Dekario (Dragons Of Kelon) (A Sci Fi Alien Weredragon Romance)

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Dekario (Dragons Of Kelon) (A Sci Fi Alien Weredragon Romance) Page 44

by Maia Starr

  "I was brought here with other human females. Do you know where they are?" She asked.

  "No, I did not know about the others. I only know my orders from the commander to take you from Reconstructionist Pentor to your new quarters. Perhaps they are there as well. It is where all the human females are taken when they first arrive. I am happy to take you there after the meal so that you may see for yourself."

  "Thank you," she said.

  During the rest of the meal, I started to feel the wall that she had around her begin to fall slightly as we discussed trivial things about our planet that she was curious about. We kept the conversation light and somewhat boring, but I answered her questions. I wanted her to feel comfortable.

  After the meal, I walked her from the village through a tunnel to the living quarters of the rebel base, which were on a different side of the mountain, but not too far. I did not know exactly where she needed to be since I had made up this order myself. But I did know that most of the human females were brought to living quarters known as the Versa Quarters.

  "This is the human female that came with the new shipment of human females today. She was with the reconstructionist and now she will be joined with the other human females," I told the guard warrior at the entrance. He nodded and let her in.

  She turned to me and said, "Thank you, Prana."

  "It was my pleasure. Please remember my name if you need anything; just ask for me and someone will seek me out."

  She smiled and then entered the quarters. I watch as she disappeared. I was completely turned on by the interaction with her and it was all I could do to restrain myself from not taking her right then and there. From not taking what I wanted and what was rightfully mine by the Kalazaron way of doing things.

  I moved across the way to my living quarters and moved toward the communication panel. "Send one to me," I said over the communication line.

  Moments later, a human female was at my door. "I am Lisa. What would you like to do today?" she asked.

  "Did I say you could talk? Stay quiet. Remove your clothing and say nothing. Lay on the bed," I said to her. She shut down, but I did not care. She was here for one reason and one reason only, and she knew that before she showed up at the door. It is part of what she did on the base.

  I pulled off my clothes and lay on top of her. Then I aggressively took her in every which way that I could think of. I needed some release. I thought about the human female Serena the entire time. When it was done, I was no closer to being satisfied. It was going to take a lot more. It was going to take Serena herself.

  Chapter 4


  A part of me was glad that I was sent to the doctor, or what they called the reconstructionist. I was a little worried after that warrior had punched me in the gut. I was used to fighting in practice wrestling and training, but these Kalazarons had extreme strength that I was not used to. They were a lot taller, muscular, and more powerful than the males on earth. Therefore, I was relieved when the reconstructionist said that I was fine except for a little internal bruising, which could be expected. I was always a rapid healer, so I wasn't too worried. What struck me the most was when those two warriors walked in on me completely naked.

  I was outraged by the way they stood there staring at me, both of them. They were brutes and I expected that kind of behavior. But what I was outraged at the most was how I could not stop thinking about it.

  A part of me felt very sexual and desirable by having the two, alien warriors stand there and stare at me with such pleasure. I wasn't exactly a coy female and I was very sexual, but this was the warrior that had taken Mason away from me. I hated him.

  The other warrior was a stranger, but he was also very attractive. He was sort of the opposite of the commander. This warrior, who later told me his name was Prana, was tall and lean and a little younger than the Commander Jaylin Brakin. He had short, blond hair that was almost a frosted, silver-white color. He had startling, blue kind eyes and his muscular form had only one tattoo, whereas the commander had many tattoos. Prana looked more clean-cut and less rebellious than Jaylin. Nevertheless, he was a very attractive specimen. So as they stood there, staring at my naked body, my mind shouted rage for them to get out, but my lust shouted for them to take me.

  I had to push those thoughts aside as I was led into the quarters where Maria, Margaret, Sarah, and Elizabeth were being held prisoner.

  "Serena! We thought they had killed you! What happened?" Maria asked as they ran over to me.

  "I was taken to the doctor to see if I had been hurt when I was punched. Then I was taken to a great hall, kind of like a mess hall to eat. Is everyone all right in here?" I asked, looking them over.

  "Yes, we are as well as could be expected," Elizabeth said as she moved away from me and sat down on a bed.

  "Did you learn anything of what is to be done with us?" Margaret asked.

  "No, they did not explain to me. But it seems to be a working society and I think they mean to put us to work in order to contribute," I said.

  "At least we won't be stuck in this room for the rest of our lives," Sarah said. We all sat down and waited. There was nothing else that we could do.

  A couple hours went by and we were brought trays of food. We ate and talked about things that we missed from Earth. We talked about the Madera and my heart ached as I thought about Mason. I still could not wrap my head around the fact that he was gone, and that everyone else on the ship had been blown to pieces. It made me hate the commander with each thought that I had about the Madera. I wanted my revenge.

