Seeing Double (A Heartbreaker Novel Book 1)

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Seeing Double (A Heartbreaker Novel Book 1) Page 1

by Tamra Baumann

  Table of Contents


  OTHER TITLES BY TAMRA BAUMANN It Had to Be Him It Had to Be Her It Had to Be Fate It Had to Be Them Kindle Direct Publishing Matching Mr. Right Perfectly Ms. Matched Matched For Love


  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, organizations, places, events, and incidents are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Text copyright © 2017 by Tamra Baumann All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, or stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without express written permission of the publisher. Published by Montlake Romance, Seattle Amazon, the Amazon logo, and Montlake Romance are trademarks of, Inc., or its affiliates. ISBN-13: 9781542046091 ISBN-10: 1542046092 Cover design by PEPE nymi

  This book is dedicated to my agent, Jill Marsal. Thanks for always believing.

  Contents Chapter One Chapter Two Chapter Three Chapter Four Chapter Five Chapter Six Chapter Seven Chapter Eight Chapter Nine Chapter Ten Chapter Eleven Chapter Twelve Chapter Thirteen Chapter Fourteen Chapter Fifteen Chapter Sixteen Chapter Seventeen Thanksgiving Acknowledgments About the Author

  Chapter One Having prophetic dreams on a regular basis wasn’t nearly as fun as one might think, especially when only half of them made sense, but Dani Botelli wasn’t complaining. Instead, she intended to make the next thirty years of her life better than the first thirty had been. Wasn’t thirty the new twenty-five anyway? As she raced for the courthouse steps, she vowed that this time around she’d search for a more compatible man, she’d hold down and thrive at her job, and she’d do her level best to stay out of harm’s way for more than a day or two at a time. When a person was on a first-name basis with most everyone at the police station and the emergency room, it probably wasn’t a good thing. Unless you actually worked there. The first item on her self-improvement list involved convincing her detective almost-ex-husband, Jake, to sign their divorce papers. She’d finally gotten serious about the divorce and cut off the sleeping-together part about three weeks ago. They’d never gone th

  Chapter Two Michael rubbed his shoulder as the elevator doors slid closed. His damaged rotator cuff throbbed, bitterly reminding him of the reason he’d retired early from the NFL. Clocking that guy with his briefcase had irritated the injury, but it took him down, so it was worth it. When the doors parted, he lifted a hand in greeting to the receptionist, then headed down the long, quiet hall toward his office. The light scent of Dani’s perfume clung to his jacket just as thoughts of her lingered in his mind. What kind of a case could she be helping Jake with? Maybe there was a piece of art or jewelry that needed identifying. Besides being rich and having luxuries growing up, Dani had been a full-time college student since high school, earning four advanced degrees. No one could call the lady stupid—she’d always been a genius with computers—but her degrees were all in incredibly impractical subjects like history, art, philosophy, and some sort of cinematic-appreciation thing. Being a p

  Chapter Three Michael pulled up in front of the massive front gates of Annalisa’s compound and lowered his car’s window. Dani’s kidnapping as a child had prompted Annalisa to move from LA back to New Mexico and outfit her home with more gadgets than Fort Knox. While a tinny voice asked the nature of his business, a little camera whirled quietly in his direction. The tiny lens focused on his face. “Michael Reilly to see Annalisa.” He knew the drill and held up his driver’s license next to his chin. When the large iron gates slowly parted for him, he drove up the long tree-lined drive. Annalisa’s home resembled a massive English estate with its three-story stone walls and sweeping gardens. It was a stark contrast to the typical stuccoed mission-style homes of the Southwest. Whenever he drove through the gates, warm memories always filled him of when he and his mother had lived in the guesthouse. And what fun times he and Dani had climbing trees and riding horses when they were kids. The

  Chapter Four Dani rolled out of bed, awoken at seven fifteen by the ringing of a cell phone. She yawned as she made her way toward the living room, intent on squelching the offending sound. Maybe she’d just toss it into the pool, then go back to bed. Since she didn’t have a working phone at the moment, Jake or Michael must’ve forgotten theirs. When she spotted a shiny new phone lying on the coffee table, her eyes widened. It was the one she’d wanted but couldn’t afford. It was especially great because it could double as a lockbox key and had access to MLS listings. She leaned down and picked it up, but it was too late; the call went to voice mail. A yellow sticky note attached declared, “You can feed a hungry man or you can teach him to fish—or some such thing. This is a tool to help you succeed as I know you will.” Recognizing her mom’s handwriting, Dani grinned. That her mom was finally taking her attempt to be independent seriously made her smile linger. Studying the complicated pho

