Rock Me Slowly

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Rock Me Slowly Page 11

by Dawn Sutherland

  Well fuck it, if getting wasted is good enough for Sophie its damn well good enough for me. We continue to knock back Jagermeister after Jagermeister and the room seems to be spinning on its axis relentlessly. I fear it won’t be long before I’m running down an alleyway puking my guts up. How fucking attractive would that be in front of the most beautiful woman in the world. Even if she is as wrecked as I am.

  I turn around and notice that the guys have found themselves some women to show off to. Brilliant, maybe Mickey will leave me and Sophie alone to puke together. We finish off our serious drinking session by consuming vodka shots, by this time we are both utterly wasted. I’m not sure how I’m even standing.

  Sophie somehow manages to slide off of her barstool elegantly even though she is as drunk as a skunk. She looks good enough to eat, in fact that is exactly what I want to do to her. I’m having an internal battle. One minute I want to leave her alone and let her get on with her life and her career and the next I want to throw caution to the wind and rip all her clothes off where she stands and take her up against the bar.

  What the fuck am I doing?

  Sophie is looking at me with a seductive intent in her eyes and I find that look so damn sexy. Drunk Sophie is full of confidence and self-worth and I find that its turning me on so much, I want her and I want her now!

  All of a sudden I seem to be surrounded by a bunch of over amorous groupies circling around me like bloody vultures. Why the hell wont these girls just leave me alone? If I wanted a cheap and skanky lay for the night I would of plucked one of them out hours ago. These girls could never stand in Sophie’s shoes, shes too special for words. She puts up with my shit and yet she can still find it in herself to talk to me never mind breathe the same air, unbelievable.

  “Josh…..Josh. I hear you’re without company tonight, why don’t we head on back to your tour bus for a little private time. What do you say?” These girls are unreal, have they no self-respect? Why would you so blatantly throw yourself at a man you don’t even know?

  What a hypocrite I am. I have been sleeping with these girls for months and only now do I question the moral of the situation!

  Just as the group of girls gets larger around me I feel Sophie’s hand yank at my wrist and I’m being led past the girls and through the club to the rear entrance. I had a lucky escape there, any longer and I would have been groupie meat. Ripe for the picking.

  I need to control my breathing, otherwise my heart is going to beat right out of my chest. That situation could of gotten out of control very fast if Sophie wasn’t there to rescue me. Ha, Sophie rescue me? Isn’t it supposed to be the other way around? I have a desire to be Sophie’s knight in shining armour but at this moment in time I’m more of a twat in tinfoil!

  Sophie has dragged me out the clubs back doors. We are both leaning against the doors when I let out a very audible sigh of relief. Those women were damn feral!

  We both burst into a fit of laughter at the absurdity of Sophie saving me from a bunch of cock hungry fans.

  “Wow that was intense, Josh. Does that happen to you often?” Sophie is incredulous at the scene that just transpired. I’m mortified that Sophie had to witness the lengths that groupies will go to just to spend one night with a member of Buried Alive. I wish Sophie didn’t have to see that part of my life. I would readily get wasted and fuck the nearest girl available just to feel some kind of emotion. I’m a dark and deep man, one that wishes he could feel a connection. Now that I do I’m trying to push that one person as far away from me as I can get.

  “Yes it does, usually I would be totally up for anything these girls put to me. Tonight seems to be different though.” I contemplate the meaning behind my words.

  “Oh really and why is that then?” Sophie has now stepped away from the doors and is standing directly in front of me, biting her lip. That action alone has me having lascivious thoughts towards her.

  “You tell me. After all I’m in the company of the most beautiful girl in the world.” I can be sweet when I want to be and I want to be all the time with Sophie. I have so much to say. I can’t seem to process coherent thoughts at the moment though with her looking at me that way.

  Sophie grabs me by the wrist once more and drags me into the alleyway in between the club and a building beside it. I have no idea what the hell she is doing but it has me very excited at the prospect of finally being alone with her. Once we are far enough into the alley Sophie pushes me hard into the wall, her hands on my pecs feels damn good. I place my hand over hers and cherish the look in her eyes. Is this the moment I’m going to have her? Not ideal for our first time, but fuck I’ll take her anyway I can get her now.

  “Josh please don’t say anything let me just give you this moment.” I can see the sincerity in her eyes. I decide to keep my mouth shut on this occasion and just let her do what she has to do. I silently nod my agreement to her request.

  Sophie starts by stroking my cheek gently, I lean into her touch and can almost hear her pulse beating rapidly in her wrist. She leans up and plants her full lips on mine, she doesn’t move them for a moment just resting them letting me know she’s there. I open my mouth and I start to move with hers, hungrily taking possession of her mouth. It’s just as I remember. The sweet taste of her, she feels just like velvet and her tongue. Fuck her tongue. It’s a heady mix and I can feel my head buzzing from the intensity of it all.

  We pull away from each other and we are completely breathless. Sophie’s lips are bruised from the passionate embrace. She has a devilish smile on her face and it makes me anticipate her next move. She seems intent on driving me wild with passion tonight.