  The next day we sat and waited. Finally, we received a visitor: Commander Jaylin Brakin himself.

  "Say your goodbyes. Each of you are being moved to new living quarters," he said.

  "Why?! That is not fair!" I shouted at him while the other women remained silent even though they let out a few moments of disappointment. It was already hard enough being there, and now we were to be separated; our one comfort was each other.

  "What makes you think you can question my orders? Have I not made it clear that you are a captive and you are to obey? That is all that is required," he sneered at me. Then continued, "Take them. This one comes with me."

  The warriors came in and took the women and I followed them out into the daylight. I watched as each warrior escorted one of the girls to different living quarters, some far up the mountainside. I looked at Commander Jaylin, wondering where he was going to take me.

  "This way, human female," he said to me. I followed him to the base of the mountain where there was a large staircase carved into the rock. He pointed at the stairs and I began to climb as he followed behind me. He always followed behind. He was keeping watch on me. When we got to the second level, there was a catwalk of sorts that led to many doors.

  "Stop, human," he said as he moved to a small, silver door and pressed his hand against it. The door slid up and he pointed for me to enter. I entered, and it was a small bedroom and a washroom combination, but nothing else. He pressed his hand on the wall and the door closed, and I assumed it locked as well. He walked over to the center of the room and said, "This is your new home. Through that door is my home. You belong to me, human. Official Treen has willed it."

  "What? I refuse! You cannot own me! I will not belong to you or anyone!" I shouted at him. He grinned at me and pressed his hand against the wall that was near the washroom and another door opened. I could see inside that it was another living quarters, his living quarters. I was completely infuriated.

  "Where are you going? This is not finished!" I shouted, but it was of no use. He was already in the other room and the door had shut. I tried to open it by pressing my hand against the wall where he had done before, but the door did not open. I tried on the other door that led to the outside, and it still did not open. I kicked the door in anger.

  I did not want to be on his planet, but it was worse now that I was the slave of the commander that had killed my Mason. I hated him even more. I
sat down on the bed and crossed my arms. What did Prana say before? If I needed anything, to get a hold of him? Perhaps he could help me in this situation. Perhaps I could be traded like property and into his ownership.

  I did not want to be owned by anyone, but when I spent time with him, I actually enjoyed his company more than I thought I would, and he wasn't bad on the eyes either. I had to speak to him, but I did not know when that would happen. I hoped that it would be soon, as I could not be kept in that room forever.

  Then, as if on cue, I heard a series of beeps. I looked up and around the room for the source, and then I heard Commander Jaylin say, "There is a gathering in an hour in the village. You will accompany me to hear the official speak." Then there was another series of beeps and the voice was gone. Here was my chance. We were going to the village for a gathering, and I knew that Prana would be there.

  Now that I had a plan, I could somewhat relax for those hours. I was frightened that at any moment, the commander was going to come in and have his way with me. Why wouldn't he? I was his female slave and there was nothing between us except a door that only he could open. These brute warriors made it their right to be dominant over women. They lived by this way of life, and I felt like I was in a nightmare. It was not good for a strong female like me to be expected to behave in a docile manner.

  I looked over the small room. Everything was bolted to the ground and I smiled to myself, thinking the commander made it this way because I had picked up a pipe and hit him with it. There was nothing that could be used as a weapon in the small bedroom. I moved to the washroom and pushed open the door. I was surprised that it was actually a quite elegant washroom with a shower, toilet, and sink. I remember seeing the waterfall when we first arrived, and I was thankful that there was at least water in abundance. I closed the door to the washroom and pulled off my clothes and took a shower. It felt great. The last time I had a shower was right after Mason and I had that playful fight. We were about to make love when the ship was invaded. I was almost sorry to wash him off of me now.

  After my shower, I was reluctant to put my clothes back on. I wrapped a sheet towel around me and went into the bedroom, tiptoeing. Hoping to not draw the attention of the commander. I searched for a closet or drawer of some type, but it all seemed to be seamless walls. I sighed and leaned against the wall; it pushed in a bit and popped out. It was now a small door, a closet of sorts. I opened it and inside were muslin dresses. I pulled one out and laughed. I wouldn't be able to do anything in this. Whoosh! The door opened. The commander stepped in and stopped when he saw me. He looked at me up-and-down and smiled.

  "It is nice to see you so wet," he said playfully as he crossed his arms across his chest. A part of my body responded to him as I felt my nipples growing erect. The other part of my body hated him. It was a constant battle.

  "Can't you knock or something before you come in?" I said as I turned my back to him and shouted at him over my shoulder.

  "Yes, that's good; turn around and let me see all of you," he said playfully, as though we were involved in some sort of game. He only made me angrier. Then he continued, "I do not think you fully understand this human female slave system. I can come and go as I please. I do not need to warn you."

