Book Read Free

We Own Tonight

Page 14

by Corinne Michaels

  He lets me move toward him this time and guilt twists in my stomach. I never realized that he may feel judged by me. That’s never been my intention. I’m not one to judge anyone, and Eli has never made me feel small or less.

  “I’m so sorry,” I say as I touch his arm. “I shouldn’t have said those things. I don’t think your life is just glamour, and if I insinuated that, I’m truly sorry.”

  His eyes meet mine, and he rocks back on his heels. “I want you to see me, Heather. I want you to see the things that make me who I am, and they’re not fame.”

  “I never thought that’s who you are, Eli.”

  He extends his hand, and I don’t hesitate to take it. He’s right—this isn’t about whatever people are going to think, it’s about Ellington and me. It’s about the man who keeps coming around, making me smile, and making me feel special.

  Eli kisses my cheek and lets out a heavy sigh. “Let’s go.”

  For the first time since we entered the parking garage, I look around. Where are all the cars? I count a total of twelve. Twelve cars on a Wednesday at Busch Gardens? I know it’s a weekday, but this place is always packed.

  “Where is everyone?”

  “I told you it wasn’t what you thought.”

  Did he rent out the damn park? My heart starts to race as my mind goes crazy. What did he do? “Eli,” I say his name tentatively. “Why is no one here?”

  He smiles and squeezes my hand. “I know your cop senses are flashing, but for once, just trust me and relax.”

  Cop senses? Huh. Now that he says that, I guess I do have them. I’m naturally untrusting and always want information. It’s power in my job and allows me to stay safe. If I’m not informed when I run into a call, I might get shot, which would suck.

  “I can do that,” I say with as much conviction as I can muster.

  Eli chuckles, which I ignore. He doesn’t realize that I may have cop senses, but I’m also extremely competitive. If he doubts my ability to do something, I will find a way to do it. So, he wants me to relax, game on, buddy.

  We get to the front gate, and they let us right in. I open my mouth to ask him another question and quickly close it.

  We wait in the front and a man comes over. “Mr. Walsh, good morning. I’m Mr. Shea, I’ll be making sure today goes smoothly. Your publicist called and gave all the names over, they’ve all been added to the list. Timothy should be here in the next ten minutes.”

  “Great.” Eli’s voice is full of authority. “This is Ms. Covey, she’ll be with me through the day, and I’d like to ensure whatever she needs or wants during the day will be tended to.”

  Mr. Shea agrees. “Of course.”

  “Timothy is obviously my main concern. I want him to have the time of his life. Have the harnesses been acquired?” Eli questions. I probably look a bit crazy as my attention bounces back and forth between the two.

  “Yes, we have everything that his team listed.”

  “Timothy?” I ask aloud. Does he have a kid? Am I meeting his son? Panic starts to flood, and Eli grips my hand tighter.

  “He’s an eleven-year-old kid from the Make-A-Wish Foundation. Timothy has terminal cancer, and one of his wishes was to meet me and ride some roller coasters. So, I rented out the park for the day so Timothy and I can ride until he’s content. We have a big day in store for him.”

  That isn’t at all what I expected, and it makes my heart sputter. Each emotion possible hits me all at once. Sadness for Timothy mixed with awe for Eli. He took time, and God knows how much money, to ensure this little boy has a day to remember.

  I’ve been so wrong about him.

  He’s nothing like I could’ve ever known. He’s everything.

  Without thinking, I face him, grip his face in my hands, and kiss him. It isn’t long or passionate, it’s just all my emotions. I needed to kiss him because words wouldn’t explain what I think.

  His eyes shine with adoration, and his smile almost knocks me on my ass.

  “Told you it wasn’t what you thought.” He taps my nose.

  Mr. Shea shows us to the area where Timothy will be coming in. He has no idea that Eli is here or what the day is. Just that he’s coming to the park. Eli made arrangements for his family and ten of his friends from the baseball team he played on before he was sick to come to the park, too.

