Dekario (Dragons Of Kelon) (A Sci Fi Alien Weredragon Romance)

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Dekario (Dragons Of Kelon) (A Sci Fi Alien Weredragon Romance) Page 21

by Maia Starr

  I was very impressed with her. She turned me on. She was on her first outing in the city and she was practically doing my Consulate duties for me. Damn. I wanted her. I wanted her now more than ever. How could I make this work? I had never wanted to take on a wife, especially not a human one, which had never been done before. But in this moment as she showed me that she could be an asset to the systems of the Kalazaron, I wanted her to be mine in name, body, and soul.

  No, I had to remember what I had thought the night before, that I should try to be rid of her. Now, however I was torn. My mind moved from one view to another wanting to keep her and wanting to be rid of her, and it was already tearing me apart.

  After the fields I took Jade back to my quarters. This was more than enough time to spend with her and I had more duties to attend to. I could not have her distracting me with her warm body at my side.

  “I thank you for today. Seeing the market and the bustling city was wonderful. I was able to use my mind with the problem in the Icannis fields and that made me feel useful. Thank you Dalik,” she said as she stood in the doorway.

  I simply nodded my head to her in acknowledgement of her appreciation. She walked in with a smile and I closed the door behind her with my handprint. Right on schedule the appointed guard appeared and I said, “Same as before. No one gets in. No one leaves. Is that clear?”

  He saluted me with the palm to his chest in acknowledgement of the orders and I left to do my rounds and sit in my place of work. This was my work space in the same building as Master Bresh, only it was a few floors lower than his working spaces. I moved in and sat at a holographic screen swiping through the various system failures of the city that needed attention and new plans. I dove deep into my work. It was good. It was good to occupy my mind so that I did not think of Jade. I was making good progress. Then my communication line opened.

  “Consulate Moscurn?”

  “Yes, this is the Consulate,” I replied.

  “The Master has requested to see you in his working space.”

  “Yes, right away.”

  I closed my current project and made my way to the Master’s working spaces. I assumed he had some new systems and structures for me to attend to. Instead when I arrived he had news that made me so angry that I had to restrain myself from striking the Master himself. It was unjustified and a major flaw in the brute ways of the Kalazaron warriors.

  I left the Master’s office and made my way to the warrior training stations. I moved fast into the battalion war games. In a circle pit were two warriors practicing hand to hand combat with each other.

  “I challenge anyone that will take me!” I roared.


  “It’s the Consulate Moscurn,” various voices said.

  “Who will take me?” I roared again.

  Finally a good warrior stepped forward. I shook his hand and then we began to fight. I allowed him to beat me some then I would hit back. I needed to release some of this heat in my heart before I could return home. I fought two fights in all and it seemed to create great camaraderie among the warriors that someone as high as the Consulate was training with them.

  Hours later I made my way back to my quarters feeling calmer but not less angry.

  I could not stand to tell Jade the news after my meeting with Master Bresh. I knew that she would be heart broken and terrified. I was angry and ready to kill Commander Yun for even thinking to challenge me. He would pay for it, and he would pay for it dearly. Now was my chance to get rid of him. I would defeat him and use his own stupidity to have him banished. It was his own doing, all because he was barbaric. He was not an honorable warrior like the Kalazaron had prided themselves to be. He was something else that did not belong here. He did not belong on this planet. But she needed to know. I did not want to keep it from her. I did not want to keep it from Jade that it was not her crewmate that was in danger, but it was she that could be forced to be under the commander. But when I told Jade, I was not expecting her reaction. I would never let him have her ever. I had grown too attached to her. I wanted to scoop her in my arms and tell her it would be safe and good with me. She was mine, not just my human slave either. There was more going on here and we both knew it, but I did not think that she would be the first to admit it.

  Chapter 9


  After Dalik left to conduct his business and to see what he could do about Lavender, I settled into the new living quarters. Now that I had been to the market and seen the various foods available, I felt more useful, but not as a slave. I moved through the living quarters and found a writing tool and paper. I sat down with all of the goods that we had bought at the market and began to write detailed descriptions of each of them including how they tasted. Basically, I was continuing my scientific work now that I was on the planet. I did not see a reason why I should not continue the work that I had set out to do when I had left Earth. I was continuing my study of the planet Kaethon. It was under different circumstances than what I had planned, but Dalik seemed intrigued by my mind. The fact that I could possibly have helped the Iccanis fields to prosper made me feel like I might be of help to him. He was in fact in a leadership position, perhaps my scientific analysis could help him with these systems of the city. I was once again excited. Dalik did not treat me like a brutal slave; in fact in the short amount of time we had become good friends. Yes, he was quite overprotective of me, but now I knew why. It was because the commander wanted me at all costs. I had to admit that I found his protective nature to keep me safe very endearing and I was glad for it. I could only imagine the horrendous time I would have at the hands of the commander.

  As I continued my work writing down my observations, I soon found myself looking out the window. Perhaps I should sketch the city from this view, it would be like a map. It could come in handy if I ever found myself out there alone. I sat down and began to sketch the maze of the city; before I knew it hours had gone by.

