Amorous (The Lincoln Series Book 1)

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Amorous (The Lincoln Series Book 1) Page 3

by Baer, Susan

  Janet crossed her arms over her chest. “I’m just glad it’s over. He doesn’t deserve you.”

  “Yeah, he deserves someone prettier.”

  “That’s not what I meant and you know it.” Janet reached across the table and covered Marie’s hand with hers. “You are beautiful, and someday the right one will come along and he’s going to be drop dead gorgeous. I guarantee it…and he won’t be a pig.”

  That was another problem. Marie knew she was pretty, but she wasn’t beautiful. Despite what Janet had said Marie wasn’t the type to attract the tall, dark, and handsome guys she liked.

  Jake had been the first in that category to notice her. Well, two out of three wasn’t bad. He didn’t exactly fit the “tall” requirement. Now that she had pushed him away, she may very well have ruined her only chance at fulfilling her fantasies.

  Marie’s voice was just above a whisper when she spoke. “I just thought he really liked me, maybe wanted to get to know me.” She sighed. “Gorgeous guys like Jake never even look at me let alone actually talk to me. I’ll never be the glamour type who gets their attention. And I seriously doubt I’ll get another Adonis to notice me. So hopefully I didn’t completely ruin it with Jake and he’ll ask me out again.”

  Janet hesitated. “Marie, the reason I think Jake is a pig is because that’s exactly what he is. He’s been treating women like this since we were all in high school. You need to believe me when I tell you we aren’t people to him. We’re possessions, things to be conquered. He’s good looking, I’ll admit that, but he’s also spoiled and he thinks the world worships him. You can’t use him to judge all the other good looking guys out there because he’s never going to give you what you need. Jake is inherently incapable of love.”

  Marie opened her mouth to speak and was stunned into silence. Jake had walked in with a woman on his arm.

  The too tall blonde was barely dressed and rubbing her body against his like a tramp. He grabbed her hair and pulled her down to his mouth for an almost violent kiss.

  She felt her blood boil when she realized just how little she had meant to him. She watched them as they moved into Parillo’s toward the group in the back of the bar, his usual crowd waited for his dramatic entrance.

  He glanced in her direction and their gazes locked. She saw a flicker of regret before his usual, cocky, I-don’t-give-a-shit-what-you-think expression took up residence on his hard arrogant face. His eyes, however, seemed to be in contrast with the rest of his countenance. She didn’t know what it meant and she didn’t care. Janet was right. He was a pig.

  Chapter 3

  Two Years Later

  Marie was sitting at her desk Monday morning when her boss, Dr. Carrington, walked in.

  “Good morning, Marie.”

  “Good morning, Dr. Carrington.”

  She quirked a smile when he stopped dead in his tracks and turned toward her. She couldn’t help it, it just slipped out. Calling him anything other than Dr. Carrington seemed unprofessional.

  “You know you could be the perfect assistant if you would follow every directive.”

  “Yes. But if I was perfect there would be no room for improvement. Besides, it’s disrespectful.”

  He crossed his arms. “Not doing what I ask is disrespectful. I should terminate you for insubordination.”

  She smiled. “Probably. But you won’t.”

  Dr. Carrington turned and led Marie into his office. “Formalities are not necessary in this office. Your work performance shows your respect for my position as well as yours. Plus, referring to me as Dr. Carrington makes me feel like you are waiting for me to give you instructions.” He stopped at the front of his desk and turned to her. “I expect you to know your job better than I do. Do you understand what I am saying to you?”

  She smiled and handed him a packet of papers. “Yes, AJ, I do. Now, this is your report for the New York Conference next Friday. The statistical data is included in appendix B. Your flight and hotel reservation confirmations should be on your phone and your PDA. I sent them via text and email. I will confirm them again next week to make sure everything is as it should be.”

  He pulled out his phone and began searching for the information while Marie emptied the contents of his briefcase and began filing the paperwork.

