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Venomous (The Clans Book 11)

Page 4

by Elizabeth Knox

  “It’s Blanka, but please don’t call me that.”

  “Of course. I simply wanted to know a bit about the real woman I’ll be spending so much time with.” Alright, I can understand that.

  Staring out of the window I can see we’re heading toward the countryside and start to recognize the private airstrip Giuseppe is heading toward. I’ve never flown out of this airstrip before, but typically pass it when I do have to make a flight for a client.

  Giuseppe pulls up to the guarded gate, speaking in fluent Italian and hands over all the required documentation to gain entry. He parks, opens my door and helps me get out and grabs my bag from the back along with another one which must be his. He comes up beside me and we walk into the small building. Typically, I get directly on the plane so I’m furrowing my brows at the confusion crossing my mind.

  Giuseppe takes a seat and taps the lush leather seat beside him, “You might as well sit. We’ll be here for a few hours.”

  “I’m sorry. What did you just say?” There’s no way Davide purposefully had his man pick me up early only for me to wait hours for our plane to arrive.

  Giuseppe lets out a chortle, “You aren’t a dumb woman. You and I have both figured out he wanted you to wait for the plane here with me. So, as I said, you might want to take a seat because we’ll be here for a bit.”

  God, I haven’t wanted to wrap my hands around someone’s throat more than Davide’s.

  At some point I must’ve fallen asleep, because I wake to a light tapping on my shoulder and see Giuseppe’s mouth moving. “Belladonna, the plane has just arrived. We’re all set to board.”

  I stand up in my tight gold mini-dress, comb my acrylic nails through my hair to make sure it’s still somewhat decent. Ugh, I’m frustrated I fell asleep. I put a good bit of time into doing my hair today. I found a YouTube tutorial showing me how to keep my hair straight, but in a half up, half down style. I sectioned my hair out, pulling the top around to the back and tied it in somewhat of a ponytail, although with no volume. Meanwhile, the rest of my hair flows downward like it usually does. A few strands fall downward to shape my face.

  Honestly, I saw how much Davide liked the ponytail look and wanted to imitate it a bit. It’s my job to make sure he’s satisfied, so maybe this will help in a sense. “Are you ready?” Giuseppe asks.

  I nod, “Yes,”

  He walks beside me, leading me outside of the small airport and we approach the plane. The door with stairs is already open and he hands my luggage off to an attendant, waving with his hand for me to go ahead up the stairwell.

  Placing my hand on the rail, I suck in a sharp breath because I know going with Davide will be unlike any other job I’ve ever taken. He’ll push every button he can until I burst, or react in some way. I’m only wondering what reaction the man is looking for. I don’t even have the ability to back out at this point, but I don’t know if I would. I . . . want to know what this experience will be like.

  Upon entering the plane my eyes immediately see how this is decorated like a giant domino. Black and white are the only two colors gracing the space. The carpet is matte black, while the seats are the complete opposite— matte white.

  Along the middle of the seats, is a sort of geometric pattern. Black pillows are scattered, a few on the longer couch and one each on the regular seats. My gaze falls down to the floor again and I realize there’s a slight geometric pattern in the carpet as well. This plane is one-hundred percent a bachelor pad. A flying one at that.

  I assumed Davide would be here, but maybe he isn’t. My thought rushes through my mind as the smell of tequila hits my senses. “Is the plane to your liking?” His voice asks from behind me, causing me to jump.

  I turn around to face him, stern with my gaze. “Would it even matter if I didn’t?” He holds a glass of tequila on the rocks in his hand, smirking like he typically does in the short time I’ve known him.

  Honestly, I’m a bit taken back he drinks tequila. I almost expected him to drink bourbon or scotch like most other men do. Although, Davide is definitely not like other men. I start to head back to the seat located closest to the pilot, but he snaps his fingers and the next thing I know an attendant has placed something in the seat I was heading to.

  Okay, no big deal. I’ll go to the one across from it. I start to head toward it, but he snaps his fingers and again, something else is placed there. I’m starting to see the pattern of what will happen if I try to go where he doesn’t want me. Turning around, I face him with anger evident across my face. “Is there some place you would prefer I sit?” I ask hastily, showing how much his game playing is getting to me.

