Bella Vita

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Bella Vita Page 29

by Jesse Kimmel-Freeman

  Ilz nist dizsy det ina lepend t neli siute si via wexted, nist ilz lacind heurete na liped dotsith det noz afrez. The spell knotted itself around us.

  They will exist for one another and only through this life shared, will they find happiness in what comes for us after.

  Diz siute ne wexteza vias holinat lotope setuh nez slova ilz. The man gestured behind him.

  It is through the sharing of life's sacred source that we bind them.

  Two small plates were brought forward, each holding a small sharp dagger and an empty goblet. Each was held by a child. I watched Dom pick up the dagger, and I mirrored him.

  Exex esetl retre , mei slova jitel a vez, Emma Hutchinson, teot netelata t afrez. Dom sliced open his wrist and held it over the goblet, the smell of his blood awakened something deep within me.

  With this dagger, I bind myself to thee, Emma Hutchinson, for all of eternity and after.

  Exex esetl retre, mei slova jitel a vez, Dominic DeDominico, teot netelata t afrez. My wrist poured blood into the goblet until the cut healed itself, the magic of the ceremony seemed to envelop us.

  With this dagger, I bind myself to thee, Dominic DeDominico, for all of eternity and after.

  The man came forward again. He took each goblet from the plates and held them.

  Wnow ere yex ishloa nistel devante noz, nez ishin dexela. He held the cups above us toward the skylights above.

  Under the eyes of those that have come before us, we join these two.

  The man handed each of us our glasses.

  Exex esetl vivred, mei extele veza teot cete jite. Dom held his goblet to me.

  With this blood, I offer you all that is me.

  Exex esetl vivred, mei extele veza teot cete jite. I mimicked his actions.

  With this blood, I offer you all that is me.

  Saift t jetelatery ina ne lratetrela. Saift t tetotal vetra destinuiastas. The man gestured for us to drink.

  Drink and become one and the same. Drink and fulfill your destinies.

  Dom and I both titled the cups so the other could drink. The blood flowed quickly from its containers. I had tasted his blood before, but this was different. It was infused with the spell, and as I swallowed the rich warm fluid, I knew that Dominic and I would never be the same again. His blood coursed through my body and I had to fight not to react to it. I watched as Dominic went through a similar battle. We both broke out in sweats and I reached for him, he took hold of me and pressed himself against me. Our bodies shook. I looked into his eyes and saw that they had become red, I could only imagine that mine had the same blood color. I vaguely heard noises in the background- people shouting to us- but I couldn't have responded even if I wanted to. Dom looked at me with pleading eyes as his fangs slid down, I could feel mine doing the same.

  As his fangs pierced my throat, mine sunk into his. We both drank until the beast that was coursing through us, disappeared. When we pulled apart, our eyes were back to normal. I could feel my connection with Mike, just the same, I knew that he had just witnessed it all.

  Diz ere letwl yta tilze dexonet dexa ishnika. He waved something over us as we were helped back to our feet.

  It is the will of those above that these two be joined.

  “Emma Hutchinson, do me the honor of being my wife as well as my bindmate.” Dominic pulled out my ring.

  “Yes, of course, I'm your wife and your bindmate.” I held out my hand for him, and he slipped the cool engraved band on it.

  “Dominic DeDominico, do me the honor of being my husband as well as my bindmate.” I slipped the ring I had on my right hand off.

  “Yes, nothing in this world would make me happier, I'm your husband and your bindmate.” I pushed the ring on his finger.

  We joined hands. I looked at both of my hands in his, on the left my union with him, and on the right my union with Mike. It seemed that I would always be a part of these two worlds as they were both a part of me.

  Diz finta. Vez dex foth ina. Holeatad voz hinew litkinz te hartera voz inatas prarts wednea. He held our linked hands together as we turned and took our first steps as married and bound couple.

  It is done. You two are one. Embrace your new connection by taking your first steps together.

  As we stepped down the aisle, everyone around us erupted in cries of joy, but instead of embracing it, all I could hear was the anguished howl that echoed through me.

