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Belichick Page 72

by Ian O'Connor

  Laird, Bruce, 54, 57, 59–61

  Lakeland Community College, 100–101

  Lakeland Community College (Kirtland, Ohio)

  Lamb, Renzie, 48–49

  Lambeau, Curly, 442

  Landeta, Sean, 82, 83, 88

  Landry, Chris, 109, 112, 113

  Landry, Greg, 65

  Landry, Tom, x, 63, 87

  Lane, Jeremy, 385

  Langhorne, Reggie, 113–14, 126

  Langner, David, 39

  Langner, Scott, 39–44, 48

  Laramore, Al

  as Annapolis High coach, xii, 16–25, 411

  Belichick and, 20–21

  Borland and, xii

  coaching style, 21–22, 24

  commanding respect, 18–19

  death, 262

  depression, 19–20

  earning players’ trust, 20

  influence on Belichick’s coaching, xiii, 20–22, 25, 416

  nondiscrimination policy, 17–20, 411

  Laramore, Dan, 19

  Laramore, Dave, 19–20, 21

  Laramore, Dorothy, 21

  Lasker, Greg, 81

  Laslavic, Jim, 62, 63

  Lasman, Dan, 33, 35

  Law, Ty

  2001 season, 194, 208, 212

  2003 season, 221, 228, 229, 230

  2004 season, 255

  on Belichick, 169, 448

  New York Jets career, 342

  off-field problems, 176

  released by Patriots, 364

  Super Bowl XXXVI, 208, 212

  Lawrenceville School, 33–34

  Leberfeld, Dan, 281

  Leftwich, Byron, 291

  Leonard, Frank, 237, 238

  Lepselter, Mark, 182

  Lett, Leon, 139

  Levering, Frank, 41, 42, 47

  Levy, Marv, 90–91, 299

  Lewis, Dion, 440, 447, 454

  Lewis, Marvin, 221

  Lewis, Mo, ix, xi, 180, 192

  Lewis, Ray, 147

  Licht, Jason, 187, 214, 241–42, 336–37, 344

  Light, Matt, 178, 247

  Little, Leonard, 212

  Livingston, Bill, 104

  Lloyd, Odin, 359–60, 425

  Lockette, Ricardo, 385, 388, 389

  Lofton, James, 89

  Lombardi, John, 113

  Lombardi, Mike

  Belichick and, 403

  evaluation of prospects, 110, 111, 120, 139–40, 147

  hiring Belichick, 97

  hometown, 137

  Kosar’s firing, 125

  play calling, 123

  Lombardi, Vince

  as Accorsi’s idol, 260

  camel-hair coat, 256

  death, xi

  Fordham teammates, 31

  Halas spying on, 282

  Laramore as admirer of, 21

  records, xi, 256–57, 442

  St. Cecilia High School, xi, 21

  Washington Redskins, xi

  Long, Chris, 442

  Long, Don, 49

  Los Angeles Rams, 65, 282

  Love, Kyle, 351

  Lowery, Don, 183

  Lynch, John, 429

  Lynch, Marshawn, 382–85, 387–89

  Lynch, Tom, 12, 261


  Macdermott, Bill, 42, 43, 46

  Mack, Kevin, 118

  Mackay, Jim “Bones,” 355

  MacMullan, Jackie, 268, 269

  Madden, John, 97, 207, 209, 212, 310

  Madden NFL, 207, 404

  Mahe, Reno, 294–95

  Mahoney, Mike, 178

  Manahan, Thomas, 270, 271

  Mandolesi, Jay, 293

  Mangini, Eric

  background, 335

  Belichick, relationship with, 265, 275–76, 300–301, 439

  Belichick’s influence on, 277–78, 300–301

  Cleveland Browns career, 137, 275

  failure as head coach, 351

  leaving Patriots, 265, 276, 300

  New England Patriots career, 182–83, 203, 267, 275–76, 339

  New York Jets career, 156, 265, 273–74, 276–78, 307–9, 376

  Pennington and, 376