  Sophie doesn’t linger long, she is now undoing my belt swiftly. She pulls it through the loops and deposits it on the ground near her feet. I’m utterly shocked at her swift work of my jeans, this lady means business tonight. She keeps biting that fucking lip and its driving me wild. She quickly pulls my jeans down to my ankles and my boxer briefs soon follow. I’m completely bare to the elements and it feels liberating out here in the open. If the media saw me right now they would have a damn field day.

  Sophie now leans in towards my ear and whispers seductively to me. “Josh, I have dreamt about what it would feel like to have your cock wrapped around my lips. What it would feel like as you push you cock deep down my throat, and finally what it would feel like having your seed erupt straight into my mouth. I guess we are both about to find out.” Fuck.Me! That had to be the hottest words I have ever heard come out of Sophie’s mouth. My cock is now standing to salute and by god I’m so ready for her mouth.

  “Soph…” I’m cut off by Sophie’s index finger covering my lips. Sophie wasn’t kidding when she said she didn’t want me to utter a word during our encounter.

  Sophie is now on her knees in front of me gently stroking my legs whilst she teases my cock with her tongue. She smiles against my cock and I’m having a hard time keeping myself under control. I just want to have her against the wall while I cherish her body. I want to be balls deep inside of her. I bet she would feel fucking exquisite.

  She now grabs a hold of my cock roughly and starts to pump it. I let out a guttural moan that resonates deep within my chest. Her hand knows exactly how to have me craving more. Fuck, it feels so damn good. When she sees me pleading for her mouth with my eyes she obliges. Whilst never looking away she slowly puts my cock inside her mouth and licks the tip of it. Not only does her tongue feel good when kissing, it feels so much better on my cock. The gentleness doesn’t last though. She soon begins to suck at my length relentlessly. Every muscle in my body clenches with the sheer pleasure she is giving me. I want her and I want her badly. She continues this torturous speed and just as I’m about to shoot into her mouth she stops. What.The.Hell?

  Sophie stands up and sorts her clothing out. She wipes her mouth with the back of her hand and bends down once more to whisper in my ear. “Don’t you ever underestimate me again Josh. I can have you begging on your hands and knees.
Don’t you ever think you can get away with treating me like shit. I’m not one of your little groupies, I deserve a little bit more respect. I won’t put up with it from any man let alone you. Get your fucking shit together. I’ll see you back on the bus.” Sophie turns away from me and walks back down the alley.

  Well that’s me told. I deserved that dressing down. I have treated her like shit.

  I’m sexually frustrated but Sophie’s actions have me making the decision to finally start making amends. I will do whatever it takes to finally make her mine.

  Chapter 12


  Once I arrive back on the bus I head to the kitchen and fetch myself a glass of water. I have had way too much to drink and need to sober up quickly for the aftermath of my actions. I know I was slightly drunk but I still can’t believe that I actually went through with it!

  Slightly drunk, who the hell are you kidding? I was damn well near paralytic.

  I feel like a complete bitch for getting Josh wound up sexually like a coiled spring but I had to let him know just how much his actions have affected me. Josh wasn’t the only one that got wound up sexually, I felt it too. The feel of his manhood in my mouth had me wanting to push him to his very last thread of control. God I wanted him to come in my mouth and watch him in the purest form of ecstasy. I wanted to see his breathing increase, his head fall back, his eyes roll into the back of his head and have his fingers grip my hair so tightly whilst he pumps his life force into my mouth. He would then watch me intently while I gulped every last bit down.

  Yes I’m a whore.

  I had to stop the whole act though. I needed him to see that I could have him if I wanted him. He does still want and need me, but what I can’t understand is why he is denying himself. What can he have to possibly gain from torturing himself? If only I could get him out of my mind. I could get on with this tour instead of getting involved in illicit sexual acts with Josh.

  Even though the man makes my cunny quake I have to try and get over him, STAT.

  I gulp down the remains of my glass of water and decide on getting myself ready for bed. I can’t keep having these late nights, they are starting to catch up with me. I head towards the bathroom when I’m distracted by a loud banging noise coming from across the hall, the private bedroom. I change course and quietly tip toe to the door of the main bedroom. The banging gets louder and I press my ear against the glass to try and get a better indication of what is going on in there.

  That’s when it becomes perfectly clear what the heck is going on in there. One of the boys is in there having sex, and they aren’t being particularly quiet about it either! The girl is squealing loudly in there.

  “Oh……..oh……..Mickey harder, harder, don’t stop.” I laugh inwardly when I realise that it’s Mickey in there. I’m not ashamed to admit that I was momentarily worried that it was Josh in there, especially after I had sexually tortured him. That’s the one thing I wouldn’t be able to get over, cheating.

  “Okay bitch get your head down on the pillow and your beautiful ass in the air.” Well Mickey isn’t exactly the hearts and flowers kind of guy is he?

  I feel myself blushing at the noises that Mickey and the mysterious woman are making and swiftly turn around and lean my back against the glass doors when I come face to face with Josh. How the hell did he sneak up on me? I didn’t even hear him get on the bus. Was I really so preoccupied with trying to work out who was in that room that I have total disregard to who is coming and going? Although I have sobered up a little the sight of Josh still has me feeling dizzy at the hotness of the man. It seems that the tables have turned and I’m now the one at the mercy of Josh’s sexual prowess.

