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Mistake Page 13

by Ellen Hutton

  The way he said these words sent a strange rush of heat into her stomach and a few parts south of there.

  “Is that so?” she asked wondering where she had found the strength to speak.

  “Yes,” he replied, “I think we can get away with lunch for now.”

  “Third,” she said ignoring what she had said, “from what I can tell, you seem to be used to getting your way with women, I endeavor to not be one of them.”

  He laughed then, and she knew her inklings had been right.

  “You wound me.” He said flashing her an innocent look she knew must have worked for him in the past.

  Although she fought against his charm there was no escaping her attraction towards him.

  After another two hours, she realized that they had spent enough time together for the day. She was late for her lunch break and she wanted to get out of Leon’s presence. The more time she spent with him the more she lost her resolve to get rid of him and the more she found herself picturing herself writhing on top of him.

  “I think that’s it for the day.” She said standing, “let’s pick up tomorrow”

  She walked around the table and made her way towards the door but not before he caught her by the hand and pulled her towards him.

  “I just wanted to try something.” He said before lowering his head and gently kissing her on the lips. It was a gentle fleeting kiss, but the intensity promised there was much more.

  When he looked into her eyes she could tell he saw her vulnerability and she took a step back and shook her head.

  “I was wondering if I was the only one I felt it.” He said looking at her without a hint of mirth. “now I know you feel it too.”

  His intense gaze left her trapped and vulnerable and that was a feeling she was both new to and unsure of.

  “I should go.” He said stepping around her and walking out of the office.

  When he was gone, she slouched down into her office sofa and let out an exasperated breath. She hadn’t expected him to do that and she had no idea how to respond now that it had been done. Should she have been outraged at his misconduct, but she had been thinking about it for hours as she sat across from him watching him speak. She was at a crossroads, but she decided to let it be and go for lunch. She would have time to consider all this later.

  Chapter 5

  The next day when Annie went to work, she was adamant that nothing would happen between her and Leon ever again. After going home and thinking it through she realized that Leon’s advances had been extremely inappropriate. To avoid future occurrences, she knew she’d have to establish her boundaries. She walked into her office and her jaw dropped when she looked around and saw her office filled with red roses. She looked around to see if anyone else was inside but found no-one.

  She walked over to her desk and took a card from one of the bouquets and read it.

  “I apologize.” The note read. There was no name attached and she struggled to figure out who had sent it.

  She walked out of her office and into the lobby and found the receptionist beaming at her.

  “Hi Violet, I found my office filled with red roses, are you sure they were sent to me?” she asked.

  Viola looked at her a bit surprised.

  “Of course I am.” Viola said, “They came here with your name, office number, and title.”

  Annie smiled and thanked her before going back to her office. She didn’t understand this gesture, but she knew the doer would reveal themselves soon enough. She only hoped it wasn’t Dale trying to get a second date. As she worked for the morning she found herself relishing the fresh scent of flowers in the room. She went for lunch and when she came back she was surprised to see Leon in her office. She had hoped he wouldn’t be in the office today since he hadn’t shown up for their morning session.

  “Sorry to be late.” He said apologetically.

  “That’s alright.” She replied taking a seat.

  “So, you liked the flowers?” he asked smiling.

  She realized then that he was the one who had sent the flowers and for no reason, the thought made her smile.

  “Oh, yes.” She replied, “I didn’t know you sent it.”

  “I wondered if I should have put my name on it.” He replied.

  “They’re beautiful.” She replied, “what were they for?”

  “I realize what I did yesterday was a bit inappropriate.” He said, “I can’t expect you to forgive me, but I am sorry.”

  She smiled thinking about her plans to tell him off earlier and she realized with his gesture she didn’t have the heart to tell him off.

  “Thank you for the apology.” she replied, “I must be honest, you weren’t the first person who came to mind when I read the note.”

  “Who was the first person who came to mind?” he asked.

  “A terrible date I had the other day.” She replied.

  “Have you given any thought to going out with me?” he asked, “I wanted to take you someplace nice tonight if you’ll accept my invitation.”

  Annie thought about it for a minute. She wanted to say yes. There was something about Leon that made her want to throw caution to the wind. She had been locked away in herself for so long that she was afraid that if she didn’t break through now, she may never be able to have a normal relationship with a man.

  “Tonight?” she asked

  “Yes, I have a lovely place I’d like to take you.” He replied, “we could go right after work.”

  “I guess I could find a way to schedule you in.” she replied, “I can’t stay out too late though, I have to come back here and finish off some things later.”

  “Great.” He replied

  She was about to say something else when Alonso, popped into her office.

  “Wow, did a flower store throw up in here?” he asked

  “No, just another crazed fan.” She replied.

  Her taunt didn’t fall on deaf ears and she heard Leon chuckling.

  “I see.” Alonso said, “I hope you let the sucker down lightly.”

  She couldn’t help the laughter that filled her.

  “I need Leon for the rest of the afternoon.” He said

  “No problem.” She replied eager to get away from him a bit. She wanted to call Lidia and tell her what had happened, and she wanted to give herself enough time away from him before their dinner date tonight.