  “Dr. Jameson called again and restated his strong desire to meet with you this week.”


  “I told him I had put him on your waiting list but it was quite doubtful you would be able to meet with him before your New York conference next week.”

  He smiled. “Like I said. If you would only call me AJ in this office you would be the perfect assistant.”

  She began straightening up his desk when he paced slowly to the window.

  “Your schedule is still open this morning so I planned my day to work on the budget report Dr. Jameson requested to have before you leave for your conference. Unless you need anything else right now I’d like to get started on it.”

  “Actually, Marie, my schedule is no longer open for this morning.” He looked up from the papers he was reading and turned to her. “We have a new doctor starting today and I will be meeting with him as soon as he gets in. I would like you to be here when he does because I need to discuss something that concerns you.”

  “When will he be here?”

  He looked at his watch. “In about fifteen minutes.”

  “Then I’d better get going. I need to take your summary reports from last month’s conferences to Dr. Jameson’s office before ten.”

  “Why not just email them to his assistant?”

  She put her hands on her hips and sighed. “I have to deliver all your reports already printed, every department has to. Dr. Jameson doesn’t want the cost of the paper to come out of his budget.” She headed for her desk and whispered, “Cheapskate.”

  He chuckled softly.


  Marie checked the time again and watched the numbers above the elevator illuminate in succession as the box slowly made its way to her floor. She shouldn’t have talked to Samantha that long but Dr. Jameson kept such a tight leash on the poor woman Marie couldn’t help but let her vent. Dr. Carrington had a reputation of demanding perfection from his Executive Assistants but the truth was he was better to his staff than Dr. Jameson was to his.

  Finally the doors opened. She rushed in and pressed the button for her floor repeatedly. She knew it wouldn’t make the damn elevator move any faster but it made her feel better to abuse the retched thing.

  She looked at her watch again. “Damn it.”

  She had only had this job for six months but she’d never been late for a meeting before. A wave of nausea assaulted her senses. She had no idea how he would react to her tardiness. Hopefully her strong work performance he had alluded to earlier would allow her some leeway.

  They had developed an excellent working relationship but he could get bent out of shape easily if his instructions weren’t followed precisely, and she knew he’d have no qualms about firing her over something like this. His position was too demanding to tolerate anything less than perfection.

  Anthony Joseph (AJ) Carrington, MD, was the director of the Neurological and Spinal Rehabilitation department for Central Valley Health and Wellness Center, a virtual goliath on the leading edge of medicine. He was a highly respected clinician, researcher and medical educator. He was a perfectionist and demanded the same from his staff.

  Working for Dr. Carrington as his Executive Assistant was widely considered Boot Camp for anyone looking to advance their career in business. Once you had a reference from Dr. Carrington the only person who could beat you out of a job offer was someone with a stronger reference from him. This job was going to make her résumé damn near perfect, so she needed to make herself indispensable, and up to this point she had.

  If she lost this job she’d never forgive herself. It took three tries to get it. The first time she had applied she landed an interview that turned into a disas
ter. It was the Monday after her date with Jake two years ago. She’d still been angry with him and she couldn’t stop it from showing in her tone and body language during the interview. The panel conducting the interview ended it in less than twenty minutes.

  The position came open six months later and she applied again. That time she got the ‘Thanks for Entering the Contest, But We’re Not Impressed’ letter. She decided they had remembered her and threw her résumé away.

  When the job was advertised again a year later she sent her résumé in just to annoy the people in HR. She was shocked when they called her for an interview. She didn’t expect to be considered for the position but went anyway to gain more experience with interviewing. This time Dr. Carrington had done the interviews himself and she’d won him over when she’d shown him several short cuts on his PDA and rearranged his calendar to make it easier to see his schedule at a glance. He’d offered her the job on the spot and had pointed out to her, ‘You have set the bar high, Miss Adams. I will be expecting a lot from you’.

