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Under the Wire: Bad Boys Undercover

Page 17

by HelenKay Dimon

  She squirmed and flipped around, trying to see the rest of the camp. She heard yelling in the distance and thought she saw a light. The tents looked so far away. Then the dizziness overwhelmed her. Sucked her down . . . and the darkness swallowed her again.

  Reid relaxed back on the tunnel wall, enjoying the feel of her curled up in his arms. Her head rested against his shoulder and her hair fell across his chest.

  The high-pitched scream made him jackknife, almost throwing her off him. The anguished cry stabbed right through him. He moved and felt the tear along his side. Not that he cared.

  “Cara?” He shook her. “Honey, wake up.”

  She sat straight up with eyes clouded with fear. She spun around. Her gaze bounced around the area and finally fell on him. The harsh rise and fall of her chest slowed as some of the strain drained from her face.

  “Are you okay?” He knew she wasn’t. The confusion showed in her face and jerky movements.

  She turned around and faced him. “Cliff.”

  The fact that she said the wrong name sent a spike of panic through him. He wasn’t one to worry or invited trouble, but there was no way she confused him with Cliff.

  “What?” He kept his voice soft because he didn’t want to scare her. The fine tremor running through her suggested she was only barely holding it together.

  “I remembered being dragged out of the tent. I was in my sleeping bag and kicking.” Her voice sped up as she talked until the words tumbled over each other

  He rubbed a hand up and down her arm. “Okay, maybe we should—”

  “You don’t understand.” She grabbed his hand and squeezed. “It was Cliff.”

  “He tried to hurt you?” Reid already regretted making sure they’d retrieved the body and arranged to have it sent back home.

  “He was trying to save me.”

  Nothing she said made sense. She’d blocked most of what happened that night or had been unconscious. The facts weren’t clear. But now she talked as if she knew. Reid couldn’t help but wonder if she was merging a dream and reality.

  But he wanted the details. “I don’t understand.”

  “I thought attackers were all around us, but it wasn’t that.” She pressed his hand to her chest and kept talking at maximum speed. “The strange panic and the pain. The sweating and the increase in blood pressure. It all makes sense.”

  Maybe his wounds were worse than he thought. Either that or she wasn’t saying everything she was thinking. “It does?”


  He blew out a long breath and reached for the patience that sometimes failed him. “Remember when it comes to science I need you to talk to me like I’m five. Baby-step me through your logic.”

  “It’s low frequency sound. It can happen naturally, like with an earthquake. Some animals use it to communicate.” Her words slowed down, became easier to understand. Even her breathing leveled out. “These are sound waves below the range of a human’s natural hearing.”

  He almost hated to ask the question, but . . . “What does any of that have to do with you being covered in blood and the ripped tents?”

  “There are frequencies that actually interfere with human emotion.”

  Now she sounded like the in-control scientist she was. The stark panic had left her eyes. Except for the wild hair, which she kept touching and combing through with her fingers, she settled in as if giving a lecture.

  Not that he fully understood what she was talking about. “I have to admit that has a science fiction ring to it.”

  “It’s real. Governments have tested sound waves for years, sometimes with permission and sometimes on prisoners.” She released his hand and started gesturing with hers as she talked. “These sound waves induce panic. A sort of fight-or-flight mentality.”

  That sounded familiar. “I’ve heard of experiments in terms of weapons, but—”

  “That’s one use. Some people think that ghost sightings in houses are caused by infrasound.” She draped her legs over his thigh. “The dose I got was far worse. My mind had me thinking we were under attack and being dragged around.”

  “Damn.” About her sitting position. About the information. Two different needs walloped his brain. He had to separate out one from the other.

  “If I’m right we might be able to prove it. NASA has a site in Virginia that measures infrasound.”

  He knew about the weapons part and the NASA Langley facility. Didn’t know everything what went on there, but it sounded as if the facility had some impressive toys. “The whole way from there?”

  “It detected and recorded the sound of a meteor strike in Russia a few years ago.”

  Damn. And this time it was about the power of science. “You sold me on the theory. But the Cliff piece?”

  “My guess is he wasn’t as far gone as I was. He dragged me away from the tent.” She toyed with the zipper on her jacket then slipped her hand over his thigh. “Don’t you see? He saved me from being caught.”

  Reid put his hand over hers to keep those fingers from wandering any higher into the danger zone. A man could only take so much temptation, and even now, after everything, she was his ultimate weakness.

  “The attackers didn’t actually attack the camp. They used the infrasound then rounded you all up,” he said, restating the theory, making his brain work.

  “I got lucky.” She jumped to her feet. “And now I think I’m going to be sick.”

  He called up his energy reservoir and followed her. “Whoa.”

  “I need fresh air.” She paced around in circles.

  He caught her and lowered his head until he got eye contact. “This is not a good idea.”

  Armed men roamed the countryside. They had more weapons and vehicles. An entire battalion could descend on them before he could hide them away. It was too dangerous and not necessary.

  She held on to his thin jacket with both of her fists. “Please.”

  The pleading. She never begged for anything except for a few amazing times in the bedroom. The self-reliance he found so attractive was about to kick him in the ass because knowing she needed him crushed his common sense.

