Dekario (Dragons Of Kelon) (A Sci Fi Alien Weredragon Romance)

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Dekario (Dragons Of Kelon) (A Sci Fi Alien Weredragon Romance) Page 27

by Maia Starr

  "It is not necessary to converse with the warriors slave. I forbid it. Do your work and nothing else," I said to her sternly. I didn't want to admit to myself that I was saying it out of jealousy.

  She put her hands on her hips and said, "It is necessary General. It is a well-known fact of science on earth that if a patient is happy and laughing they heal faster. If they are sad and low in spirits they do not heal at all. Therefore my conversing as you call it is very necessary and I would take steps if I were you to force the rest of your team to employ such a tactic."

  "That is nonsense. You make up lies," I said to her as I got in her face towering over her.

  "I do not care what you believe and do not believe. Now if you will excuse me I would like to get on with the work," she said as she walked away from me. I had a mind to grab her arm and tell her off. But I noticed that everyone was staring. So I let it go, for now. I would punish her later.

  At the end of the day I reported to Master Bresh as he requested. I told him of the human female's theory about laughter and healing. His response shocked me.

  "We shall put that into test trials here in the city. Anything else to report?" He said. I held myself in anger and quietly said, "No that is all."

  "Good, it seems that she is working out well. Continue reporting on even the smallest detail of what she does. I want you checking in on her more and more throughout the day."

  "Yes Master as you wish."

  Several weeks later I would learn that those test trials were successful and that she had been right. But I would not know that until a lot more had happened in that time. It was more than I could have ever imagined would happen. It was more than I had ever allowed myself to feel or do.

  That evening I went to my bedchambers, and this time I would not be so nice. This human female slave needed to be under control, and if she were anything like the Kalazaron females they became under control once they grew an emotional attachment to a male. I knew just how to make that happen. Tonight I would project on her and in the morning she would be emotionally attached to me, possibly even in love with me. Then she would listen.

  Chapter 3


  My first night in the small barrack had me feeling extremely anxious. I assumed that at any moment I would be called to the chambers of the General just as he had said. I walked back-and-forth in the room waiting. Hours and hours passed and finally the door opened. A tray of food was pushed in and then the door was closed and locked once more. I was confused. However I was also very hungry so I grabbed the tray and ate. Hours later I had fallen asleep on the small bed. A flash entered my mind, a dream. The General was kissing me. Then as quickly as it came it vanished. I woke up and sat up in bed quickly as it had felt so real I thought he was in the room with me. I looked around to see that he was nowhere in sight. That was so strange. Finally I fell asleep and I wasn't summoned until the next morning.

  I was growing impatient. Finally my door opened and the arrogant ass himself had come to fetch me. I was very surprised to see him. I thought he could not be bothered with me. He gave me a dirty look as he stood there with his tall seven foot seven height as though he was the scariest being on this planet. He was already making me angry. If I had not already had several pleasant interactions with the Kalazaron, then I wouldn’t know that this alien was being this way cause he wanted too. "Come with me slave." He said very matter of fact like in a rude tone. I was done with this behavior. I followed him and out and said, "You will call me Dr. Prost not a slave." I knew that there was no reason to call me that except for the fact that he wanted too. No other Kalazaron had called me that thus far.

  He turned and got an inch away from my body and looked down on me from his towering height. I was not going to let him intimidate me so I stood my ground. Once again it was my defiance showing through.

  "I will call you what I damn well please. You are a human slave on my grounds. Don't you forget that. I don't know what you did to have the Master favor you so, but he does. He thinks you have some sort of special skills, and I think those special skills only refer to what you did to him when his cock was in your mouth."

  How dare he the ass! I gasped and my mouth fell open at his stupid and mean statement. I knew that he was bigger than I was and that I was on a strange planet, but my instincts took over and I attempted to slap him. Of course the skilled warrior caught my hand in his.

  "Do not think you are above the laws. Striking a General is punishable by death. Remember that."

  He pushed me back and I almost fell over. I was terrified. Moments later we entered the reconstruction building and I felt so much better. I forgot about my encounter with the awful General and began to get excited about the work. I perked up and my eyes took in all the sights as I made notes with my mind. I rolled up my sleeves to my elbows ready to get deep into this. I followed the arrogant ass General Rendor Moscurn to another Kalazaron male. I only saw a few Kalazaron females mulling about and they seemed to be doing what nurses did on Earth and nothing more.

  "This is reconstruction. I do not have time to oversee you and your skills. I do not think you have any. However the Master wants you in this building therefore you will do whatever Marlac says."

  Perhaps Marlac would be nicer than this brute. I could only hope. I was glad that he was pawning me off on someone else because I could not stand to be in his presence any longer.

  "Marlac this is the human female slave the Master sent over as he says she has some skill with reconstruction on earth. Put her to work in whatever capacity you see fit."

