Dekario (Dragons Of Kelon) (A Sci Fi Alien Weredragon Romance)

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Dekario (Dragons Of Kelon) (A Sci Fi Alien Weredragon Romance) Page 8

by Maia Starr

  “I can tell,” I said as she jerked in small movements as while I slowly let my tongue move up and down her wet slit. But I needed to be inside of her. As much as I enjoyed playing with her and teasing her until she could hardly stand it, I also needed to be inside of her. I was hungry for her and needed to feel her warmth envelope me. I moved from between her thighs and slowly placed soft kisses on her body as I moved upward. I licked and kissed her belly and moved up over the cloth on her breasts. I playfully tugged on it with my teeth. I sat back on my knees and then I pulled off my loincloth and moved on top of her. She opened her shapely thighs for me, and I placed soft kisses on them, moving up her body as I pulled off her loincloth. Then she pulled on the cloth covering her breasts and hoisted it up. Her pink nipples were hard, and I put my mouth on one immediately.

  “Oh Dekario…” she whispered as she pushed her fingers into my hair. I spread out my wings behind me, as I knew how much she enjoyed it when I was shifted into dragon form. She moaned in response. “You are so beautiful. You are such a beautiful and mysterious creature,” she whimpered.

  I loved hearing her words. I was exotic to her, and she was exotic to me. We both turned each other on.

  Then I placed the tip of my cock in her warm center and pushed in. She arched her back in response. I could feel her lips press against my chest as I moved forward. She was delicate and petite underneath me, and I did not want to hurt her. The sand under her was soft, but I was heavy.

  “How does that feel? Does that feel good?” I asked her.

  “Yes, it does. It feels really good. Don’t stop what you are doing,” she whimpered. I noticed her legs began to move higher up my thigh. She was opening herself up to me. I grinned knowing she wanted more and more of me. I moved faster inside of her. The sound of the crashing waves of the ocean only a couple of feet away was filling my ears. The spray of the water was hitting us. It was the perfect way to cool off while I was getting so damn hot.

  “I think it is happening again…” she said.

  “What?” I asked.

  “I am going to release again,” she whimpered. She dug her fingertips into my torso and held on. I moved faster and faster. Then she let out a loud yell. I knew then that she was releasing. I smiled. I reduced my pace and moved my cock inside of her slowly, then out. She wiggled under me as the sensation moved through her. I let a few seconds pass before I once again moved faster and faster inside of her. Then I felt myself coming to the edge. It built up inside of me, and in seconds, I was shouting and releasing. I pressed my body to hers as I allowed the shudders of the orgasm to go through me.

  Moments later I was laying beside her in the sand. We were both winded from the workout. Then I felt a drop land on me, and then another.

  “What is…” Reena began to say.

  But then it suddenly poured, cutting her off. We both laughed as fat drops of rain hit us.

  “The sky was so clear a while ago!” she screamed at me over the pouring rain.

  “Yes, but then we became distracted,” I said to her. “Come on. I will get you back home,” I said picking her up from the sad. We each put on our clothes as best we could in the pouring rain. Seeing her hard nipples sticking out from the cloth made me thankful for the rain. I smiled at her.

  “Let’s go. It’s coming down harder,” she said.

  “Hang on,” I said as I pressed my body against her belly. She put her arms around my neck, and I scooped my hands around her bottom. She wrapped her legs around my waist, and I took off into the pouring rain back to the main island.

  I landed outside her hut and placed her on her feet. The rain was still coming down as she opened the door and we went inside.

  “I’m soaking wet!” she said as she moved over to the table with plenty of clean, dry cloths. She grabbed two and handed one to me as she dried off.

  “I think this storm is going to last well into the night,” I said looking out the window.

  “Yes, it is beautiful though. On Earth, I always get the best sleep during a storm. I like the rain,” she said.

  “Do you miss Earth?” I asked not wanting to hear her answer.

  “Of course. It is my home,” she said.

  The smile faded from my face. She looked at me as though she was regretting what she said and quickly changed the subject. “I need to get out of these wet cloths.” She moved toward the washroom and began to grab cloths to tie around her body.

  “Do you want to be left alone tonight?” I asked her as I leaned against the wall of her hut. She turned to me and looked at me with wide eyes.

  “But what about Commander Triq? What if he comes for me?” she said in a slight panic.

  “He won’t. He left Kelon this morning. He went to Tiok,” I said.

  “Oh, I see. That is good news,” she said.

  “Yes, and no reason for me to guard you anymore. At least not until he returns,” I said.

  “Well yes, but…”

  “But what?”

  “I want you to stay anyway,” she said.

  “I would be delighted,” I said as I moved to her and scooped her into my arms. She giggled. I was ready to go for another round, and another, and another…



  Ten days passed as I was lost in a web of lust with this alien dragon shifter. I never expected things to go this far, but day after day I wanted him inside of me. I couldn’t control it. I was in awe of him. His telekinesis powers fascinated me and his ability to shift into dragon form impressed me beyond belief.

