Bella Vita

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Bella Vita Page 39

by Jesse Kimmel-Freeman

  “Meet my bodyguard, he's directly behind you.” I told her and I watched her jump.

  “Yasmin, we've met before, darl.” His smile was purely predatory.

  “Yes, Leland. You're Master Dominic's best friend and also the savior of Mistress Emma from his episode.” She cast her eyes down.

  “Yes. I am.” He was ready for the challenge.

  “I believe you'll do this job well. I assume he'll need quarters near your private suite, Mistress?” I could feel her worry that I was having an affair.

  “Rest assured, I'm not sleeping with Leland. He's here for my protection and his education in his gifts. That's the reason we'll be using- that I'm helping him fine-tune his natural gifts.” I stated with a blank face, although I was utterly shocked that she'd think such a thing.

  “Does Your Majesty know that when you take on your own private bodyguard that you have to perform a special ceremony? It is like a bonding, but different. The link is purely between you and Leland, for him it'd be like a one way mirror- he'd get your emotions and any direct communication to him, but he'd be locked out of everything else unless you wished to share... but for you, it'd be similar to the bond you share with Master Dominic and Master Michael.” I understood why she worried about the possibility of an affair now.

  “Leland, are you okay with what she has proposed so far?” I needed to be certain he was on board before I asked the next question.

  “Yes, Your Majesty.” He was showing all his respect right now, but it was so formal.

  “Yasmin, I can feel your fear. I assume there is a good reason for this, explain please.” I knew I was treading water here.

  “Typically, when one royal takes a private guard, they become involved romantically. Although I understand you have already said that this won't be an issue, the ceremony... well, it demands a certain level of intimacy.” Her cheeks actually colored.

  “Excuse me?” I asked- Leland's mouth had dropped open.

  “It's said that when one is willing to put their faith entirely in the hands of one person, then they put their entire self. The ceremony is meant to establish this loyalty on both sides and on all levels. The blood exchanged is drugged with a special potion and must be exchanged through a sacred kiss. This is something that usually triggers, eh, a certain level of, eh, intimate behavior following the ceremony.” The poor woman looked like she might faint.

  “Leland, please bring Yasmin that chair over there to sit on.” I gestured to one of the wingbacks.

  “Here, sit.” He put the chair directly behind her and then stepped back to the side.

  “I won't ask you if Dominic has taken such a guard. However, I'd like to know if there's something in this potion that is supposed to act as an aphrodisiac.” Relief flooded her system when I told her I wouldn't ask and I shared a look with Leland.

  “I believe there's something that is vital to the potion that brings the couple together in such a way. Would Your Majesty still like me to have this ceremony arranged?” Her words sealed my fate.

  “Please arrange for his room, I'll have to discuss this with Michael and Leland as well first. You can leave us.” I dismissed her.

  “As you wish.” She bowed and left as quickly as she politely could.

  “Well, Leland, you know the worst part- well, besides trying to protect me from death.” I smiled at him. “Are you still interested?”

  “I told you that I wouldn't change my mind. I can only assume from the way she acted that Dom has done this, which is upsetting to me, I can only imagine what it feels like for you...” He looked off in the distance.

  “Yes, it's upsetting, and the fact that he was able to mask it is even more upsetting. If I really wanted to I could know, but I don't want to know.” I had a suspicion that Yasmin was his bodyguard, but I didn't want to dislike the poor girl.

  “You'll need to talk with Michael about this, it's only right as your connection with him is stronger.” He gestured toward the door.

  “No, stay. I don't see any point of you leaving. You'll be privy to all this information once this ceremony has taken place. You already know that I'm bound tighter to the werewolf than my husband.” My cheeks filled with shame.

  “I don't judge you, Emma. I love Dom, and I'm really fond of you, but things happen for a reason. Michael O'Shanold seems like a good guy and you and him have a fate that you can't escape. You've tried to make your lot work, anyone that doesn't respect you for that should be shot.” Leland's eyes flared with passion.

