The Heroes Fall -1- When War Calls

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The Heroes Fall -1- When War Calls Page 30

by Zy J. Rykoa

* * *

  Within the walls of Waikor City, Multias Waidusk sat with the other leaders. Even with the victory over the Alliance, their mood was grim; all had their eyes lowered save for Hayden, caretaker of the north, who appeared to be in extremely good spirits.

  ‘Bet you’re glad we didn’t ally with them now, huh, Yahtai?’ he said to the slender man.

  ‘Unlike some, I do not wish to see any damage at all done to this city,’ retorted Yahtai, ‘even if it is your district getting damaged.’

  Hayden laughed, ‘Damage? It was a scratch.’

  ‘Half of the buildings are rubble.’

  ‘We’ll put a bandage over it; it’ll be healed in a couple of days!’ Hayden said confidently.

  ‘Gentlemen,’ interrupted Multias, ‘put aside your differences for a moment. You’re both right, and both wrong.’

  ‘Why would they be wrong?’ asked Anthon, caretaker of the west.

  Multias looked around at each one of them and began with a sigh, ‘We will celebrate today but begin moving tonight.’

  ‘We should stay,’ Hayden interjected. ‘They cannot defeat us. I will be the first to admit that after all the stories I had heard of their might, I would have preferred to leave. But after seeing their unit today ... they must be joking! How did that bunch of buffoons take half the globe?’

  Multias looked at him with sombre eyes, ‘I’m sorry, but I have received word that the force in the south is far bigger, far more dangerous and it will be far more prepared than this one was. I do not make this decision lightly, but we must flee this great city of ours. I trust you will all understand that I did not wish for it to be this way. Once you leave here, your path will be your own. I will be remaining behind with some of the other Daijuar. We will do what we can to make the Alliance believe most of our people have remained here. We should be able to buy you all more time in your escape. Sentinels Adonis and Blair will accompany you to ensure your safety.’

  ‘No, that is madness! Reset the EMP mines, reload the missiles, victory is ours!’ said Hayden. ‘We can fight them!’

  ‘As always, I admire your spirit,’ said Multias, ‘but it is over. The wars have reached us, and now we must join the fight, or leave to a distant land where we may continue to hide from them.’

  ‘I—’ began Hayden.

  ‘Enough,’ said Multias. ‘I want you all to begin assembling your people and get ready to lead them. There will be no further discussion on the topic.’

  Hayden held his tongue and bowed to Multias with the others. His orders were final.

  ‘I bid you all safe travel, you may leave now,’ said Multias, bowing back to them all. ‘Owen, remain behind a moment.’

  All men departed save for Owen, the leading technology master and overseer, and Quian, right hand to Multias. Once he was sure no one was in earshot, Multias began to speak.

  ‘How many of the beast do we have left?’ he asked.

  ‘Roughly one hundred,’ Owen answered, flipping a black device into the air and catching it again in his hand. ‘I could have many more captured from the Ukotan Jungle if necessary.’

  ‘Good. We may not have time to capture more, but acquire as many as you can. I will need them again to help defend when the Alliance returns.’

  ‘I was under the impression you wished to discontinue their use,’ said Owen darkly, seeming uncomfortable talking about the topic with a man he knew was Daijuarn, perhaps not a Sentinel but still Daijuarn.

  ‘Exactly what I am getting at. They are a blemish on this great city’s history and a reminder of a time I’d prefer to forget, as you know. I have always believed that they are a hideous life form that should never have come into existence. Now that we are leaving the city, I hope to right that wrong the best way we can for now.’

  ‘What would you have me do?’ asked Owen.

  ‘Nothing like that,’ said Multias with a wave of his hand, as if reading Owen’s thoughts. ‘I had planned on destroying them, but they will help us fight the final battle, and they will be destroyed by the Alliance instead.’

  Owen seemed to contemplate this new stance Multias had taken on how they should dispose of the beasts, but didn’t seem to find a disagreement.

  ‘As you wish,’ he said.

  ‘Good. Now go and tend to your family before you leave.’

  Owen bowed.

  ‘And Owen,’ Multias called out after him.


  ‘Thank you for all of your service. Your brilliance has saved thousands of Waikorian lives.’

  ‘They are my people,’ said Owen, ‘I do not need thanks.’

  Multias smiled at the good nature still strong in Waikor as Owen exited the room. He then turned to Quian. Both knew that they would need to begin preparation for the coming battle immediately. They were capable of destroying the forces being sent on their own, but they were bound by the Daijuarn code and would only defend. However, the Daijuarn code only applied to the use of the essence, it said nothing of firing other weapons, or using the Ukotan beasts in battle.

  ‘Do you still question the ethics of these methods?’ asked Multias.

  Quian paused a moment, weighing up the moral dilemma posed to him. ‘Always. I do not agree that these beasts should be used against men, no matter how evil the men might be. We are of the Daijuar. We are meant to set the example of good. But I would also do anything to ensure my people remain safe, so I do not oppose your decision to use them. Nevertheless, I will always question what we do.’

  Multias nodded. ‘You are a good man, perhaps better than I am.’

  Quian bowed. ‘I learned from you.’

  ‘Then I am glad one of us was paying attention,’ said Multias. ‘Come, we must prepare. The Alliance won’t be gone forever.’

  Both men stood to exit the room.

  ‘When do you expect their return?’ asked Quian.

  Multias stopped just short of the door and his stare became distant for a moment, but upon realising he did not have the answer, he shrugged.

  ‘Too soon,’ he said, and the two Daijuarn leaders joined their commanders in helping to prepare the evacuation of Waikor.


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