  I had felt safe again knowing that Commander Triq was gone from Kelon. After the encounter with him, I was afraid to be alone with him on the planet. This relaxation kept me from keeping track of days and time. I just enjoyed the days away with my lover, and when he worked, I spent time with Luka and the few Draqua females of the village. Today was one of those days, as I sat in the communal outdoor kitchens with Luka chopping some fruits that had been picked that morning.

  “Are you alright, Reena? You look a little pale,” she said to me.

  “Pale? I’m getting a tan out here in this sunny paradise,” I said to her.

  “I mean a little out of sorts, like you are sick,” Luka said glancing over at me again and again.

  “Is it that obvious? I have been feeling nauseous off and on yesterday and all day today. I think it might be something I ate. We are eating alien food after all,” I said as a whiff of the fruit I was cutting suddenly hit my face. “Oh god.”

  “What?” Luka asked.

  I quickly got up from the wooden bench and ran away from the table into the lush landscape. I puked.

  “Oh my god, Reena,” Luka said as she quietly came over to me and whispered, “Are you alright? I will get you some water.”

  “Yes, please,” I said as I stayed bent over at the waist and ready for another round to come up. My stomach felt like it was in knots. What the hell was wrong with me? I had not eaten anything new in the last few days. My scientist mind tried to determine a reason for my sickness, but my heart knew I was with child. It had been long enough to know after my first time with Dekario, and even so, I did not know how long it would take to show signs of being with an alien offspring. It could be the very next day for all I knew.

  “Here, rinse your mouth before drinking,” Luka said as she handed me the glass of water. “I need to check your vitals and…” she went off into doctor mode, putting her hand on my wrists and such.

  “Do you feel dizzy?” she asked.

  “No, but I think I know why I’m sick,” I whispered to her as I stood up, feeling the wave of nausea finally pass. She looked at me. She was nodding her head yes as she whispered, “I have been feeling the same way.”

  “So you are…” I asked.

  “I’m pregnant,” she whispered.

  “Oh my god, Luka,” I whispered back. I grabbed her arm and pulled her away from the communal village deeper into the tropical lushness.

figured it out yesterday when I was doing just as you are,” she said to me.

  “And I figured it out yesterday too, but I was denying it to myself. This is insane,” I said to her.

  “I know. Isn’t it wonderful?” she said with a big smile.

  “Wait, who have you been with?” I asked.

  “Kavik,” she said. “I think I love him, Reena,” she said with a happy grin.

  “Luka, you do?” I asked.

  “Yes. I do. I think this is it for me, Reena. I don’t want to go back to Earth. I want to stay here and be with Kavik. I didn’t plan for this, but it has happened,” she said.

  “Does he know that you are pregnant?” I asked her.

  “No, I have not told him. I wasn’t sure what I was going to do until this moment, actually. Saying it out loud feels right though. I want this offspring, and I want Kavik. I want to stay here and be a Draqua. I do miss Earth and everyone I knew there, but this is an incredible adventure. Who thought we would ever find out about other life in the universe, let alone be invited to live peacefully among them? The astronaut in me thinks it’s the coolest thing ever,” she said laughing.

  I giggled, “I am glad that you are happy, Luka,” I said.

  “And you? What will you do now?” she asked.

  “I have not thought about it. I guess I need to think about it. I guess I could not raise an alien offspring on Earth in secrecy. So I think my choices are limited,” I said, realizing the full extent of what this pregnancy meant.

  “No, I guess not. I am here for you anytime you want to speak of it, but it is your decision alone. But know that I will be telling Kavik and I will be letting the king know that I wish to stay. I think he will grant it since I am with offspring and that is their mission, to mate with human females and create offspring.”

  As soon as she said it, I felt ill again, but not nauseous. “Yes, you are right about that,” I said. Was this why Dekario had seduced me? It wasn’t because he genuinely liked me; it was because it was his mission to do so. It was the mission of every male Draqua to mate with a human female. I looked at Luka happily smiling as I wondered if she thought the same suspicion of Kavik. By the looks of her, it seemed not.

  “Come, let’s get back to chopping. We are almost finished, and then you can go take a long hot bath,” Luka said pulling me back to the kitchen.

  “Okay,” I said.

  I could barely concentrate on the work of cutting the fruit because I was so distracted. When we were done, we walked deeper into the village toward the tree staircase that spiraled on the inside of the tree and would take us onto the canopy bridges.

  “Is that…” Luka said as we passed a lush garden area with tree stumps used for sitting.

  “Phoenix, where have you been? We haven’t seen you for…” I began to say as I walked toward him. It was then that I realized he wasn’t alone.

