We Own Tonight

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We Own Tonight Page 3

by Corinne Michaels

  “Nic,” I call her over because there is no way I’m not telling someone.


  “He wants me to wait after the show,” I yell in her ear.

  Her face brightens. “No way!”

  “It’s got to be a misunderstanding, right?” I ask.

  “Or he wants you.”

  “No!” She’s on crack. There’s no way in hell he “wants” me. That’s dumb.

  “He already knows you love him.” She smirks.

  “Whatever. There’s no way I am going to wait.”

  “The hell you aren’t!” Nicole crosses her arms. “We’re staying. We’re going to find out what Eli Walsh wants because you’d be an idiot not to.”

  Yeah, I’m an idiot all right—not because I don’t want to meet him but because I do. Very much.

  Chapter Three


  “Good show,” Adam says as he cracks his neck. “I’m getting too old for this shit.”

  “You are old.”

  “You’re older than I am,” Adam reminds me.

  Even though I’m forty-two, I enjoy the rush of performing. I’d just like it not to be so rough on my aging body. I don’t remember having to take this many painkillers a few years ago, but between the traveling, shit food, and performing—I feel old as fuck.

  Even though I love acting much more than I thought I would, I love the fans more. I don’t have this kind of fun when I’m stuck on a set all day.

  I look over at my brother, “Randy is older than all of us, so there’s that.”

  “Fuck off,” Randy tosses back. “We’ve got a few weeks before we need to meet up again since the tour is over. I’m going to head home to Savannah. She said the kids are acting up. It’s time for Daddy to come lay the smack down.”

  “Right.” I laugh. Those kids have him wrapped around his finger. “We all know Vannah is who they listen to.”

  “Don’t piss in my Cheerios.”

  “We’re heading out to the meet and greet.” Shaun slaps my leg. “You coming?”

  I gave my manager strict instructions to get that girl back here. I practically drew him a map on how to find her. She better be there or I’m canning his ass. I loved watching her face while I sang to her. She was like a deer in the headlights as I laid it on thick. I almost lost my shit when she yelled out that she loved me. She couldn’t cover her face fast enough.

  It was cute.

  I like cute.

  I also haven’t gotten laid in about a month, so this seems perfect. Especially if she’s good in bed. Plus, since we’re done touring and my mother has been up my ass about spending time with her, I’m sticking around Tampa for a few weeks anyway. It may be nice to have a distraction until I start filming the next season of A Thin Blue Line in two months.

  “Let’s go meet the people.” I stand, stretching my arms over my head. What I want to say is, “Let’s go find the blonde.”

  We’re contractually obligated to attend a meet and greet at every show. I fucking hate it. It’s always the same shit. We sit back in the lounge and drink while girls tell us the same things over and over. I’m glad they love us. I’m glad they’ve been listening to us since they were thirteen, but I don’t give a shit. It only reminds me how old I am.

  If she’s there, though, I’m going to thoroughly enjoy myself. I’m going to watch those brown eyes fill with pleasure while I make her lose her mind.

  “You had Mitch bring the blonde back, huh?” Randy asks as he throws shit in his bag.


  The guys leave the room while I hang back to talk to Randy.

  He chuckles. “You’re going to knock up one of these girls someday.”

  I roll my eyes. “The fuck I am. I learned that lesson on our first world tour. I’ve been at this for twenty years and haven’t had that happen yet. No mini Elis or Eliettes running around here.”

  “That you know of,” Randy retorts.

  We could go back and forth, but the one thing is . . . I’m careful. There’s no freaking way I’m getting saddled with some kid from a groupie. I know better. Plus, Mitch is a scary prick. We’re his bread and butter. No way does he want some stupid shit taking away from his chance to make money. I know firsthand how easy he can make things disappear.

  “Don’t worry about me.”

  He stops putting things in the bag and gives me his serious look. “Like that’ll ever happen.”

  Randy is two years older, and since our dad skipped out when we were kids and then died two years later, he thinks it’s his job to protect me.

