Bluebeard's Curse (Dark Tales Book 1)

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Bluebeard's Curse (Dark Tales Book 1) Page 1

by Regine Abel

  Cover Design by Regine Abel and Nero Seal


  WARNING: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal and punishable by law. No part of this book may be used or reproduced electronically or in print without written permission of the author, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews.

  This book uses mature language and explicit sexual content. It is not intended for anyone under the age of 18.

  This book is a work of fiction freely inspired by the Bluebeard fairy tale. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.


  Dark Tales #1

  Regine Abel

  Copyright © 2016


  To my family, who have always been there for me, believed in me and had my back through every hurdle thrown my way.

  A special shout out to author Anita Gray, for all your help and support in this crazy new adventure. Nero Seal, thank you for giving my cover the oomph I couldn’t. Much love to my beta readers, and reviewers who allowed this dream to come true.

  Table of Contents













  Hidden in the shadows of the balcony overlooking the ballroom, I observed the sea of maidens gathering in my home. Before the night’s end, I would claim one of them as my twenty-eighth bride. How long she would last was anyone’s guess. Six months had been the longest; twenty-four hours the shortest. And yet, despite these grim odds, still they vied to become my queen.

  Their voices rose, a buzzing swarm of insects over the light music played by the orchestra. Hilda Lund’s occasional boisterous laughter broke the monotony of the irritating hum. If only I could kick them all out. I approached the location where Hilda was holding court, amidst the other daughters of Rathlin’s nobility.

  They gaped at her, faces flushed with excitement. Then again, the vermillion of their cheeks could be the result of the powder caked upon them or the ridiculous tightness of their bodices. As I discretely leaned over the railing to eavesdrop on their conversation, the smell of their mixed perfumes overwhelmed me.

  “It was a sign that my poor betrothed met with an untimely demise less than a week ago,” Hilda said to her captive audience. “I always believed that I was meant to free our beloved King Eric from the curse that plagues him and our people.”

  I almost snorted at her arrogance. She genuinely seemed convinced that she was the answer to all my woes; that somehow, she was a divine gift bestowed upon mankind. Hilda was a pretty thing in her royal purple dress. As lovely and venomous as a bouquet of wolfsbane. Maybe I should take her as wife and rid us all of her insufferable presence, once she failed like all the others.

  “But all of his previous wives have died. How will any of us make it? What is the test that’s so impossible to pass?” a frail looking redhead asked.

  “They were weak,” Hilda said with a shrug. “I’m not.”

  Yes. Weak, greedy and self-centered. Most had also been arrogant… like her.

  “Ariana lasted a little over six months,” a brunette said in a conspiratorial tone. “Everyone thought she would complete the year, and yet she failed too.”

  “Ariana was a dreamer. If not for the terrible illness that struck me last summer, I would have attended that gathering. King Eric would have chosen me instead,” Hilda said. “I could have spared him this useless anguish.”

  This was more than I could bear. I stepped away from the balcony edge, refusing to acknowledge the pain settling in my chest. Ariana had indeed been a dreamer, a sweet little thing who I too believed would have made it. I hadn’t loved her, but I had grown to care for her. When we had passed the fifth month mark with her resolve still strong, I had thought this time, this wife wouldn’t let me down. And yet…

  My eyes scanned the room, assessing the three dozen maidens gathered within. The largest group surrounded Hilda, no doubt hoping to become part of her retinue should she be chosen. Others were scattered in smaller groups of twos and threes. But it was a lone figure by the large bay window that caught my attention.

  Golden maiden…

  She was tall and deliciously curvy in her long white dress. Coppery hair streaked with gold cascaded in waves down to her waist. Two beaded-braids framed a reasonably attractive pixie face. Biting nervously on her plump bottom lip, she observed the women mingling around the room. As if sensing my stare, she looked toward the balcony, her gaze landing directly where I stood. It sent an electric jolt down my spine and set my blood on fire. I instinctively took a step back, even though I knew she couldn’t see me. She frowned while her stunning amber eyes examined the length of the balcony, before resuming her casual observation of the other women.

  What the hell just happened?

  No woman had ever stirred such a strong response from me – I was intrigued.

  I gestured to Tormund who had been shadowing me. When he approached, I pointed at the golden maiden with my chin.

  “Her name is Astrid Halvar, your Highness,” Tormund whispered. “She was promised to Lord Dennar’s second son, but he reneged on his pledge once her family fell on hard times. Though her reputation is flawless, her prospects remain limited. The people would approve this choice.”

  “And you, Tormund?” I asked.

  “She was well-loved by their servants, when they could still afford them. This would save her family from becoming destitute.”

  Typical Tormund answer. My majordomo always looked at problems in a practical way. He assessed each aspiring bride in terms of her potential longevity and for the benefits to those she would leave behind.

  I nodded before making my way down to the dance floor. The guards opened the large double doors, causing the room to submerge in silence. The maidens rushed to line up in a cacophony of scraping chairs, and the clinking of glasses quickly discarded on nearby tables. Hilda elbowed her way to the middle of the lineup. She flashed me a toothy smile, pushing her corseted bosom toward me.