  “Oh, hello, Antaris,” Luka said. The young Draqua female was blushing, and I realized that she and Phoenix had been having a moment.

  “Oh, sorry to interrupt,” I said. “It is good to see you again, Antaris,” I smiled at her.

  “And you too, humans Luka and Reena,” she said.

  “Antaris was just speaking to me about military stuff, that is all. Or I should say warrior stuff,” Phoenix said.

  “Yes, the great battle,” Antaris said.

  “It’s very interesting. It seems the Draqua have an enemy and that enemy is older Draqua. It’s a civil war,” Phoenix said.

  “Tell us, Antaris. I am very interested,” I said as Luka and I took seats on tree stumps.

  “It happened many years ago. There is a group we call the opposition. They oppose the system of having Draqua males mate with human females to create hybrids, like myself.”

  “It is something that I don’t understand. I thought that was the only thing securing the survival of your species. Why would they oppose such a thing?” Luka asked.

  “The opposition are made up of elder Draqua. The elder Draqua can shift into full dragons. Us hybrids only partially shift, as you have already seen. Hybrids have better abilities and are stronger than the elders. As far as I know, the elders do not like this, and they want the Draqua to remain pure blooded, even if it means that we will no longer exist in a hundred years.”

  “That is awful,” I said.

  “Yes, and this great battle was the opposition coming to raid the village. They started to kill hybrids. They want us all dead. In that time, being a human female was dangerous, especially if you were pregnant,” Antaris said.

  “And now?” I asked trying to hold my panic to myself.

  “Now the opposition is said to still exist, but there has been no action by them since that battle. There are rumors that they are waiting until they have strength in numbers before coming after us,” Antaris said.

  “Trouble in paradise,” Phoenix said.

  I looked at Luka in shock. We spoke to each other with our eyes. Upon hearing this story about the opposition, we knew that we were now in danger. I was thrown into a panic.

  “Look at the sun. I must leave you to meet with my mother,” she said to us. She stood up and gave Phoenix a smile and then walked off.

  “Phoenix?” I said, raising a brow at him.

  “She has grown on me,” he said smiling bashfully.

  “Yes, it seems we have all become accustomed to this place and the race of Draqua,” Luka laughed.

  “You too?” Phoenix laughed.

  “Yes, in fact, since you are here I should tell you that I am going to ask the king to stay here,” Luka said.

  “You are?” he said with wide eyes.

  “Yes. I want to,” she said to Phoenix and gave me a look. She was not going to say why she wanted to stay and I thought that was a good idea, especially now knowing that pregnant human females were in a silent danger here.

  “But please do not feel pressure to stay, either of you. I do not want that. I want you to be happy. If you want to return to Earth and never speak of this place again, then you should do so. It should be your decision and your decision alone,” she said in a very serious tone. “I like it here and I know there is much to learn here, and why did we embark on our spaceflight from Earth in the first place if not to learn all that we can? I know now that the knowledge will never reach Earth, but that is out of respect for this race, and I am okay with that. That does not mean that I can’t broaden my knowledge,” Luka said.

  “I understand. That is very intriguing,” I said, agreeing with her thirst for knowledge.

  “I really don’t have anything to go back to on Earth anyway other than my career. But the king has not said he was going to allow us to go back anyway. I really doubt he wants to risk the safety of his race. I think I am with you, Luka. I want to stay,” Phoenix said, standing up quickly as though he had just won the lottery.

  Luka and Phoenix hugged in celebration of their decision. Then they looked at me. “I need to think about it,” I said laughing.

  “Well, if you two don’t mind, I’m going to go take a cool dip in those clear waters out there. It really is paradise here. It’s constant vacation,” he said smiling.

  “Come on, let’s get you into that hot bath and get more water in you. You can’t stay dehydrated after throwing up. And you are also going to have to start eating a lot…” Luka went on with her medical advice as she walked at my side on our way back to our tree huts. I only halfway listened to her because I was so distracted by the fact that I was going to be the only human going back to Earth… if the king did grant it.. If the King found out I was pregnant, then he probably wouldn’t let me go. No, I had to keep it a secret until I had made up my mind. It had to be my choice, no one else’s. Plus, there was the danger of the opposition that did not want human and Draqua hybrids. It was too dangerous to let anyone know that I was pregnant with an alien baby, so I would keep it to myself.

  As Luka made up a bath for me in my hut, I quietly said, “Are you not scared to stay no
w knowing what Antaris has told us about this opposition?” I asked.

  “No. I have known about the opposition almost since we arrived here,” she said.

  “What? Did you? How?” I asked.

  “Kavik. We have talked about it. I asked him once after hearing a few Draqua talk about the war and the scars it has left on some of the buildings, like the palace,” she said as she turned off the water and stuck her hand in the bath to check the temperature. “It is ready.”


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