The Roundabout

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The Roundabout Page 19

by Gerri Hill

  But, alas, it was not to be.

  “Hello?” a loud voice called from the shop. “Are you open?”

  “Oh, God,” Megan groaned. “Are you kidding me?”

  “Yeah…be right there,” Leah called back, her voice still breathless from their kissing. “I’ve got to get a bell for that damn door,” she murmured.

  “How about a lock?”

  Leah laughed quietly as she stepped away from Megan. “Go upstairs,” she said quietly. “I have candles. Somewhere.” Then she smiled. “Feel free to snoop around looking for them.”

  Megan swallowed. This was her out. She could say no. She could leave. Because if she stayed…

  One look into Leah’s eyes, however, made any thoughts of leaving vanish. There was such desire there, she was certain she’d never seen anyone look at her that way before. There was no way she could leave. She moved closer instead, kissing Leah again…and again, she just wanted to rip their clothes off and get naked.

  Leah thankfully came to her senses and pushed Megan gently away from her.

  “You drive me crazy,” Megan whispered.

  “Yeah…and again, I hope that’s a good thing.”

  She turned and left Megan standing there in the dark. She looked around, finding the flashlight lying at her feet. She had no recollection of dropping it. She took several deep breaths, then left the storage room, ignoring the muted voices she heard from the shop. She hurried up the stairs and into Leah’s apartment.

  Chapter Thirty-Six

  Leah tapped the counter impatiently as the two women sorted through the T-shirts. As she’d told them, she couldn’t sell anything until the power came back on. She had hoped they’d simply leave. But no. They wanted to look around and decide if it was worth coming back at another time.

  “Oh, these sound beautiful,” one said as she put the chimes in motion.

  “Yes, they’re my favorites,” Leah said, watching as the woman looked at the price.

  “Oh, my.”

  Leah smiled, then walked over. “They’re handcrafted, that’s why they cost more,” she explained. “These are a little cheaper here,” she said, pointing to the chimes hanging on the lower level of the rack.

  “Yes, much more reasonable.”

  You get what you pay for, Leah thought as she moved back toward the counter, trying not to glance at the clock above her head. If she wanted Ruby’s to be a success, she needed to be patient with potential customers, even when they were shopping, knowing they were unable to buy a thing. But making Ruby’s a success right now wasn’t what was foremost on her mind. Foremost on her mind was the woman waiting for her upstairs. She closed her eyes for a moment, still feeling the heat between them. God, what would it be like in bed? Naked…skin on skin…she could imagine the fire. She opened her eyes again. She didn’t want to imagine it. She wanted to feel it.

  So she cleared her throat rather loudly. “I’m thinking I’m going to go ahead and close up shop,” she called to the women who were on the other side of the store. “Doesn’t look like the power will be back on any time soon.”

  “You have a lot of interesting things here,” one said, holding up a wood carving of an eagle. “There’s a shop in town that sells woodworking, but their stuff is rather cheap looking.”

  “Thank you. Perhaps you’d like to come back tomorrow,” she suggested. “I’m sure the power will be back on by then.”

  She put the eagle down. “Yes, I think we’ll be back.”

  “Great,” she said, trying not to push them out the door. “I’ll see you tomorrow then.”

  As soon as they were out, she locked the door and flipped over the sign in the window to “closed.” She nearly took the stairs two at a time, then slowed, pausing to catch her breath.

  “I hope she hasn’t changed her mind,” she murmured as she opened the door.

  * * *

  Megan’s hand was trembling as she struck the match—trembling so badly the match went out. What in the hell was she doing here in Leah’s bedroom…lighting candles, no less? She knew what was going to happen. Of course she did. She wasn’t going to pretend that she hadn’t seen that look in Leah’s eyes. She wasn’t going to pretend that she was innocent in this. There was no sense in pretending that she didn’t want to make love with Leah. She did. Desperately so, if her actions in the storage room were any indication. But there was no more time to contemplate it. She heard the door open and she looked out from the bedroom, seeing Leah enter the apartment. Leah glanced around quickly, then her eyes were drawn to the bedroom and she walked toward it. Megan’s heart hammered nervously, and she tried once again to light the candle. With her hand still trembling, she managed to touch the wick, the light brightening the room somewhat.