  "Yes General," he said. He gave me one last angry look and left me side and my shoulders dropped that he was now gone. I was glad that Marlac was more agreeable and in no time I was showing him what I could do. Later after another awful encounter with the General, I was shown back to my room. It was a good day simply because I was allowed to practice medicine. Essentially that was all that really mattered.

  That night I was filled with anger. I wish that I could face the General once more as there were so many things that I wanted to yell at him. He infuriated me. He made me so mad and passionate with hate. He was the worst kind of egotistical male and he needed to be put in his place. Once again I was brought a tray of food to my door. It also made me angry. Why was I not allowed to eat in the mess hall with the others? I had gained a sense of community that day attending to the warriors. I felt useful again. They respected me and enjoyed my conversation and instead I was locked away, like a slave… like a captive. I knew that this was the General’s doing as he did not want me to forget that I was not an employee here, that I was a captured slave. He did not want me to forget that I was a Kalazaron captive. I ate of the delicious nourishment and fell asleep and to my surprise the dream came back only this time it was much more detailed and so, so, real. I was in a deep sleep when…"Are you prepared for me?" the General’s deep lust filled voice said to me in my sleep.

  "I, um, well, I think that… " I scarcely got out a single syllable much less an actual word as he secured my mouth with his and kissed me hard and fast. I was lost in it, this kiss with an alien warrior. I was excited and wet and I didn't want him to stop even though I knew this was wrong. Was this real? He moved his hand over my hard erect nipples on my bosom and pressed and rubbed them. I groaned with pleasure and shocked myself. I needed this and I didn’t even know that I needed this. I had never required an alien sexual encounter and yet I felt like I required this. I had never, ever engaged in sexual relations with an alien before and there was something exciting about that. I felt dirty. He was an otherworldly man that was effective, appealing, and that radiated certainty and danger. I needed to experience it, to experience him whatever he was.

  "No, I mean yes. I mean… Yes I need..." I bumbled the words out of my mouth like the unpracticed individual I was.

  He pulled far from my mouth and gradually pulled my nightdress over my head. I gasped as he proceeded until I was totally exposed.

p; He inhaled on my neck delicately, and my knees went frail. He put his arms around my abdomen and pulled me to him. He rubbed my body here and there and put his hands on my hips and ran them down my thighs and after that moved down to my hips. Next he rubbed my stomach and after that up to my bosom. He was all over the place like a dream. It was so surreal. He measured every breasts in each hand. Rubbing them delicately with his hands as he kissed my neck. With one hand, he moved lower and lower. He moved over my tummy and after that down between my legs.

  "Open your legs human slave," he said. I did as he asked.

  I spread my feet separated on the ground. He put his hand on my inside, and utilized one finger to apply weight directly down the center. I heaved at his touch. It was in the ideal spot. He moved his finger in a roundabout movement in simply the correct way. I needed to shout out, however I bit my lip to stop myself. He crushed my bosom with his other hand and after that ran it down my belly to my hips and afterward to my bottom. He rubbed it and after that slapped my ass a bit. I was dumbfounded. I truly felt like a bit of meat being taken care advantage of with his hands all over the place as he pleased. I got it, this was the Kalazaron way but I was not used to it. What was more embarrassing was that I was enjoying it. Me! The defiant one was playing the obedient slave to this arrogant General.

  He put two fingers inside me then utilized his thumb to rub my clitoris. I couldn't help it this time. I shouted out in delight. I could practically feel him grinning above me. I thought that it was terrifying. I thought that it was all the more startling when he whispered low into my ear, "You like that isn't that right? Let me know you like it. I need to hear you say it."

  I had no influence over myself. I needed to play along. In a hoarse whisper said, "Yes, I like it. I like feeling you inside me."

  He groaned at this and ceased. He hauled his hand out of me and put his hands on my midriff. He inclined his body against mine, and I could feel his hardness against my midsection.

  He stepped back and gazed at me here and there. It made me feel hot to have him take a look at me like that, but also very exposed and vulnerable. How was this happening? I don’t even remember how this started?

  At that point he gradually uncovered for me. I observed excitedly as he uncovered his conditioned and firm masculine body to me. Then I saw his hard pole. It was long and thick. The skin was smooth and it stood straight up against his gut. I had never seen anything so stupendous. My heart loaded with desire and love at the same time for this alien warrior. Wait…love? Then before I could question further he said,

  "Come here," as he reached his hand out to me.

  I strolled over to him and reached my hand out. He softly got it and pulled me to him. Putting me where he needed me, facing toward the table.

  He moved around to get straightforwardly behind me. He put his hand on my upper back and connected weight to bend me over. I put my hands down on the table to support myself. "Spread your legs separated like a good human slave," he said deeply and with lust. I did as I was told. I put space between my feet and curved my ass up just for him. What was I doing? Snatching his hard pole, he put the tip of it inside me. I groaned boisterously.

  He put his hands on my hips and pulled me back. I gradually slid in reverse taking him inside me. We both groaned with pleasure. At that point he held me close moving gradually and exotically behind me as he set delicate kisses here and there on my neck and back. It was exceptionally sexual and hot. His arm stretched around and took hold of my bosoms.