  "Well may I help you with something, Master?! Or may I get dressed?"

  "I only came to tell you that there are coverings in the wall. But you have seemed to have found them. We will be departing for the gathering in 30 minutes. Be ready. Do not question me any longer; I am getting sick of your backtalk and will not be so kind next time," he said as his voice grew stern and mean.

  There, that was the slithering, evil Commander Jaylin. He was awful and mean and I was glad when he walked through the door and went back into his quarters. I quickly pulled on a light-blue dress that left very little to the imagination. There were sandals at the bottom of the closet. I chose to put on my combat boots, lacing them back up. I wanted to always be ready and prepared to run if I needed to. The possibility of escape was always in the back of my mind. I would never give up.

  Thirty minutes later, we were walking into the village forum. There were many Kalazaron gathered in the forum area. The energy was high and buzzing. I felt naked in the muslin dress, but secure in my boots. I walked alongside the commander, my new owner. We said nothing, but I could feel him looking at me every now and then. I wondered what he was thinking.

  "Here," he said as we stopped at a table and he handed me a cup.

  "What is it?" I said is I smelled it. It was rich and sweet smelling, almost like wine.

  "It is a drink, the drink of the Kalazaron, known as Icannet," he said as he took a drink. I took a drink as well and realized that it was an alcoholic beverage. Good; I needed a strong drink. I chugged it down and then set it on the table and grabbed another. Jaylin arched an eyebrow at me. If I was going to be there, I figured I might as well be drunk.

  I looked around to see if I could see any of the girls—Maria, Elizabeth, Margaret, Sarah—but I saw no sign of them whatsoever. I did see other human females and I nodded in acknowledgment to them, but that was all. I wanted to speak to them, but I knew better than to wander off. Perhaps I would get a chance later.

  Then there was the sound of beating drums and everyone looked up toward the cliffside. I watched as a Kalazaron warrior stood on the edge of the cliff. It was almost like a stage or balcony. Many leaders had done the same when addressing crowds on Earth, but here it was an unusual sight to me. There was something very primitive about it. It was as though I was watching some tribal leader giving a speech.

  The warrior that stood there had silver hair that was dyed in streaks of green. He looked strong and fierce. He had many tattoos, just like Commander Jaylin. He put his arms in the air in the shape of a V and the crowd and drums grew silent. Then he began to shout his impressive speech.

  "Warriors of the Blue Mountain! Hear this news of great! The Blue Mountain has become greater as a scouting ship has commandeered an Earth ship that has made this rebellion twice as strong as it was!"

  The crowd cheered. I noticed that he had not yet said exactly what had been commandeered: the large number of weapons. I wondered if he was going to say it at all, or just allude to it.

  "We have Commander Jaylin Brakin and the warriors directly underneath him to thank for this new addition!" he shouted. The crowd cheered again and everyone standing near Jaylin and I began to pat him on the shoulder. Jaylin raised his glass in the air in acknowledgment. Then the official continued to shout.

  "In celebration of this new bounty, we will feast and be merry tonight! Kalazarons, enjoy the night under the two moons! Tonight we have cause to be merry!"

  The crowd cheered again and the drums began to beat as the official put his arms in the air once more. All around us, large bonfires were being lit. The tables were loaded with wild game. There were strange beasts that I had never seen before on roasting sticks being placed over the fires. I assumed that they were hunted locally around the mountain. Large barrels were rolled in and tapped and the dark drink called Icannet was poured.

  The official left the ledge and all turned their attention to the festivities. I again wondered why the official did not give details about what the commander had commandeered, the large amount of artillery. Perhaps it was meant to be kept a secret except for those that were directly involved with it.

  I watched as many warriors came out to Jaylin and spoke congratulations and other conversation of war. I stood there quietly drinking more and more of the fermented drink. I just wanted to be drunk. Being on this new planet knowing that I would never see Earth again, or Mason, was a lot to take in. I wanted to numb myself from it I wanted to distract myself from it.

  I looked around and found that distraction. Prana was staring at me from across the forum and lifted his drink to me in a hello. I smiled. That smile even shocked myself, but it felt good to see a somewhat-familiar and friendly face. He was the only warrior that had been any sort of decent towa
rd me. I longed for his company. I lifted my glass in return.

  Then he tilted his head in a gesture. He was telling me to meet him in a certain direction. I looked at Commander Jaylin. His back was to me and he was surrounded by other warriors, deep in conversation about himself. I looked back at Prana and moved in the direction that he requested. I did it quietly and without big movements until we met towards the edge of the village by a bonfire.

  "How are you? I know this must be hard for you," was the first thing he asked me. It felt good to be asked about how I felt and how I was doing.

  "I am feeling much better now that I have drank some of this," I said, lifting a glass.


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