Falling for the Secret Billionaire: Part 1

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Falling for the Secret Billionaire: Part 1 Page 2

by Mia Caldwell


  When I woke up, I felt completely drained. My head was painfully pulsing from crying so much the night before and I could still feel the dried tears on the apples of my cheeks. I threw myself out of bed and took a quick shower. I brushed out my dark, thick curls and applied some light make up to make me look fresh. I didn’t want anyone to know what had happened the previous night. At this new job, I couldn’t show any sign of weakness. I needed to appear strong and independent. Plus, if a man like James had asked me out, Keisha was right; maybe I could catch another fish in my net. I grabbed my cutest dress. Light grey, with a cute black ribbon tied around the waist to accentuate my curves. I grabbed a pair of black stilettos with a matched black ribbon that tied up to my ankles.

  My mother had always told me that whenever you are feeling bad about yourself, the best thing you can do is to dress up. It always brings out the best confidence in yourself. And that’s exactly what it did. I felt like I was on top of the world in that moment. Fuck Greg, and fuck drama. I was ready to take on anything at that moment.

  I strutted out the door and onto the street to flag down a cab. In the backseat I could see the cabbie checking my out from the rear view mirror. I paid him a large tip and got out of the taxi.

  Walking up the large steps of the library, I had a feeling today was going to be an amazing day. I wasn’t going to let anything bother me. I decided to not let any drama stop me from that moment on. It was time for me to conquer the world.

  I reached the door and reached for the keys out of my pocket. I felt like an important person having personal keys to the most beautiful library in the city. If only theses bookshelves could speak. All of the pages that had been flipped through, all of the intellectuals that had the blessing of walking down the aisles, and all of the hot steamy hook-ups that had happened late at night in the hidden crevices of the bookshelves.

  As I walked in to the library, I dropped my bag on the ground and my jaw almost hit the ground too. I too a big gasp and lifted my hand to my mouth. The entire library had been decorated in jasmine flowers. Beautiful, small flowers, each intricate in their own unique design. I couldn’t believe it. This was the most romantic thing I had ever seen. Even princess Jasmine didn’t have it this good. Who else could they be for? Jasmine flowers for Jasmine… it seemed almost obvious. At the same time, who would have done this for me? All of a sudden, it clicked. This was the beautiful working of James from the grocery store. In the background I could hear a record playing. It was coming from the upper level. With a huge grin on my face, I grabbed a bushel of the jasmine flowers and breathed in the aroma. I walked up the stairs and followed the sound of the music. It sounded like Dean Martin’s Somebody to Love playing on our old record player coming from the lounge area. When I reached the lounge area, I found no one. I wandered over to the record player and there was a note sitting next to it labelled “My dearest Jasmine.” I scrambled towards the letter and ripped it open. I scanned the letter which was beautifully written in calligraphy.

  “My dearest Jasmine,

  I know that we hardly know each other, but you’ve captured my eye and my heart. I think that meeting you at the grocery store the other day was destiny mixed with a little fate. It was no accident that I was there to help such a beautiful damsel in distress. I know you’ve turned me down, and normally I’m a modest man but I had a feeling you’re a hard one to get. That’s why I’ve taken the liberty of decorating your work place in flowers. I hope this is enough for you to at least consider seeing me again.

  If you’re interested in seeing me, meet me at the end of the pier at 7:00pm sharp. I’ll be waiting for you there.



  I stood there in a shocked stance. I could feel my heart pounding inside of my chest as my legs turned to jello. I wobbled over to the satin couch and sat down. I looked at the ceiling, even that was covered in flowers. I could practically feel James there. I wanted him so badly. My whole body was yearning for him. I had to go otherwise I would never forgive myself.

  I began to pull the strains of jasmine flowers down off the pillars inside the library when my co-worker Samantha walked in.

  “Holy shit…. What the hell happened Jasmine?! Is this all for you?”

  “Uh… yeah. I think so.” I looked at her innocently while holding multiple ropes of flowers in my hands.