  She turned slowly, finding Leah standing in the doorway, still hidden by shadows. Megan’s pulse was beating rapidly and she felt as nervous as a virgin might feel on her wedding night. But she wasn’t an innocent girl, and this wasn’t her wedding night. There was absolutely nothing to be nervous about. Still…she couldn’t seem to find her voice so she stood there mutely, watching as Leah finally walked into the bedroom.

  She wondered if Leah was as nervous as she was. She, too, kept quiet as they stood there watching each other. In the shadows, she couldn’t read Leah’s eyes, but she didn’t have to.

  The hand that reached out to her was shaking slightly. The sight of Leah’s nervousness eased her own somewhat.

  There were no words between them, and the only sound in the room was their breathing, louder, more labored than it should be. When Leah undid the top button on her blouse, her fingers brushed Megan’s skin, causing her to suck in a quick breath. She stood still—waiting—as Leah moved to the next button. Slowly, one by one, the buttons gave way, exposing her. When her blouse finally fell open, Leah’s fingertips grazed the fabric of her black bra, moving under the swell of one breast, then the other before teasing the skin between them. Goosebumps traveled up and down her skin, and Megan felt her knees begin to shake. She was afraid she’d fall, afraid she’d melt right there where she stood.

  Leah’s gaze was following the progress of her fingers, but when she scraped her index finger against a nipple, she lifted her head, locking Megan’s eyes with her dark, smoky ones. Megan tried to swallow, but she couldn’t. She was having a hard enough time breathing as it was. And if Leah didn’t rip her bra off within the next few seconds, Megan would likely do it herself. She literally ached to feel Leah’s hands on her skin, on her breasts, on her body.

  The blouse was pushed off her shoulders, and Megan let it fall to the ground. Her lips were parted slightly as she drew uneven breaths, her gaze still holding fast to Leah’s. One strap of her bra was lowered so agonizingly slowly that Megan was on the verge of begging Leah to hurry. Instead, she bit her lower lip, waiting, as Leah took her time, finally reaching for the other strap. Instead of removing her bra, she left the straps halfway down, her fingers tracing along the edge of the bra, lightly touching her breast. Again, Megan drew in a sharp breath as a fingertip brushed her nipple.

  Seconds turned into minutes as Leah finally, mercifully, unfastened her bra. Megan nearly flung it across the room, so ready to have Leah’s hands on her. But again, Leah took her time, moving closer, her lips starting along Megan’s jawline, traveling slowly across her face to her lips. By the time Leah’s mouth found hers, Megan was on the verge of bursting into flames. She clutched Leah to her, actually shocked that she still had the strength to stand. Conscious thought, however, failed her as primal urges took over.

  Megan’s hands tugged at Leah’s shirt. They parted long enough for her to pull it over Leah’s head, then mouths and tongues reunited as Megan fumbled with Leah’s bra. Clothes fell on the floor around them, then Leah pulled the covers back on the bed and urged Megan down with her.

  Skin touching skin, hot and slick…mouths still fighting for control, Leah rolled them over, resting on top of Megan and nudging Megan’s legs apart. Megan groaned
as Leah’s thigh was pressed hard against her. Her hips jerked up to meet her, her hands cupping Leah, pulling her even tighter.

  But Leah wouldn’t be rushed. Her mouth left Megan’s, moving lower, a wet tongue bathing her breast, finally raking against her nipple. Megan’s eyes slammed closed as that hot mouth surrounded her nipple, sucking it inside, Leah’s tongue swirling around it, making it rock-hard. Her hips jerked again, the fire inside her too hot to stand any longer. Her legs parted even farther and she could feel her wetness as it coated Leah’s thigh.

  “Please,” she whispered, the first word spoken between them.

