Aiden's Story (A Watcher Novel)

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Aiden's Story (A Watcher Novel) Page 23

by S. J. West

  My time with you at Yale isn’t the first time I’ve attended a college. Back in the early 1960’s, I went to Berkeley College in California and majored in history. Obviously, it was a breeze for me, and I earned my PhD quickly. I was so good in fact that the college offered me a job right away. I didn’t have anything else to do, and Desmond thought it would be a good exercise in control for me.

  “Having all those eager young ladies around might help you figure out how to develop new skills on controlling your hunger,” he told me as we sat in a coffee shop near the campus.

  “Or it might turn me into a serial killer,” I argued quietly.

  “You’ve come so far, Aiden,” he praised. “You’re not the same man you were when we were first cursed.”

  “How do you do it?” I asked, astounded by his self-discipline. “How have you kept from giving into the bloodlust all these years?”

  “It hasn’t been easy,” Desmond sighed as he sat back in his chair. “It’s one of the reasons I became a doctor to the humans. Being around so much blood all the time helped me get used to it. I became desensitized to the smell and now it doesn’t really affect me. Every once in a while I feel the craving, but I don’t allow it to control me.”

  “I wish I could say the same thing,” I admitted. I hated being manipulated by my hunger. It was a weakness I didn’t like, but felt helpless to restrain.

  “What does Malcolm do to control his hunger?”

  “He’s in the same boat as me, but I think he can go longer because he uses sex to help take his mind off of it.”

  “Then why don’t you do that?” Desmond asked.

  “I’ve tried, but even while I’m with a woman, I know I’m just delaying the inevitable. It makes the effort seem almost pointless. I’m just feeding two addictions and gaining zero power over either one of them. I don’t like feeling out of control, Desmond. I’m tired of it.”

  “One day you’ll find a good enough reason to give both of them up,” Desmond told me with so much certainty I almost believed him. “I know you will.”

  “You’re a hopeless optimist, Desmond. I suppose you’re even still trying to talk to our father.”

  “Yes. I still pray to Him.”

  “Gotten a reply yet?” I scoffed, already knowing the answer.

  “Not directly,” Desmond admitted. “But, like the humans say, the Lord works in mysterious ways, and I think there is a reason He allowed you and I to remain friends all these years.”

  “If He had a hand in that, then I am truly grateful,” I admitted. “Let me know if you ever get an actual reply.”

  “You’ll be the first one I tell.”

  I looked at my watch and saw it was already five o’clock in the afternoon.

  “I need to be going,” I told Desmond. “It’s time for me to meet Malcolm.”

  Desmond looked out the window of the coffee shop and across the street to the park where I was supposed to meet Malcolm.

  “Looks like he’s beat you there,” Desmond said before he started to laugh. “You are so going to lose this year, my friend. I’m afraid you are poorly under prepared.”

  I looked out the window to see what Desmond was referring to and just shook my head in dismay.

  “He’s cheating!”

  “Why?” Desmond asked, looking back at me. “Is there a rule against bringing props?”

  “Well…no. But still. It should be understood.”

  Desmond just laughed at my predicament. “Then I suggest you be at your most charming if you want to win this year. Personally, I think you should just toss in the towel graciously and save yourself some embarrassment.”

  “I don’t give up,” I told him, letting my stubborn streak take over.

  I phased over to the park bench where Malcolm was sitting, petting his unfair advantage.

  “You brought a puppy?” I asked him, still not believing my eyes as I stared at the sweet little West Highland white terrier.

  Malcolm looked up at me and grinned as if he had already won the year’s contest.

  “Why not? Women love these hairy little mongrels. I’ll even let the lovely lady keep it as a souvenir to always remind her of me.”

  I sat down beside Malcolm resigned to the fact that I would be losing.

  Talking to Desmond had put me in a contemplative mood and I asked Malcolm, “Do you ever try to talk to our father?”

  Malcolm remained quiet. I wasn’t sure he even heard my question until he replied, “Occasionally.”

  “Have you ever gotten an answer?”


  “Then why bother?”

  Malcolm didn’t say anything else. He just nodded his head to a woman walking towards us from the other end of the park.

  “What about her?” He asked, deflecting my question. “She seems like the wholesome type. I’ll even let you have first try at her.”

  “I’m not really in the mood anymore,” I said. “You can have her. This game is starting to bore me anyway.”

  “Well, we can stop for a few years until you get your mojo back,” Malcolm offered, standing up. “Let me know when you want to get together again. I’m always up for a challenge, no matter what the game.”

  “I’ll let you know,” I replied.

  Malcolm walked over to the woman and had her charmed in no time at all. He didn’t really need the puppy to draw the woman under his spell. Human females just naturally flocked to him. I hate to admit it, but Malcolm won more of those Valentine’s Day competitions than I did. He knew how to talk to women to make them trust him, even if they shouldn’t.

  However, I knew the woman he was walking away with wasn’t in any mortal danger that evening. Malcolm would seduce her effectively and leave her bed the next morning with a smile on her face.

  For the next few years, I wandered about with no real purpose. Justin hadn’t contacted me in quite some time. I thought he might have actually forgotten about me.