  Chapter Five After the fire was put out, and the paramedics had finished up with Michael, Dani studied her car sitting behind the chain-link fence. It was still ugly, even with a new windshield, but she couldn’t get to it behind the locked gate. “This bites. The last thing I want to do is come back here to crazy land to get my car.” Michael’s arm tightened around her waist, and he moved her out of the way of a busy bomb squad worker. “Ask Jake to pick up the car. There’s nothing more we can do now, so let’s go.” She looked up at Michael’s bandaged forehead, and her gut lurched again at how close a call that had been. “Okay.” Michael took her hand and was tugging her toward his car when Jake showed up and stepped in front of them. Jake wrapped his arms around her and pulled her against his chest. “God, I’m so sorry, babe. Are you okay?” After he was done hugging her, he held her at arm’s length and checked her out from head to toe. “This was my fault. That was meant for me. Your car was

  Chapter Six Dani stepped into the guesthouse, with Michael’s hot kiss still lingering on her lips. She sat beside Jake, who had a sleeping Emma snuggled against his chest, intending to get serious about asking him to sign the papers. He glanced her way. “So, I don’t want to be pushy or anything, but I have to let the scumbag back into his house soon. What are we thinking about the clues?” “Oh, so now that Michael’s gone, it’s back to business, huh? That whole scene in the bathroom was just some male territory-marking thing, wasn’t it?” “I have no idea what you’re talking about.” He smiled and tapped a finger against her forehead. “Any good woo-woo vibes going on in there?” She closed her eyes, ordered her eager hormones to cool their jets about sleeping with Michael, and cleared her mind. Jake—and the poor woman and her son—needed an answer. “The closet has something to do with it.” And then she saw a vision of the bunny shining a light at the Pink Panther, who was dancing on puffy pin

  Chapter Seven Dani pulled up in front of Ron’s swanky office building, where Maeve and Michael stood at the curb waiting for her. Her ear still hurt from the dressing down she’d just received from Jerry for not using her blinker at a four-way stop. She’d been the only car in the intersection, for goodness’ sake. The man needed to take a chill pill. She hit a few buttons, finally finding the right one, and the window whirred down. “Hi, you guys, hop in.” Michael yanked open the door. “I’ll drive. You can ride in the back.” Then he glanced at Maeve. “Mom, why don’t you take shotgun?” Dani gave him a testy shrug, then slipped into the back seat next to Emma. He was obviously still angry with her. Her bodyguard’s voice shouted in her earpiece, “I’m glad you let him take over. You drive like shit!” To show Jerry what she thought of his opinion, she lifted her hand behind Emma’s car seat and flipped him off.
“Oh jeez, now you’ve gone and hurt my feelings.” “Butthead,” Dani muttered before sh

  Chapter Eight Michael unlocked the door to his apartment and let Dani and Emma step inside before him. He crossed the room and laid their purchases on the couch. He wasn’t letting Dani go to Taos without him. He wanted to find Emma’s mother as badly as Dani did, even if that meant driving her and Emma there with Jerry trailing behind. The girls had just gone to a title company and picked up Dani’s commission check and then to babyGap. After paying him back for the trespassing fine, Dani had spent most of the remaining money Ron had given her on Emma. Dani was the most frustrating woman he knew, but she’d always been generous and kindhearted. He found it difficult to stay mad at her for long when she kept doing nice things. Like standing up to Ron on Emma’s behalf or buying Emma new clothes. She’d even splurged on a ridiculous purse so Emma could carry her new crayons and little cardboard books with her, using money that she must’ve desperately needed now that she was supporting herself

