Loved by a SEAL (Alpha SEALs Book 7)

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Loved by a SEAL (Alpha SEALs Book 7) Page 10

by Makenna Jameison

  “I haven’t either,” Sarah said. “Are you sure I can’t do anything else?”

  “No, but thanks for asking. I have to go over and check on Alison anyway. It’s good that she’s home—it’ll give me something to do. I need to get out of the house and not just sit and wait for bad news.”

  “It won’t be bad,” Sarah assured her. “Patrick’s a fighter—and you know he’d do damn near anything to get back to you and the kids.”

  “Right. I know you’re right.”

  Sarah said goodbye and walked down the block toward her mini cruiser. Funny she’d just walked this same path a couple of nights ago—with Ryan of all people. That felt like a million years ago now. What had they been arguing about then? Gas mileage or something stupid? That seemed so unimportant and insignificant now.

  She hadn’t heard from Ryan since he’d left early this morning. Not that she expected to. Evidently he’d called Rebecca after missing her at the hospital, so she’d walked in the front door sobbing.

  Good God.

  He’s lucky she didn’t have an accident driving home. What kind of a control freak had to tell her the bad news that very second? Sarah could’ve told Rebecca herself. Ryan was so hellbent on doing things his own way, he probably just made it harder on Rebecca by having to find out that information when she was alone.

  Sarah shook her head in disbelief, dropping her overnight bag into the trunk.

  She’d quickly showered and thrown on skinny jeans and a tank top this morning but had already cancelled her morning appointments. She quickly called the physical therapy office from her car and notified them of her family emergency. It was probably better she didn’t go in today anyway. She was a mess and needed some time just to think. Her brother was lying alone in a hospital bed somewhere. Was he conscious? Did he know what happened? No one had given them any information aside from the fact that he’d been injured.

  Rebecca didn’t seem to need her around with the other girlfriends of the SEALs coming over. With Alison needing her help. It would be silly for Sarah to sit around moping at Patrick’s house. The kids would be off at whatever day camps they were doing this summer—and it was better for them to go about their normal routine. There was no point in upsetting them until they had more news on Patrick’s condition.

  She sighed, pulling her wet hair up into a top-knot. Maybe she’d head down to the beach and get some tea. Sit on the boardwalk and clear her head. The sound of the waves crashing on the shore always soothed her, and she could use some sunshine and fresh air.

  She pulled out her phone and sent a quick string of texts to Morgan.

  Patrick was injured on a mission.

  I know you’re busy with camp today.

  I’ll call you later.

  Morgan’s reply came a few minutes later.

  Holy crap! Let me know if you need anything.

  Call me later.

  Sarah sighed and tucked her phone back into her purse. Morgan was off for the summer and busy working at a children’s camp. She didn’t have time to talk now. And honestly, Sarah was so drained she didn’t feel like talking to anyone at the moment anyway.

  Two hours later she sank down onto a bench in a shaded area near the middle of the boardwalk. She was hungry and tired after walking up and down the boardwalk all morning. Usually the beach cheered her up, but worry was twisting her stomach in knots. She hadn’t heard from anyone about Patrick’s condition and was wondering if no news meant good news.

  She blew out a breath, watching a few seagulls swoop through the air. The scent of waffle cones from a nearby ice cream shop filled the air, and she heard the shrieks of kids laughing nearby. Everyone was enjoying a happy day at the beach. Their summer vacation.

  Too bad everything in her own world seemed to be freaking falling apart.

  Her phone buzzed in her purse, and she anxiously pulled it out, surprised to see a text from Ryan.

  Are you okay? Call me.

  Her heart racing, she immediately called him back. Did he have news on Patrick? Had something else bad happened?

  “Captain Mitchell.”

  “Hi. Ryan. It’s Sarah.”

  “Where are you? Rebecca said you left hours ago, but she couldn’t reach you at your office.”

  “I’m still here. At the beach, actually.”

  “Where? I’ll come meet you.”

  “Is everything okay? Did you hear anything more about Patrick?”