  In the 1980’s, I joined a mercenary force for hire. We accomplished things that were outside the law of most governments. It was fun for a while, but like most everything, I started to become bored with it.

  It wasn’t until December of 2012 when I received a task that I could get excited about. I didn’t realize it then, but it was a mission I had been waiting for my entire life.


  The private military group I worked for was called Cerberus International. It did, and still does, have some of the most highly trained personnel in the world. Cerberus not only offered tactical support, but they also employed people able to battle the ever-increasing technological threats directed against other companies and the governments of the world.

  I received a phone call from my operations director, Marshall Goode, to meet with a new client in private. It was the first time I had ever been asked to meet with a client by myself, and Marshall wasn’t able to give me many details about our mysterious benefactor.

  “He just said that you were the only person he trusted to do the job right,” Marshall told me over the phone. “You’ll have to ask him the details about what he wants. All I know is that he’s willing to pay a hefty sum for your services. And…” Marshall hesitated before saying the rest. “The man asked that you meet him in the desert at exactly noon our time today. He refused to give me any further details. He seemed to think you would know where to go.”

  I knew then that the mystery man had to be Mason.

  “Tell him I’ll meet him there,” I replied, wondering why Mason was seeking me out after so many years.

  The last time I saw Mason in person was that night at Justin’s house. I had no idea what Mason wanted from me now, but I was determined to turn him down no matter what it was. I didn’t care how much money he was willing to offer Cerberus or me for that matter. Neither my soul nor my allegiance was for sale. I was resolute in remaining loyal only to myself.

  Due to the time difference, it was nighttime in the Sahara Desert when I phased in. Mason wa
s already there waiting for me on the dune.

  “Thank you for coming,” he said, sounding somewhat relieved. “I wasn’t completely sure you would.”

  “Curiosity got the best of me,” I told him. “What do you want?”

  “I’m gathering all of the Watchers together,” he said. “God has sent us a mission to complete, but it will take our combined strength and knowledge to see it through to the end.”

  I crossed my arms over my chest and asked, “He actually came down here and asked you to help Him with something?”

  “No. I haven’t seen Him or talked to Him directly,” Mason admitted, “but He did send the child of an Archangel to ask for our help.”

  I stood there for a moment because I had a hard time believing what Mason just said.

  “How can such a child even exist?” I finally asked.

  “Our father allowed it to happen. The woman I speak of is the child of Michael and a descendant of Lilith. Lucifer intends to use her for some nefarious purpose, but none of us know what that purpose is yet.”

  “You should ask Justin,” I suggested. “He and Lucifer have been allies for quite some time now.”

  “I would if he were still alive.”

  “Justin’s dead?” I asked, surprised by this development. “How?”

  “Uriel had Justin kidnap Lilly with the intention of killing her. Lilly was able to escape from Justin and no one has seen him since. It’s the general consensus that Uriel did away with Justin for failing in his task.”

  “And what exactly is it that you want me to do for this woman?”

  “I want you to help us figure out what Lucifer’s end game is and to help us protect Lilly from him. You are the best warrior among us, Aiden. We need you fighting by our side once again.”

  “After all these years, you come to me to ask for a favor,” I sneered, shaking my head at Mason’s audacity. “I owe you nothing. I owe God even less.”

  Mason’s expression was hard to decipher. He’s always been one to keep his feelings well hidden from others.

  “I understand your anger…”

  “You understand nothing!” I interrupted tersely. “You act as though just mentioning the fact that this woman is Michael’s child will make me want to fall down on my knees to help her. Even if I believed such a person could exist, why would I care who fathered her? God forsake us all a long time ago. If He wants her protected, maybe He should get off his ass and do it Himself! I refuse to be a pawn in His never-ending game with Lucifer. I gave Him my undying loyalty once. I will not do it a second time!”

  Mason inhaled deeply and sighed even more heavily.

  “I understand your anger,” he started again. “Over the years, I’ve felt it too, but you need to find a way to let it go, Aiden. It will do nothing for your soul but make it blacker. What if this is our chance to find forgiveness? Maybe all of our prayers are finally being answered through Lilly. He still loves us, Aiden. I know that for a fact. Lilly performed The Touch on me and allowed me to feel His love first hand. At least come to the meeting and see her for yourself. If you don’t want to help us after that, I promise I won’t ask you again. I’ll leave you alone for all eternity.”

  “I’ll come,” I said without hesitation. “But only because I know you’ll keep the promise you just made. Having you leave me alone forever is worth a minute of my time.”

  “Just keep an open mind,” Mason requested. “That’s all I ask of you, Aiden. I’ll send word through Desmond when the meeting is to take place, but it will happen here, where it all began.”


  Mason looked like he wanted to say more to me, but then realized it would be a waste of time. He phased, but I stayed behind and sat down on the dune to contemplate what I had just learned. I looked up into the star filled sky and wondered why God felt the need to allow Michael to have a half-human child. Why was Lilly allowed to live a normal life when He cursed the children of the Watchers to live a half existence? My anger towards my father for what happened to Carrig, Desmond’s son, was still trapped inside my heart. I wasn’t sure I could ever forgive God for his death.