  “I clearly have made the right choice with you, Leland. I'll contact Mike now.” I closed my eyes.


  How you doing? Relief flooded my body.

  I'm home. I need to talk to you about something important, you busy? I didn't want him to be in the middle of something pertaining to Jack.

  No, I'm never too busy for you. I actually have a meeting in about an hour. But I'm free until then. What's up, love? His voice was tense.

  I might sleep with Leland. I wasn't sure why I was putting that out there.

  What? Confusion and blind jealous rage swept me.

  It won't be done for a sexual attraction, I'm going to make him my private guard. But in order to do this there's a potion that we must ingest- it's said to act as an aphrodisiac. I'd hold my ground on this.

  Why do you need a private guard? What is this potion? I could feel the emotional battle in him.

  I'm worried that if anything like the incident should happen again, I couldn't trust Dominic to protect me, and you wouldn't be there in time. It's a reality I have to deal with now. I don't know what's in the potion, but I've had the procedure explained. I sent him the information I received earlier.

  She's his. I could hear the sneer in his voice.

  I don't know for certain, but I surmise so. I knew I sounded tired.

  You've already decided that you want to do this. It was a statement.

  Yes, I do. I felt so tired of all the bad things that happened around me.

  Then I support your decision, my love. Can I speak with Leland? He was asking me to be the bridge between them for mental communication.

  “Leland, he'd like to talk to you, please come and take my hand.” I held out my hand.

  “Okay.” I could feel his unease, but he took my hand.

  He's here. You can both hear each other now. I'm going to attempt to separate myself from this. Talk directly to me when you two are done. I pulled myself out of their conversation.

  The separation kept their words from me, but tuned me into both of their emotions. It was like being caught up in a riptide. All I wanted to do was lay down and sleep.

  Emma. They both sent to me.

  Yep. I was so tired.

  We're finished. It's fine to go ahead with this. You need sleep, my love. Mike's voice was gentle and calm.

  Yes, I do. I'm going to let go now. I let go of the conversation and Leland's hand.

  “Let me help you to your room, Em. Do you want me to let Yasmin know to get the preparations together for the ceremony as well, darl?” His voice was all warm and bassy in just the right way.

  “Yes to both, please.” I felt myself slipping into a dreamy state... and strong arms swooped me up... then nothing but blissful sleep.

  When I woke the next morning, Yasmin was entering my room carrying a garment bag.

  “Yes?” I said through a yawn.

  “This is for your special engagement. It has been scheduled for this evening. Master Dominic has an appointment at the school and will be spending the night at the DeDominico's home.” She went and hung the bag in my bathroom.

  “Thank you, Yasmin.” I didn't want to ask if she'd be joining him.

  “The palace will be empty except for the most basic staff tonight.” She bowed her head once more and then slipped out the door.

  I sat there and tried not to read between the lines and to tamper down my overall anger. I didn't want Dom to think there was anything wrong with me and cancel his pla
ns. I knew my routine well enough that I could easily do it.

  Instead of brooding in bed, I got up and showered. I put on my workout clothes and headed into the gym area. I knew that my trainer wouldn't be there because of what Yasmin had told me.

  “Want some company, Your Majesty?” Leland came around the corner wearing his sweats.

  “Sure. Apparently my trainer has the day off.” I pouted.

  “Well then it's lucky for me, darl.” His smile was bright and he was showing a little fang.

  “You're very odd, Leland.” I laughed.

  “What kind of training would you like to do this morning?” I could feel him trying to figure out how to please me.

  “Well, I think today was combat training. So, I figure we could do that since I've a partner today after all.” I smiled at him.

  “Sounds perfect. Shall we shift for this training?” He offered.

  “Hmm, I've not had the chance of training in my wolf form. I like it. Let's do it. However, I'll retreat into the storage room for the sake of propriety.” I said as I walked over to the storage closet.