  "Turn your face toward me. Kiss me," he said.

  Again I did as he said and turned my head behind me. His lips met mine and he kissed me profoundly and enthusiastically as his hand meandered from my bosoms down to my tummy and afterward down to my clitoris. He slid his cock gradually all through me while squeezing with his thumb on my clit. I couldn't take it any longer. At that point I detonated into small sensations as my body discharged in climax. I hollered out and groaned quickly. I could hear the General groan in yearning.

  "You are so lovely human female slave. I picked right. You are the one. You are the slave that I will own," he said. At that point he kept on moving all through me gradually and delicately for quite a while. Then he accelerated.

  Out of the blue he began pounding his body against mine harder and harder. Pummeling his body into mine which a lot of body with his seven foot by seven height and long torso to go along with that. It was quick and overwhelming. My eyes enlarged. I looked as my bosoms bobbed forward and back with each hit I took. I shouted out in ecstasy. It was too much pleasure. The visual of this to a great degree appealing and intense creature of an alien warrior was an excessive amount to handle. I was on the very edge of climax once more. That is how great he was. I tensed and after that my body shook in an extreme climax as I said, "Yes, yes, yes." This didn't phase him one bit, and he continued onward. I heard his voice in a low throaty sound that was a blend between a snarl and a groan. It was attractive to me to hear it.

  At that point he hauled out of me and turned me toward him. He kissed me forcefully. At that point he said, "Sit." I sat down on top of the table.

  "Spread your thighs separated once more for me human slave." Again I did as I was told. There I sat with my thighs spread open. He bit his lower lip at this sight. At that point he bowed down before me. He stuck his tongue inside me. There was no light kissing of my middle. He just went right in. I groaned and yowled.

  It was an intense feeling to have this powerful alien stooping before me with his head covered between my thighs. I all of a sudden felt like I was in control. He took his tongue out and started to lick me all over. He was truly getting a charge out of this and said, "You taste so great." Then he pushed me back on the table and hopped on top of me. He entered me once more. He pushed himself with a great deal of force. He got one of my legs and raised it on to his forearm. This made him go much deeper inside me. I shouted out as he went further. He quieted me mid-holler by putting his mouth on mine. At that point he pulled his head up and stared at me. I was so wet it made it simple for him to glide in and out of me. His breathing developed substantially and his gaze more focused. At that point he shouted out as he spilled inside me. He gave one final hard push before he stayed still and then…I woke up.

  When I woke up I was dripping wet. Meaning that I was not only sweating from the intense sexual dream, but I was also wet between my thighs. I couldn't believe it. I had had an orgasm in my sleep. I was completely embarrassed that I had had such a dream about the General who I despised and hated. His manly dominant ways disgusted me. He made me feel so many things… And as I began to list those things in my head, I realized that I was extremely attracted to this alien warrior. He made me angry because he would not listen to me, and it was very important that he listen to me. I needed to be heard. I needed him to think of me as his intellectual equal, it mattered to me. Now that I felt like I had been intimate with him it mattered to me even more even though it was just a silly dream. I tossed and turned the rest of the night until I finally fell asleep once more. I was terrified that I would once again have the same dream but I did not.

  Chapter 4


  The next day I sought out the human female slave with a grin on my face. I found her already at work in the reconstruction building. She was making her rounds tending to the injured and I actually enjoyed watching her. She did actually know what she was doing though it pained me to give her any credit to do so.

  "Did you sleep well human slave?" I asked her as I snuck up behind her and whispered the words in her ear. She shuttered at my voice and I liked that reaction on her. Let's see how the projection experience had changed her mind about me. She would probably have the biggest smile and her nipples would be hard when she turned around toward me. She turned toward me and instead of a smile her eyes were narrowed in anger and her lips were pressed together as she stared at me.

  "Why do you ask me that now on this morning? You have never as
ked me before how I am doing? Is there something I should know about? Did you do something to me?" she asked me suspiciously. I was surprised that she was so quick to catch on and have such a scientific open mind that perhaps I was able to do something to her, and of course I was. I grinned wider and said, "You do realize that I do not have to answer your inquiry. Now continue on with your work." I said testing the waters with her. She opened her mouth as though she was about to argue with me but then instead she let out a breath of air and turned her back to me and continued with her work. It was done. It had worked. She did not argue with me in defiance of my orders or what I had to say and I knew exactly why. It was the projection experience. Either she had felt too embarrassed to continue talking to me, or she was having feelings for me. I knew that she was looking at me in lust and passion. It had worked. I left the reconstruction building to attend to my duties. By the end of the day I had replayed images of that projection in my mind periodically and I wondered if she had did the same thing. As the evening approached I made my way back to the reconstruction building in order to get a report on her. I was shocked to see her standing outside with a warrior as they both looked at the two moons in the sky. I felt extreme jealousy as it looked like they were having a romantic moment together.


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