  We stand in an obscure part of the entrance so he doesn’t see Eli until it’s time. “Thank you for letting me be a part of this,” I say when we’re alone.

  “You may not thank me if you’re not big on rides.” He laughs.

  “I haven’t been to an amusement park since Stephanie was a kid.”


  I nod. “She got sick when she was in her first year of college. It’s kind of hard to fit in roller coaster rides when you’re shuffling between doctor appointments and testing. Plus, sometimes, she loses control of her hands and legs.”

  Eli looks away and sighs.

  “You okay?” I ask.

  He looks back with a sad smile. “Yeah, just thinking . . .”

  “He’s here.” Mr. Shea appears before I can ask what he’s thinking about. “We’ll lead you out this way if you’re ready.”

  Eli pauses to glance back at me. My own excitement spikes at the thought of how happy he’s about to make this kid.

  “Go.” I smile. “I’ll be right behind you.”

  He follows Mr. Shea out, and I follow. I can’t wait to see this. I’ve seen these things on television but never in person.

  Timothy’s family all have big smiles as they see Eli come into view. I stay back, not wanting to miss a thing. Timothy’s back is to us and Eli moves quietly. A few kids see Eli, and their eyes get big, jaws go slack, and they point. Timothy spins his wheelchair around and covers his open mouth with his hands. The joy, surprise, and awe are bursting from this child.

  Eli moves quickly and crouches in front of him. Timothy’s arms wrap around Eli’s shoulders and tears fill his eyes. He keeps shaking his head and looking back at Eli. I stand here with tears falling from my face. I think about my sister and how this family feels. The small amount of joy Eli brought them in a life filled with so much heartbreak. Knowing that Eli made this little boy’s dream come true crumbles the last defensive wall I have against this man.

  Eli takes the time to hug the kids and shake everyone else’s hands. The boys jump around and snap pictures of him with Timothy.

  His eyes meet mine, and I swipe my face, praying I don’t have mascara running. He motions me over, and I plaster a smile on my lips.

  “Timothy, this is my friend Heather. She loves roller coasters, too.”

  I squat and shake his hand. “It’s nice to meet you. Though, I have to be honest, I’m a little scared of heights,” I admit. “Do you think they’ll be too scary for me?”

  He grins. “No way, that’s the best part, when you want to puke because it’s so high.”

  “Good to know,” I joke.

  He looks back at Eli as if he’s the coolest thing he’s ever seen. “Eli, you’re not scared, right?”

  “Not a chance. I think we should try to make Heather as scared as we can. Maybe we can make her ride so many times in a row she gets sick,” he says conspiratorially.

  Timothy’s eyes light up. “That would be so fun!”

  Great. Now I’m going to have not only Eli but also Timothy and his friends trying to get me to puke.

  “How about we go have some fun, bud? The whole park is ours so there are no lines!”


  It is pretty awesome. If I were a kid, I would think this is like Christmas morning. To get an entire amusement park to myself and my closest friends would’ve been the best thing ever. He and his friends make a plan on the most efficient way to get all the rides in as the adults try to get them to focus.

  Timothy’s mom, Cindi, walks over, wraps her arms around Eli, and cries while letting out a laugh. “I can’t thank you enough for this. He never could
have handled a day with crowds, and you’re his idol.”

  “I’m happy to do it. He seems like such a great kid.”

  “He watches your show each week. He can tell you everything you’ve done to save the day.”

  Eli laughs. “I used to watch cop shows with my dad as a kid.”

  “He always wanted to be a police officer.” She looks wistfully at her son. “I hate that he’ll never be able to do that.”

  Eli places his hand on her shoulder and squeezes. “If there’s anything I can do.”

  Cindi shakes her head. “You have no idea what this will mean to him. To hang out with you and have a day where it isn’t about cancer. He can just be a kid today.”

  The parallels I feel for his mother are everywhere. I know the fear, the hate, and helplessness she feels. Watching her son smile because of the man in front of me will carry her through the dark days. He has no idea that this gesture will not only mean the world to Timothy but also to all those around him.