  “Oh Sophie do you know just how worked up I am right about now?” Josh says with a tight lipped expression. He raises both his arms and places both his hands on the glass doors at either side of my head, his close proximity has my heart palpitating. He doesn’t look like he is about to give up and let me go either.

  “Josh I think you know exactly why I did that.” I say through bated breath. I’m seriously struggling to string a few words together at this moment. It’s as if his voice short circuits my brain, I mean seriously!

  “Oh, Sophie your little sex show has only made me want you that much more. Did you seriously think that would get me pissed, that I would back off completely? Little do you know that I have never stopped wanting you, needing you every single day. Let me tell you how much I want you, shall I? I want to ruin you for other men for the rest of your life. I want you to never be able to look at another man the same, let alone fuck them.”

  Holy crap, ruin me for other men? Does this guy have mad skills or something?

  “Josh you are an arrogant fucking dick, do you know that? What the hell makes you think that you’re so different from other men? After what you did, what makes you think I would even want you even breathing the same air as me?” I can’t believe the audacity of the guy! My hand is totally twitching wanting to slap him across his beautiful face.

  Josh inches closer to my face and I can smell his jagermeister breath, how I can find that irresistible I do not know. Every part of Josh is stunning and no matter what he does or how he behaves I just can’t let go of the fact that he feels like the other part of me. I know it sounds corny but we are like two halves of a whole and only when we are together do we feel complete. “Sophie, I can’t stop thinking about you and when you wrapped your perfect lips around my cock it took everything in me not to explode right at that minute. I don’t want to fuck you.” Josh says this with the curve of his lip into a slight smile.

  What the fucking hell is he on? He wants to fuck me alright; I didn’t imagine his facial expressions in that alleyway.

  “What the hell do you mean, you don’t want to fuck me? I was damn well there in that alleyway, remember? I seen your facial expressions, you wanted me, I know you did.” I can’t even believe that he is trying to fill me with this utter crap. If that’s the type of look he gives a girl when he doesn’t want to fuck her then I’d hate to see his look of lust. I can kind of understand him being scared of taking a leap of faith on this but I still don’t understand his hesitance. He is so cock sure with everything else, what’s with the bullshit?

  Josh grabs both my shoulders firmly and shakes me roughly until I take notice of what he is about to say. “You didn’t let me finish what I was about to say. I said I didn’t want to fuck you, fucking is what I do with the groupies. That’s something I don’t want to do with you. I want to make love to you, passionately. I only want it to be us two involved. It’s been known that I would take on a few girls at a time to stoke my sexual desire but it was always emotionless. I didn’t feel anything for those girls. I wouldn’t even say that I lusted after them. They were just there so I took advantage and they were quite happy for me to do so.” Josh says deadpan.

  Well I wasn’t expecting that at all. I really didn’t picture someone like Josh having the phrase make love in his repertoire, he really does look like a “fuck” kind of guy. Has he developed stronger feelings for me than I had anticipated?

  “Josh I thought you didn’t want me, that you felt that it was easier if you stayed away from me. You change your mind so damn often I’m getting whiplash from everything you say. How is a girl supposed to keep up with your mood swings? Do you want me or not?” Christ, and they say that women are the indecisive species.

  “Oh baby I want you alright, I just wanted to keep you away from my darker side. That’s something that I didn’t want you to have to deal with, but I’m tired of trying to fight my attraction to you. I think we could have something special if we both put our everything into it. I’m willing to try, what about you?”

  Do I want to try? Do bears shit in the woods? Is Josh freaking insane. I have wanted to keep trying to get through to him for days now but he wasn’t having any of it. Oh god, I want to fuck him right now, I want every part of him.

  “Josh I want you more than I want to breat
he but I won’t tolerate you hurting me again, you hear me?”

  “Your wish is my command baby.” He wraps his arms around my shoulders and embraces me in a huge hug. He feels amazing and smells divine. I just hope that I don’t regret my words.


  Wrapping my arms around Sophie feels like home and it feels so right. We feel like we belong together and the smell of her has all the blood available in my body rushing straight to my groin. The sexual tension between us could light up the whole of New York City it’s simply palpable.

  My desire for Sophie takes over my head at this moment and I want nothing more than to be deep inside her with her thighs wrapped around my waist. I want to pound her into oblivion and hear her screaming my name at the top of her voice. I need her now; I won’t tell myself any longer that I can live without her as it’s simply not true. I need Sophie and the craving has gone beyond all my measures of control now. I never thought it would be possible to need to touch someone so damn much but, I crave Sophie’s touch hungrily now.

  I caress Sophie’s cheek, her skin is velvety soft and I find my mind wandering, wondering how she keeps her skin so soft.

  Dammit Josh, focus man!

  I stare into the deep green serene pools that is her eyes and wonder how I could have been so blessed to have such an angel come into my life. Pure luck because I’m the devil compared to her goodness. I think coming into contact with Sophie has changed my whole outlook on life especially the situation with groupies. Never again will I pick a cheap one night stand over having something spectacular with Sophie.


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