  I felt a warm hand gently squeeze my left shoulder. The touch made me take in a sharp breath because I instinctively knew exactly who it was even before she spoke.

  “What are you doing, Aiden?” Kate asked, as she sat down beside me. “Why are you questioning your destiny?”

  Tears blurred my vision as I looked at her in the dim light given off by the moon and the stars that night.

  “How are you here?” I asked, reaching out a hand to caress the side of her face.

  She wasn’t just an apparition. She was real to the touch.

  “I don’t know exactly,” she told me, looking as confused as I felt. “I just knew I needed to come and help you find your way. Maybe I really am your guardian angel now.”

  “You think I should be a part of Mason’s mission and help this woman?”

  “Yes, I do, but not so much to help her as to help yourself, dear heart. This is your chance to put all of your pent up anger towards God to rest. Your soul will never find true peace until you do that.”

  “I gave up on my soul finding peace a long time ago, Kate.”

  “I haven’t,” she said, smiling at me kindly. “You have a good heart. Yet, you still refuse to acknowledge that fact.”

  “How can you still say that? I’ve murdered so many people during my time here that I lost count of their numbers a long time ago. Even after you asked me to stop, I couldn’t. I promise you I’ve tried, Kate, but I’m just not strong enough.”

  “I think it’s because you try to do everything by yourself, Aiden. This time try doing it with the support of the other Watchers. Once you all come together again, I think you’ll feel differently. One piece of straw is easily bended, but when stacked with other pieces its virtually unbreakable. Stop trying to stand alone and learn to lean on them to give you the strength you need to change your ways. They need you just as much as you need them. You have never been a coward, Aiden. Don’t become one now.”

  And as unexpectedly as Kate appeared, she vanished.

  I sat there on the dune for a long time thinking about the first time I was here with all my fellow Watchers. We were filled with so much promise back then. We came here to do our father’s work and were all eager to help humanity. I knew Kate was right. I might have a fighting chance to finally change my ways with the other Watchers helping me. I decided then that I would listen to what Lilly had to say with an open mind and heart. I would give her a chance to persuade me to help her and not just come with my mind already made up to turn down her request.

  When the day finally came for all of the Watchers to meet, I was excited to see my brothers again. Though, Desmond informed me that at least two would not be at the meeting. Mason had already told me about Justin’s supposed death by Uriel’s hands, but Desmond informed me that Robert wouldn’t be there either. Robert wasn’t a loss to me, but I was stunned to learn that Lilly was the one who killed him. Admittedly, it made me even more curious to meet Michael’s child.

  When I phased into the desert that day and saw Lilly for the first time, I knew in that instant I would do whatever she needed me to do for her. I’m not sure what it was about your mother that affected me so much. Perhaps I saw Michael inside her, or perhaps it was her natural innocence and kindness that drew me to her. Ever since that day, I’ve always felt protective of your mother. I think most of us did, even those who questioned her motives, as Baruch did. But even he finally came around and we all ended up kneeling down to her that day, showing her our loyalty to her cause.

  I wasn’t much of a scientist so I wasn’t able to help the Watchers who researched Lucifer’s plan for your mother. I did, however, stay in the shadows and watch over her from afar. Oddly enough, I had never been to Disney World until Brand and your mother took the whole family there while we waited for Lucifer to make his move. I have to admit I had fun watching them all s
cream their heads off on some of the rides. Tara was quite animated in her terror. Your aunt has always been a fount of amusement for me. I’ll never forget being in your father’s London home and having her stare at all of us like a kid who just stepped into a candy shop for the first time in their lives. I thought her eyes might pop out of her head with her open ogling of us all.

  And…I became jealous of Brand as I watched him with Lilly. Please don’t think I wanted your mother for myself. That wasn’t the case. I was just envious of the love he had found with her. It was the first time I ever saw two soulmates find one another. It was obvious to everyone around them that they were meant to be together. Even Will couldn’t deny their love was meant to be.

  I did, however, feel sorry for Malcolm. I would catch him looking at Lilly with a longing in his eyes. Even back then, he knew Lilly was meant for Brand, but that didn’t stop him from giving her his heart. Maybe one day Malcolm will be able to find his own soulmate and enjoy a love like ours. I never thought someone like you would come into my life, Caylin. I never imagined I would be blessed in such a way.

  After we defeated Lucifer and his followers that day, God finally came to Earth to give us all a mission and a way to find forgiveness for our sins. Some of my brother Watchers didn’t take Him up on His offer. They stayed blinded by their hate and decided to ally with Lucifer instead.

  I was on the fence about what I wanted to do. I was still mad at God, but a part of me wanted to stop feeling so angry all the time. I yearned to find a way to forgive myself for the people I murdered, and God’s proposal seemed the best way to do that.

  I was still debating about what to do when my father came to see me.

  I was sitting on a beach in Australia when He found me. He didn’t say a word, just sat down beside me with His legs bent up and His arms resting on His knees.

  “It really is beautiful, isn’t it?” He asked me, taking in a deep breath of the ocean air. “I have to admit the Earth turned out better than I could have hoped.”


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