Josh's Justice, Cowboy Romance (Bad in Boots, Book 4)

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Josh's Justice, Cowboy Romance (Bad in Boots, Book 4) Page 2

by Michelle, Patrice

  She’d been so careful in dating, passing on a lot of date opportunities over the years. She’d rather be alone than go out just for the sake of going out. Then she met Jeremy. They’d been together for almost a year, and she thought he understood her, but apparently he never really tried. Maybe that was her problem. Did she expect men to dive deeper when all they were really capable of was skimming the surface?

  “Won’t know just how easy it’d be to fall under my spell until you try…” Mace countered, his teasing suggestion drawing her out of her reverie.

  His skill in turning even the most mundane conversation into a flirtation made her laugh. “Why do I feel like the hare to your rabbit? I’m here for a week, Mace. Think marathon, not sprint.”

  Chapter Two

  “Sure you don’t want me to help you with that?” Mace drawled from his leaning position against the stable door.

  Sabrina tossed her long dark braid over her shoulder and blew wispy bangs away from her eyes to look at him. “I know exactly what you want to help me with, Mace Tanner, and the only one getting a rubdown is Lightning.” She smirked, then turned back to the horse to unbuckle the saddle.

  “I’m good with my hands. It’s been a few days now. How long you gonna keep me at bay, darlin’?”

  “’Til the cows come home.”

  After several seconds of total silence, the sound of a cowbell ringing and mock mooing coming from the stall doorway had her laughing out loud. Pulling the saddle off the horse, she put it away and called over her shoulder, “Go back to work, Mace. I’ll join you for dinner later.”

  “You know you’re breakin’ my heart, don’t ya?”

  When Sabrina cut her gaze back to Mace, he had a cowbell hanging from his neck and his hand over his heart. The expression on his face reflected sheer pain.

  She snorted. “The only thing I’m breaking is your string of successful seductions.”

  Elise’s laughter floated from behind Mace before she appeared beside him. Looping her arm around her brother-in-law’s, she bumped shoulders with him. “She’s got ya there. Come on, Mace. You’ve played constant host since Bri arrived. Let’s give her a few moments alone.” She locked gazes with Sabrina and rolled her eyes. “Even if she wants to spend them working.”

  Sabrina shrugged. “The horses enjoy it…and it relaxes me, strange as that sounds. See you guys in a half hour,” she called after them as Elise pulled Mace away.

  Turning back to Lightning, Sabrina looked around for the grooming brush until she spotted it up on a wood shelf on the wall. “Didn’t these Tanner men realize that not everyone in this world was over six feet tall?” she muttered to herself as she stood on tiptoe to try to reach the horse brush from the high shelf. Not quite tall enough.

  She lowered her arm and looked around the horse’s stall. No stepstool in sight. Sighing, she stood on her toes again, straining her calf muscles. Her fingers brushed the bristles, then pushed the brush back away from the edge of the shelf.

  Great. Now she couldn’t even see it.

  Lightning neighed, apparently impatient for her to get on with the grooming part. After being on the ranch for three days, Sabrina still hadn’t gotten up the nerve to ride a horse by herself, but she’d asked Elise to show her how to groom one. Turns out she really enjoyed the task. It was like pet therapy or something.

  Eventually she’d work her way up to riding a horse on her own, but in the meantime, she convinced Elise to let her give Lightning a good rubdown when her friend arrived back from rides with Colt.

  Mace had been a gracious host and constant companion, all the while never giving up on seducing her. And as much as she had fun joining in their outrageous flirtation, she didn’t let it go any further.

  She liked Mace, found him very attractive, but she held back, not really sure why. She didn’t feel guilty not indulging with Mace, because the only rule she’d planned to follow while here was; “if he trips your trigger, go for it”. Mace made her laugh and her ego soar, and she could see how he’d trip many women’s triggers, but she just wasn’t one of them. She had to give the man an “A” for effort though. Sabrina snickered as she put one hand against the wall while reaching up in one last attempt to retrieve the grooming brush.

  “Here, let me help ya.” Strong hands came around her waist at the same time a hard chest pressed against her back, causing her to freeze and her heart race. He smelled so good, like faint cologne and leather. God, he smelled of leather, she thought as he easily lifted her so she could retrieve the brush. Sabrina quickly grabbed the brush and waited for the man to set her down so she could see his face.