  “Seriously, Ran. Stop. Be my fucking brother for once.”

  He huffs. “Fine. I think you need to grow up, Eli. You’re over forty, never married, no kids, not even a serious girlfriend since—”

  “Don’t say her name.” I put my hand up. “I don’t want to even think about her tonight.”

  Randy knows better. I don’t talk about her. At all.

  “Fine, but Vannah is worried, too.”

  “Savannah couldn’t care less about my love life. What you meant to say is Mom is worried. She’s probably chewing Vannah’s ear off about it, so she’s coming to you.”

  My mother is the queen of meddling. She’s like a damn parakeet, “Eli needs a wife. Eli needs a wife.” I hear it all the damn time.

  “No, it’s not Mom. It’s everyone. Stop the partying and random girls. Find someone who actually has a brain. You can’t tell me you’re satisfied with your life.”

  “I can tell you I’m done listening to you.” I lean back and cross my arms.

  Why do people think I need to be married to be happy? When did that become the definition of success and contentment?

  Randy hoists his bag over his shoulder and smirks. I can practically read the thoughts in his mind. He thinks he has me. He has all the answers for why I need to live the life he thinks I should be living.

  “And what about when things get tougher for you?”

  And he just hit the only sore spot I have.

  “Now I’m done.”

  I flip him off and walk out. As soon as I enter the hallway, I hear the screams. I’m really not in the mood anymore, but I have to at least appear. I wave to the girls who couldn’t get in and head to the meet and greet where I hope she’s waiting.

  There are days when this life is exhausting. I work my ass off and don’t get to enjoy it nearly as much as I thought I would. It’s all work all the time in my life. This business has a life expectancy, and I’m past it, which is why my focus has shifted to my show and movie projects. That is where I feel normal. I’m surrounded by people who don’t care who I was all those years ago. I’m an actor, a friend, a fucking human. When I’m on tour, it’s different.

  Acting gives me way more freedom than the band ever did, too. I have more days off, no days on the bus, and a nice long break between filming. I don’t know how these other musicians constantly tour.

  I turn the corner, and the music from the after party fills the air. The bass is loud, and the lights are dimmed, which means the girls are most definitely primed. My mind is set on one thing: convincing the blonde to spend the night with me. My mind has been consumed by her, and I move quickly, hoping she’s there.

  I haven’t been this excited about a girl in a long time. There is no such thing as normal dating for performers. No woman wants to put up with the tabloids, groupies, and the fact that her man is never around. I sure as fuck wouldn’t.

  “Eli,” a girl I don’t know croons. “There you are.”

  She’s hot, but not the girl I’m searching for.

  “I’ll find you later,” I brush her off.

  I glance around the dark room, but I don’t see her. A few other girls approach me. I give them my customary smile while still scanning the faces for the one I’m looking for. She should be here. That’s the one good thing about our manager—he does his damn job.

  Finally, a few people move, and I see her. She’s standing in the corn
er with her friend. Her long blonde hair is pulled to the side, showing off the skin on her shoulder, while she’s sipping a beer. I love a woman who drinks from a bottle. It’s sexy and down to earth. Shows me she isn’t all high maintenance and can hang with the boys.

  I push my way through the crowd and beeline right toward her. “You made it,” I say, scaring her a little.

  “Oh—” She clears her throat. “I-I . . . you said? I mean, you did tell me to, right?”

  “Since you told me you love me, and I serenaded you, I figured we should meet officially.”

  Her brown eyes widen as her bashful smile flashes. She’s even prettier than I remember. Her body curves in all the right places. Everywhere a man wants to lay his hands is carved to perfection. It’s clear she’s physically fit, and I’m ready to see what’s beneath those clothes.

  “I’m Nicole.” Her friend extends her hand. She then gives me one of those looks that tells me she’s watching me. I see why the blonde brought her. Smart move.

  “Eli.” I return the gesture with my most sincere smile.

  “I’m Heather, by the way.”

  “Heather,” I repeat, allowing her name to roll off my tongue. “Want another beer?” Her face turns red. “Did I say something?”