  “Well why are you taking them down? You should be proud that someone would do this for you! Man, this guy must be really special huh.” She said.

  “Honestly, I don’t know him that well, we just met at the grocery store, and now all of a sudden this. He left a note telling me to meet him down at the end of the pier at 7.

  “So… you’re trying to tell me that a stranger did this for you pretty much? Woah lady, you got this guy in your back pocket. Boy is whipped!”

  I giggled and continued to take down the flowers.

  “Leave them! We have the janitor coming by later anyways, for now it makes the library have a nice atmosphere. I’m sure the customers will love it. “

  I smiled and walked up to give Samantha a huge hug. I was thinking that these flowers were going to get me in trouble. Turns out it only gained me respect and popularity amongst my coworkers.

  The entire day I couldn’t stop thinking about James. I wondered if he was wealthy or not. I mean, he did decorate the entire library in jasmine flowers… at the same time, what was he doing shopping at the budget grocery store in town? Either he was extremely modest, or he was the biggest romantic in the entire world. I thought it must have been the second one. No one with money would shop there, no one with money would dare ask me on a date either unless out of humiliation. I thought again of his chiselled jaw line and body, those sparkling blue eyes, his chestnut brown hair and his sense of style. Thinking about him made me realize how nervous I actually was. I had turned him down once already and not because I was cocky, because I had a lot of stress on my plate and partly because I was a little intimidated by him. I thought about what I told myself this morning about not letting anything bother me and I dropped the negative thoughts immediately. I knew Keisha would be there to give me a pep talk and dress me up to look like a beautiful ebony doll.


  After work I decided to skip the taxi and walk home for some fresh hair. I needed a chance to catch my breath after such as exciting day. It was only 4:30pm and I knew I had plenty of time to beautify myself. Confidence looked good on me. A combination of my killer curves, cute librarian dress and gleaming smile stopped men in their tracks as I wandered back to my neighbourhood.

  When I got back home, Keisha was standing in the kitchen cooking dinner for us.

  “Hey girl! You know, I won’t be eating with you tonight. I have a date.” I said as I tilted my chin up with an exaggerated smile.

  “Whoa, slow down Jasmine! With who? Oh my god I want details so badly, let me mix up some margaritas!

  She began throwing limes and tequila in the blender and her smile had grown equally as large as mine.

  “So anyways, there I was at the library this morning working the early shift. I opened the door and the entire building was filled with Jasmine flowers! I could hear some music playing so I went to investigate. I reached an old record player with a note next to it. A note from James! He told me to meet him at the pier tonight at 7!”

  Keisha’s mouth dropped open. She was stunned.

  “Holy shit. That did not happen. Jasmine, you realize that if you are telling me the truth, that is the most romantic thing I have ever heard. This guy practically already loves you! Jesus! What are you going to do?!”

  “What am I going to do?! Obviously I’m going! I have one hour to get ready before I leave. I need your wisdom! Help me!! Oh god you know I need help. What the fuck am I even going to wear? I have to look stunning!”

  Keisha grabbed the blender and the two-margarita glasses and motioned for me to follow her to her bedroom. She poured me a margarita as I sat
down on her bed and she immediately began pulling things out of her closet.

  “No offense Jasmine, but your clothes are all a little uhhh conservative to put it in a nice way. You need to look H-O-T tonight. Here try this on!”

  She handed me a skimpy scarlet red dress with some strappy stiletto shoes. I slid my dress off in front of her and squeezed myself into her dress.

  It accentuated my large breasts and hips with clinching at the waist just enough. The scarlet red looked fantastic on my skin tone but at the same time, I was not used to this at all. I had never worn a dress that felt so revealing. I had to trust Keisha’s opinion and put on the stiletto shoes next. I could see Keisha behind me in the mirror checking me out.

  “Dayummmm. You look fine” she said.

  “Haha thanks Keisha but isn’t this a little… you know… slutty?”