  The rest of the evening passed in a flurry of faces, all congratulating us. Every time the chaos around me died down, I could feel the hurt burn strong through my connection with Mike. I knew the pain would die down, I knew he would remember that we were bound in a completely different way, but right now, I felt like my heart was breaking- and it was supposed to be the happiest day of my life.

  “Okay, so I totally, like, only got a little bit of that. Your grandpa tried to help out on the sly and translate the silence for me, but ohmygod, you're married!” Kelly bounced at me again.

  “Yep. I probably should've warned you about the mental communication thing. ALL vampires do it... not just those with a connection.” I tried to smile at her.

  “You gonna tell me what's eating you before I have to leave to catch my flight back to New York, or am I gonna have to witch it outta ya?” Kelly cocked a perfectly manicured brow.

  “Remember how I told you about my connection with Mike?” I sighed.

  “Yep.” Her face remained the same.

  “Well, he is hurting really bad over this wedding... and... I can feel it all!” I hoped that was a good enough explanation.

  “Well, screw him. You are bound to him, you're bound to Dom... you need to remember to be bound to yourself before all of those stupid boys. Today is supposed to be about you! Not Dominic, or Mike... just you!” Kelly was blunt.

  “I get that, really I do. But, it's like his hurt is my hurt. I can't break free from it.” I knew my eyes were pleading with her to understand.

  “Can you excuse me a second?” Kelly's eyes were set in a hard, cold way.

  “Um, yeah. I'll be here.” I watched her walk away.

  A few minutes later, I felt like I had been cut off from Mike. I couldn't feel the pain and hurt anymore. It was like a void had replaced part of me- making a hole.

  Mike? I was beginning to panic.

  Yep. His voice was smooth and calm, like the sea before a storm- or after it.

  We are still connected, right? I was suddenly very confused.

  Of course. I would never break that. His voice cracked slightly.

  Then why do I feel this void where there is usually a solid connection? I didn't understand what was going on.

  I don't know. Maybe it's just a side effect from your wedding. Go and enjoy your day, Em. Today is all about you, don't you worry about me. We can talk later. I felt him pull away from the link- from us.

  What the fuck?! My inner temper was flaring now.

  Emma? Dom's voice was concerned.

  Sorry. I didn't want to have to explain why I was upset.

  No need to apologize. I know exactly what you've been going through. I also know how you feel. His voice was calm, not accusing.

  I cringed. Of course, he would be able to feel it all. I felt like an ass for not thinking about the binding I just did with Dom. Oh, great, something else to adjust to.

  I'm sorry, Dom. I'll try and keep the balance better. I tried to reassure him as I made myself a vow not to hurt them anymore.

  “Better?” Kelly eyed me as she walked up.

  “Yes.” I knew what happened now.

  “In case you're wondering, no, I didn't spell your connection to Michael away.” She shook her head that I would even think of something like that.

  “I'm sorry, Kel. It's been a long day.” I tried to really smile at her.

  “It was a good attempt.” She laughed.

  “Oh, look, there's my new husband.” I waved at Dom, my attempt to take the focus off me was obvious.

  “Greetings, newly wed.” Kelly slapped
him on the back.

  “Thanks, Kel. I'm glad you were here.” He beamed at her.

  “Me too. I'm just really sad that I won't be able to hang around this time.” She pouted.

  “When are you leaving us this time?” I was a little sad that she would be leaving soon.

  “Well, my car will be here in about an hour.” She shrugged.

  “An hour!” Dom and I both chorused.

  “Yep, I've got to get back to New York. Besides the punk shoot coming up, I have two other smaller shoots to do.” She smiled apologetically.

  “Oh.” I felt down.

  “Hey, I'll be back again in a few months for another Italy, well, Europe shoot.” She was bouncing again.

  “That's great.” Dom was clearly trying to take some of my burden as he could see I was a sinking ship.

  “I'm glad that you won't be away for a long time.” I managed.

  “Hey, we can always write. And, you guys can always come to see me in New York.” She hinted.