  My gaze glided over her and the other maidens until it settled on Astrid. Her eyes widened as I started walking in her direction. Astrid’s lips parted in astonishment and she cast an uncertain glance at the others before looking back at me. She swallowed audibly when I stopped in front of her.

  “Welcome to my home, Lady Astrid. Would you do me the honor of the first dance?” I asked, extending a hand.

  “It would be my pleasure, your Highness.” Despite her steady voice, the hand she placed on mine trembled.

  I led her to the center of the dance floor under Hilda’s outraged glare. Astrid’s delicate hand slid over my shoulder as I wrapped my arm around her waist, pulling her tightly against me. A soft gasp erupted from her slender throat, but she didn’t challenge our proximity. I nodded to the conductor. The notes of a waltz reverberated in the large, circular room. Astrid followed my lead effortlessly as we whirled across the floor under the stares of the other maidens.

  She looked beautiful up close. A handful of freckles peppered her dainty little nose. Her flawless skin, the color of honey, looked good enough to lick. I wished she didn’t keep her eyes demurely cast down, wondering how much fire hid behind them. Halfway through the song, Astrid’s hand tensed in mine when I pulled her even closer. It was ina
ppropriate, but I didn’t care – I loved the way her luscious body aligned perfectly with mine. Her voluptuous chest rose rapidly with each breath. She was soft and pliant in my arms. I leaned forward, inhaling the delicate scent of lavender that emanated from her. She licked her lips nervously and I fought the sudden urge to taste them.

  “Tell me, Lady Astrid, did you come to the lair of Bluebeard of your own free will or did your family coerce you into it?”

  Her eyes locked onto my beard and its three beaded braids, before lifting back up to mine. “My father didn’t want me to come, your Highness. He fears…”

  “He fears you will fail like my previous brides,” I finished for her when the silence stretched. She nodded, her eyes cast down. “Are you so confident then that you will prevail where all others have foundered?”

  She tensed and pulled back from me. Her thin eyebrows, a shade darker than her hair, pinched in a frown. “No, your Highness. I wouldn’t be so presumptuous. My family will be destitute unless I secure a good husband. So whatever the challenge, I will face it head-on for the sake of my father and little sister.”

  “Whatever the challenge? Even the monster of Rathlin?” I asked softly.

  Astrid’s gazed roamed over my face, taking in my features. “I see no monster.”

  “Eyes are easily deceived, milady. Twenty-seven maidens I have called wife over the past fourteen years. What manner of man goes through so many, each never to be heard from or seen again?”

  A hint of fear crossed her face before she schooled her expression. Good. Naïve and simple-minded wouldn’t survive what awaited her.

  “A man cursed for saving Rathlin from the true monster that haunted its shores,” she said. “Are you to blame because the maidens accepted a challenge they couldn’t complete?”

  I stopped dancing so abruptly she almost stumbled into me. With a surprised sound, Astrid tightened her hold on me to keep her balance.

  “And what do you suppose the nature of this challenge is?”

  She frowned, her eyes taking a faraway look as if pondering my question. “I have wondered that many times, your Highness. But I must confess, I have no idea.”

  Leaning forward, I brushed my lips against her ear before whispering, “It’s temptation, Lady Astrid. Can you resist temptation?”

  Her breath caught in her throat. I pulled back to look into her eyes. She shivered and goosebumps erupted all over her golden skin. “Temptation comes in many forms, your Highness. I’m not covetous by nature. And as someone who treasures her privacy, I have little inclination to pry into other people’s personal matters.”

  She had all the right answers. Whether they were genuine or rehearsed was anyone’s guess. I loved the sultriness of her voice though, and couldn’t help wondering how she would sound shouting my name in the throes of passion. Images of her writhing beneath me, her amber eyes burning with desire, flooded my mind. I felt myself harden.

  “Good answer, milady. But not all temptations are bad.”

  Heat crept up her cheeks when I pressed my blossoming arousal against her. She licked her lips nervously again, her hands still gripping me fiercely.

  “The maiden I choose will be my wife in every way, Lady Astrid. I’m a man with a healthy appetite. Can you face that challenge head on?”

  She swallowed hard, and I felt her tremble in my arms. At that moment, I realized how badly I wanted her to say yes. Whatever answer I expected, it wasn’t her pressing her chest against mine or the words she whispered.

  “That will not be a challenge.”

  Her face went crimson with embarrassment, but she didn’t avert her eyes. My cock was now fully stiff. Astrid’s breathing became erratic. I leaned forward, intent on tasting her parted lips when the pungent scent of Hilda’s perfume ruined the moment. Turning my head, I saw her approaching with her usual too bright smile.

  “If it pleases your Highness, I would like to claim the second dance,” she said with false enthusiasm.

  I had been so lost in Astrid, the music stopping never even registered. My displeasure at the unwelcomed interruption must have shown on my face. Hilda seemed to lose some of her confidence and cast a nervous glance around the room. She suddenly realized the humiliation that would befall her should I – when I dismissed her.