  Leah rocked her thigh against her, rubbing against her clit. Megan was panting now, holding on tightly to Leah as their hips banged together. Leah’s mouth left her breast, coming back to hers, their tongues dancing again. Megan felt Leah’s hand move between them, felt fingers slip into her wetness, teasing her clit. She felt feverish, and she moaned into Leah’s mouth when fingers entered her. Leah’s strokes were hard, sure, her hips still slamming against Megan with a rhythm that she matched.

  When Leah’s mouth left hers, going to her ear instead, her tongue dipping inside, her lips whispering words that Megan’s muddled mind couldn’t decipher—she exploded, her body seemingly breaking into tiny pieces, and a kaleidoscope of colors flashed across her eyes, blinding her, causing her to scream out in pleasure as her hips rose one last time, keeping Leah deep within her for a precious few seconds longer.

  She collapsed then, falling back onto the bed, her arms dropping uselessly to either side of her, her eyes still closed, her lips parted, drawing in quick breaths. She felt Leah’s lips as they nibbled—first her neck, down to her breasts, against her stomach, the curve of her hip, then slowly made the return trip back to her mouth.

  Megan moaned with contentment as they kissed and she gathered Leah close against her, holding her tightly. God, how different was this than being with Erin? Night and day, she mused. Who would have thought that an older woman could rock her world like Leah just had?

  “That was…unbelievable,” she murmured, moving to kiss Leah again. The fire still burned, and she felt Leah shift, rolling over and pulling Megan on top of her. “I hope the power stays out for hours.”

  Leah opened her legs and Megan slipped between them. “You and me both,” Leah said as Megan’s lips trailed down her neck to her breasts.

  As her tongue swirled around Leah’s nipple, as she heard the quiet moan that Leah let escape, she thought that yes, she could indeed stay here for hours…making love. As she drew Leah’s nipple into her mouth, her own moan mingled with Leah’s. Her fingers moved along Leah’s skin, feeling her tremble. Yes, she would take her time. There was no need to rush. They had all afternoon if they wanted.

  And she wanted. Oh…she so wanted.

  Chapter Thirty-Seven

  Megan should be exhausted. Okay…she was exhausted. But she felt invigorated, fresh…new. She had no idea what time the power had come back on. She had no idea what time she got home. She had no idea how many hours she slept. Yet this morning, she felt energized. The sun was shining a little brighter, the sky was a little bluer, the coffee more aromatic.

  She leaned against the counter, taking her first sip. It was wonderful. Everything was wonderful. Who knew spending an afternoon and most of the night with Leah Rollins would have this effect on her?

  And God, what an afternoon and night it was. She was surprised she could even walk this morning. That thought brought a smile to her face as she remembered a particular instance where she thought she’d pulled her hamstring. Her smile widened as she took another sip. What an absolutely glorious day it had been.

  Her smile faltered a little. Now what? Where did they go from here? Were they a couple now? For real? The terrible idea of them dating didn’t seem so terrible right now. In fact, it seemed quite the opposite of terrible. The scary part was…as great as the sex had been, it was the times between the sex that made her heart get all warm and fuzzy. They’d cuddled, they’d talked, they’d laughed…and then they’d made love all over again.

  It was all almost too perfect. She frowned. So obviously something was very wrong. This didn’t happen to her. Women like Leah didn’t happen to her…women like Tammi and Erin did. That was her track record. Not Leah.

  “Well…I see you did make it home,” Nancy said as she reached for her coffee cup. She glanced at her, her eyes widening. “Oh, my God! You’ve had sex!”

  Megan felt a blush light her face. “Must you do that?”

  Nancy laughed. “You’re glowing.”

  “I am not glowing.”

  “Oh, you are so glowing.” Nancy grinned. “Was it good?”

  Megan couldn’t stop her smile. “It was fabulous.”

  Nancy clapped her hands together and tapped her feet. “Yay! I’m so happy for you!” Then she stopped. “Does she have toys?” she asked in a near whisper.

  “Really? That’s what you want to know?” She shook her head. “Trust me, she didn’t need toys.”

  Nancy smirked. “Mary Beth has toys.”