  “Do you still have your gun?” he asked, and immediately regretted it.

  She scrambled away from him to her bag and pulled it out. Handled it like a pro. “Yes.”

  This was a stupid fucking idea. They were safe, or close to it. Where they stood now allowed for only one logical way in and out. That shifted the advantage to his side if attackers showed up. Out in the open they were targets.

  He was about to change his mind and call this off when she reached the entrance doors to the mine and pushed against one. He stalked over and pulled it shut before she could slip out.

  She glared at him over his shoulder. “What?”

  Nothing in that expression suggested weakness. She didn’t look sick or emotionally beat up now. She had the stiff stance of a warrior.

  Looked like he’d been played. That should have ticked him off but it didn’t. He loved her spunk. But he refused to see her hurt.

  He held a finger up in front of her face. Knew she hated that, but at least he had her full attention. “I go first. You do not move until I give you the signal.”

  “Which is?”

  “I’ll stand in front of you and tell you it’s safe to come outside.” And if he saw one blade of grass out of place that would not happen.

  She rolled her eyes. “Subtle.”

  It had been a while since she treated him to the dramatic gesture. He actually missed it, which proved he’d lost his damn mind. “That’s the deal.”


  The cool fresh air smacked into his face as he stepped outside. They’d made it through the night. The morning sky was painted in bright blue and orange hues. The early light peeked through the dark clouds in places, but he could smell rain. Overcast skies signaled an overcast day. The weather might limit the number of attackers outside, but moving around in a Urals storm could be tough, i
njured or not.

  Maybe it did make sense for her to come out now. Catch a few minutes of the day before the downpour came. But he had to make sure it was safe for her to venture out.

  Gun in hand, he followed the line of the mountain. The mine doors were tucked into the side, but the scaling rock walls continued in a steep slope high above them. He doubted anyone would take the risk and launch an attack from up there. The sharp edges and lack of obvious hiding places made it a bad tactical choice. That still left a significant amount of land to cover.

  He continued along the flat part of the valley, scanning the area around him. Trees grew in bunches off to one side. The open land stretching out in front of him made an attack from that angle possible but also stupid. It was hard to hide face-to-face.

  That left the right side and the dip down the hill to the stream below. An easy place to hide tracks, and a protected access thanks to the natural boundary of a rock and dirt wall.

  With one last glance back at the mine doors, he slipped up and over the top of the hill. When one foot slid on a pile of dirt, he steadied his balance then reached for his side. The dark jacket hid the fresh rush of blood, but he could feel it seeping through the bandage. He needed more sealing powder and a clean bandage. A night in a decent hotel would be good, too, but that wasn’t happening.

  Ignoring the thumping pain in his side, he concentrated on the water rushing through the valley about twenty feet below him. The gurgle mixed with the whistle of the wind.

  He was about to head back to the mine and retrieve Cara when he saw the indent in the dirt. Half a footprint, partially covered up. He dropped down and ignored the jolt through his aching body. No, renewed energy flooded through him as he looked around. His body, sore and battered, readied for battle.

  When no one stood up or starting shooting, he followed the obvious direction of the print. The first led to a second. Then he went on a few feet before spying another partial.

  Too easy. Tasha hadn’t identified their attackers yet, but the men had skills. This attempt at subterfuge was pure amateur time.

  Fake. The word floated through his head as he stopped and concentrated on his surroundings. The need to get back to Cara pumped through him. She was his top priority.

  He started to turn when something hard pressed against his skull. Not something, a gun. He knew this drill. Had lived through it several times before.

  “On your knees.” A Russian accent.

  Glancing down, then to his side, Reid noticed the boots and uniform. Not just Russian. Russian special forces. These guys were tough as hell but not the best in the world. They lacked the necessary bond and sufficient training, but they were not afraid to shoot. That was Reid’s number one problem right now.

  “Now.” The guy shoved the gun against his head.

  He did a mental inventory of the weapons he had on him. This guy would wise up and do a full body search soon. That meant he had seconds only. “Let’s calm down. I’m just out here walking.”

  “Knees. Now.”

  The guy kept his sentences precise. They might have run through all of the English he knew, but Reid couldn’t count on that. Breaking into Russian might spook the guy even more, so Reid limited his words to match his opponent.

  With his hands up, he turned around to face the Russian. The man wore a helmet, and his goggles, which would have covered his identity better, were flipped up on top of his head.

  Reid didn’t waste any time looking him over. As expected, young. Dark hair and large build. And bigger than average. That evened the playing field a bit, but Reid didn’t worry. He’d have the guy down and disarmed in no time.

  “Why are you out here?” he asked, not really expecting an answer. The goal was more to throw the man off.

  The Russian’s eyes narrowed. “Get down.”

  He definitely liked repetition. “No.”

  The guy stared for an extra beat. That was all the time Reid needed. He smashed an elbow into his face. Blood spurted from the Russian’s nose and he doubled over. Reid nailed him again. A crack to the middle of his back while a kick took out his knee.

  The man dropped on a shout. He rolled on the ground.