  Astrid tried to take a step away from me. I tightened my embrace, wanting her voluptuous body flush against mine, and against the stiffness that ached for her. “Consider this unpleasant intrusion your one and only chance to run, Lady Astrid. Think carefully and choose wisely.”

  Her eyes widened in understanding. This wasn’t the most romantic proposal, but this also was no traditional courtship. It baffled me that I offered her an out. By law, no maiden could refuse me. Though I didn’t force any to present themselves whenever I needed a new bride, those who did show up – and many always did – implicitly gave their consent by entering the castle. Yet, for some reason, I wanted to hear this golden beauty give herself to me freely.

  “Why would I run when I’m exactly where I want to be?” Astrid said.

  Such boldness delighted me. I smiled. My eyes still locked with Astrid’s, I said to Hilda, “There will be no second dance.”

  “What?” Hilda said in surprise. “You have to! You can’t…”

  My head snapped toward her. “Do you presume to tell me what I can and cannot do, madam?” I challenged, my voice deadly calm.

  She shook her head as her throat worked. “O–of course not, y–your Highness.”

  Tormund approached in the deafening silence and extended his arm to Hilda. “This way, if you please, milady.”

  Her powdered face grew even paler. Hurt and disbelief flickered in her eyes. I almost felt sorry for her. Almost… Hilda put a shaky hand on Tormund’s forearm and he escorted her off the dance floor. He gestured to the other maidens to follow him before leading them out of the ballroom. I nodded at the conductor. The clip-clopping of the maidens’ receding footsteps were soon drowned by the music as the orchestra launched into another waltz. Astrid smiled, her face filled with wonder as we twirled and whirled around the circular room.

  What conscience I had left berated me for allowing my lust to condemn this delightful creature to die well before her time – by my own hands. And die she would, before the year was up. The strength of my attraction to her made little sense, yet couldn’t be denied; I had to have her. However, for the weeks – with luck, months – she had left, I vowed to make her happy. As for those she left behind, they would never want for anything, ever again.

  Thus I had chosen my new bride, Astrid Halvar – Bluebeard’s twenty-eighth wife.



  In a complete daze, I abandoned myself to the strong arms of the fearsome Sea King of Rathlin Islands. The massive chandelier above us, and the two dozen torches and candelabras lining the walls, bathed the hall in a soft, dreamlike glow. As we glided across the floor, the light gave King Eric’s raven hair and beard a midnight blue tinge. His silver grey eyes hypnotized me. His large hand on my lower back held me firmly against his hard, muscular body.

  Despite my lack of experience, I recognized the stiffness straining against my stomach for what it was. Though I was pretty enough, the obvious signs of his arousal had taken me by surprise. Ladies earned praises for their narrow waists and slender limbs. While my more luscious curves often attracted approving masculine gazes, I didn’t understand how they had ensnared the King. Many of the most beautiful daughters of the realm had been in attendance tonight. Like the other maidens, I believed Hilda would be chosen.

  When I defied my father’s wishes by attending the gathering, I didn’t think I stood a chance. My family’s dire financial situation commanded me to act though – even if only to say I didn’t passively accept our fate. Fully aware of my humbled station, the other ladies had shunned me. It didn’t bother me as I never cared to be popular or sought other people’s approval. The King should have given me the same treatment though. S
o when he set his entire focus on me instead, all rational thoughts flew out of my head.

  I couldn’t believe how wantonly I had pressed my chest to his. He affected me in ways I never anticipated. There was such hunger in his eyes. His deep, raspy voice was mesmerizing, hypnotic even. When he made it clear full intimacy was expected, the strangest heat blossomed in the pit of my stomach and radiated down my legs. It shamed me to admit I took pleasure in Hilda’s humiliation when he sent her away, and not only because she always looked down on me. In truth, I wanted to be King Eric’s chosen one.

  But now that my wish had come true, I wasn’t so certain anymore. The last notes of the waltz faded and we stood still in the center of the dance floor. King Eric’s hand left my lower back for barely a second, and then resumed its tight embrace. Muted shuffling and the scraping of chairs informed me the orchestra was making an exit. I realized Eric must have gestured for them to leave. I tried to swallow but my throat was too dry. My heart hammering, I looked into the steely eyes that seemed to want to capture my soul.

  “I’ve dismissed all the other maidens. Do you know what that means?” he asked softly.

  My throat felt too tight to speak, but somehow I managed, “Y–Yes, your Highness.”

  “Eric,” he said. “I would have my bride call me by my given name.”

  I couldn’t help the violent shudder that coursed through me. His bride… Bluebeard’s wife. What was I thinking, coming here? Over two dozen women, many made of sterner stuff than me, had miserably failed whatever challenge now awaited me. What arrogance had driven me to freely enter the dragon’s lair, thinking I could walk back out unscathed? The triumphant elation I had felt when Tormund escorted the other maidens out was already a distant memory. In its stead, the pressing urge to race after them and return to the safety of my father’s estate soared within me.


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