Colonial Commander

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Colonial Commander Page 6

by K. D. Jones

  “Well, it was very helpful.”

  “Please come in and have a seat. The meal is being delivered. I would have cooked, except that…”

  “She can’t cook.” TylOR finished for her, chuckling.

  “I can cook some things,” Lizzie defended herself.

  “I didn’t mate you for your cooking skills,” TylOR growled as he pulled her into his arms and kissed her soundly.

  Lizzie giggled and hit him on the shoulder. “Stop that, we have guests.”

  Ava tried to find somewhere to look besides at the happy couple, but when she turned her head to the left and her eyes caught AshOR’s. He was staring at her with an intensity that made her feel slightly uncomfortable but excited at the same time. She licked her suddenly dry lips, and his eyes tracked the movement.

  A knock on the door caught everyone’s attention. AshOR walked over and opened it so that the staff could bring in the food. A few minutes later they were all sitting around the table. Lizzie had put Ava and AshOR next to each other on one side of the table, while she and TylOR sat on the other side.

  The servers helped dish out the food before they left. Conversation flowed smoothly, and she found humor in the way AshOR and his brother interacted and teased each other. She could see that it was all done with love and respect.

  “You would not have to reset the shields so frequently if you reduced your power usage two hours a day,” TylOR informed his brother.

  AshOR shook his head. “That would leave us vulnerable to a Morin attack.”

  “Two hours spread apart. You can manage using warships to help guard you until the power comes back online.”

  “I’m not a new lieutenant. I have plenty of experience on a transport.” AshOR crossed his arms over his wide chest.

  “I’m just trying to help you out.”

  “Maybe I don’t want your help.”

  “Then you’re an idiot.”

  Both of them growled at each other. Ava felt awkward at first, but then Lizzie’s burst of laughter at them had her laughing too. She looked up at the confused expressions on the men’s faces and laughed even harder.

  “What is so funny?” TylOR demanded.

  “Yes, why are you two laughing?” AshOR also demanded, but there was no heat in his voice.

  Ava looked at Lizzie, who winked at her and answered them. “I don’t know, maybe it’s because you’re like two macho cavemen beating their chests and arguing over who has the bigger club.”

  “What’s a cavemen?” TylOR asked.

  “I don’t know, but whatever this club is, mine is bigger,” AshOR said, chuckling. TylOR grinned.

  There was more joking and laughter after that, and the rest of the dinner was pleasant. She had no idea how funny AshOR could be in a social setting. He always came off so cold and distant. According to Lizzie and TylOR, AshOR had been the black sheep of the family, always getting into trouble. He’d sure done a turnaround. The only thing that hadn’t changed was AshOR’s reputation with the women.

  “What was that singer’s name that you started something up with back on Katiera?” TylOR asked.

  AshOR’s cheeks reddened, and he glared at his brother. “That was a while back, and it wasn’t serious.”

  “It never is,” TylOR said without thinking. “Ouch, what in Kitana! Elizabeth, that was my knee you just kicked!”

  Lizzie’s face turned red as she glared at her mate. “Watch what you are saying.”


  “I think it’s time for me to leave.” Ava stood up and headed toward the door.

  “Don’t go, stay and talk some more with me. It feels like it’s been forever since I spent any time with a human,” Lizzie begged.

  “I would love to talk more with you, but if I am going to help relocate the survivors to the Kiljorn transport tomorrow, I need to get some sleep.”

  “I wish you would consider traveling with us to Kiljor. You would love it there, it’s so beautiful.”

  “Maybe one day I can come for a visit.” She felt AshOR coming up behind her. “Thank you for inviting me.”

  “Any time.” Lizzie smiled and gave her a hug.

  Ava walked out into the corridor. She glanced back to find that AshOR had followed her out. “What are you doing?”

  “I am going to walk you back to your quarters.”

  “I don’t need an escort.”

  “Well, you are getting one.”

  Ava rolled her eyes and kept going down the corridor without looking at him.


  That damn female was driving him crazy with need. All evening he sat next to her, feeling her body heat and inhaling her delicious scent. He’d had to control the urge to reach for her and pull her onto his lap.

  Her voice was soft and sweet, and those strangely blue eyes of hers could melt him. But it was her laughter that got to him the most—she had the best laugh.

  He sensed vulnerability within her, as though she’d had something happen to her that made her more sensitive to everyone else. It only increased his overwhelming need to shelter and protect her. When they arrived at her quarters, she fumbled with opening the door.

  “Well, thanks for walking back to my room.”

  “It was my pleasure.” He placed one arm up over her head, leaning in against the doorframe. “Invite me in,” he whispered.

  “I don’t think that’s a good idea,” Ava whispered back.

  AshOR reached up with his other hand and gently caressed her face. “I think it’s an excellent idea.”

  He groaned with need as he lowered his head and kissed her. The soft kiss quickly turned wild and passionate. He pressed his body against hers and marveled at her response. There was no going back for either of them now.

  Chapter 9

  Their passions ignited as they fumbled into the room, barely closing the door behind them. They pulled their clothes off each other and threw them to the floor. Their shoes were next to come off, and then AshOR caught her by surprise when he bent down and picked her up. He carried her over to the bed and laid her down gently. When he stood back up, he just looked her over from head to toe.


