Draekon Heart: Exiled to the Prison Planet: A Sci-Fi Menage Romance (Dragons in Exile Book 3)

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Draekon Heart: Exiled to the Prison Planet: A Sci-Fi Menage Romance (Dragons in Exile Book 3) Page 9

by Lili Zander

  The other two aren’t back when we return. I move toward our supplies so I can get a meal going, but Zorux waves me away. “Sit down,” he orders. “Rest. How’s your arm?”

  “It’s not preventing me from doing my fair share of work,” I tell him.

  There’s a wicked gleam in his eyes. “Ryanna,” he says, his lips twitching, “I intend to keep you up all night long. Trust me; I’m being selfish.”

  I flush at his declaration, and my insides clench in response to the heat in his eyes. “Since you put it that way…” My voice trails off. “I guess I should obey.”

  His gaze rakes over me, slow and intent. “What a good idea.”

  The cave is somewhat stuffy. Instead of lying down, I sit at the mouth and close my eyes, thinking about yesterday evening. Sex with them had been every bit as hot as I’d imagined it would be. No, scratch that. It had been way hotter.

  I’m lost in my daydreams when a shadow falls over my face. I open my eyes and look up, and I see two large shapes in the sky, blotting out the sun.

  It’s a pair of dragons.

  My heart starts to race. Could this be the other exile batch? At least two of them can transform into dragons; according to Raiht’vi’s account, they shifted when they laid eyes on Olivia.

  Is this them, and if it is, are we under attack?

  I duck into the cave, and Zorux looks up, startled by my sudden appearance. “Dragons,” I gasp. “In the sky. I don’t know who they are.”

  His jaw tightens and his muscles tense. He pokes his head out to see what’s going on and relaxes slightly. “It’s the Firstborn and Nyx,” he says. “Viola’s riding on Arax’s back.”

  I glance at him. “You don’t sound as thrilled as I’d expect.”

  “I’m always nervous around Arax,” he admits.

  For obvious reasons. I lace my fingers with his, trying to offer him comfort.

  The dragons swoop lower. They’re closer now, and I can see their coloring. One of them is crimson, and the other as black as night. A dark-haired woman is riding on the back of the crimson one. “You really have good eyesight.”

  Zorux smiles at me. “A gift of the Draekon mutation,” he says. “Even without the ability to transform into dragons, we have some advantages.”

  As I watch, the dragons glide to a landing on the grasslands directly below us. Viola hops off Arax’s back, and the air around them shimmies as the dragons shift back into men. “Do you wish you could transform?” I ask, my heart sinking as I realize the implication of Zorux’s comment. Neither Thrax nor Zorux has shifted in my presence. I’m not their mate. If they want to become dragons, they’ll be trying to find the woman who will make that happen for them. I’ll be in the way.

  “I’ve spent very little time thinking about it,” he replies quietly. “It isn’t important to me.”

  I give him a skeptical look, but mindful of the fact that Arax and Nyx are within earshot, I stay silent. “Okay, you two,” I hear Viola say. “Get some clothes on.”

  Nyx’s voice is amused. “Or else?”

  She laughs, unfazed. “Or else I’m going to start walking around naked in front of your entire exile batch,” she threatens. “It’s only fair.”

  Both dragons growl possessively. Before this deteriorates into another kiss-and-grope-fest, I walk to the cliff edge, Zorux a half-step behind. “Hey, guys. Fancy seeing you here. Are you going to stand there all day, or do you want to come on up?”

  Viola waves at me. Arax grabs some clothing from the packs that dot the ground next to him and gets dressed. Nyx, who doesn’t appear to notice that he’s butt-naked, cocks his head to one side. “Where are the other two?”

  “They headed south-west to get another container. They thought it was two hours away.”

  Nyx nods. “I’ll get them,” he tells Arax.

  He shimmers into a dragon again and launches into the sky. “Nice skill to have, right?” Viola calls out to me. She grabs a pack and starts climbing the rock face, moving far quicker than me. Arax hoists three packs on his shoulders and follows her, just as sure-footed as his mate. These two aren’t afraid of heights, that’s for certain.