  “Why yes, yes I would.” Davide motions to the couch with the scattered pillows across it and I take a seat. He sits very closely beside me, close enough I feel his leg pressing against my own. A few moments of silence pass us by and I decide to speak up about the note mishap.

  “I’m not happy about being told to be ready by a certain time, when you truly had no intention of honoring it.”

  Davide wraps his right arm around me, skimming his index finger over my shoulder in random patterns. “Something you should realize now sweetheart. You always need to be ready to leave at a moment’s notice. It was more of a practice run.” For some odd reason I don’t feel that this was a test, but more of a preparation.

  “You strike me as the type of man who keeps everyone in his life on their toes. Am I wrong?”

  He chuckles, “No, you’re accurate. Answer me this, what’s the fun in being on time and prepared. Where’s your spontaneity?”

  “I’m a whore, remember. My life is constantly dictated by my clients.”

  Davide frowns, narrowing his eyes. “I hate that word, whore. It’s disgusting, and one I’d rather you not refer to yourself as. You aren’t disgusting, Belladonna. You . . . are a work of art.” He brings his finger around my head, dragging it along my jaw bone, down my collar bone and finally to my sternum before he pulls his hand away suddenly.

  “Anyway, we’re off to Munich for some business I have.”

  “What do you do?” I ask, attempting to pull my mind out of the gutter. The way he touched me caused the same warmth I was feeling the previous night to come shooting back, almost like it never left.

  Clearing his throat, his expression shifts to something most serious. “I’m in the mafia.”

  “I’m sorry, w-what?” I choke my response out.

  “I’m in the mafia, sweetheart. It’s best you know that now.”

  What in the fuck? Isn’t there a code of silence or something? “Why would you tell me that?”

  He narrows his brows, “Why would I hide it from you? There’s no fun in it, and it puts you in danger. It’s best you know what you signed up for.”

  Holy mother of God. I was right. Davide is going to be unlike any other client.

  Chapter 6


  Our flight went by smoothly, just not what was expected. The pilot had told me earlier today he was worried about running into some turbulence, although we were rather lucky. We arrived to Munich a few minutes early.

  Belladonna was quiet for a while, but the silence doesn’t bother me. If anything I revel it, like a pig in mud. It feels natural. I didn’t allow the silence to continue the entire ride, digging things out of her, needing some sort of communication.

  Sure, I wasn’t alone considering there was an attendant and Giuseppe was sitting behind us as well. Nothing against Giuseppe, but he’s horrid company. The man is boring, like a blank wall.

  After the attendants informed me we could disembark the plane I took Belladonna’s hand in my own, touching her in the way I’d show the slightest affection to a woman who was actually my girlfriend. We walked down to the rented car Giuseppe acquired for our travel and slid into the back seat. He had shut the door for us, got in the front and took us out of the private airstrip’s property, traveling straight toward downtown Munich.

  The Clansmen prefer to use priv
ate airports opposed to public ones. Things can get entirely too messy there. Too many people spot you, or you might strike up too much conversation. Point is, we don’t advertise who we are or what we do. Unless you’re me, being honest with a woman I’ve hired to accompany me for multiple lengths of time.

  Ion and Mariana would have my head for being so open with a stranger. Although, I can’t keep someone in danger and not notify them of such a thing. The mere matter of the fact is Belladonna could be killed at any moment with me, or worse, she could be kidnapped and tortured. If she were to make the decision she was uncomfortable with my company, I’d allow her to go back to Miss. Bianchi and find another client of whom she’d be much safer with.

  Giuseppe takes us to where we’re staying at, in one of the most lavish hotels in the city and directly across from it is a restaurant which is owned by a fellow Clansmen’s wife, Carla. He’s just opened the door for Belladonna and I. “Are you hungry?” I ask, not really caring what her answer is. I’ve already made up my mind on the matter.

  “No, not really.” She admits.