  “Well, actually, for the next few months, at least, we won't be able to leave Italy.” Dominic said cryptically.

  “Um, hello? When were you going to tell me that? And why the devil not?” My temper soared back up.

  “Well, we will be moving to the palace soon. Once that move is complete, then, well, we've... eh... political things to take care of. We won't even be at the school anymore, or teaching.” Dom was flustering in his words- he was trying not to upset me further.

  I held my breath, trying to regain control of myself.

  “Wow, so you guys are really, like, royalty. That is so COOL.” Take it that Kelly would find the “cool” side of what he just said.

  “Yeah, real cool, apparently to have my life controlled.” I glowered at Dom.

  Emma, stop growling. It isn't becoming of the future Queen of the vampires. Grandpa chastised me.

  Why didn't anyone explain all of this to me? I was so upset.

  Well, we were not sure who would be the best for the task. I was elected last night. It is my job to help you during this transition. We will discuss this later. Right now, you need to put on a brave and happy face and mingle with your guests. Take your young man and make a united front that the vampires will want to stand behind. His wisdom floated into my mind.

  “How about we go greet everyone, Dom?” I smiled but inside I was still hurt over how everything had been pushed on me without any warning.

  “Hey, before you go and do your rounds?” Kel sounded unsure.

  “Yep.” I smiled at her, the best I could manage.

  “Give me a hug, and let me give you your wedding present.” She held out her arms.

  “Aw, Kel, I'm going to miss you so much.” My eyes welled with tears.

  “Wow, you know, your tears are tinged red, right?” She shook her head.

  “Interesting.” I hugged her tighter.

  She laughed, it sounded like the tinkling of wind chimes in a breeze.

  “Come and see me soon, since I won't be able to go anywhere for a bit.” I pouted.

  “As soon as I can, I promise.” She beamed as she walked over to the table that was crowded with gifts and pulled out a simple envelope, “this is for you.”

  I took the silverish package and cocked my head at her. I wasn't sure what to do with it.

  “Open it, I wanna see if you like it.” Kelly danced from one foot to the next.

  “Okay.” I pulled Dom next to me so he, too, could see what it was as I pulled back the flap.

  I could see the card as soon as I got the envelope open, but I smelled something on it- something that screamed magic at me. I pulled the small card from its home. It was a traditional wedding congratulations card, but inside I found something more important.

  Kelly had written:

  Once this card is in your hands, don't fear your dreams. Tomorrow and the next day may be uncertain, but know that your heart will never fail you. Your love is the truest form of protection you have from the world around you. So on this day, the day you wed, I cast this spell, knowing it'll hold stead. Emma and Dominic bound through vampiric magick, know that your love is truer than most that have done this rite. Just as you'll ultimately fight, also know that you'll always have each other. In this spell I cast, I ask that the powers above protect you on your woven path together- even when weathering each other.

  All my love, Kel.

  She had included another note that there was a big shiny package on the table too. I laughed.

  “Do you like it?” Kel's voice questioned herself.

  “Kelly, this is the best gift we could ever receive. Thank you.” Dominic gave her a brief hug.

  “Oh, Kel, I could never ask for more than this. Thank you so much.” I hugged her hard, I wasn't sure that her protection spell could hold against the prophecy that loomed over our heads, but the fact that she would try, warmed my heart beyond words.

  “No problem. Now I've got to get back into my street clothes and get my stuff and get outta here. Take good care of each other. In some moments in life, you'll find that you only have each other.” She smiled kissed both our cheeks and then disappeared into the crowd.

  I slipped the card into the bodice of my dress.

  “I suppose we should make our rounds now.” I suggested to Dom.

  “Indeed.” He held out his arm to me and I accepted.

  Somewhere inside, I knew that even though things would be hard at times, I really would always have Dominic.

  Once all the people left for the night, the house was filled with a heavy silence. I knew about wedding nights but I was uncertain how everything went about. Dom took my hand and led me up the stairs, slowly, as if waiting for me to bolt for the door. I realized I must have looked like a skittish horse. I tried to straighten myself out of the defensive stance I had taken. We walked slowly down the hall to his room. He lifted me up over the threshold.