  He turns back to me, taking my hand in his. “My girlfr—” His lips press together, stopping the word. “Heather is a police officer, I’m sure Timothy will love hearing real stories from her.”

  She smiles at me. “Oh, if he finds that out, you’re in big trouble.”

  I laugh. “I’m happy to take him on a ride along if I can get clearance from my boss.”

  Her smile is huge, and she pulls me into her arms. “Bless you both.”

  “Mom!” Timothy yells, breaking the moment the three of us were sharing. “You gotta see this, Mom! Eli, are you coming?”

  “I’ll be right there, dude. I just need to take care of something.”

  Timothy waves, and his friends run with him in the wheelchair all screaming and laughing.

  Eli turns back to me and grins. “Are you okay with this being our date today?”

  “Oh my God, I’m more than okay with it. Thank you for letting me be here.”

  His hand cups my cheek, and I lean into his touch. He looks over my shoulder and then back to me. “I have another surprise for today.”

  “You do?”

  His gaze shifts, and I follow it.

  Never in a million years would I have guessed this would be the surprise.

  But sure enough, my sister is coming toward me with a huge smile. Anthony pushes her in the wheelchair, and I gasp.

  Stephanie holds her arms out, and I run to her. “I told you I’d see you!” She laughs.

  I hug her tightly, overcome with another wash of emotion. “How?” I pull back. “How are you here?”

  She smiles and lifts her chin, motioning to Eli. “He came by the hospital and told me about today.”

  I turn to him, eyes wide and full of tears. “You met Stephanie?”

  “After our boat date,” he admits.

  “You went and spent time with my sister?”

  “She’s important to you, and she’s pretty cool.”

  I move quickly, jumping into his arms and wrapping my legs around his torso. He catches me and laughs. I lean back and plant my mouth to his. He’ll never truly get that this means more to me than anything else he could’ve done. I don’t need fancy things. I need someone to care. I need to rely on someone, which isn’t something I’ve had since I was eighteen.

  Here Eli stands, caring about me enough to take time to go on his own and meet Stephanie.

  “Get a room,” Stephanie jokes.

  I slide down his body and kiss him again. “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome, sweetheart.”

  We all enter the park, and Mr. Shea radios to find out where Timothy is. As we make our way there, I’m smiling so hard my cheeks hurt. My sister is with us, and we have the entire park to explore. Eli offers me a little bit more of his heart, and I give him a piece of mine.

  As we all make our way to the first ride, I grip Eli’s arm and stop him. I feel like I wasn’t clear enough about how much I appreciate what he did. “I don’t think I thanked you properly.”

  He smiles. “I think you leaping into my arms was clear.”

  “No.” I shake my head. “I don’t think you understand how much it means to me. For you not only to meet my sister but also to bring her here to something without me saying anything . . .”

  Eli turns, cups my face, and presses his forehead to mine. When he pulls back, his eyes are filled with something that simmers on the edge of love. “She’s important to you, which means that if you and I have any chance at a future, she’s important to me, too. I wanted to meet her and let her see what I’m doing isn’t a game. I’m not a guy who fucks around with people. I’ve always been honest of my intentions when it comes to you. I want your heart and your trust.”

  “I think you’re going to win it all.” The admission falls from my lips with ease.

  He grins. “I sure plan on it.”

  I don’t doubt he will, either. My heart races as I look in to his eyes, the determination stuns me. I’m not sure why this gorgeous man has decided he wants me. It baffles me, but I’m not questioning it anymore.

  He’s sweet, thoughtful, considerate, and I know that my heart has no chance of resisting him.

  “Eli! Come on! We need to get Heather on this ride!” Timothy yells, and Eli laughs, breaking away from me.

  “We’re coming,” he informs Timothy and takes my hand.

  We walk toward him, and then Eli stops, grabbing his leg and massaging his calf.

  “You okay?” I ask.

  “I’m fine, I’m just getting old.”

  I laugh and pat his back. “Aww is the big sexy rock star not able to keep up?”

