We Own Tonight

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We Own Tonight Page 21

by Corinne Michaels

  He stops quickly, taking two big steps back, both of us breathing heavily. “Why did you stop?” I ask.

  “Fuck!” He bellows as he looks to the ceiling.

  I hop down. “What happened? Are you okay?”

  His eyes close, and he takes a few deep breaths. “I’m fine, just pissed, and I shouldn’t’ve taken it out on you.”

  I touch his cheek and smile. “Did it look like I minded? If that’s how you handle being pissed, then I may piss you off constantly.”

  He bursts out laughing and shakes his head. “I love you,” he says without hesitancy.

  We still haven’t said it since that night. I didn’t need him to, either, but my smile is wide. “I love you, too.”

  My hands rest on his chest. “I was worried I imagined that night.”

  “It’s been a long time since I’ve said that to anyone. I’ll be sure to tell you more often.”

  “You show me every day.”

  He kisses my nose and sighs. “That was my agent. The producer is livid, demanding I return to New York in twenty-four hours or I’ll be hearing from their legal team.”

  I’ve been selfish to think he could keep this up. We’ve both been living in our own dream world. He’s under contract. I can’t keep him here. “I’m doing fine now. You don’t have to stay for me.”

  “I’m not here because I don’t think you’re okay, Heather. I’m here because I can’t leave you. I don’t want to go to New York and not see your brown eyes when I wake up. There’s nothing up there for me, and you’re everything I need here.”

  I know he’s an actor, but there’s no doubting the sincerity in his words. Knowing that he wants to stay because he wants to be with me makes me fall even deeper. However, if he loses his job and has this big legal battle because of me, it could possibly cause a rift in our relationship.

  “You used to tell me you weren’t going anywhere, the same goes for me, babe. I’ll be right here when you get back. We have to trust that what we’ve found here is strong enough to endure a few months apart.”

  He starts to pace the room, and the air fills with his confliction. “I know that, but they’re being fucking ridiculous.”

  There’s nothing I’d love more than for him to stay, but it’s wrong. I walk over to him, lacing my fingers with his. He needs to go, and I need to be on board with it. As much as he says he’s not still here because he’s worried about me, I know a small part of him is. Maybe he’s not worried that I’m going to go catatonic again, but he’s still concerned. I need to ease his mind and get him back to work.

  “Eli, you have to go back to work. You’ve given them no timeframe so they’re going to make threats. It would be the same in my department. I don’t want you to leave, but we both know it’s what needs to be done. I’m going back to work in a week anyway. With as amazing as our little world we’ve made is, the reality is we can’t stay here.” I hate the words because they’re true. Our time together has been perfect. It’s been what we’ve needed, but now we have other things that we both have to face. “I love you, and part of loving each other is trusting that we can handle this. You love acting, I love my job, and we need to build our life where we have balance.”

  Eli doesn’t respond, he grabs the phone, dials, and waits. “I’ll be in New York in one week. If they want to sue me, I don’t fucking care. I’ll be there next Monday ready for work. Let them know that I have other priorities now, and I’m going to be coming to Tampa on weekends.”

  The phone goes sliding across the counter, and I smile. He’s going to come here on the weekends. Without a word, he takes my hands, guiding me upstairs. When we enter the bedroom, he pushes me onto the bed and climbs over me.

  “I have seven days with you.” His green eyes glimmer with lust. “Let’s see how many times I can make you scream my name.”

  Eli continues to surprise me each time we’re together. I’ve never known the kind of pleasure like he gives me. He’s rather proud of the fact that I scream his name multiple times. I’m not complaining, either.

  Sated, he passed out quickly and I lie awake next to him, watching him sleep. I want to do something special for him. When he talks about his life, it’s almost surreal. People are always doing things for him, but it isn’t like they care about him. They do it because it’s their job. No one ever really thinks about him.

  Thanks to my Wikipedia stalking, I know his birthday is going to be in two weeks. Since I’ll be back to work, and so will he, I want to celebrate with him early.

  So, I leave a note on my pillow that says I’d be back after I run a few errands and head out.

  My first phone call is to Savannah. I ask if they’d be willing to come to the house for a party in two days. Of course, she agrees and then goes on to give me a list of his favorite things and then offers to help make sure everyone can make it.

  After I have a list, I head to the grocery store. Eli’s favorite cake is German Chocolate, which is not exactly the easiest thing to bake for someone who knows what they are doing. I’m not that person. I love to eat cake, but I can’t make it. However, I want everything to be made by my hands. I can’t give him fancy things. I’m not rich or have people to call to get things done, all I can give him is my heart and my time.

  My phone pings with a text.

  Best Sex of My Life: Hey, babe. Where are you?

  He’s ridiculous. I can’t believe he changed his name in my phone again.

  Me: A little full of yourself, huh?

  * * *

  Best Sex of My Life: I have no idea what you mean.

  * * *

  Me: Really? The name in my phone keeps upping your game.

  * * *

  Best Sex of My Life: Well, it’s all true so far.

  I laugh. It’s these things. These little things that make him so endearing to me.