  I heard the wall slide open, and saw a Dalik walking in. He had a scowl on his face and looked very angry. I wondered what had happened to him. Even in anger though, he was still very attractive. Seeing him for the first time after not seeing him for a couple of hours always shocked me. I was not used to seeing the alien warrior that he was. He strode into the room with long strides with his long legs. And he was very strong and had a commanding presence, and I suddenly felt guilty that my feminine independence was succumbing to this warrior.

  "How did it go? Did you find out more about Lavender?"

  "I did. Lavender is safe, it turns out that he was not challenging the fate of the female human. He was challenging my fate," he said as he moved to the meal preparation area and poured Icannet in a cup.

  "What do you mean Dalik? I do not understand," I said as I put away the notes I had been taking on the map I had been drawing and moved into the meal preparation area with him. I had a sudden feeling like I was a wife welcoming her husband home from a hard day at work to sit and listen to his complaints about the day. It was a very surreal experience.

  "The commander has stated a case to the Master to challenge my position as Consulate," he said as he drank of the liquid.

  My eyes grew wide and I knew that this could not be good for Dalik or for myself. "Challenge? Can he do that? What does it mean to challenge?"

  "When I went through the trials to become the consulate, the commander was out on a mission for months. Therefore he was not able to challenge me and take part in the trials to try to win the position as Consulate. He has made a case that if it was not for the assigned mission that he was forced to go on then he would have been here to challenge me, and he claims he would have won."

  I begin to panic, "Is that true?"

  He laughed at me and said, "No. He could not beat me that imbecile. I am 1000 times better than him in every way that the trials test us on. However, the Master seems to think it is a good case and it is being talked over. I am to find out tomorrow."

u cannot! You cannot go through this challenge with him. He is a dirty warrior and will probably find some way to cheat. He will catch you off guard in some way. He will probably be cheating you for all you know. Do not do this, claim that the consulate position is yours fair and just and be done with it."

  He arched an eyebrow at me and said, “Do you not have faith that I can win?"

  "It is not about faith, it is about the dirty cheat that the commander is. And if he wins, what will happen to me?"

  He set his cup down and a solemn look came across his face and I knew exactly what it meant before he said the words, "All that I have will become his. Since you were a gift to the Consulate and not me personally, you would become his gift."

  "No!" I shouted as I ran to the washroom and locked myself in.

  Bang! Bang! He knocked on the door loudly. “Jade! Please come out. I won’t let that happen.”

  I was so upset that I could not imagine a life with that brute. I would not let it happen either. Than I realized why I was so upset. I was in love. I loved the Kalazaron warrior Dalik Moscurn and I did not want to be anyone else’s.

  I walked out of the washroom and looked at him. “So that’s it then? I am to be his if he wins?”

  “He will not win,” he said sternly with a dominating presence. A part of me believed him but the other half was terrified and that is why I made the decision that I made.

  “Then if I am to be his…than I want to be with you first,” I said as I moved to him and put my arms around him. He sucked in a sharp breath of air as I touched his cold skin. He looked down at me from his towering height as I tilted my head back and looked up at him under my dark lashes. His hands went up to the small of my back as he pulled me close against his body. My breasts brushed against him and my nipples grew erect as they slid across his flesh. I was ready for him. I wanted him. He pulled me back from him just an inch but did not take his hands off my lower back.

  “Jade, are you sure?” he asked.

  “Yes, take me Dalik,” I whispered as I ran my hands over his bare strong chest tinted with blue shades of color. He was so damn attractive and firm. He was such a large creature and I felt very small as he ran his hands from my back over my waist and kissed me. I wanted this. I had been wanting it for so long. “Dalik, I dreamt about this,” I whispered between kisses.

  “No, you did not. I planted that in your mind,” he said. I pulled away from him and looked at him in shock. “What?”

  He sighed and said, “We Kalazaron enjoy the human female so much because we are able to plant projections in their mind, sexual projections. I had never done it before until you.”

  “Wait, you mean when I was asleep with the dry sheet around me, you projected making love to me? You put that in my mind?”


  I was silent. I didn’t know whether to be angry, flattered or curious. I guess I felt all those feelings at once as I thought about what he said, but I was so aroused that it would have to wait.

  “I want to know more. That is fascinating, and also how dare you do that to me Dalik Moscurn. Why did you do that?”

  “Because I want you so damn bad Jade. I want to put my cock inside of you. I want to take you the way I am accustomed to taking females, but I did not want to take you without your permission. The projection is the next best thing.”

  “That is really hot,” I said as I moved back to him and pressed my hands against his six-pack abs. He groaned at my touch. I looked up at his towering height over me. His glistening skin with tints of blue ached for me to touch it.

  “So now what?” I asked. “Do you not want the real thing, now that you have had the projection?’