  He’d always seemed impressed with everything she’d done. She made sure to complete his every request with perfection but now she was blowing it. He gave her one simple task, be back in time to meet with the new doctor. She really missed the bar this time. Maybe the new doctor would be running late and she could slip in before he got there.

  Marie stepped into the suite and could hear voices coming from Dr. Carrington’s office. She whispered, “Well, so much for that hope.”

  She noticed the door to the vacant office on the other side of the waiting room was open. It hadn’t been used for anything in the short time she had been working for Dr. Carrington so she concluded the new doctor was going to be occupying it.


  If the door was open then the new doctor had been there long enough to get a tour, something she should have done. Another rush of panic swept over her.

  She was standing in front of her desk trying to decide how to approach her current dilemma when Dr. Carrington appeared at his doorway.

  “Were the reports delivered to Dr. Jameson’s satisfaction?”

  “I don’t know. He wasn’t there. I gave them to his assistant.”

  He frowned and looked at his watch. “I see.”

  He leaned against the threshold and folded his arms across his chest, a serious expression on his face. She knew he was waiting for her explanation for being late, but she didn’t want to admit the truth, that she’d been chatting with Samantha on his time. Samantha was the hospital’s assistant administrator but Marie learned a while ago that the department heads saw her as nothing more than a glorified secretary.

  The silence was suffocating her and she took a deep breath. “I assume the new doctor has arrived?”

  AJ straightened from the doorframe and shoved his hands in his pockets. He hesitated and she knew he was still trying to decide what to do about her tardiness.

  Marie looked at him as he stood in the doorway and realized for the first time how tall he was. He was about six foot three with an athletic build. He had pitch black hair and fair skin that made a handsome contrast to his dark brown eyes. She imagined most women would find him irresistible but he wasn’t exactly her type.

  “Yes he has. Please come in, Marie.”

  When she approached he stepped aside to let her walk through the door.

  The doctor was leaning back against the conference table next to the window with his hands lying flat on the tabletop. He stood when she walked in. In contrast to Dr. Carrington, he was a few inches taller with dark brown hair that gently curled at the ends, and his hazel eyes seemed to look straight into her soul.

  Erotic visions erupted in her brain, visions of him doing terribly wonderful things to her body. She closed her eyes as if she needed to hide the deep dark secrets he could suddenly see. When she opened them again his expression was full of hunger and she felt the urge to cover herself. The lust in his eyes was enough to melt her clothes right off her body.

  His dark complexion gave him a southern European look and his build was slightly broader than Dr. Carrington’s. He was wearing a silk suit with a purple tie draped around his neck and the top button of his shirt was undone. He looked as if his day was ending rather than just getting started.

  She wanted to slip the rest of the buttons out of their holes and run her hands along his chest and shoulders. His lips drew her attention and she could almost feel them on her neck.

  He took a few steps toward her. Her heart skipped a beat when he approached. He moved with such grace he seemed to float across the floor.

  She flinched when she felt Dr. Carrington’s hand on her lower back. He placed his other hand on her arm as he stepped to her side and her nerves stood at high alert. She’d completely forgotten he was in the room. With a subtle deep breath she regained her composure.

  “Marie, this is Dr. Warren Jackson, an old friend of mine. He is a neuropsychologist and the new director of Trauma Mental Health.” Dr. Carrington turned to the other man and stepped behind her. He gently wrapped his hands around her upper arms and eased her against his chest. “Warren, this is Marie Adams, my Executive Assistant.”

  She could feel a sense of possessiveness surround her but it didn’t feel personal. It felt like a declaration of ownership. She smiled when she thought of a child in a sandbox declaring to his friend that the shovel and bucket were his and he wasn’t about to share them. She dismissed the thought as a product of her wild imagination and realized no matter how hard she tried she was never going to understand the way men thought.

  Dr. Carrington released her and she took a step toward Dr. Jackson, extending her hand in greeting, “It’s nice to meet you Dr. Jackson. May I assume the previously vacant office is now yours?”