  Instead, he lowered her slowly to the ground, his voice’s deep timbre skidding down her spine, “I don’t think I’d ever be allowed on this property again…” He paused and let go of her waist to push her heavy braid away from her neck, then whispered in her ear, “if Colt knew the impure thoughts running through my head right now.”

  Sabrina’s heart slammed as heat rushed to every part of her body. She couldn’t believe her reaction to this man she’d yet to see, but who obviously mistook her for someone else.

  She started to speak when the stranger set her away, saying in a gruff tone, “I’m sorry, Elise. I shouldn’t have said that.”

  Sabrina turned around, eyebrow raised. “Then, I guess it’s a good thing I’m not Elise, so those impure thoughts can just stay between you and me.”

  He quickly swiped his straw cowboy hat off his head and an embarrassed expression crossed his face. “I’m sorry, ma’am. Please forgive me.”

  As she scanned the man’s six-foot tall form, the first thing that came to mind would definitely fall in the impure thoughts category. Trim, jean-clad hips, a silver and gold buckle, a black T-shirt that fit his muscular physique very well, broad shoulders, and the sexiest, square jaw she’d ever seen. She usually preferred clean cut and custom suits to overnight scruff and Wranglers, but the intense look in his arresting teal green eyes before he realized she wasn’t Elise is what ultimately snagged her attention. She’d love to have a man look at her like that. He had the sexiest wavy blond hair she’d ever seen. It was an appealing just-rolled-out-of-bed look that made her want to touch it.

  “Impure thoughts are only bad if they aren’t returned,” she said, flashing a grin.

  His regretful look changed to surprise, and then a broad smile spread across his face. Placing his hat on his head, he held out his hand. “I’m Josh Kelly. My family owns the neighboring Double K ranch.”

  Sabrina shook his hand. “Nice to meet you, Josh. I’m Sabrina Gentry, a college friend of Elise’s visiting for the week.”

  Josh’s grip was firm, and once he shook her hand, he didn’t let go. “Are you from Virginia too?”

  She looked down at their clasped hands, mesmerized by his warmth and the tingling sensation sliding up her arm. Blinking to clear her head, she met his gaze. “No, I live in Arizona.”

  “Ah, so you’re used to the heat, then.” His Texas drawl, coupled with his arresting gaze lingering on her lips, made her stomach dip. Was it getting hot in here? She let go of his hand and turned to begin brushing Lightning. “Yes, I’m very used to the heat.”

  She froze when Josh’s hand landed on hers. “Here, this is how you do it,” he said as he towered behind her and guided her hand across the horse’s back, showing her the best way to stroke the hair with slow, precise movements.

  His cologne tickled her nose as he demonstrated his technique. When his chest brushed against her back, she resisted the urge to lean against him, but she couldn’t help closing her eyes and inhaling his arousing, masculine scent.

  “See,” he said as Lightning pawed the ground. “She likes slow but firm strokes.”

  Sabrina’s body instinctively migrated closer to him, her arm moving fluidly with his. She liked a man who took the time to understand what a woman really wanted, even if that “woman” was an animal. That just meant he’d be even better with the human variety.

  When Lightning neighed, Sabrina opened her eyes in time to see Josh put his hand out and the horse turn to rub her nose in his palm. She chuckled. “You sure have a way with women, Josh Kelly.”

  “I try my best to please,” he spoke close to her ear, the deep baritone sending all kinds of sexy thoughts through her mind.

  “I’ll just bet you do. How sorry were you that Colt snagged Elise?” she asked as he let go of her hand and moved to stand in front of Lightning to rub the horse’s nose.

  Josh shot a grin her way. “Elise who?”

  She snickered. The man was quick, she’d give him that.

  “Josh?” Elise called as she rounded the corner to enter the stall. “There you are. I saw your horse and wondered where you went off to.”

  “Hey, Elise. I came looking for you and ran into Sabrina.”

  Sabrina watched Josh’s reaction to Elise with interest. His relaxed stance had changed to an alert one the moment she entered the stables. Interesting.

  “Thanks for coming,” her friend replied. “You ready for the kids?”