  “Dennox thought you’d be running low on food,” Viola explains once hugs and greetings have been exchanged. “So we volunteered to bring you some.” She leans closer to me and lowers her voice. “Arax and Nyx have been searching non-stop, and so far, they’ve found nothing. We’re all getting dispirited. I thought this might be a nice change of pace.”

  Zorux nods at Arax, his face impassive. Surly Draekon is back, but now I understand why. His very survival is at stake. Poor Zorux. “How is Harper?” he asks.

  “She’s very weak,” Arax replies. “The youngling is sapping her strength. Humans gestate their young for longer than we do and her body is being taxed. She’s on bedrest.”

  “And she doesn’t like it,” Viola adds. “Poor Vulrux and Dennox have their hands full.”

  “Longer gestation period?” I ask with a frown. “What do you mean?”

  “Fascinating, right?” Viola’s eyes shine. “Zorahn pregnancies are only four months long.”

  “We can’t stay long,” Arax interrupts before Viola can start geeking out about Draekon pregnancy gestation lengths. “We’ve been flying missions at dawn and dusk, using sunrise and sunset to give us cover. So far, nothing.” He sits down on the ground and looks around the cave with approval. “This is a good spot. Anyway, while I was here, I thought I might look at Beirax’s map. See if we can narrow down our search.”

  Zorux relaxes. “I think we can help,” he says, telling them about the cluster of containers near the lake, and our theory that it might be another exile batch.

  Halfway through the explanation, Thrax, Raiht’vi, and Nyx join us. Even though I’m preoccupied with the search for the missing women, my heartbeat speeds up when Thrax makes an appearance, and then I notice his dispirited expression. “What happened?” I ask.

  “We lost the container,” he replies, throwing himself on the ground. He tells us what happened. “It was a blue dragon,” he adds.

  He looks exhausted and drained. Automatically, I put an arm around his shoulder, and Viola notices. While the Draekons bend their heads together to discuss this latest turn of events, she gives me an intent look. “Let’s take a walk,” she suggests.

  Here we go. I’m about the get the third degree, and I’m not looking forward to it.

  Zorux eyes the two of us. “Would you like me to come with you, Ryanna?”

  I melt a little at his protectiveness. I haven’t been able to lean on anyone for, well, my entire life. It feels really nice to have someone watch out for me. “I’m okay,” I tell him with a grateful smile. He really is such a sweetie.

  Viola’s eyebrows raise. We head in the direction of the stream. “So,” she says, once we’re out of earshot. “What’s going on? You’ve been crushing on Thrax forever, but you and Zorux? That’s new.”

  I like Viola well enough, but really, my personal life is none of her business. “Is Sofia back at the camp?” I ask blandly.

  “You’re changing the topic,” she accuses.

  “Mmm.” I sit at the bank and remove my shoes, dipping my toes in the cool water. Viola follows suit. “You know, I don’t think this part of the planet gets three months of rain. It might be worth moving.”

  “But is there any food here?” she asks, interested despite herself. “The grass might be good for game, but not much else.” Then she realizes what I’m doing and gives me an exasperated look. “I know you think I’m being nosy,” she says, “but I’m concerned for you.”


  “Because Zorux,” she replies disapprovingly. “The guy is sullen and bad-tempered. He won’t say two words to Nyx because he’s Lowborn. He disapproves of us. Is that really who you want to hook up with?” She stares at me. “Wait a second, they’re not your mates, are they?”

  “No.” I fold my arms across my chest, annoyed by her description of
Zorux. It’s one thing entirely for me to nickname him Surly Draekon, but it’s another thing for Viola to diss him. She doesn’t know anything about him. “They’re not. No transformation.”

  Something in my tone must give me away because Viola’s face scrunches with sympathy. “And you want them to.” She pats my back. “I’m sorry, Ryanna.”

  Raiht’vi said that the mating bond wasn’t always predictable. With every fiber of my being, I hope the scientist is right.

  We get to our feet. Wishing I had a towel, I put my socks back on my wet feet, and slide into my shoes. We head back to the caves in silence.

  The Draekons have a fire going when we get back, and something smells delicious. Fresh meat. Mmm. I’ve been eating dried rations for so long that I’d forgotten how mouth-wateringly good freshly roasted meat could smell. “I almost forgot,” I ask Viola, remembering Raiht’vi’s synthesizer, “have you tried the magic food machine?”