  “He’s still in surgery. I’m afraid we won’t have any more updates until he wakes up afterward. It could be a while still. I’ve been on base for twenty-four hours and am heading home. Tell me where you are,” he commanded, his voice gruff.

  Her heart did a funny little flip.

  “Um.” She looked around. “I’m down on the beach. Kind of near that statue thing. And there’s some kids playing on a play area in the sand.”

  “Jesus Christ,” Ryan muttered. “What’s the address?”

  “How should I know? I walked up and down the beach for a couple of hours after I got tea this morning.”

  “Where’d you park?”

  “Uh, 23rd Street. Or was it 32nd?”

  She heard Ryan mutter under his breath. “Are you near the Seaside Inn? Really tall hotel?”

  “Yes, that’s it!”

  “I’ll be there in twenty minutes.”

  Sarah scanned the area and saw Ryan walking toward her in khaki cargo pants and a dark tee shirt. Usually he looked pressed and polished, even when he was supposedly casual. Now he looked ready to throw on some gear and go jump out of airplanes or something. Her heart unexpectedly fluttered. Tourists milled around him in bathing suits and sunscreen, but he looked all business—cool, calm, collected, and ready for combat. Except he didn’t go on dangerous missions anymore as far as she knew.

  He came to a stop in front of her, finally sitting down on the bench beside her. He crossed his leg over his knee and sat back, looking out at the water. Completely silent. She glanced over at him, his strong profile not giving away any hint of his mood.

  “Long night, huh?” Sarah finally asked.

  “The longest.”

  Well, he was a talker. Ha.

  “I know you don’t have more updates on Patrick, but are the other guys okay?”

  “There were no other injuries,” he said, his voice low.

  “Well, that’s something I suppose.” She blew out a sigh. Not that she wanted anyone to come out of it injured, but holy crap. Did her brother have to be the one who was nearly blown up? The news had said the hostage was being held in Afghanistan, so she had to assume that’s where they’d deployed to. A place full of dangerous men who hated Americans. Who hadn’t given a second thought to kidnapping a woman and holding her hostage. To fighting with the team of Navy SEALs sent to rescue her.

  “Are the other guys on their way home?” she asked.

  Ryan stared ahead at the water. A lone seagull swooped down near the cresting wave, the summer sun gleaming on the water. “I’d love to tell you everything, but I can’t. I can’t tell you anything.” He clenched a fist. “Operational security.”

  “Right. I understand.”

  He glanced her way but seemed to accept her answer.

  “Rebecca said she needed to be with Alison today. I guess her pre-term labor stopped, but Rebecca didn’t want her to be all alone. I didn’t feel like driving home to Norfolk and already had cancelled my morning clients, so I ended up here. Just needed some time to think about everything going on.”

  He nodded. “I almost didn’t recognize you with your hair pulled back like that.”

  “Oh? I guess I usually wear it down.”

  “I like it both ways.” He turned toward her, running his thumb over the earrings in her left ear. Despite the heat, she practically shivered under his touch. The moment felt strangely intimate, and her lips parted as his fingers slid along her jawline and his thumb lightly brushed over her lips.

  “You are so damn beautiful.”
  Heat bloomed across her face, and it had absolutely nothing to do with the summer weather. “That’s literally the last thing on Earth I expected you to say.”

  The corner of his mouth tugged up in a hint of a smile, the harsh features on his face softening. “The very last thing?”

  “Yeah. You could’ve told me you ate bugs for breakfast or something, and I would’ve been less surprised.”

  “I didn’t eat breakfast this morning.”

  “Me either. I was too worried and sick to eat a single thing.”

  “I was worried, too. And although I was concerned Ice was injured, I knew he was in good hands. Knew that he’s a fighter. But it just about killed me to leave you there crying this morning.”


  “Why?” he repeated, in complete disbelief.

  “We don’t agree on anything,” Sarah protested. “Every time we talk, you just look completely amused, like you don’t agree with a damn word that I say. I want to go dancing; you want to sit and watch. I chase my nephew around the yard; you stand there looking annoyed.”