  A half-smile tugged at his lips as he rubbed the back of his neck. “The Lonestar’s a hard act to follow, but we’re working on an activity I think the kids will love.”

  “That’s great,” Elise said, beaming. “They were so excited when I told them your ranch was their camp’s next stop.”

  “We’ll be ready for them. You ah, mentioned a bull in your voicemail.”

  Elise nodded. “We’re hoping to trade it for another horse, like Colt did with Lightning. Are you interested in taking a look?”


  “Lightning was your horse?” Sabrina turned a narrowed gaze toward Josh. He’d led her to believe Lightning had taken to him so quickly.

  Josh winked and tapped his fingers over his heart. “She misses me sorely.”

  “Lightning was Josh’s horse,” Elise told her. “Colt traded a bull for her as a gift to me.”

  “Yeah, he one-upped me on that one.” Josh’s lip curled in annoyance.

  “You got the bull you wanted,” Elise said, grinning.

  Sabrina saw the look on Josh’s face when Elise teased him about the bull, and her attention pinged to Elise for any recognition of his affection. That’s not the only thing he wanted, Elise.

  “Come on.” Elise beckoned Josh. “I’ll show you our bull.” Pausing, she turned to Sabrina. “Hurry up, slowpoke. Dinner’s almost ready. Nan’s cooking a special meal tonight for our guest.”

  Sabrina shot her a pleased look. “Just for me?”

  “Of course you, silly. So get a move on and head over to the kitchen. Nan likes company while she’s cooking. I’ll meet you there once I finish up with Josh.”

  Josh turned to her and pulled on the front of his hat. “Nice to meet you, Sabrina. Hopefully I’ll see you again.”

  There he went again with that sexy drawl. It’s like he knew the sound melted her from the inside out. You can bet on it. She smiled. “Nice to meet you, too. I’m sure I’ll see you around.” Even if I have to show up on your doorstep, Mr. Hunky Neighbor.

  Once Elise and Josh walked off, Sabrina finished up with Lightning, then made her way over to the kitchen.

  “Hi, Sabrina,” the older lady called out from her position near the stove. Her white teeth made a striking contrast against her dark skin as she gave Sabrina a broad, friendly smile. “Come on in and sit down. Tell me how you’re enjoying your vacation so far.”

  “Oh, no, you don’t. I might be a guest, but I like to do my fair share.” Sabrina approached the sink and washed her hands. “How can I help?”

  “I like you.” Nan beamed, gripping the skillet’s handle to turn over a piece of chicken. Nodding toward the cooked potatoes in a blue and white bowl near the sink, she said, “Why don’t you mash those up and then add some butter, milk, and salt and pepper.”

  “Will do.” Sabrina picked up the bowl and used the utensil Nan had sitting in it. While she mashed the potatoes, voices outside drew her gaze to the open window.

  Elise and Josh stood not far from the stable talking. He put his hand on Elise’s shoulder as he said something to her, then laughed at her response. He smiled easily with Elise, his expression intent as he listened to her. Yep, he definitely had feelings for her friend. The knowledge made her a little sad for Josh. He must really feel torn to be attracted to someone who’s already taken.

  * * *

  Dinner with Mace, Colt, Elise, and Nan was a treat. Her first night at the ranch, Sabrina and Elise had gone out to eat, and the other nights had been Colt, Elise and her eating together. Mace had joined them once before, but tonight they all enjoyed a special home-cooked meal with Nan, making it extra special.

  At the end of the meal, Colt had turned quiet as he picked up Elise’s hand and kissed the palm. “The next two weeks won’t go by fast enough,” he said, his gaze earnest and totally engrossed in his wife.

  Elise smiled and leaned in to kiss him on the cheek. “They’ll go by faster than you expect, I imagine, since you’ll be so busy following the rodeo to a few towns.”

  “Yeah, but you’ve got a distraction,” he complained with a half-smile, nodding to Sabrina.

  “Oooh, to have a handsome man say I’m a ‘distraction’ and really mean it.” Sabrina fluttered her lashes wistfully and fanned her face.

  “Elise, have you noticed what a smokin’ distraction your friend is?” Mace said, eyebrows raised suggestively. “I’m not getting a lick of work done,”

  Sabrina giggled and threw her uneaten biscuit at him. God, he was great for the ego, not to mention a lot of fun.