  An expression of bliss fills her face. “Oh my God, Ryanna. Chocolate. I never thought I’d say this, but Raiht’vi might be my new favorite person.”

  Arax looks up, cutting off further conversation. “Are you two going to join us?” The earlier note of stress in his voice is gone, and his eyes twinkle when he looks at his mate. “Or did we carry this food all the way up here for nothing?”

  Viola skips forward, a smile on her lips. “You sound a lot happier. The map help?”

  He nods. “The dragon Thrax saw confirms Zorux’s theory.” He points to an area on the map west of us, a strip of jungle between two lakes. “We start looking for your friends here.”

  “You have to be careful how you approach,” Thrax warns them as we eat. Grilled meat, roasted laius roots, and a bright blue leafy vegetable stew that reminds me of Grandma’s collard greens. I inhale the food, sighing in pleasure as I lick the juices off my hand.

  “Remember,” he continues, “Viola told the two men who almost took her that she had mates already, so they know about our exile batch. They’ll be watching for you.”

  Nyx nods. “We need to plan this carefully.” His lips lift in a grin. “I have no head for this kind of strategy. Arax and Dennox can figure out what we’re going to do.”

  Arax gets to his feet. “We should head back,” he says. “The sooner we come up with a plan, the better. The other exile batch is actively hunting for these containers, and I don’t like it.” He looks at Thrax and Zorux. “We’ll drop by every second day to check on you,” he says. “Leave your marks if you’re out.”

  The marks are a clever necessity. Each Draekon has a unique pattern that he weaves from grass or leaves. In a world where they can’t reach each other on a cell phone, it’s the only way to leave a trail for the others to follow. Very Hansel and Gretel. I have one of my own too; Thrax insisted that I learn.

  “We will.”

  We watch them leave. Once they’re out of sight, Raiht’vi gets to her feet. “I’m going to try to assemble what we have so far,” she says tersely.

  Thrax stretches lazily, and my pulse starts to race. “I’ll join you after a quick dip in the stream,” he says. “Coming, Ryanna? Zorux?”

  It’s perfectly obvious to all of us that Thrax isn’t interested in swimming. My nipples harden in anticipation.

  Raiht’vi surveys the three of us. Snorting in disgust, she pivots on her heels and walks away. Thrax is perfectly unfazed. He winks at me. “I’ve been thinking about you all day, sweet one. You want to help me wash my cock?”

  I choke back my laugh. It’s been an intense kind of day. Zorux’s revelation has darkened my mood, and I could use with some light-hearted banter. And sex. Let’s be honest. I could definitely use some pleasurable distraction. “On Earth, if we’re flirting with someone, we ask if they want to wash our back. Not our cocks.”

  He looks puzzled. “Why would I want you to wash my back?”

  Shaking my head and chuckling, I accompany the two Draekons to the water.

  In the back of my mind, disquiet prickles at me. I’m falling in love with the two men. I’m ignoring the very obvious elephant in the room. They’re Draekons. I’m not their mate.

  This can’t end well.



  I’ve been thinking about Ryanna all day. I couldn’t wait to get back to the caves, to see her face light up, to hear her warm laughter.

  I don’t understand it.

  Last night, my conscience had poked uncomfortably at me, reminding me that I couldn’t be trusted with her heart. All day, I’ve been bracing to feel my customary restlessness, my constant desire to flee when I start getting close to someone.

  It doesn’t come.

  Something about Ryanna tugs at my heart. Sleeping with her yesterday was a fantasy come true, but my attraction is based on more than her gentle curves, her soft sighs, her tight pussy.

  No. Ever since she crash-landed on this planet, I’ve been drawn to the human woman.

  We reach the stream. I wasn’t lying to the scientist about my need to wash. I’ve been walking all day, and I’m dusty and hot. Both Zorux and I strip quickly and wade into the creek, the water coming up to our knees.

  Ryanna hesitates on the bank. I chuckle and shake my head. The human women are unduly attached to their clothing. “We’ve already seen you naked, sweet one,” I say teasingly. “Join us.”

  Her cheeks go pink. “Never going to get used to it,” she mutters under her breath.

  “We can undress you if you’d prefer.” My cock jumps at the idea of unfastening her top, one button at a time until the lush swell of her breasts is revealed.