  “No,” she says as her hand touches my arm. “I’m sorry. I’m just nervous.”

  I like that I keep her slightly off kilter. Most of the girls that come back here are almost too sure of themselves. Like we should be so lucky to have chosen them. Then, it’s sexual promises and over the top offers. Ninety percent of the time, I never even go there. I guess after this long, I’ve become picky.

  I blame my niece and nephew. I’m not saying I want to settle down, because that’s the last thing I need, but it would be nice to have someone to talk to once in a while. I’m surrounded by actresses most of the time, so I’ve had enough fake relationships.

  “Don’t be nervous,” I try to reassure her.

  Heather smiles and tucks her hair behind her ear. Is there anything this girl won’t do that I find attractive? I must be losing my mind. “It was a great show.”

  “I’m glad you thought so.” And I am. I sang and danced my ass off. Whenever we come home, we give a little more. “I enjoyed a few parts more than others.”

  “Me, too.” Her eyes brighten.

  “Why don’t we go somewhere a little more private and talk? The after-show area is always crammed, and I won’t be able to avoid everyone.”

  She looks at Nicole and then back at me. Nicole nudges her a little, and I decide that girl is my new best friend. Of course, I want to do a lot more than talk, but first, I want to get her away from all the noise.

  I catch my manager’s attention and jerk my head in Nicole’s direction. He’ll make sure she stays occupied.

  “I don’t know.”

  “I promise, this place will become something neither of us want to be a part of.” I go for the truth, hoping she’ll catch my drift. “I just want to talk, if that’s what you want.” So, I lie a little.

  Nicole smiles, whispers in her ear, and shoves her forward. I extend my hand, hoping that her friend helped me out a little. Heather looks down and then entwines our fingers.

  Fuck this is going to be a good night.

  Chapter Four


  Oh my God. Oh my God. I’m going to a private place with Eli. What the hell am I thinking? I’m not. Clearly, I’m having some kind of out-of-body experience. I would never do this. Yet, here I am, holding his hand and walking away from the meet and greet.

  “You okay?” His deep voice is laced with concern.

  “I’m great.” I’m such a liar.

  “Yeah? Because you’re shaking.”

  My entire body is trembling. I haven’t pinpointed whether it’s because I’m excited or scared out of my fucking mind. I’m pretty sure it’s the latter. I focus on my breathing. I’m in high stress situations all the time, this should be a cake walk.

  This is, as Nicole says, hooking up. Apparently, people do this all the time and it’s normal. I can be normal. I can put all this crazy shit aside and be in the moment.

  Just let tonight be what it is and enjoy it.

  I clear my throat and smile. “This kind of stuff never happens to me.”

  He chuckles as he comes to a stop in front of the tour bus. “What kind of stuff?”

  “This,” I say a little high-pitched. “I don’t typically drink, scream at random people, get serenaded, get asked backstage, and now . . .” I trail off. There’s no way I’m finishing that statement, because I don’t know what exactly is happening. Maybe he wants to ask me about something dumb. He may not want sex. I don’t know that I want sex.

  That’s a lie.

  I totally want sex. I want to let loose like Nicole told me to. To be completely without fear of consequence for just one night. I’m always responsible. My life is practically a billboard for sensibility. I uphold the law, care for my sister, work to support myself and Steph, volunteer at the youth center, but I never let loose.

  I’m going to have fun. Well, if he wants to.

  Thank you Jesus for beer. Or whichever person made it.

  “What do you want to happen, Heather?” Eli’s eyes smolder as he tugs me close.

  Oh. Fuck. Me.

  “I-I . . .” my mouth goes dry.

  His hands move around my hips as he shifts us so my back is against the door of the bus. He’s so close. Eli’s touch travels up my sides until he stops at my neck. “Well? We can talk or we can do something else.”

  I think back to what Nicole said. “Let go for one night.” And for tonight, I’m going to fulfill my teenage fantasy. I’m going to sleep with Eli Walsh . . . on a tour bus . . . after an FBD concert.