  Chapter Nine Dani flopped onto her grandmother’s bed, preparing to hear about Emma’s grandmother, while Eva crossed to the bathroom to remove her makeup. Grandma said, “Martha Anderson is a drinker, or at least she was the last I heard. She lives off the road that leads to Angel Fire in a little run-down cabin, rarely leaving her house. Used to be she held a job at the post office, but rumor has it they let her go after two trips to rehab didn’t stick. But who knows. People can change. I haven’t seen her in years. She might be on the wagon now.” Dani’s hopes of an adult-only trip to Vegas quickly shattered. “Well, that might explain why Julia left Emma with Ron. We’ll pay Martha a visit tomorrow and see if she’s heard from her daughter. Would you mind keeping Emma while Michael and I talk to her? I don’t want Martha to see Emma and start making noises about keeping her. There’s no way I’m leaving Em with a drunk.” “Do I detect protectiveness from a woman who insists she doesn’t like ch

  Chapter Ten As Michael drove down the brightly lit, congested strip in Las Vegas, Emma and Dani snoozed. When he stopped at a red light, he glanced at Dani, studying her. Sleeping, she looked as innocent as she had in high school, and memories of “that night” filled his head. The alcohol had flown freely that evening, and someone at the party suggested playing an old middle-school game. But since they were all seniors, the stakes were higher. The game involved spinning something, and whichever couple was chosen got twenty minutes in the dark laundry room of their host’s basement to do whatever they wanted. The only rule was that the couple had to kiss at least once. When it had been his turn and the bottle landed on Dani, she’d sent him a frown, but she stood to play along. All of his buddies cheered and made crude comments under their breaths as they slapped him on the back, wishing him luck. Every guy there wanted to be paired with Dani. She was the prettiest girl in school. But they

  Chapter Eleven At 6:20 a.m., Dani rapped on Julia’s hotel room door and then placed Emma in front of the peep. Michael and Jerry stood off to the side, out of sight. After a few more knocks, the door swung open. Julia’s forehead crumpled in confusion as she reached out and took Emma. “Who the hell are you? And why do you have my daughter?” Julia planted a kiss on Em’s forehead. “Hi, baby.” Then she tucked Em onto her hip. “What’s going on?” Dani started to answer, but Emma was squealing in delight, making it hard to be heard. Dani had to bite back the acerbic remark that lay on the tip of her tongue regarding abandoning children. “Your mother sent us to help you get the money back.” After Dani made the introductions, Julia reluctantly opened the door wider and let them all in. Julia was a pretty woman, a grown-up version of Emma with strikingly bright-blue eyes, blonde hair, and full porn-star lips. Her gaping robe had Jerry ogling her nicely formed bust, which, as everyone now knew, w

  Chapter Twelve Michael considered it a wise move to remain silent, lengthening his stride to keep up with Dani’s angry ones, as they headed toward the bank of elevators. In all the excitement, he’d forgotten to ask Mario if he was Dani’s father. He wouldn’t leave Vegas without asking. Dani had become upset about something while they were in the accounting office, but he didn’t have a clue what it could be. And why would she turn down all that money when she needed it so badly? Maybe because it came from Mr. Giovanni? Had he told her he was her father during their earlier chat, or had he threatened her? Daring a glance her way, he noted her trembling bottom lip. Not only was she angry, but she was fighting against tears as well. Mr. Giovanni had treated her nicely in the office, even as he watched his $130,000 being dispersed. Michael doubted he’d missed anything that could have passed between them. As they waited for the elevator doors to open, he stepped closer and slipped his arm aro

  Chapter Thirteen As her mind reeled from her discovery about Michael, Dani quickly dressed and dried her hair while he dealt with a problem from his office via e-mail. They needed to hurry and get on the road so they both could get back to work. After they ate, Dani called the penthouse to thank Mario for their stay, but he wasn’t in. She said goodbye to her mom, then they gathered their things and headed downstairs to the lobby. Dani smiled as she handed over their electronic keys. The man helping her had a nametag that read “Ben,” with the title of concierge below it. “Hi, Ben. Is Mr. Giovanni around?” His face lit with a knowing grin. “I don’t know, Ms. Botelli, but I’m sure he’ll want to see you. Can you wait here for just a moment? I’ll see if I can find him.” “Sure.” Emma was heavy, so she plopped her on the counter while Jerry and Michael discussed the fastest route home. Ben reappeared a few minutes later. “I’m so sorry, Ms. Botelli, but I couldn’t locate him. Shall I take a me