  Me: I’m not sure about this one. I’ve had better.

  * * *

  Best Sex of My Life: The hell you have.

  * * *

  Me: Wouldn’t you like to know . . .

  * * *

  Best Sex of My Life: I’ll show you when you get back. Start stretching because it’ll be one hell of a workout. Which leads me back to the first question, where are you?

  I smile as I think about what his face must look like, the prowl in his eyes, and how his jaw is set. I know damn well he’ll make good on his threat.

  Me: I’m out. I’ll be back soon. I love you.

  * * *

  Best Sex of My Life: I love you. See you soon . . . naked.

  I snort.

  I finish gathering ingredients and then stop at my house to unload them. I don’t want to tip him off about anything. Not that I initially intended it to be a surprise, but if I can pull it off, I’d like to try. Eli and I have pretty much planned to do nothing but be together this week, but I can be creative.

  I make my way back to his house—mansion—excited about my plans. I called my girls, inviting them as well. They love Eli, especially after seeing him with me these last few weeks, so they should be a part of his celebration.

  “Honey, I’m here,” I call out as I enter the house.

  “I’m in the kitchen,” Eli replies.

  I move toward the back of the house where I find him walking to the fridge.

  “You were gone a while, is everything all right?” Eli asks.

  “Yeah, I had some stuff I needed to do, and then I stopped at my place for some clothes.”

  We’ve been staying here more than at my house, and I was running out of things to wear, even though we spend most of the time by the pool or in bed.

  Eli moves back to the island and he winces. “You okay?”

  “Yeah,” he grumbles. “I did something to my foot getting out of bed.”

  “You really are getting old,” I say in a joking voice. “You’re falling apart, Gramps.”

  He cocks his head to the side and chuckles. “Keep it up, baby. You’re not that far behind me.”
  “I am not old! I can kick your ass any day of the week and twice on Sundays.”

  Eli grabs the sandwich and takes a huge bite. “Try me,” he says around a mouthful of food.

  I think he forgets that I’m a cop. I’ve wrestled big guys in bar fights, taken down punks who try to run, and battled with prisoners who think they can take on the world. My training is vast, and I’ve worked hard to know my strengths.

  Plus, most men don’t want to hurt a girl. It’s in their DNA. I take full advantage of that. It is also in their genetic make up not to get their ass kicked by a woman. I need to remember that.

  “So,” I say as I plop on the bar chair. “What do you want to do today?”

  “I was thinking we go on a date . . . a real date. Where you get dressed up, and I wine you, dine you, and then sixty-nine—”

  “Okay!” I cut him off. “Romantic.”

  He shrugs. “I thought so.”

  “People will see us.”


  “They’ll know you’re dating.”

  Eli puts the sandwich on his plate and leans on the counter. “Good.”

  “We won’t be able to hide.”

  He moves around toward me, still watching my reactions. “It’s not my life that will no longer be hidden, Heather. I’m ready for every woman to know that I’m not interested, the question is . . . are you?”

  My mind recalls the conversation with Savannah. I know that as soon as we step out from behind our curtain, all of that will follow, but I meant what I said to him. I’m not going anywhere. His life and mine are becoming entangled, and I don’t want to see what would become of me if the threads were cut.

  “People are looking at me,” I whisper as Eli looks over the menu.

  “Yup.” He grins. “You’re kind of hard to ignore.”

  I tilt my head and sigh. “Don’t be charming.”

  “Can’t help it. You bring out the romantic in me.” Eli shrugs and goes back to reading.

  I try to stop fidgeting, but it’s hard when I can feel people’s eyes on me. At least when we were in the park, I was invisible to the woman. Here, it’s the complete opposite.

  I straighten my back and follow his lead. I can do this. People look at me when I’m in uniform, so this is no different.

  The waitress takes our drink order, spending extra time attending to Eli’s request for water. I swear.

  “You look beautiful,” he says, taking my hand.

  I glance at my navy one-shoulder cocktail dress and then back to him. I spent extra time getting ready, making sure I looked like someone who belonged with him. My hair is curled and pulled over to the side, exposing my neck. The nude pumps I stole from Nicole six months ago are killing me, but I wore them. And even with the extra makeup, making me feel less like myself, I’m totally freaking out.

  “I feel like I’m naked in front of a crowd.” Once again, I look around at all the people, some of whom are whispering and staring.

  Eli’s mouth turns into a sly grin. “I would be perfectly fine with that as well.”

  I glare at him. “Funny.”

  “Relax, Heather.” Eli gives my hand a squeeze. “People look, and people talk, but we’re the only thing that matters right now.”

  He’s right. I’m on a date with Eli, and we both love each other. This is a part of who he is, and that means, it’ll be a part of my life. I might as well get used to it.

  “Okay, I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be sorry, it’s an adjustment, I’m sure. You get used to it.”

  Something to look forward to.

  The waitress returns, giving me a sour look. “Wine,” she places it in front of me while looking at Eli. I go to open my mouth to let her know she’s brought the wrong wine, but she turns her back to me. “And for you, Mr. Walsh, we’ve selected our top-of-the-line bottle of cabernet, on the house.”