  My back straightens as I muster my inner Nicole. I press my body against his, hooking my hand around his back. “I think we can find something else to do.”

  His green eyes flash with surprise before his mouth collides against my lips. Every inch of his body is flush with mine. Our lips move in harmony as he fumbles for the door handle. As soon as the door opens, we fall back. He walks me backward up the steps and through the vehicle without missing a beat or stumbling.

  I lose myself in his kiss. He isn’t soft or gentle. No, he devours me. It’s passion unbridled. Neither of us worry about finesse. This is unlike any kiss I ever shared with Matt. He was slow, cold, and perfunctory. There was no need.

  I need this. I need to escape my mind.

  Eli pushes me where he wants me while holding my head in his grip. My fingers roam his body as we continue to move. He opens the door to the bedroom. “Bed,” he mutters before his lips find mine again.

  I pull at his shirt, breaking the kiss as I tear it off. “Wow,” I say as my eyes take in his chest. My fingers move slowly over his pecs and then down toward his abs, rising and falling over each valley and divot. He doesn’t have an ounce of fat on him, and I can feel every flex and pulse beneath my fingertips.

  “You’re beautiful.” His soulful eyes lock on mine as he pushes my hair back.

  “I’m average.”

  His gaze rakes over my body before coming back to mine. “There’s nothing average about you, Heather.”

  That’s all I need. My hand grasps his neck, and I bring his mouth back to me. No one has ever made me feel like this. And I’m still dressed.

  He uses his weight to push me onto the bed. I revel in the feel of him braced above me. It’s Eli fucking Walsh. Before I know it, my shirt is coming off, and I’m grabbing for his buckle. I undo it before he rolls me on top of him.

  Our lips move in perfect unison, and my heart beats out of my chest. In the back of my mind, I know how out of character this is for me, but I can’t stop. I want to be wild and crazy. The fact that I’m going to sleep with Eli is a little overwhelming, but it feels right. Maybe because I’ve dreamed of him since I was a kid. Maybe it’s because I’m drunk as hell. Either way, it’s happening. />
  I sit up, fully on display as I unhook my bra. My blonde hair spills in front of me, giving me a little coverage. Our eyes lock, and I glide the straps down.

  Eli grins beneath me as the material falls away. I’m not fully exposed, but it’s enough for him to see what he wants. “You have perfect tits,” his deep voice is smooth as silk. “Move your hair, baby. I want to see all of you.” Eli puts his hands behind his head, watching with rapt attention.

  I do as he says. Again, totally out of character. I’m always in charge, but I surrender to him without question and pull my hair back before lowering closer to him. My breasts hang, just barely brushing against his chest. “I never do this.”

  “Do what?” He lifts his hand and rubs his finger across my cheek.

  “Casual sex.”

  “Seems I’m breaking a lot of your rules.”

  I struggle to keep my voice steady. “I would say so.”

  “Do you want to stop?” His fingers slide down my neck and over my breast before he rubs tiny circles around my nipple.


  He smiles. “Do you like the way I touch you? The way my fingers feel against your skin?”

  “Yes,” I admit.

  “How bad do you want this?” Eli asks as he takes my nipple between his thumb and forefinger.

  There are no words. I’ve been tasered, and this is more electric. Every inch of me is humming. I want this to never end. One-night stands aren’t all that bad, I’ve been missing out.

  I drop down and kiss his lips.

  “Heather?” He pulls my attention back. “Answer me.”

  “What was the question?”

  He chuckles. “Do you want me to fuck you?”

  “Yes,” I moan.

  As soon as I say the word, he rolls me onto my back. His hands grip my breasts as he massages and kneads. I close my eyes and lose myself in his touch. Then I feel his tongue against my skin. The heat from his mouth and the cool air in the room sends shivers down my spine.

  I need more. I rock my chest up, silently begging. He sucks and licks the right side and then pays attention to the left. Eli starts to move lower, and I lift my head. No way is he going down on me. I can’t. I’ve only ever let Matt do that, and it was not a good experience.


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