  Megan shook her head. “Now why doesn’t that surprise me?” When Nancy’s statement finally registered, though, her eyes widened. “Wait a minute. So you and Mary Beth really are having sex?”

  “We are.”

  Megan had to bite her tongue to prevent her “You have lost your freakin’ mind!” reply from popping out. “That’s…that’s great,” she said instead.

  Nancy’s smile was genuine. “Yes, it is. I’ve gotten to see a side of her that, well, that she hasn’t shown us in all the years we’ve lived here. She’s like a completely different person.”

  “So the whole naked pictures thing, the Facebook stalking, the stealing and wearing my bra…that was all someone else?”

  Nancy laughed. “Speaking of that…” She left the kitchen only to return a few moments later, swinging a red bra around on her index finger. “I believe this is yours.”

  Megan snatched it out of her hands, then held it up in Nancy’s face. “She stole my favorite bra and then had the nerve to wear it!” She made a face. “Please say she didn’t wear this when you had sex.”

  Nancy rolled her eyes. “As usual, you’re being too dramatic. She wore it the one time, just to get a rise out of you.”

  “Oh, my God,” Megan murmured as she grabbed the bridge of her nose. “I can’t believe you’re sleeping with her.”

  “Well, believe it. I…” she paused. “I like her, Megan.”

  All of Mary Beth’s ramblings on falling in love came back to her, and she groaned silently. Surely to God Nancy wasn’t falling for Mary Beth Sturgeon! Well, it wasn’t any of her business. She had gotten her bra back. And as far as she knew, Mary Beth had ceased posting naked pictures of her. If Nancy wanted to be involved with a crazy woman, who was she to say otherwise?

  “If you like her, that’s all that matters,” Megan said diplomatically.

  “Thank you. And by the way, Mom called. They’re coming Friday.”

  “What? This Friday? Like tomorrow?”

  “Oh, yeah. This is Thursday already, isn’t it? They’ll be here five days,” Nancy said. “They’ll have to stay with us. I couldn’t get them a room on such short notice.”

  “This is so unlike them. They usually plan this a month in advance. What’s going on?”

  “They’re taking a road trip. When they leave here, they’re heading north. Dad wants to drive to Niagara Falls.” Nancy waved her hand in the air. “Mom is not crazy about it, but Dad supposedly has the whole trip planned.”

  “Where are they going to sleep?”

  “You’re the youngest. I think you should take the sofa and give them your bed.”

  “For five nights? I think we should take turns.” Then she smiled. “Or I could maybe stay with Leah.”

  Nancy grinned. “I’m sure I could find a place to stay too. We’ll flip for it!”

  Chapter Thirty-Eight

  Leah brushed Megan’
s nipple with her finger, circling it, watching as it hardened. She decided that Megan had perfect breasts. Full, firm…delicious. She looked up as Megan ran her fingers through her hair slowly.

  “I love your hair,” Megan murmured. “It matches your eyes.”

  Leah leaned closer, kissing Megan’s nipple, then scooted up higher in the bed next to her. She loved Megan’s voice after they made love. It was still thick with emotion, soft yet heavy.

  “I love your breasts,” she countered.

  “I love your mouth on my breasts,” Megan said as she leaned over for a kiss. “In fact, I love your mouth in a lot of places.”

  Leah smiled. “I could tell.”

  Megan sighed and snuggled against her. “What a perfect afternoon,” she said. “Aren’t you glad you hired Aunt Dee?”

  “I am so happy I hired Dee. Especially if you’re going to make a habit of sneaking over here like this.”

  “We had a lull between the lunch crowd and dinner,” Megan said. “And I really, really wanted to kiss you.”

  “This from the woman who said there would be no kissing,” she reminded her.

  “I believe I allowed fake kissing.”

  “Well, for your information, none of them were fake. I only said they were to appease you.”

  Megan laughed. “Well, now, aren’t you the sneaky one.”

  Leah leaned up on her elbow and rested her face in her palm. With her other hand, she absently rubbed circles on Megan’s stomach. She was smiling and she couldn’t seem to stop. As Megan had said, what a perfectly wonderful afternoon it was. She could so get used to this.


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