  Just as a round of laughter spread around the table, the phone rang. Elise got up to answer it while Colt pinned a stern look on Mace. “You’d better learn to focus real quick, little brother. You’re running the ranch while I’m gone.”

  “Ah, man, do I have ta?” Mace mock complained. He gave Sabrina a heated look. “I planned to play chase.”

  Sabrina’s eyes widened. “You mean that’s not what you have been doing since I got here?”

  “Nah, darlin’. That was just warming up.” He pushed back from the table and began to re-tuck his denim shirt into his Wranglers as if trying to look good for a date. “I might have to be the responsible one while Colt’s gone, but I’ll still have my nights free. Wanna go out with me tomorrow to Rockin’ Joe’s?”

  “You really are a piece of work,” Sabrina said, shaking her head.

  “Don’t encourage him. It’ll be like a match to kindling,” Colt warned in a dry tone.

  Elise hung up, then picked up hers and Colt’s plates. “That was Josh. He has a few ideas for a new horse, but he’s going to come by tomorrow to look over the horses we already have. He wants to suggest the right one to mix in with the group.” She glanced Nan’s way and nodded toward the doorway. “Go on into the living room with the guys and relax. Sabrina will help me with the dishes. Thank you for another wonderful meal.”

  “But she’s the guest,” Nan said, eyebrows lifted in surprise.

  “Who’s very grateful to be here and will happily do her part.” Sabrina stood and shooed them on. “Now go take a break.”

  Nan grinned. “It’s always nice to see the boys at the table.” She cut her gaze between the two men and finished in an admonishing tone, “It doesn’t happen near often enough. Colt, you be sure to tell Cade I expect him to visit soon.”

  “Will do, Nan. Hmmm, I believe we’re being asked to make up for quality time. What do you think, Mace?”

  Mace stood. “Guess we’re breaking out the Scrabble board. I don’t believe Nan’s delivered her special dose of whoopass on us in quite a while.”

  Nan gave a deep belly laugh, her large breasts bouncing against her full–figured frame. “Come on, boys. Let the master show you how it’s done.”

  Elise smiled after the men and Nan as she began to scrape off the leftover food from the plates into the trashcan.

  “They’re very close, aren�
�t they?” Sabrina opened the dishwasher and began to rinse the dirty dishes Elise handed her.

  “Yes, Nan helped raise Colt and his brothers when his mother left.”

  “Ah, now I get it.” Sabrina nodded her understanding at the family-like atmosphere she’d seen between Nan and the men.

  They worked in silence for a while until all the dishes were done. While Elise was making a fresh pot of coffee, Sabrina dried her hands on a towel and leaned against the counter. “Want to hear my epiphany on relationships?”

  Elise poured the water in the coffee machine, then chuckled as she slid the pot in its holder and turned it on. “Knowing how picky you were about the men you dated in college, this should be interesting.” Pulling a chair out she sat, green eyes alight. “Have a seat and spill.”

  “Picky? I just had standards,” Sabrina began, then gave a wry smile. “Apparently I don’t know jack. Before we broke up, Jeremy said I was too controlling. So here’s the deal I made with myself. For the entire summer, I’ve decided to disregard my usual reservations concerning men and ‘let myself go’ with the first man who trips my trigger. I won’t look too deeply or scrutinize, which is all I’ll expect in return. I’m just going to live in the moment.”

  “Ah, now I know why you came to Texas. Appealing men abound.” Elise nodded, then winked. “Fair warning, Bri, cowboys are an especially irresistible breed.”

  Sabrina shrugged, then brushed her long braid over her shoulder. “I’m not looking for Mr. Right to come from this adventure, but I made a promise to myself to not get caught in my normal hang-ups and I’m determined to stick with this plan. If nothing else, at least I can scratch this experience off my bucket list.”

  “Look out Texas men!” Elise leaned in to whisper, “Is Mace your ‘project’?”

  Sabrina shook her head. “I love flirting with that man, but as good-looking as he is, he doesn’t do it for me like your neighbor Josh Kelly does.” Sabrina held her breath and waited to see what kind of reaction she’d get from Elise.


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