  Spygate, 274, 275, 277, 281, 293, 300–301

  Mangini, Luke William, 300

  Mankins, Logan, 327, 364, 367

  Mann, Richard, 101–2, 125

  Manning, Archie, 63, 226, 264

  Manning, Eli, 309–11, 318, 320–23, 326, 349, 352–53, 386

  Manning, Peyton

  2001 season, 189, 190, 194

  AFC Championship Game (2003 season), 225, 226, 227, 228

  AFC Championship Game (2004 season), 255–56

  AFC Championship Game (2006 season), 263–65, 320

  AFC Championship Game (2015 season), 401

  Denver Broncos career, 427

  Eli Manning and, 310, 323

  football skills, 366

  Patriots’ spying, concerns about, 292

  records, 309, 401

  Super Bowl XLVIII, 385

  Super Bowl 50, 401

  Manningham, Mario, 352, 386

  Mannix, Kevin, 217

  Mara, Ann, 93, 327

  Mara, Chris, 72, 85

  Mara, John, 72, 150–51, 310, 319, 326, 327, 355, 421

  Mara, Tim, 69

  Mara, Wellington, 69, 93, 94, 150–51, 421

  Marchibroda, Ted

  Allen’s influence on, 282

  background, 54

  Baltimore Colts career, 52–53, 59–60

  Baltimore Ravens career, 149

  on Belichick’s diligence and perseverance, 55

  Buffalo Bills career, 89–91, 94

  character and personality, 54, 56, 58

  death, 416

  influence on Belichick’s coaching, 282, 416

  on players’ respect for Belichick, 60–61

  Super Bowl XXV, 89–91, 94

  Thomas and, 59–60, 61

  Mardi Gras, 47

  Marino, Dan, 121, 147

  Maroney, Laurence, 315, 324, 325

  Marriott, Jeff, 187

  Marrone, Doug, 436, 440

  Marshall, Leonard, 90

  Martin, Curtis, 158, 159, 169, 180

  Martin, George, 70–71, 78–80, 82, 86

  Martin, Tee, 187

  Martz, Mike, 191, 200, 201, 203, 209–10, 212, 394

  Mason, Bill, 22

  Matthews, Chris, 384, 385

  Matthews, Clay, 121, 124, 134, 148

  Mayer, Shawn, 236, 245

  Mayo, Jerod, 353

  McCabe, Richie, 66

  McCafferty, Don, 62

  McClain, John, 129–30

  McCleon, Dexter, 208

  McConkey, Phil, 77, 82–84

  McCourty, Devin, 405–6, 410–11, 447

  McCown, Luke, 248

  McDaniels, Josh

  background, 335

  Denver Broncos career, 334, 412, 437

  failure as head coach, 351, 437

  leaving Patriots, 334, 431–32, 437, 439

  New England Patriots career, 258, 293, 307, 325, 336, 415, 437–38, 448, 453

  McDaniels, Thom, 437

  McDonough, Terry, 128, 139, 149

  McDonough, Will (Boston Globe writer), 151

  McDonough, Will (Brady business manager), 376

  McGinest, Willie

  2001 season, 188, 208, 210–11

  drafted by Parcells, 229

  Guerrero and, 436

  leaving Patriots, 342, 364

  Seau and, 421

  Super Bowl XXXVI, 210–11

  on Vrabel, 232

  McGuire, Kennard, 222

  McNabb, Donovan, 223, 257–58

  McNair, Steve, 228

  McNally, Jim, 391–92, 399, 400

  McQuillan, Pat, 46, 49, 51

  McVicar, John, 46, 50, 53

  media relations, Belichick’s

  in Boston, 183–84

  Brady, comments on, 368

  Cleveland Browns press conferences, 98–99, 168–69, 203

Deflategate, 374–75, 376–78, 380–82

  disdain for press, 133–34

  as friendly, 379–80

  Gutman, comments on, 225–26

  Hernandez, comments on, 362–63