  “Um, what are you doing?” I squealed like a little girl.

  “Well, until we move into the palace, it's traditional to carry the bride over the threshold.” His smile was warm and deliciously alluring.

  “Sometimes, I don't know what to make of you, Dominic DeDominico.” I kissed him gently as he kicked the door shut behind us.

  I thought we would be engulfed in darkness, but the entire room was filled with candles, and rose petals. I could see where some treats had been set for us.

  “This is so beautiful.” I cooed at him and kissed him again, more deeply.

  “I'm glad it pleases you.” He kissed me with more passion.

  He set me down on the bed and stood looking at me. I stood, and hugged him closer. His scent clouded my mind.

  “May I?” He gestured to the zipper hidden amongst the attached train- always being a gentleman.

  “As it pleases.” I returned, trying to sound more regal.

  His hands slowly trailed down my back, tugging the zipper down but surrounding it with gently caresses. He slipped the straps from my shoulders and loosened my bodice until it all fell to the floor in a soft puddle around my feet. He kissed my shoulder as he unfastened the underskirts, letting them follow their brethren to the floor. This left me standing in my black lace bra and panties, black satin garters, fishnet stockings, and my black heels. He helped me step out of the pile of clothes at my feet.

  “Truly the most magnificent image I've ever seen.” He led me to a full length antique silver mirror.

  In the reflection I saw someone I didn't even recognize. The woman before me was confident, sexy, and from her eyes you could see how much she loved the man before her. Dominic seemed transformed as well, his face was lit with adoration as he held this woman in front of the mirror for her to observe the beautiful woman that he saw before him.

  I turned away from my reflection. I only needed to see him now. My lips met his in a “thank you” as I slowly slid the jacket from him and tossed it on a wingback chair in the corner. I trailed my lips from the corner of his mouth, down his jaw bon
e, and followed down his neck. As his bowtie and shirt came to block my advancement, I tugged on the tie, undoing it and dropping it to the floor with my arm extended. I wrapped my arms around his neck, bringing his mouth to mine- drawing a deep, sensuous kiss from him. As I filled my mouth with the sweetness of his lips and tongue, my fingers danced nimbly down his shirt. Soon I was able to slid his shirt from his shoulders- it too dropped on the floor in a heap.

  He inched us closer to the bed. I fell on top of it as he pushed me gently backwards. The thick padding of the bed, enveloped me. He toed off his shoes as he followed me down onto the fluffy bedding. I rolled over him and straddled him as I took deeper and deeper kisses from him. My fangs gleamed in the candle light and I watched as his descended as well. My heart began to race and desire to taste him and feel him coursed through me like lightning.

  I sunk my teeth into the tender area where his neck connected to his shoulder. My teeth sank in further when his bite mirrored mine. I drank his blood slowly, savoring each pull. Desire took me deeper into the night as I pulled off his belt and undid his pants. As he drank from me, he managed to slid my beautiful lace bra onto the floor with a subtle thud. He pulled gently at my panties. I felt the material give slightly under his hand.

  Suddenly he was lying on top of me and I heard the sscchhhhh of my lace tearing away from my body. I blinked up at him in surprise, but I was on fire the second he touched me. My mind and body wheeled with pleasure. I pulled back from my bite and pulled his blood-covered lips to mine.

  I gasped aloud when we finally took it the next step, but then the world seemed to flow into an epic place of bliss.

  Chapter ten

  It wasn't days after the wedding that the first attack came. A newborn was torn to bits and burnt in the wee small hours of the morning on a public street. The scene gave us no answers. Dom wouldn't let me go to see if I would be able to sense any traces of what really happened.

  Instead, that day we were moved to the palace with high alert guards. My dedication to our people was doubled the second they put us in the ivory tower. We wouldn't be taking the official office for a week, but the moment I was in the palace, I was the figurehead of my people and they wouldn't be sent out to be slaughtered.


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