  “Thank you,” he says politely and then his eyes meet mine. “However, my girlfriend ordered the Pinot Grigio, but you brought her red wine. Why don’t you fix her drink first since I only asked for water?”

  “Oh, I’m so sorry.” She grabs the glass and walks away quickly.

  “I think she might cry.” I fight back laughing. Her face was priceless. It’s clear she’s a fan, or at least thinks he’s hot, and he just dismissed her.

  Eli raises and drops his shoulder. “Maybe if she didn’t ignore you, then I wouldn’t have to be a dick.”

  I’ve never had someone love me like this. Thinking back, I’m not sure Matt ever defended me. I always felt like I was on my own. With Eli, he looks at me as if I’m special and treasured. He wants to protect and care for me.

  “Is it like this in New York . . . when you go out?” I question.

  He chuckles. “No, it’s like I’m a normal guy.”

  “Yeah right.” I don’t think Eli could ever be normal. He’s sexier than any man I’ve ever seen, and he’s impossible to ignore.

  “I swear. Celebrities there aren’t treated as if they’re special. It’s why so many of them live there full time. Plus, there’s always a movie or show being filmed. It’s a part of life there.”

  The waitress returns with the right wine and a plate of appetizers. We place our orders, and I smile when he rubs his foot against my calf as she stands there. I can’t remember the last time I played footsie.

  Our food comes, and we enjoy the meal. I understand now what he means by no longer noticing the people around us. I’m sure they’re watching, but I don’t pay attention. I’m here with him, and that’s all I care about.

  Eli and I chat about his time in New York as I sit enthralled. It all sounds so exciting. We finish the meal and are enjoying our bottle of wine. He tells me about his co-workers, and I can’t help but fangirl a little over Noah Frazier. After Eli, he’s my favorite character, and hearing about how they hang out makes me a little giddy.

  “Is Noah as cute in person as he is on television?” I blurt out.

  Eli nearly chokes on his drink. “What?”

  “I’m a fan,” I reply with innocence. “Of the show, of course.”

  “Oh, of course.” The sarcasm in his voice tells me he clearly doesn’t believe me.

  “Jealous?” I taunt.

  Eli leans back, crossing his arms across his broad chest. I use all my restraint to hold back my laugh because he looks adorable when he’s being stupid. “Not at all.”


  “It’s not like you’re asking me about another guy on our date.”

  I giggle a little and recover quickly. “Eli Walsh, do you not know that I think you’re the sexiest man I’ve ever laid eyes on?”

  He leans forward, resting his hands on the table. “Do you now?”

  I move closer and reach toward him. “Yes.”

  “Tell me just how sexy you think I am.”

  I extend my hand, and he mirrors my movement. When we connect, Eli laces his fingers with mine. My mouth opens to tell him all the ways I find him sexy when his phone rings. He grumbles as he looks at the screen.

  “Hello, Sharon. Yes. No.” His eyes meet mine, and I see the worry there. “We’re on a date . . .” Eli huffs. “I don’t have to tell you beforehand.” A pause. “Well, then do your job and handle it and make it clear what it means.” He disconnects the call and then runs his hand down his face.

  It doesn’t take a detective to figure out what’s happened. She knew we were out, which means someone has leaked that Eli Walsh is no longer on the market.

  Living in our bubble was great, but we knew it wouldn’t last. I’m grateful for the time we had. It allowed us the time to get to know each other and fall in love. If we had people following us around, we may have never gotten past the first date.

  “Well, I guess we’re official now, huh?” I smile, hoping to reassure him.

  He studies me, and when he finds whatever he was looking for, he smiles. “Yeah, baby. We’re official.”

  I nod. “Maybe this means w
omen will stop touching you?”

  Eli laughs without reservation. “I doubt it, but I promise not to like it.”

  “And I promise not to shoot them when they do.”

  I think that’s fair. He doesn’t like it, and I don’t lose my badge or go to jail . . . win, win.

  “There will be photos tomorrow.” Eli grows serious.

  “I figured as much, people have been staring all night while holding their phones.”

  Eli’s eyes turn playful. “How about we give them a good one to post?”

  I’m not sure what exactly that means, but the look in his eyes is enough to make me go along with him. He gets to his feet, makes his way around the table, and places one hand on the arm of my chair, the other on the table.

  “I’m going to kiss you,” he warns. “I’m going to tell the world that you’re mine, right here and now.”

  Warmth spreads through me as his hand moves to my cheek. He leans down, presses his lips to mine, and publicly declares our relationship.

  Chapter Twenty-Four


  “Heather, where are the streamers?” Nicole yells from the living room.

  “Check the bags where all the decorations were!”

  Today is the surprise party for Eli. I’m shocked I’ve been able to keep him completely in the dark. His mother left for New York the other day and can’t make it, but Randy and Savannah will be here. Nicole came over about an hour ago and started getting things ready.

  I told Eli that Nicole needed some best friend time since he’s been monopolizing me and asked him to come pick me up at eight.

  “Found them!” She bounces into the room with a grin. “We only have about five more minutes till everyone gets here. What else do you need?”


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