  holding grudges, 216–18, 235, 404–5

  on Johnson’s concussions, 268, 270

  lack of patience, 91

  lacking engaging personality, 85

  as media savvy, 265–66

  New England Patriots, first press conference, 170

  New York Jets, 156, 157, 161–62, 165–67

  news media, granting access to, 119–21

  news media, restrictions on, 103–4

  one-on-one meetings with reporters, 100

  Parcells, comments on, 223–24

  playbook, 133

  providing valuable information and insight, 85–86

  radio shows, 104

  as secretive and uncooperative, 100, 104, 119, 133, 380

  Sports Illustrated cover, 309

  Spygate, 275, 281, 293, 294, 297, 331, 350

  Super Bowl XXXVI, 202–3, 206

  Super Bowl XLII, 317

  Super Bowl XLVI, 350

  Super Bowl XLIX, 390

  TV shows, 104

  Megna, Marc, 173

  Meier, Nancy, 338

  Memorial Stadium, 57–58

  Mendenhall, Ken, 58

  Meriweather, Brandon, 303

  Metcalf, Eric, 124, 125, 127, 134

  Meyer, Ed, 104

  Meyer, Ron, 195

  Meyer, Urban, 343, 344, 345, 362, 402

  Miami Dolphins, 308, 312

  Michaels, Al, 386, 445

  Mickelson, Phil, 355

  Mickens, Ray, 160

  Miles, Eddie, 20

  Millen, Matt, 283

  Miller, Jim, 239, 243, 255

  Miller, Josh, 258, 421

  Miller, Red, 67

  Milloy, Lawyer

  2001 season, 194

  Belichick, praise for, 169

  Buffalo Bills career, 216–17, 222, 225

  released by Patriots, 216–18, 222, 223, 364, 427

  Super Bowl XXXVI, 202, 208, 214

  Mills, Garrett, 423

  Minnesota Vikings, 75

  Mitchell, George, 332

  Mitchell, John, 125

  Mitchell, Lydell, 56, 58

  Mitchell, Malcolm, 401, 414

  Mitchell Report, xii

  Modell, Art

  1994 season, 138

  Adams and, 138

  background, 99

  on Belichick, 100, 107, 118

  Belichick’s contract extension, 122

  Belichick’s media relations, 104, 130

  firing Belichick, x, 146–47, 148–49

  firing Brown, 99

  firing Carson, 97

  firing Kosar, 125–26, 128, 129

  firing Schottenheimer, 96

  hiring Belichick, 94, 97–99

  Kosar and, 119

  moving Browns to Baltimore, 142–44, 145

  on Newsome, 123

  as self-made showman, 99–100, 131

  warning Kraft against hiring Belichick, 168, 171

  Modell, David, 97, 143

  Modell, Olwen, 97

  Monday Night Football, birth of, 99

  Monongah, West Virginia, 106

  Montana, Joe, xi–xii, 81, 89, 427

  Moon, Warren, 364

  Moore, Sterling, 352

  Morris, Joe, 79–80, 84, 103, 138

  Morris, Mercury, 315

  Mortensen, Chris, 369, 374, 392

  Mosley, C. J., 373

  Moss, Randy

  2007 season, 272–73, 298, 301, 304, 306–7, 309–13, 315, 318, 322, 324–28, 361

  2009 season, 342

  contract, 273

  ESPN career, 424

  film breakdowns, 304, 311–12

  football skills, 306–7

  hired by Patriots, 272–73, 361

  leaving Patriots, 346

  off-field problems, 315, 361

  records, 310

  Super Bowl XLII, 318, 322, 324–28

  Moss, Sinorice, 323

  Moynahan, Bridget, 273

  Moynahan, John (Jack), 273

  Mudd, Roger, 377

  Mueller, Jim, 130–31, 146

  Muhammad, Muhsin, 231–32

  Mulroy, Tom, 35

  Munn, Jeannette Ruth. See Belichick, Jeannette