  “Let me just look at you for a moment.” He walked over to the foot of the bed and stared at her lightly covered mound. “Open your legs for me, beautiful.”

  Ava felt heat rising to her cheeks—well, she was probably blushing all over. She’d never had anyone look at her the way he did, and she wanted to deny him.

  “Please Ava. I want to see all of you.”

  No man had ever said something like that to her. He made her feel desired and beautiful. She bent her knees and slowly opened her legs. Ava had only had two lovers her whole adult life. One while in college, and one when she was working with FEMA in a very bad situation. The first experience was more of a curiosity thing. The second experience had been a need for comfort. She’d never trusted anyone enough to let them have this much freedom with her body before. Watching his eyes darken with desire as he gazed at her body was such a thrill and a turn-on.

  AshOR leaned down, placing his hands on the bed, and slowly began to crawl up her body. He placed kisses along the inside of her ankles, her calves, and her knees, taking the time to nibble on her inner thighs.

  “You are so delectable.”

  She didn’t know what to do with her hands, so she reached down and rubbed his bald head. She always thought men with long, rock-star hair were sexy, but his gleaming, smooth head had made her hot since the first time she laid eyes on him. He felt warm, and so good to touch. She loved his head.

  His breath fanned over her clit, and she felt goose bumps forming all over her body. She was nervous. “You don’t have to, you know.”

  He growled. “Yes I do. I have wanted to know what you tasted like from the first time I saw you. Now, I am going to find out.”

  With that said he leaned down and licked her seam. He rumbled with pleasure, and she could feel the vibrations throughout her core
. It was the oddest feeling in the world, but damn it was good.

  “You are delicious.”

  “Thank you.” She didn’t know what else to say; it was awkward, but in a really good way.

  He moved her legs wider as he wedged his shoulders into the tight space. She felt his fingers opening her feminine folds.

  “Look at that, you are wet for me. Just dripping with need.”

  She was embarrassed and at the same time pleased that the evidence of her arousal made him sound so excited. He suckled her clit as he slowly slid two fingers into her. She felt uncomfortable with the small invasion, but that was quickly overridden when desire flared within her. It felt like her pussy had a heartbeat of its own, and it was working overtime.

  “So good.” AshOR removed his fingers and replaced them with his tongue. He stroked inside of her, rumbling and sending vibrations through her whole body.

  “Oh…” she moaned.

  “You like that don’t you, you like me eating your sweet pussy.”

  Fuck! His dirty talk was ramping up her arousal. She would never be able to hear the words ‘eating’ or ‘sweet’ without thinking about this moment and what AshOR was doing to her with his mouth, tongue, and fingers.

  Stroke after stroke, he built up the pressure inside of her. As though she was climbing a mountain, her adrenaline was pumping, and then she reached the top. One more rumble from him, and she felt herself careening off the high peak, falling hard and fast. She didn’t care if she crashed, she was enjoying the ride down.

  “AshOR!” She trembled as she found her release. She felt completely drained of energy. He could do anything to her and she wouldn’t care.

  She closed her eyes, enjoying the feel of his hard body pressing against hers. He paused to cup her breasts, and suckled her nipple in his mouth. It felt so good. He released the tip and covered the other nipple, giving it the same treatment. Then he nibbled his way up her neck to her lips. She opened her eyes to stare up into his golden gaze.

  “That was amazing.” She knew she had a goofy expression on her face. She couldn’t help but feel completely relaxed and satisfied.

  He snorted. “I’m just getting started, beautiful.” He leaned down and took her lips in a deep, thorough kiss.

  She could taste herself on him, but it didn’t bother her. It was kind of exciting. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him closer to her. His kiss deepened, and she began to tingle all over again from the friction of their two naked bodies rubbing together.

  She thought about asking him if he had protection, but remembered from the culture classes that his people didn’t have diseases and used the pullout method to keep from impregnating women. Ava had always used protection in the past, but she trusted AshOR and more than anything she wanted to feel every inch of him without a condom or anything else between them.

  Ava felt the tip of his penis slowly entering her pussy. She wrapped her legs around his waist giving him more room. He slowly rocked into her, taking his time and being careful not to hurt her. She appreciated that, but she wanted him all the way inside of her right now. She squeezed with her legs, moving him further inside.

  “Easy sweetness, I don’t want to hurt you. I’m a little bigger than what you are probably used to.”

  She would have told him he thought too highly of himself, but he was right. He was huge in comparison to her past experience. It didn’t frighten her; in fact, it made her even more aroused. “You’re hurting me right now by taking too long. I need you inside of me now!”

  He growled and plunged forward until he was thoroughly rooted inside of her. They both moaned at the fullness. He pulled out of her slowly and smiled when she protested. “Don’t worry, I’m not going anywhere.” He thrust back inside her and began a strong steady rhythm.

  She knew her nails were scoring marks into his back, but she couldn’t stop herself. He made every sane and reasonable thought flee from her mind. She moved when he moved, breathed when he breathed—they were one in motion. Slowly the fire he built inside of her began to reach that peak again. She saw bright lights behind her eyes, and her climax hit her hard.