  When I sauntered out there was a beautiful black panther waiting for me. I was smaller than Leland in his panther form, but I knew this would give me an advantage.

  I walked into the combat circle and waited for him to enter. His eyes watched my every move- they remained hazel, even as a cat. His form was beautiful and sleek. I tried not to focus too much on what a handsome creature he morphed into, I knew too well that the handsomeness hid the brutal nature of the beast.

  Ready? I tried to pur through his thoughts.

  He bowed his head and stepped into the circle, and then it was on.

  If someone was watching the fight, I'm sure they thought wild animals had entered the palace and were fighting. But to a trained eye- one that could see all the quick movements- this would be a dance. A true form of art. We sparred for nearly two hours before I could feel him tire.

  Enough? I stepped back and cocked my head- my wolf ears turned toward him.

  Yes. I believe I've had enough. He sent back and stepped out of the ring.

  I let several small yips of excitement go and then padded over to the storage closet to change. The shift was less painful than when I first started, but still left my body feeling a little out of sorts for a while afterwards. Once I had my clothes on, I realized how uncomfortable they felt and instantly wanted to take them off again.

  I stepped out into the gym. Leland was back in his workout clothes.

  “Thank you. That was the best workout, sparring match I've ever experienced.” I kissed his cheek in thank you.

  “The pleasure was all mine, Your Majesty.”

  “You know, I don't understand why you do that... switching between Em, Emma, and the formal Your Majesty stuff. Why do you do that?” I was curious about something he did often.

  “Well, darl, part of it is that I knew you before you were a big shot. And another part of me remembers that sometimes I need to show respect where it's due. It's basically a jumbled mess, darl... nothing overly complex.” His smile was warm.

  “I suppose you can get away with it, especially if we're gonna do that thing tonight.” I tried not to think about the backlash I might get from this.

  “You know you like the fact that you got someone else to count on.” He was as cocky as the first day I met him.

  My laughter bounced off the walls in the gym.

  “It wasn't meant as a joke, darl.”

  “I know, I know... it's just the way you said it.” I patted his shoulder and headed for the door.

  “Whatcha got planned for the day?” Curiosity was bright in his eyes.

  “Hopefully to bring our Issy back to us... if not, then finding a really good witch to crack the spell. I think I can unweave it once I get inside her and avoid the tripwires that seem to be everywhere.” The task suddenly felt impossible.

  “Em, if anyone can do it, it's you, darl. I've never seen anyone heal people both physically and mentally, but you've got the gift. Well, that and the whole seer thing, and wolf thing... man, it's totally not fair the amount of cool things you can do!”

  “Right, says the one that has awesome gifts too.” I chuckled at him.

  “Yeah, but I don't have as many as you... what about people that only have one? You're way above the bar, Em.”

  “Always have been... Enough talk about my awesomeness, I've got to go prove that awesomeness by saving Isabella.” I shook off the festive thoughts for the very real fact that I had to save my sister-in-law, one way or another.

  I have to save Issy.

  Chapter Fourteen

  I felt like a doctor going into an operating room once I got to the wing that held her. There were guards stationed all over the floor, two particularly fierce ones outside her door.

  “Greetings, Your Majesty.” They bowed in unison.

  “Good day, how have things been?” I was afraid to ask.

  “She behaved well except when the doctors tried to talk to her about two hours ago. Those doctors are now refusing to enter her room until she is fixed.” The big redhead said, his name was Georgie.

  “Thank you, Georgie. You and Harold can take a break if you'd like once I enter. Is Dominic with her?” I asked Harold, the more quiet of the two brothers.

  “No, he was here when the incident with the docs happened. They weren't hurt, just really rattled. You won't be going in alone will you, Your Majesty?” Concern flashed through his eyes, but his face stayed blank.