  Munn, Leslie and Irene (grandparents), 9, 10

  Myers, Gary, ix

  Myra Kraft Giving Back Fund, 356


  Najarian, Berj

  as Belichick’s messenger and gatekeeper, xiii, 218, 222, 379, 404

  hired by Belichick, 183

  media relations, 183, 225, 265, 266, 270, 337, 419

  New York Jets career, 161, 183

  Obama and, 439

  personality, 337

  work ethic, 183

  Namath, Joe, 58, 63, 69, 159, 209

  NASA Johnson Space Center, 22

  national anthem protests, 410–11, 441–42

  National Football Scouting, 111

  Naughton, Pat, 250

  Naval Academy, Stephen Belichick’s career, 10–17, 27

  Neal, Stephen, 243, 327

  Needell, Paul, 170

  Nelms, Mike, 74

  Nelson, Karl, 87, 88

  Nelson, Paul, 45, 46, 47

  New England Patriots. See also Kraft, Robert

  2009 season, 341–42

  Carroll as head coach of, 155, 158–59, 162

  vs. Lions (1976), 65–66, 342–43

  Super Bowl XX, 202

  New England Patriots, Belichick’s career, 168–455. See also competitive edge; Deflategate; media relations; Spygate

  2000 season, 171–76

  2001 season, ix, 171–72, 177–84, 188–203, 205–15, 230, 252, 260, 295–96, 316, 331–33, 394

  2002 season, 215, 217, 218–20, 266–68

  2003 season, 216–19, 221–36, 242, 247, 252, 260, 266

  2004 season, 247–48, 254–59, 294–96, 421

  2006 season, 263–65, 276–77, 291, 312, 345, 361

  2007 season, 271–74, 278, 297–98, 301–12, 314–29, 334, 350, 386

  2008 season, 334, 347, 366

  2009 season, 341, 342, 346, 347

  2010 season, 345–46, 347

  2011 season, 346–55, 361, 386

  2012 season, 355–56, 365

  2013 season, 365

  2014 season, 364–65, 367–90, 414

  2015 season, 395–97, 401

  2016 season, 391, 395, 401–2, 405–16

  2017 season, x, 428–33, 435–37, 440–49, 452–53

  2018 season, 439, 450–54

  Adams and, 251–53

  as assistant head coach and secondary coach, 149, 150, 153–54

  Belichick’s maturing as coach, 203–4, 218

  Bledsoe’s injury, 180–81, 184, 190

  Brady, draft of, 186–88

  Brady, tense relationship with, x, 393, 430–33, 450–54

  Brady as key to success, xi–xii, 334, 366, 429–30, 435

  coaching staff, 179, 182–83, 336–39

  collegial work environment, 259

  conditioning, 172–75

  considered for head coach (1997 season), 154–55

  consistency of staff message, 244, 252, 405–6

  control of football operations, 192, 203, 426–27, 432–33

  criticism of, 171, 216, 265

  evaluation of prospects, 238, 240–42, 246–48, 334–36, 340–41

  fans, 214, 297, 392–93

  film breakdowns, 244–46, 304, 311–13

  football knowledge, 243, 307

  fundamentals, focus on, 242, 245–46

  hiring of Belichick, 162–63, 168–70, 214

  intense preparation, 206–7, 220, 229–30, 239–40, 243–46, 313–14, 406

  Johnson’s concussions, 266–70

  Kodak moment timeouts, 302–3

  motivational coaching, 179, 204, 205
, 219, 230, 245, 254–56

  no-frills recruiting, 221–22

  vs. Parcells’s teams, 223–24

  player and staff empowerment, 238–41, 303, 339–40

  player versatility, 242–43


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