  Reid kicked his gun away as he reached for his own. “I’ll ask again. Why are you out here?”

  He recognized a guy on recon duty. Reid just didn’t know what the hell the other man was looking for. The mine didn’t appear to be operational. No tracks led in or out. Having memorized a map of the area, Reid knew every building and every hill. Yet this guy walked out here alone. No vehicle in sight.

  Where the hell had he come from?

  “Hey.” Reid used the toe of his boot and pushed against him. The rolling around whining thing wasn’t doing either of them any good. “Look at me.”

  In a flash, the guy shifted to his back, all signs of pain and whimpering gone. He yelled in rage as he lifted a second gun. It swung around in an arc and Reid fired. One shot, straight into the attacker’s forehead. He fell back with a loud thump against the dirt. Blood dribbled out of the wound as his head tipped to one side.

  Reid didn’t ease up on his aim. He’d won that round and his heartbeat still thundered in his ears. The guy was fast, but Reid proved faster. By seconds only, but those seconds mattered.

  A roar of anger sounded from behind him. Reid turned in time to see a second man launch at him. Made a run and knocked into Reid full force. The blow sent them both flying. Reid landed with a bounce against the hard ground. His upper back took most of the hit but his vision blurred. A searing pain ripped through his side.

  He ignored it all as he battled a man who weighed a good forty pounds more than he did. Reid punched and kicked, used every trick to keep from being pinned. But they rolled and he ended up on the bottom.

  The attacker slipped a knife out of the sheath strapped to his chest. Reid moved his head, just missed being sliced by the blade. Rage had the attacker in its grip. He swung the knife, barely missing Reid a second time by slamming the end into the dirt.

  Reid’s gun was wedged between them. He reached around now, trying to grab the handle. The crushing weight on his chest messed up his breathing but he kept moving. When the attacker wiggled the blade out of the ground, Reid knew he had only seconds to act.

  Then a gunshot boomed from above, startling him. Dirt kicked up right next to the attacker’s thigh and he eased up on his hold, leaned back. Reid didn’t hesitate. He grabbed the man’s gun and fired into the center of his chest.

  The attacker froze above him as the knife dropped from his lifeless fingers and clanked against a rock. His body grew heavier right before he fell. A dead drop that would have landed him on top of Reid if Reid hadn’t rolled to the side in time.

  His gaze flicked from the smashed face now planted next to him to the woman standing above him, still holding her gun at the ready. “Cara?”

  “I heard the screaming.” Her voice shook but she did not move.

  Reid tugged his leg out from under the attacker. It took an extra few seconds to jump to his feet.

  The haze cleared from her eyes and they focused on him. “You’re bleeding.”

  He should yell at her for taking risks and remind her about their deal for her to stay safe and inside. He didn’t do either. He wrapped his arms around her and leaned his body into hers. “Thank you.”

  After a second her arms came up and around his waist and she mumbled into his shoulder. “You almost got yourself killed, you dumbass.”

  He had to smile. Only Cara would scold at a time like this.

  He pulled back and looked down at her. Fought the urge to kiss her, out there in the open and still in the middle of danger. “Your diversion helped.”

  She snorted. “I saved you.”

  “Let’s not get carried away.” He would have won that battle. He refused to think otherwise, but the assist certainly made it end faster and smoother. “I need to contact Tasha.”

  “And ask for an ambulance?”

e winced when Cara lifted his jacket to examine his now reopened wound. “Coordinates.”

  “Excuse me?”

  “That was a scouting party of some sort. Two Russian special forces guys. There is something out here.” Something people were willing to kill to hide or find, he wasn’t sure which.

  “Does Parker need to come and take care of these guys, too?”

  Reid finished typing in the message to Tasha. He looked at the bodies and the blood. Someone would come looking for them eventually. “The hill.”

  “You keep saying random words.”

  “I’m going to roll them over the hill.” When she frowned at him, he took the time to be clearer. “They will be harder to spot that way. It will buy us some time while Parker makes his way back to us to help out.”

  Before she could argue or come up with some scientific way to dispose of the bodies, one that would likely take too much time, he went to work. Using his feet, he rolled one then the other over the side. It felt disrespectful and wrong to him on one level, but they started it. He was just out taking a walk when they jumped him.

  He turned back around to find her standing there, hands on her hips. Glaring. “What?”

  “Now I patch up your side.”

  He didn’t bother to argue. “Fine.”

  Her eyebrow lifted as she stepped forward. Sliding her shoulder under his armpit, she balanced some of his weight on her own.

  They walked a few feet before she spoke again. “You’re right about one thing.”

  For some reason he doubted whatever she was about to say was really a compliment. “Only one?”

  “Maybe we shouldn’t be outside right now.”

  He should have taped that admission to use later. “I’ll refrain from saying ‘I told you so.’”


  They walked a few more steps, Cara taking the lead. He could get there on his own with no trouble, but being this close to her didn’t suck. Having her play nurse was also pretty fucking hot.

  They reached the doors to the mine and she moved ahead to face him. “You need to know one thing.”

  Wary now, he held back. “What?”

  “I’m going to be all over you once we get in there.”


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