  Chapter Fourteen Dani sat next to Jake in the office of her broker, Susie, surrounded by oversize Texas furniture, complete with a tacky side table with cowboy boots for legs and pictures of beauty pageants with big-haired women on every wall. Susie was Miss Texas twenty-five years ago. In an attempt to retain her former beauty, she’d had so much plastic surgery she’d achieved clown status, according to Jake. Susie had “surprised” big eyes and a weird perpetual smile, and thanks to Botox, the rest of her face stayed oddly frozen in place, making it hard to read her true reactions. As a result, she looked thrilled that Dani was being chased by a lunatic and needed her help. She twanged, “Oh my God, Dani. This is horrible. What can I do to help, honey?” Jake stifled a grin. He was the one who’d put the clown idea into Dani’s head, and she’d never been able to get it out. To pay him back for that, she gave him a discreet kick in the shin, before she said, “I was wondering if we could use

  Chapter Fifteen When she turned to leave, crushed by Michael’s reaction, Dani nearly ran into a nurse who was staring at them with widened eyes. Had she heard the part about Annalisa and Dani committing a crime? Panic stole Dani’s breath as she stared into the nurse’s eyes. The woman slowly backed away, then hurried out the door. Dani turned toward Michael, but he wouldn’t meet her gaze. What had she done? Surely the woman would tell everyone she knew, and it’d be no time before the story broke. Any news about Annalisa was big news. Especially if the nurse thought she’d committed a crime. Maybe they could just deny it. She ran to Michael’s bedside. He stared straight ahead as if she didn’t exist. “You can’t tell anyone, Michael. You have to promise me you won’t confirm what that nurse says.” Desperation drove her voice up two octaves. “Besides the possibility of jail, it could ruin my mother’s career!” His jaw clenched. “Maybe you should have thought about that before you broke into th

  Chapter Sixteen Dani and Sara sat on the couch in the guesthouse, chocolate sundaes in their hands, waiting for the six o’clock news. The station had sent out a teaser saying Michael was making a statement, and they had the exclusive story. When Dani glanced down at her treat, her stomach roiled, so she set it on the coffee table without taking a bite. What was Michael going to do? It had been so stupid to tell him her secret in a public hospital, but the timing had seemed so right. She’d never make a mistake like that one again. And she’d
never lie to him again. If he’d ever forgive her. Now her mother’s happiness lay in Michael’s hands. And if Annalisa was unhappy, then everyone was going to be unhappy. The front door opened, and her mom and grandmother breezed in. Her mother raised a brow. “Ice cream this close to dinner, ladies?” “Dani said I could choose what we were having, so this is dinner. Want one?” Sara licked gooey chocolate from her spoon. Eva chuckled and sat on the arm o

  Chapter Seventeen Michael paced back and forth in his mother’s driveway as he waited for Dani. Finally, a long black limo pulled up, and three very drunk Botelli women stumbled out before their driver could open the door for them. “Let me help you there, Eva.” He grabbed Dani’s grandmother’s elbow before she landed on her ass. Then he turned to Annalisa. “Thanks for coming. I called the police, but they said without any signs of a struggle they couldn’t do anything for forty-eight hours.” Dani weaved drunkenly to the front door. “That’s because you’re too stubborn to ask Jake for help.” He followed Dani, balancing Eva at his side. “I tried. But they said he was in the field and couldn’t be reached.” Dani patted a few pockets, searching for something. When she spotted the phone in her hand, she laughed. “Oh, there it is.” She was totally shitfaced. That was all he needed. Dani closed one eye to focus before she pecked at the keypad. Her phone was in speaker mode, and it rang a few times

  Thanksgiving Dani had never looked more beautiful to Michael as she slipped through the swinging kitchen door with a platter that held an enormous turkey. Even in an apron, which was oddly sexy, Dani was the most gorgeous woman he’d ever known. And she belonged to him. That still took him by surprise sometimes. He’d never been happier. When Dani laid the platter on the dining room table, Emma gave everyone her trademark “ta-da!” Dani had insisted on cooking the whole meal herself, and it looked incredible. She’d also insisted on inviting too many people. He’d only been in his new house two weeks, and Dani had run him ragged, getting everything ready for the holiday. And most nights, she’d gone home to sleep in her own bed. They were trying to set a good example for his girls, but he wanted her with him full-time. So he could wake up every morning to her smile. And it’d be easier to see she stayed out of trouble that way. He needed to put more pressure on her to set their wedding date,


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