  “I want you more now than ever,” he said as he picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist. I felt light as a feather in his strong arms as he carried me to his sleeping quarters. He lay me down on his bed and stripped my dress off of me. I now lay there naked and vulnerable in front of him. I felt exposed but turned on. This was my first time having an alien warrior male look at me in this state. It was exciting and felt very filthy. I bit my lower lip as his eyes moved over my naked body. But I was not satisfied. I now wanted to see him as well. It was only fair that I got to indulge in his masculine magnificence.

  “Now, it’s your turn,” I said as I looked at his lower kilt like coverings and pushed my finger along it. He looked down at it and grinned a delicious grin.

  He moved away from me and grinned as he stood up tall and strong before me like a proud warrior. He placed his hands on the belt and unbuckled it. The lowering coverings fell to the floor. He stood there before me looking at me as I took in his form. I was shocked. His cock was long and thick and stood straight up. It was smooth and perfect. It was between two strong muscular thighs and shapely pelvis. I had already seen his bare chest and strong arms but seeing them all together like this in one package was better than I could hope. I felt so wet as I looked at him.

  My mouth fell open as my eyes looked over every inch of his glorious form. His gaze moved over my body as well.

  "Mmmm… " Dalik groaned loudly. "I need to taste you so badly."

  He went to the base of the bed positioning himself for what was to come. He snatched both of my feet in his grasp and pushed them up, spreading my thighs apart more. I was surprised at his aggressive moves. He knew what he wanted and he was putting in the position he desired. Though I should not be so shocked since he was from a brute dominant race of male warriors. I groaned at his touch and at his brazen moves. I was in bliss. I felt like a siren lying there, a sex slave and a Kalazaron captive. I felt like a genuine sexual being or a real temptress for the first time in my life, and it was erotic. I thought I would have been in climax before he even touched my wet center at this rate. He moved forward and put one knee on the bed. He slowly hovered over me and placed his strong blue tinted hands on to the bed on either side, placing on either side of my legs. He looked at me with a devious smile and then slowly moved his head down in a teasing fashion building my anticipation. Until finally his face was between my thighs and he stuck his tongue out. He slowly licked me from the center of my part making a small circle and then moved up to my clitoris. I shouted in complete ecstasy at this move. It was almost to much to handled. He groaned at my reaction and he seemed to enjoy knowing he was doing this to me. Then he moved deeper and he went to work licking every last bit of my crevice. Up and down and around using lots of pressure and then just a slight tickle. He would stop all together leaving me begging for more as he moved his tongue and licked on the inside my thigh softly. Then moving to the other thigh. I would arch up waiting for him to move back to my special spot. Then finally he would give in to my needs and he placed his tongue within me once more. I shouted again. He went in and out and after that inside once more, entering me with his long tongue. I squirmed under him. It was more than I could handle. He knew precisely how to utilize his tongue and how to satisfy a lady, a human lady that is.

  "I need you to cum in my mouth. I want you to do it for me Jade, my human female captive," he said between licks.

  I could scarcely get out a whisper amongst groaning and hollering, and said, "Yes, yes, make me cum Dalik. I need and desire to cum in your mouth if you will take me there."

  He groaned and then moved to make me burst. He concentrated on my clitoris and put his lips on it, suckling on it tenderly. Between suckling, he pressed weight with his tongue on my clitoris moving it from side to side, flicking at it. With this move, I came. I exploded with such violent shakings all over my body, "I'm cuming! I'm cuming!"

  I shouted out, as he moved his mouth down to my opening to drink my nectar and enjoy his handy work. I felt so vulnerable in this moment as he brought me to the brink and I felt so helpless. I felt more helpless than as an actual captive. In this moment of complete bliss I would do anything for this alien warrior that was no more than a stranger to me.

  He groaned as he drank of me, indulging in the fact that he had made me so
damn wet. My whole body was shivering and shivering with uncontrollable pulsations. I had never had a climax so tremendous. I was in shock of what I had experienced. I needed more. I wondered why this was so different than any other orgasm? Did these Kalazaron possess something more? Or could it be because I was falling for this alien warrior?

  Dalik came up from drinking me and smiled at me. He came to his full height and stood up at the edge of the bed proudly as though he had just accomplished some incredible feat. It was sexual and hot. He put my calves in his hands and yanked my my whole body to the edge of the bed toward him. I let out a playful squeal as he did so. I was like a rag doll in his hands. I gazed longingly at his long cock, with my mouth opening somewhat in anticipation. Dalik put his hands on my hips and pulled me nearer to him toward him making my pelvis even with his.

  "I'm going to fuck you. I'm going to fuck you hard. I cannot hold out any longer than to take you like you are mine," he said. He hovered over me and rubbed my arm. The tag appeared fully showing that I was his. He smiled. He was turned on by the fact that he owned me, and in truth so was I.

  He put his long cock into his hand and set the tip in my opening in a gentle manner. I braced myself and I was breathing vigorously. I was frightened and eager to feel every last bit of him inside me finally after waiting. Ever since he had put that projection inside of me I thought of nothing else. He looked down watching the tip of his cock placed in my opening. I think he enjoyed the vision of seeing the tip of him in me and he groaned.


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