  “You may. It’s a pleasure to meet you, Marie. I look forward to working with you.”

  Dr. Jackson grasped her outstretched hand with both of his. He continued to hold her hand and their gazes locked. The spark of lust in his eyes made them twinkle. His smile was sensual and drew her toward him.

  She took a deep steadying breath. Her blouse tightened around her breasts as she inhaled and she had a sudden desire for the buttons to give way, giving him unimpeded access to her nipples. She could feel them pushing against the thin satin of her bra.

  She dropped her gaze when she noticed movement in his trousers. The material moved again and she suppressed the urge to reach for him. A wave of desire rushed through her and settled in her pelvis, waiting for his invasion.

  When she looked back up to his face he was staring at her breasts and she inhaled sharply. She barely heard the soft moan that escaped him and she prayed she hadn’t imagined it.

  She felt her heart beat faster as the warmth from his hands spread to the rest of her body. A trickle of sweat made its way down between her breasts and she shivered at the sensation.

  He pulled her closer and she could feel the heat of his body envelope her. This time the sense of possessiveness that surrounded her felt warm and protective. It felt like home.

  “Uh…thanks…uh…you too.”

  She desperately wanted to say something more intelligent but she couldn’t seem to focus on anything but the warmth from his body. She wanted to step into his arms and surround herself in his heat forever.

  He opened his mouth as if to say something then Dr. Carrington cleared his throat and stepped to her side. He closed his mouth, smiled, and let go of her hand.

  Dr. Carrington turned her and gently backed her into a chair in front of his desk. She gave herself a mental shake.

  ‘Good lord, Marie, get a hold of yourself. It was just a handshake!’

  When she was seated, Dr. Carrington grabbed her hand in both of his and smiled gently at her again. His hands seemed almost cold in comparison to the other doctor’s. Then he placed her hand in her lap and turned to the other man.

  She needed to get her head clear and wished she could go back in time and start this day over. Thing
s were going from bad to worse and she felt like she had just stepped into the Twilight Zone. She was late for this meeting, a stupid mistake she knew better than to make and her reaction to Dr… uh, whatever, was completely unprofessional.

  Even Dr. Carrington was acting odd. Not only had he never touched her before, he had never interrupted a conversation of hers either. As a matter of fact, he had made it quite clear she was to be the middleman in case he was “busy” so she had gotten used to putting herself between him and everyone else.

  She thought of her reaction to Dr. Yummy and groaned to herself. It was appalling. She couldn’t even remember his name. Hopefully Dr. Carrington would say it again. She needed to get a hold of herself. The last time she had this strong of a reaction to a man it was disastrous.

  Warren understood AJ’s implication and stepped back, returning to his previous stance at the conference table. He crossed his arms over his chest and took a good look at her. She was quite beautiful. Her auburn hair fell to her shoulders in long silky waves and her gray eyes were outlined with dark blue rings. He certainly wouldn’t describe her as short but the top of her head barely reached his shoulders. Her skin was fair and smooth and he suddenly had a strong urge to slide his fingers along her cheek and up into her silky hair.

  He dropped his gaze and began to study her enticing figure. He was sure her breasts would fit perfectly in his hands judging by the way that blouse was hugging her. Her hips flared into sleek and curvaceous legs that made him ache to touch them. His cock twitched at the thought of holding her ass as he buried himself deep inside her.

  His instant and intense reaction to her surprised him but not as much as AJ’s possessive posturing. Warren had known him since they were kids. She wasn’t AJ’s type. She was his type. With only one exception, AJ always went for the arm candy persona; blonde hair, blue eyes, and tall. And most importantly, dumb.

  Marie had a natural beauty that went deeper than skin and knowing how demanding AJ was he knew she was most definitely not dumb, despite her sudden inability to form sentences. He smiled to himself and hoped he had a little something to do with her flustered state of mind.


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