  He pulls himself upright and smirks. “I’ll show you later.”

  Heat pools in my core at the promises he’s made about tonight. But Timothy cuts off my response.

  “Come on, guys! I bet Heather is going to cry when she sees this one!”

  Eli chuckles and looks at the roller coaster in front of us. “I bet she will, buddy. Wonder if the big bad police officer is too much of a chicken,” Eli taunts me by using the words I just did.

  I rise to the challenge. “Twenty bucks say you both scream like little girls!”

  “Game on.”

  The rest of the day, I ride more rollercoasters than I care to admit, most of them for Timothy’s amusement. He laughs each time my face pales at the peak of the incline and laughs hysterically each time I have to take a minute to settle my stomach. However, Timothy thinks that because I’m a cop, I have no fear. He eggs me on, and I agree because it’s pretty impossible to say no to this kid.

  Our day is perfect. I sneak kisses in with Eli and laugh with Stephanie after she actually does puke after the Scrambler ride.

  She and Timothy take long breaks together, talking about their stays at the hospital and how much they hate needles. It’s the first time in a long time that I’ve gotten to see her through the eyes of a big sister. Just as any good little sister would, she coerces Timothy to ask Eli to sing for the group.

  “Please, Eli,” Timothy whines. “I didn’t get to go to your concert last time because I was in the hospital.”

  “Come on,” Stephanie pipes in. “Timothy really wants to see this. You wouldn’t want to disappoint him, would you?”

  Eli lets out a nervous laugh and stands. “I don’t have my group or music, though.”

  “Who cares!” Timothy says. “I have my phone!” He grabs the phone from his pocket and puts on the song Eli sang to me at the concert.

  I smile at the memory of the night we met. It seems like so long ago, but it’s only been three weeks. It’s crazy how fast my feelings for him have changed. I giggle as he spins and does his best to entertain the crowd in a private concert.

  Apparently, Eli isn’t content being the center of attention, and decides to embarrass the shit out of me by pulling me out of the group. Once again, Eli serenades me. Only this time, it’s much more intimate, and I’m not drinking. He gets on his knees in front of me, belting out the lyrics, and in tr
ue fashion, I turn bright red. My limbs are numb and each time I try to move away, he pulls me closer.

  The song ends, and he bows as the group erupts with applause. Timothy claps the loudest and I bury my head in his chest, shielding myself from seeing anyone’s face.

  Once it’s over, we go back to the rides for a while more. The sun begins to set, and I wish I could freeze time. If today could last forever, I’d be happy. It’s been a day of celebration. It isn’t focused on what the people who are suffering can’t do, but all the ways they still live.

  Stephanie wheels herself over to Timothy, who looks so tired I think he may fall asleep right here. “So, did you have fun?” she asks him.

  He opens his eyes with a smile. “Today was awesome.”

  “I agree, kid.”

  “The cancer makes me so tired, and it’s in my bones now.” He rubs his arm and winces.

  Stephanie reaches her hand over, touching his. “I understand. I’ll need a lot of sleep tomorrow.”

  “It was worth it.” He yawns. “It was the best day of my life.”

  Stephanie smiles at me and Eli. “Anthony and I have to go. I’m exhausted and need to rest. My head hurts, and my muscles are tight.”

  “Do you want me to come with you?” I ask.

  “No!” She pretty much yells before dissolving into a giggle. “No, I’ll be fine, Heather. Stay with Eli and come see me tomorrow or the day after, okay?”

  Eli kisses her cheek, and her hand covers it. “Thank you. I really hope you stick around.”

  He grins. “I plan to.”

  “I love you,” she says to me.

  I kiss her forehead and smile. “I love you more.”

  I watch as Anthony fusses over her as they exit, and then we move over to Timothy hand in hand.

  “I’m glad I got to spend the day with you,” I say to him.

  “Me, too,” Timothy says and then looks at Eli. “I had so much fun.”

  Eli pulls his small body into his arms and holds him tight. “Thank you for giving me today, Timothy. I’ll never forget spending the day with you.”


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