires could heal death or the dying.

  “Excuse me, Lily?” I raised my voice over the sounds of people packing up for the day.

  “Yes, Emma?” Lily's voice was soothing like menthol to congestion.

  “I was wondering if these healing practices had any effect on healing the dying or curing death?” The room became silent.

  “Um, death is something that we don't control. It can't be healed. Why do you ask?” Although her skin had visibly blanched, I could read the curiosity in her eyes.

  Do I say anything? “I've heard of people bringing freshly dead animals back to life.” I hoped that I didn't give anything away.

  “That would truly be a miracle, Emma. I've, in all my hundreds of years, have never heard of or seen another vampire with such abilities.” Her eyes searched the very depths of my soul.

  “Oh, okay. Never mind then.” I looked down at the ground, my face felt hot, and I could tell many of my classmates were staring at me.

  “Once you're packed up and things are put away you're welcome to leave.” Lily announced to the classroom.

  I desperately wanted to bolt from the room.

  “Hey, Em, I'll see you over in Mental Training.” Leland said with a wink as he left the room.


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