  “I’ll see you tonight.” Leon said as he stood, “we can take my car.”

  She smiled and watched him walk out. She looked at Alonso who had one brow raised and a sneaky smile on his face.

  “Fan huh?” he asked.

  “They’re all fans.” She replied cheekily.

  After he left she called Lidia who came to her office in record time.

  “How come you didn’t tell me you got a truck full of roses?” she asked

  “I didn’t know who they were from till just now.” Annie replied, “They’re from Leon.”

  “Wait, Leon, the boss’s son who you’re trying to get rid of?” Lidia asked

  Annie laughed when she remembered how she had reacted to him the first time she had seen him.

  “Yes, him,” Annie replied

  “Wow, your plan is going great then!” Lidia teased

  “I don’t think so.” Annie replied, “I don’t think my opinion of him yesterday was fair. He’s actually brilliant.”

  “Wait,” Lidia said with a cheeky grin. “are you smitten with him?”

  “Smitten?” Annie asked, “what am I? Two?”

  “You’re a grown woman, I’m asking if you’re into our boss’ son,” Lidia said

  “I have no idea.” Annie replied, “I do like him, he’s smart, handsome and he’s a great kisser.”

  “Wait, how do you know he’s a good kisser?” Lidia asked, “did you kiss him!!”

  “It just happened,” Annie replied, “I can’t stop thinking about it.”

  “Wow,” Lidia said, “I’m actually happy to hear about thi

  “I agreed to go on a date with him,” Annie said quietly.

  “Wait for what?” Lidia asked, “all of a sudden you’re planning dates for yourself.”

  “I thought, who would it hurt,” Annie said

  “I encourage this,” Lidia said.

  They spoke for a few more minutes before Lidia had to leave. Annie went back to work always trying to keep her mind off her upcoming date. She was both anxious and nervous. She wasn’t sure what to expect from a man like Leon, but she was also struggling to keep her mind off his lips and that usually led to thoughts of his other body parts. She was shamefully lusting after him.

  Chapter 6

  Annie walked into the office and saw the paper’s sitting on her desk. She knew that coming back to work after a date would be hard, but she didn’t regret it. Being with Leon was so fun it made her want to reconsider her opposition to dating. He was kind and attentive and she found out more about him in those two hours than she had in the two days they had spent working together.

  He was a calm and spirited man who seemed to be all about his business. He was attentive to her stories as she talked about her childhood and she did the same when he told her of his family holidays in diverse places. She learned that although she had never heard of him, Alonso’s children had spent a great amount of time with him as a child.

  The more they spoke the more her attraction to him grew and the harder it was for her to focus on keeping him at arm’s length.

  She decided finally to try to clear her mind of Leon, so she sat down at her desk and began typing. It wasn’t long before she heard a sound at her door. When she looked up she realized it was Leon.

  “What are you doing back here?” she asked

  “I didn’t think it would be good to leave you here to work alone.” He replied, “after all, I was the one who stole you away from your work.”

  “So, you’re going to help me?” she asked

  “I’ll sit here and watch you work so you don’t feel alone.” He said. “that’s the best I can do.”

  Annie laughed.

  “You can sit over there.” She said pointing to the seat in front of her desk that he usually sat in.

  “I’m glad you came out with me tonight.” He said, “you’re a beautiful woman.”

  “Thanks” Annie replied not knowing exactly what to say.

  She was more concerned with the heat that was pooling between her legs and her sudden desire to kiss Leon right then and there.

  “I need to head to the bathroom for a moment.” She said getting up and hurrying out of the room. She pulled her phone from her pocket and called Lidia.

  “I’m stuck at the office with Leon.” She told her friend.

  “Oh my,” Lidia said.

  “I know! What should I do?” Annie asked.

  “I don’t know,” Lidia said with a hint of mirth in her voice. “Just be yourself.”

  “What does that even mean?” Annie asked

  “I don’t know,“ Lidia said, “you’ll figure it out.”

  Without another word, her friend was gone. Annie looked in the mirror and sighed.

  “You got this.” She said to herself.

  She went back to her office and found Leon standing at the window behind her desk.

  “Hey,” she said as he walked in, “I’m back.”

  He turned to look at her with smoldering eyes.

  “I was just thinking,” he said, “I wouldn’t be true to myself if I didn’t tell you that I’m attracted to you in the most primal way.”

  Annie had no idea what to say.

  “You must admit you've attracted to me also.” He said pulling her closer to him so that their bodies were pressed against one another’s.

  “I would be lying if I said I wasn’t,” she replied looking up into his eyes.

  “Good,” he said before lowering his head to kiss her

  Unlike before, his lips were demanding, and she felt the sensation all the way down to her toes. She wrapped her hands around his neck and pulled him closer. He ran his hands down the side of her body and Annie could feel her desire bursting from within her.

  “God, you’re amazing.” He said as he pulled back and looked down into her eyes.

  Annie could hardly find her voice, but she knew she wanted him and she was burning to have him.