  Her lips curl into a grin. “I bet you would.” She removes her strange clothing. I can’t drag my eyes away as her body comes into view. Her skin is smooth and golden-brown, her nipples dark nubs on her lushly curved breasts. I can’t wait to taste her, to lay her on the rocks and plunge into her sweet body.

  I feel it. Zorux feels it. There’s an energy between the three of us. There’s a sense of rightness when I touch the delicate human woman. A sense that everything is exactly as it’s meant to be.

  She joins us in the water. Zorux pulls her to him, his fingers tracing a path up her bare arms. I move closer to her too, unable to stay away. My thumb traces slow circles at the nape of her neck, and she sighs with pleasure.

  That small sound sends a stab of arousal through me. “I’ve been thinking about you all day,” I rasp. “I’ve been dreaming about the soft noises you make when I touch you here.” I slide my hand down her stomach to her pussy. She’s already wet, and her desire sends a sharp shard of lust straight to my groin.

  She whimpers as I touch her. “Me too,” she admits, her voice a breathy whisper. “I want both of you.”

  “Then let us claim you,” Zorux rasps. He caresses her back and cups her curvy bottom with his palm. She tenses up, and he presses a reassuring kiss on her pink lips. “I won’t hurt you, Ryanna. I promise it will be pleasurable.”

  “I know,” she mumbles, not meeting our eyes. “I trust you.”

  “Then what is it, sweet one?” Zorux asks. “Why do you hesitate?”

  She takes a deep breath. “What we do here might have... consequences.”

  I glance at Zorux, not understanding what Ryanna’s talking about, but his expression is confused as well. Seeing our blank looks, Ryanna elaborates. “I talked to Raiht'vi,” she says. “If you take me together—both at the same time—” The pink color in her cheeks deepens. “I might get pregnant.”

  “You do not wish for youngling?” I grew up with nothing. I’ve never thought about a family of my own, but when Ryanna mentions the possibility of younglings, I feel a yearning deep within my chest.

  “No, that’s not it.” Pain flickers over her face. “My parents died when I was young, and my grandparents raised me. They loved me, and they did their best, but it wasn’t the same. I want my child to know his parents, in a way I never did.” She doesn’t meet our eyes. “And I can’t ask that of you.”

/>   “Why not?” Zorux asks bluntly.

  She doesn’t reply.

  “Do you fear we will leave you to care for a child alone?” My words reflect my shock. How can she believe that of us? Have I failed to tell her how special she is, how fortunate I feel that she wants me? A youngling would be the most precious of gifts, one that Zorux and I would cherish to the end of our days.

  “It's not that. It’s just that you didn’t shift when you saw me. I’m not your mate—”

  My chest seizes at her words. Zorux stills beside me, and I know he feels the same pain. Ryanna continues as if she hasn't driven a dagger into our hearts.

  “What we have is amazing, but I'm not going to pretend it’ll last. I don’t know what will happen when we find the missing women. One of them could be your mate.” There’s a determined look on her face. “I care for you too much to get in the way of your happiness.”

  “Ryanna.” My voice comes out strangled. I can’t imagine being with another woman. Not when I have her. The thought of such a thing feels wrong. “You do not know—”

  Zorux’s expression is anguished. “Please don’t try to talk me out of it,” Ryanna begs. “I want you, and you want me. Please let it be enough.” She bites her lower lip and looks nervous. “I can’t risk getting pregnant. It wouldn’t be fair to any of us.”

  I open my mouth but can say nothing. Whenever I imagine my future mate, I see Ryanna's face. No one else.

  Her body trembles as she waits for us to respond.

  “Ryanna.” Zorux’s voice is quiet. “We will always respect your choices, sweet one.” He cradles her chin in his hand and gazes into her dark eyes. “If you do not wish us to claim you together, we will do as you ask. We will not claim you together until you are sure there is a bond between us. But know this.” His voice turns intent. “There is no doubt in my mind. I can feel the truth here.” He places his hand over his heart. “You are the only woman for us.”

  I want to say more. I want to shout to the two moons that Ryanna is my mate, but I don’t want to scare her or make her feel pressured. She’s ours, and we’re hers. Maybe I can’t convince her of the truth right now, but in time, she’ll come to realize what my heart already knows.


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