  “No. I'm going to wait for Leland to come up. He should be here any minute.” I sat on the small bench across from her door. “Is there anything I can provide for you two or anyone doing guard duty on Miss Isabella?”

  “No, we're quite happy. The wing is mostly quiet. Only us that sit outside this door actually know that anything is wrong with her. Most just believe she's being protected. Do you think she can be fixed?” Georgie's big brown eyes bore into me.

  “I'm going to try my best to bring our Issy back to us. Once that happens, her grief will probably rule her and the doctors will need to be here- but the guard duty should lighten.” I tried not to show my fear that I wouldn't be able to heal her.

  “She can do it, our Queen.” Leland said as he bowed to me.

  “Thank you, Leland, for your support. We're gonna go in now. Once we're in, I want you to lock the door. You're welcome to take a short break- I don't expect anything will happen that I can't handle.” Images of Dominic attacking me last time wheeled through.

  “Yes, Your Majesty.” Georgie and Harold both placed their right hands over their hearts and bowed.

  As the doors opened, sunlight filled the hallway. It was slightly blinding. I wanted to reach and take Leland's hand for support, but I had to keep my game face on. I straightened my back, held my head up high, and marched into the room. Leland was slightly behind me- the proper position for a guard. The doors closed behind us with a sound of finality.

  “Ah, you've come to see me as well... and you've brought the tasty Australian.” It was obvious she was in a mood.

  “Yes, Issy, we've come to see you. And today I intend to bring you back to us.” My voice held the confidence my thoughts didn't.

  “Bring me back to you?” She snorted.

  “Yes, this isn't you. You've been spelled. I've told you before. Today I'm going to fix the spell. To heal you.” I looked her right in her big beautiful green eyes.

  “And what if I don't want to be that pathetic girl again? What if I don't want to be the family outcast?” There was a hard glint to her eyes.

  “You don't have a choice. Once you've been restored to your mental self, if you decide to be a vindictive bitch, that's your choice.” The sneer leaked out of my words.

  “Isabella, you don't wanna be that person- this person. You were the sweetest dame out there. I'd gladly take you as my lady if you come back to us from the dark side, darl.” His face was truthful and hopeful.

ou want me, Cowboy?” She laughed.

  “Yep. I've always wanted you, sweet cheeks. But you were supposed to wed that cheese bucket.. I couldn't step on toes for love.” His smile was bright and happy.

  “Interesting... fine, Emma, you can do whatever it is you think you can do to help me. And you, Cowboy, I'll remember what you said once I'm on the flipside.” She purred at Leland.

  I spelled her to sleep before she could decide otherwise.

  “Leland, if you want me to take that out of her mind while I'm poking around in there once she's normal, I can...” I wasn't sure if the offer was moral, but it felt right regardless.

  “What I said to her was true. When Issy left with the wolf, it was heartbreaking, but it left opportunity for her to one day come back to us. The douchebag she was supposed to wed, took off with some just-turned redhead and got married within three months after he was supposed to be married to Is.” His heart was on his sleeve now.

  “Leland, do you still want to be tied to me? The ceremony tonight might affect some of this stuff...” I was floundering.

  “Emma, I know that those that serve the royalty have to have little to no family, and are willing to put their life before whatever they have on the outside. If Issy comes back to the vamps, then she'd have a place here as Dom's sister... which would put her here with me. If she doesn't then I don't have to worry about it. She's gonna go through a rough bit anyways, darl.” He shrugged.

  “True. I trust your choices, Leland. Now let's test my awesomeness.” I winked at him as I sat next to her, took her hand, and closed my eyes.

  Her mental state was the same as before. I was slightly worried that her mind might adjust to functioning like this and then go into shock should it be restored. I waded through the chaos that was piled in her thoughts. It was almost impossible to try and pretend like the mess wasn't there, but after a while I adjusted to it. I was able to find the threads that make up who we are. Each was coated in a thick green slime, I wasn't sure it was meant to deter or just be horribly gross.


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