  “You need to be more observant,” he said dryly.

  “What? What are you talking about?”

  “I was watching you,” he said, nailing her with a look. “And I like how you argue with me. Challenge me. Most of the people on base say ‘Yes, Sir’ all day long. Most of the women I meet can’t string two coherent sentences together.”

  Sarah smirked. “Where are you meeting these women? Because they sound exactly like the type of women some of the other guys on the team used to date. Not to name names, but Brent? Holy hell, he had some doozies. Floozies, really.”

  Ryan chuckled, tiny lines crinkling around the edges of his eyes.

  “Come home with me.”

  “What? Now?”

  “I haven’t slept in twenty-four hours. It fucking killed me to leave you this morning, all tucked in your blanket when I just wanted to hold you.”

  “So you want to sleep with me?” she joked.

  “Yes.” His lips quirked. Ryan ran a hand over her bare arm, sending shivers racing down her spine. “There are a lot of things I want to do with you. Anything. Everything. But right now? I want to literally fall asleep with you. Hold you in my arms since I couldn’t earlier. Forget about this clusterfuck of a day.”

  “Do I get to drive?”

  “Hell no. There’s no way I’m ever getting in that mini cruiser of yours.”



  “What if I drive around topless?” she asked innocently.

  Ryan growled beside her, and she playfully swatted at him. He easily captured both her hands in his, his eyes sparking with interest. “You’re still trying to spar with a SEAL, are you? I don’t mind a good fight, but I’m pretty sure you don’t stand a chance.”

  Sarah twisted and tried to pull away, laughing, but his grip was like a vice. “No, I don’t go around trying to spar with Navy SEALs.”

  “Umm-hmm,” Ryan said, hauling her onto his lap. “What do you call this?”

  Her legs straddled him as he playfully held both her arms behind her back with one hand. Thick fingers tightened around her wrists, and her heart began to race. She could feel his hard length against her core as she squirmed, and she gasped as one of his hands slid to her hip, holding her to him.

  “Payback,” she said.

  “For what?”

  She lightly bucked her hips against him, causing him to groan aloud. “All the times you’ve mercilessly teased me.”

  He released her hands from his grip and moved his to the back of her neck, his fingers curling around her sensitive skin. “Fucking hell, woman, are you trying to kill me?”

  “What do you mean?” she asking, trying not to smile.

  His lips at her ear caused her to squirm even more against him, her breasts rubbing against his hard chest. “I’m fucking hard as a rock right now.”

  “Yeah. I noticed. Is that a problem?”

  “Jesus Christ, sweetheart,” he growled.

  “So are you taking me home or not?” she asked innocently. Their faces were inches apart, and if she wanted to, she could lean in closer for a kiss. Humor flickered in his gray eyes.

  “Yes. Hell yes. And I’m not letting you out of my bed until dinnertime.”

  Chapter 13

  Ryan stared at Sarah in wonder as she pulled her hair free from the bun and wavy, honeyed strands fell past her shoulders. She smelled like the ocean and sunshine, and he wanted to devour every square inch of her. To kiss and lick and graze his teeth over her skin until she melted into a puddle beneath him.

  All thoughts of pulling her into his arms and crashing into bed, fast asleep, had fallen to the wayside after he’d tugged her into his lap at the beach.

  Holy hell.

  Her denim clad legs straddling him had been one of the sexiest fucking things ever. He swore he could feel the heat of her core even through her jeans. His erection had grown painfully uncomfortable as Sarah had squirmed while he’d teased her, holding her hands behind her back.

  And hell if she hadn’t loved the way he’d played with her. Her eyes had lit up and she’d squealed in delight as he’d thoroughly enjoyed himself. Holding her slender wrists in his strong grip. Preventing her from moving anywhere as she’d straddled him.

  She was so damn small compared to him, so easy to hold back. He’d barely done a thing and had held her to him, just where he wanted her. It had taken everything in him not to duck down and kiss those pink lips at that very moment, but he needed her alone.