  “Great, I’m starved too.” I tell her with a chuckle, dragging her along with me. We go toward the crosswalk on the cobblestone streets and I notice how men and women look at her. They can’t tear their eyes away from her beauty in this gold tight dress. I haven’t told her this yet, but I love the way it has ruching in the middle. It accentuates her flat stomach in the most scrumptious of ways. I imagine what it would be like to drag my tongue along her tanned skin, but must tear myself away from the idea. If I keep going down this route nothing will stop me from bending her over and fucking her silly in front of all these strangers. I’m pretty sure it’s not legal here.

  I hear her mutter under her breath why she even bothers answering me. I hear a man a few feet behind us lowly “Mmm,”

  Ensuring my hand is planted half way on her ass now, I turn back to face him. He must be in his mid-twenties, possibly younger. These men are always cocky bastards, which makes them much more fun to fuck with. “I hope you like the look you’re getting right now, because she’s mine.” I turn Belladonna towards my body, keeping my right hand on her ass and pull her toward me. My left hand wraps around her hair, tugging it backwards as I press my lips to the nape of her neck. I smirk, looking up at the kid and continue to taunt him. “She’s going to wither and moan all night long, just for me my friend. Have you ever had a woman beg you for more, pleading with you to take them in any way you want? Mmm, my Belladonna here, she’ll have her every pleasure met.” I kiss her on the corner of her mouth, releasing her hair and let her stand back up normally.

  Her eyes and mine lock for a split moment, showing me she enjoyed what I just did. Most wouldn’t, but I’m seeing how Belladonna isn’t like most women. While we’re busy staring at one another, still waiting for the sign to change her eyes widen and she jumps. “What just happened?” I ask her as she moves her body in front of me.

  “He just grabbed my ass,” She admits, looking to the man who is now walking away from us.

  “Stay here and don’t you fucking move,” I order her, running after the coward of a boy who doesn’t know to keep his hands to himself. Fuck, I taunted him too much with her. This is my fault.

  I catch up to him, grab him by the back of the collar and shove him to the ground. Pulling out my Swiss & Wesson Model 10. I pull back the safety and aim it between his eyes, “Is touching a woman who doesn’t belong to you really worth dying?”

  “I . . . I—”

  My hand is yanked back and a shot is fired. Shifting my stance I prepare to tear whoever intervened apart. Only, I can’t.

  Standing in front of me is a woman wearing a gold dress, shaking her head from side to side. “He doesn’t deserve it. He’s a kid, Davide. He’s just a stupid fucking kid. Please, put your gun away.”

  Inhaling a sharp breath through my nose, I look back to the kid who’s obviously pissed himself. “Today is your lucky day. My sweet Belladonna thinks you’re worth saving. Go, and don’t ever let me see your fucking face again.” The young man scrambles, darting as fast as he can in the opposite direction.

  I put my gun away and glare at her now that the boy is gone. “Don’t you ever fucking grab my arm like that again. Especially when I have a gun in my hand. I could’ve killed you,” I snap, returning my hand to hers I drag her along with me. We go about thirty feet before she tears her arm away.

  “What choice did I have? You were going to kill him. I couldn’t just stand back and let it happen.”

  I scoff, preparing to lose my composure. “Do you know what type of men they turn into, men like that? They join gangs and rape women in alleyways. They believe they’re above the law. They don’t think they’re accountable for anything.”

  “Sounds like you’re describing yourself,” Belladonna counters, rage evident in those light eyes of hers.

  Normally, I wouldn’t be so angry, but my patience is wearing thin. I grab her by the neck and shove her against the closest building. “I may do a lot of questionable things, sweetheart. But don’t you dare compare me to one of them. I would never take a woman without her consent. I might be an animal, but I’m not a fucking monster.” Releasing her throat, I pull myself away from the situation and walk twenty or so feet closer to the crosswalk.

  I shut my eyes and breathe in and out, trying my best to relax myself. I could’ve fucking killed her for what she said to me. Fuck, who am I kidding. I don’t want to kill her, I just want to plow my cock inside her cunt and teach her a fucking lesson on how she should be speaking to me.