  “Oh God!”

  AshOR moved a few more strokes within her and just barely managed to pull out and turn to the side as his seed came bursting forth. “Goddess!”

  Chapter 10

  They lay side by side trying to get their breathing under control. Ava was blissfully content, and at the same time a little sad. AshOR had not come inside of her.

  Ava knew when a Katieran, Kiljorn, or Colonial male claimed a woman as their mate, they would release their seed inside of her to signify their claim. Well, they were supposed to ask first to make sure the woman agreed. It was their informal claiming act.

  Some couples would follow up with an official ceremony, kind of like a wedding, performed in front of family and friends. For AshOR to not ask to claim her and to hold back his seed meant that he wasn’t serious about her, this was just another sex act like he shared with Bubbles.

  She moved to get up off the bed, feeling suddenly awkward.

  “Ava, what are you doing?”

  “I’m going to get cleaned up. I’m sure you have a lot of things to do.” She didn’t look back at him, afraid he would see the hurt in her eyes. This was the only thing she knew to do, give him a chance to leave before things got even more complicated. Wasn’t that what men usually did, try to find a way to leave without a fuss? Her biggest issue was that she didn’t want him to go. She reached to turn the shower on and stepped into the stall. Warm water came down and mixed with the tears she couldn’t hold back.


  AshOR was confused. They’d shared sex and it was amazing, better than any other experience he’d had. He could tell that Ava wasn’t very experienced, but that only made it more special. He appreciated her open and honest responses to his touch. It boosted his male ego to know he pleased her. After being with her, he absolutely knew once would never be enough. He wasn’t anywhere near done yet. He wanted to spend the entire rest of the night taking her in every position there was. She made him feel insatiable and out of control. He almost didn’t pull out in time. It would have been disastrous if he had allowed his seed to spill inside her.

  It wasn’t that he didn't want her. The truth was that he craved her more than any female he had ever met, but the timing was wrong. He had a mission to complete, and there was no room in his life for a mate. Mates required a lot of compromise and work. He wasn’t ready to handle those kind of responsibilities right now. In the meantime, he could partake in sharing amazing sex with a female he cared about, and maybe once his mission was over she would be open to seeing him again.

  Why had she pulled away? He’d made sure that she had her release before him, more than once. She was satisfied with his skills; he could see it in her eyes. So why was she acting like she couldn’t wait to wash his scent from her body? Did she not want others to know she was with him? That thought made him growl. Just because he wasn’t ready to mate yet did not mean he was willing to let someone else touch what was his.

  Furious, he stood up and stomped after her, still naked. He paused once he stepped inside the bathing room, feeling like someone had punched him in his gut. He could scent her pain; it was coming off of her in waves. What in Kitana had he done to hurt her?

  “Ava, sweetness, what’s wrong?” He opened the shower stall door and entered.

  She turned to face him, shaking her head. “I’m—it’s nothing.”

  He took her in his arms. “Nothing? That is a lie. You are upset and crying. Tell me what is wrong? Did I hurt you? Was I too rough?”

  She cried even more. “No, you weren’t too rough.”

  He had hurt her somehow, though. “Tell me, please.”

  “It’s just—you didn’t come inside of me.”

  “There’s a reason I pulled out.” He never thought that would bother her. Did she want him to claim her? Suddenly he regretted his actions.

/>   “You don’t have to tell me your reasons.” She tried to pull out of his arms, but he refused to let her go.

  He cupped her face to make her look up at him. “I would be a lucky male to claim you as my mate. Unfortunately, I have a duty to my people that I must fulfill. If I claimed you now, I could not do that.”

  She frowned at him. “How would claiming me keep you from your duty?”

  It sounded like she wanted him to claim her, and that made him feel excited and hopeful about the future. He could go into long explanations about why he couldn’t act on his feelings right now, but he wasn’t sure any of it was a good enough excuse. She deserved some reason.

  “I have to be focused on one thing, catching the Morins and stopping them. That’s all I have time for right now. Please understand, if the timing were different I would have claimed you the first time I laid eyes on you.”


  “Yes, really. You are beautiful, inside and out. The way you care for the people around you is amazing. Your strength is undeniable. You do what has to be done, no matter how hard it is.”

  She nodded. “You have to find a way to get through things sometimes. No matter how much you want to curl up and cry or run to escape. You have to be strong for everyone else and do the right thing, even if it breaks your heart.” She sighed. “I understand your situation because I’ve been in similar shoes. You have a job and if you let yourself get too emotionally tied up, you may not be able to do that job.”

  AshOR looked down at her in surprise. She understood, really understood him. No one got that part of him, the responsibility, and the weight he carried on his shoulders. This small beautiful female knew his heart. He had to make her understand that he knew hers too.

  He caressed her slick back and cupped her ass. She had just enough curves in all the right places. “That’s not to say that once I am done with my mission, there will be anything or anyone that can keep me from coming after you and claiming you fully.”

  She rubbed her nipples, which had hardened into tight points, against his chest. “What if I’m seeing someone else?”


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