  “I want you.” She said reaching up and undoing the clips from her hair so that the short curls fell and brushed against her shoulders.

  Leon didn’t hesitate, he grabbed her and pulled her shirt over her head and threw it across the room. She undid his buttons and gasped as his shirt fell away revealing perfect skin and well-toned abs; she wasn’t vain but she loved his perfect body.

  “You’re more beautiful than I could have ever imagined,” Leon said

  He pulled her towards him and she gasped as she felt his hands tugging her skirt upwards. She moaned when she felt the warmth of his hands against her inner thighs. Her breath hitched, and she wanted nothing more than to feel his hand pressing against her throbbing vulva.

  “I don’t think I can wait much longer.” He whispers in her ear.

  Annie could hear the urgency in his voice and she followed as he led her across the room towards her sofa. She parted her legs and sat on top of him settling herself as he slid right into her. she gasped throwing back her head. He filled her perfectly and it took her a moment before she moved again. They started a steady pace as she moved on top of him with all the skills she had gained over her years in college. Leon steadied her for a moment and lifted her into his strong rippling arms. He carried her across the room and placed her on the desk before plunging into her. She groaned as he went even deeper pushing her closer to the edge.

  “Oh my God.” She whispered as he began moving inside her.

  His thrusts were fast and powerful, and she could hardly find her breath as he continued his onslaught. She finally came, shouting his name and writhing with pleasure. She felt his final thrust as he came inside her calling out her name.

  They stayed like that for a moment before he picked her up and carried her across the room to the sofa where he lay down with her on top of him.

  “Bes sex I’ve ever had.” He said after a while.

  “Oh God, I can’t believe I just had sex in my office,” Annie said with a look of embarrassment.

  Leon laughed and steadied her as he sat up. He kissed her cheek and she slid out of his lap and pulled her skirt down. She looked at Leon awkwardly unsure of what to say as she tugged her blouse on.

  “It’s alright.” He said, “I don’t expect you to say anything.”

  “This was clearly a mistake” she replied, “I shouldn’t have let it get this far.”

  The way he looked at her made her think he wanted to say something but instead, he shrugged.

  “I guess.” He said reshuffling the things on the desk that he had knocked over.

  Minutes later they were fully dressed, and they awkwardly made their way to the garage.

  “I’ll see you tomorrow,” he said kissing her cheek before walking away

  There as a part of her that wanted to say something, but she had no idea what to say. She had just had sex with her boss’ son in her office and now they were going their separate ways. It was meant to be, but she also felt a loss that she didn’t quite understand.

  Chapter 7

  The next day Annie went to work with her shame written all over her face. She hoped and prayed that Leon wouldn’t bring it up. The last thing she wanted to remember was going at it with him at work. The thought had haunted her dreams and she had woken up wet and ready the next morning. She walked into her office to find Alonso’s daughter Melissa seated behind her desk

  “Finally!” Melissa said, “I’ve been waiting on you all morning.”

  “Long night,” Annie said as she walked into the office.

  For a moment she wondered if Leon had told his sister what had happened, but she doubted it. He didn�
�t seem the type to kiss and tell.

  “Well, you’re here now. Dad isn’t doing so well. I came in today to handle his desk.” Melissa said.

  “Wait is Leon no longer taking over from your dad?” Annie asked cautiously optimistic. She liked him for sure but if he was no longer taking over she wouldn’t have to deal with the idea that she would eventually become the woman who slept with her boss.

  “Oh yes, for sure.” Melissa said, “he’s with dad. I would never be fit enough to take over. Leon is much better at this sort of thing.”

  “I never knew you had a brother until he showed up a few days ago,” Annie admitted taking the seat across from Melissa.

  “We’ve known him since he was a baby.” Melissa admitted, “the situation was just complicated.”

  “How so?” Annie asked.

  “His mother was a very high-profile woman who dad thought loved her. Turns out she only wanted to have his baby and extort him. Luckily, my father was able to get out of the relationship quickly before she ruined his life. Leon was raised by her, but dad has always been in his life. We just didn’t want to make it public so she could exploit our father.”

  “Wow, I had no idea,” Annie replied thinking of the pride she always saw in her boss’ eyes when he spoke to Leon.

  “He actually built his own textile business and as a joke became father’s competitor. I think that dad enjoyed that most of all. To see his son following in his footsteps.”

  “Wait, if he already has a major company why is your father surrendering the business to him,” Annie asked.

  “Oh, he hasn’t told you as yet huh.” Melissa asked, “it’s a merger.”

  Annie was shocked. Her boss hadn’t told her that part and she knew that if he had, things would have been much worse.

  “How could Alonso do that to us?” Annie asked.

  “Oh, don’t be hard on father.” Melissa said, “the merger won’t be as drastic as you imagine, plus Leon is a good guy he won’t cut jobs without reason.”

  Annie looked at Melissa skeptically it was hard to understand how they all seemed to love and respect this man she had never heard about before. She decided to pry a little bit harder to see what he was really like.


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