  “Do you always pick up women at the beach and bring them back to your place?” Sarah asked, her hazel eyes gleaming with humor.

  “Not once,” he said, stepping closer. “Luckily I’ve known you for a year though, so I don’t feel quite so guilty.”


  “Every damn minute you’re around me you drive me crazy. I’ve lost track of the number of times I wanted to drag you home with me. Kiss you for hours. Make you scream out my name.”

  “Well, aren’t you cocky,” Sarah said, slowly walking toward him. Her hips swayed back and forth, and her long, honey brown waves curled enticingly near her breasts. That thin tank top she had on did little to conceal her, and in the cool interior of his home, he could see the outline of her nipples through the fabric.

  Did she have any goddamn idea how sexy she was?

  “I like your hair like that,” he said roughly.

  She toyed with a curl. “Is that all you like?”

  “No fucking way,” he muttered, stepping closer.

  And then his hands were in her hair, running through the softness. She gasped as he tilted her head back, taking control, and finally kissed her, after a year of trying to avoid that very thing.

  Her soft, pink mouth yielded beneath him, and he gently thrust his tongue inside, teasing and tasting her. She whimpered softly, and he grew hard imagining tasting her everywhere.

  He moved one hand to the small of her back as their tongues twined together and slowly backed them up, gently pushing them down onto his bed as he continued to kiss her.

  Her soft breasts pushed against his chest as he hovered over her, and his erection pressed against her stomach. She gasped and wiggled beneath him, and he began kissing his way down her neck. Enjoying the sounds of pleasure she made. She tasted sweet, with a hint of saltiness from the ocean air. Her light floral scent was intoxicating, and he knew if he spent forever kissing her entire body, it would never be long enough.

  His hands found the bottom of her tank top, and he slowly pushed it up, kissing her flat stomach along the way. Her lace bra concealed nothing from him, and he could see her dusky nipples through the light pink lace. The contrast was sexy as hell, and he bent lower and tongued her nipple through the fabric. She squirmed and gasped beneath him, holding his head to her breast in a clear indication she wanted more.

  “Ryan,” she whimpered. “Please.”

licked her nipple once more through the lace, watching as it pebbled beneath his tongue. So fucking sweet. His hand palmed her other breast, caressing her lightly as she let out soft sighs of pleasure.

  “What do you need, Sweetheart?”

  “More,” she gasped. “I need more.”

  Lust surged through his veins, and his cock became uncomfortably hard. Hearing Sarah plead with him sent his adrenaline spiking and libido rising. He wanted to pleasure her for hours, explore her entire body, and make her feel so good she’d be begging him for more. She’d teased him mercilessly for months, taunting him every chance she got.

  Now he wanted control over her body and pleasure.

  “I need this off,” he murmured, slipping his fingers beneath the waistband of her tight jeans.

  She gasped at his touch, and he momentarily paused, looking into her lust-filled eyes.

  “Why are you stopping?”

  “Just making sure you’re okay,” he said in a low voice, expertly undoing the button of her jeans and sliding down the zipper. She had on floral cotton panties, held together with skimpy little strings, similar to the ones she’d worn at the beach. They might not have been satin or lace but somehow were still one of the sexiest pairs of panties he’d ever seen. The front of them was a perfect little “v” covering her mound, and he wanted them off. Immediately.

  Sarah reached down to help him slide down her skinny jeans, lifting her hips as Ryan stood and peeled her jeans all the way off.

  “Hell, how do you get those things on?” he asked in disbelief. She was slender herself, but those things seemed to be painted on.

  “Are you complaining?”

  “Hell no. I’m going to dream of you straddling me on the beach in those tight jeans.”

  “Come here,” she demanded, holding her hands out to him.

  “Bossy little thing, aren’t you?” he teased, grabbing her hands and pining them to the bed as he leaned over her. She squealed with delight, and he kissed her deeply as he ground his pelvis against hers. He was still in his cargo pants and tee shirt, and Sarah was lying on his bed nearly naked. She was the most beautiful damn thing he’d ever fucking seen.


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