  The clicking of heels against the stone grow closer and surprisingly enough, Belladonna is the one who makes the move to grab my hand. “You said we were hungry, so we’d better feed you before you become an even hangrier animal.” She states, attempting to make light of the situation.

  The crosswalk indicates we’re good to go through, so we walk across the street and enter my friends’ restaurant. The entire atmosphere makes you feel like you’re in an industrial, rustic sort of garden. They even have full walls made up of living, breathing plants.

  “Ah, Mr. Lupei. It’s such a pleasure to see you again. Would you prefer your usual table?” The hostess immediately asks.

  “Yes, dear. Though, this time I will need a second set of cutlery and dishes. I’ve brought my girlfriend with me,” I say.

  The hostess blushes, “Of course, sir. I must say, it’s great to see you bring someone here. You often come here by your lonesome.”

  I glance to Belladonna, and for the life of me, I don’t know why I say this. “Yes, well, you bring special people to special places.”

  “Awe,” The hostess mews, escorting the two of us up the stairwell and walks us to the back corner of the VIP area. Carla and Philippe have added a VIP area to every restaurant they own within the last year. The VIP area is reserved specifically for celebrities and those we associate with in the mafia.

  I pull out a chair for Belladonna and take the seat across from her. In the meantime the hostess has handed us our menus. “Please tell our server I’ll take my usual drink. My lady would like your finest Pinot Grigio, and please bring the bottle.”

  “Certainly. Your server will be with you momentarily.” She states before she walks off.

  A few minutes pass by until our waiter has brought out the bottle for Belladonna and pours her drink. He then hands me a tequila on the rocks, but I can tell it’s not my typical order. This fool brought me rail, the lowest quality tequila. It stinks. “You will go back and get me what I order.” I inform him, handing the drink back.

  “A tequila, correct, sir?”

  I grimace, “You didn’t bring me tequila. You brought me rat piss, idiot. Do I look like a man who orders rat piss? Actually, don’t answer that. I order the best of the best. Am I expected to believe this is your top shelf tequila?”

  The boy is barely eighteen, and it’s obvious with the way he shakes in his shoes. He’s shaking so badly and Belladonn
a shrieks. Immediately my eyes avert to her and I see how the tequila is all over her skin.

  Clenching my jaw and hands, I glare at the kid. “Well, now you’ve created a mess. There’s only one way she’ll rid that stink off her skin. You’d best slide your tongue across her and make sure you get it all up.”

  “But . . . I . . . um, I—” He stutters.

  “Don’t think I’ll be doing it. I can’t stand the smell or the taste.”

  “Davide, you can’t be serious.” Belladonna says with widened eyes.

  A woman wearing a deep plum color comes strutting up. She walks so quickly I can’t make out her face, but I recognize that ass and long curly hair. Carla’s already dipped her head down to Belladonna’s chest, dragging her tongue along her skin. She lifts her head, staring at her employee.

  “You’re free to go. See, the problem’s solved. Now run along and fetch the best bottle of tequila we have. Bring the entire thing here.”

  Carla stands up straight and Philippe comes walking up behind her, snickering at his wife’s antics. “Davide, what a splendid surprise. We didn’t think you’d be back in town for a few days.” Carla states.

  “I came to ensure things were moving smoothly.” I tell them.

  “And who is this lovely woman you have with you?” Philippe asks, taking Belladonna’s hand in his own he plants a kiss on it.

  “This is Belladonna, my girlfriend.” I say.

  Carla giggles, “Your girlfriend, got it. What happened to the last one we saw you with, in London about two months ago?”

  I clear my throat, “We decided to part ways.” In actuality, she got pregnant by someone else she was seeing. Thank fuck it wasn’t my kid.

  I glance over to Belladonna and notice how hard her nipples are. I can’t help but wonder if Carla’s touch riled her up just a tad.

  Carla looks to Belladonna and sees what I’m seeing. Carla and Philippe have a bit of a reputation for swinging around with other couples. They’re fully committed to the other, but they enjoy having a bit of fun sexually.


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