  “Oh my god Jasmine. No! Not enough. You need more baby!”

  She grabbed a beautiful golden chained necklace with scarlet red gems handing off of it match the dress. She draped it over my neck and tightened the clasp so that it would fall right in between my cleavage.

  “Guys like a nice view” she said as she winked at me.

  Keisha continued to grab her make up kit and completely transform my face. With a smoky cat eye, I felt like a brand new person. She gave me a ruby red lipstick to match my outfit and with a smack on the ass I was out the door.


  As I strolled down to the pier, I daydreamed. I imagined how far things could go tonight. Would he kiss me? Would more happen? My head was drowned in thoughts and expectations of the night. As I got closer to the water, I could see a figure standing at the end of the pier. Dressed casually, wearing a plaid shirt with a pair of worn in jeans he was holding a bushel of jasmine flowers. It felt like a rock had dropped in my stomach. I hadn’t had butterflies since I was a teenager and never this intense. There was more to go along with the butterflies. I felt all my organs in my body pull towards him. I felt myself become wet as I approached him. Finally, I made it to the end of the pier and he smiled at me reaching the flowers towards me.

  “Hello Jasmine, I’m glad you came” he said with a cute smile.

  “Hi James, I’m happy to see you too.” I said as I gently grabbed the flowers from his hands as I brushed my hand against his.

  I felt instant electricity between the two of us. I couldn’t believe this was actually happening. He bent his elbow and I thread my arm through his as we walked shoulder to shoulder down the end of the dock to the beach.

  “Now Jasmine, I don’t want you to get the wrong impression of me. I’m not wealthy and I don’t want you with me because you think that I am. I just know a lot of people in this city and have some good connections.”

  As he was talking he led us down to a small table set up at the beach lit by candlelight. It was a big shock to hear that he wasn’t a man of wealth, but at the same time it all made sense now. The reason for why he was shopping at the budget grocery store. Everything else could be explained with having good connections in this town. His clothes, maybe he had a friend who was a tailor. Maybe the flowers were set up by an artist of some sort and had received them as a favour from the florist. And the dinner I’m sure the waiters were just great friends of his.

  James walked around the table and pulled out the chair for me, I sat down and he gently pushed me back into the table. He sat down across from me and put his hand on top of mine. All of my insides were clenching at his touch. I couldn’t resist this man. The waiters began bringing out the courses of the meal. They brought escargot, filet mignon, and a chocolate mousse for desert all while we remained watching the sunset on the beach. I had never been happier in my entire life. James was completely unforgettable and I already knew I wanted to spend the rest of my life with this beautiful human being.

  “Jasmine, I have to say this now before I lose the words. I’ve been thinking of what to say to you all day. I think that you’re beautiful but of course you already know that. I want you to be mine. I don’t mean temporarily, I know this sounds crazy but the first time I laid my eyes upon you, I just knew that this was meant to be. I could see your personality shine through you, I know this can sound intimidating but I would really like to get to know you better. Jesus, I’m sorry… I hope I haven’t scared you off.”

  “Oh James, I barely know you but no one has ever cared about me so much. All of those things that you did for me… well.. they were so romantic I almost died. I want you James I want you now. I need you. Would you like to come back to my place?”

  I had never been so forward with anyone. I could feel the confidence shining through me. James grabbed my leg under the table and I could feel his fingertips moving up my inner thigh as he pushed the fabric up with it. I relaxed in my chair. I could feel the cool breeze from the ocean on my legs and the tingling sensation of his cool fingertips on my skin. The clean white tablecloth was covering the view of the public so no one could see what was happening underneath the table. With his index finger he grabbed my thong and gently tugged on it. I could feel the back of my thong riding in between the cheeks of my ass and the knuckle of his finger resting on my pearl. My panties were soaked and he looked at me with a stupid grin because he knew how much I was enjoying it. Every hair on my body was standing up in excitement. He removed his hand from my skirt and urgently leaned over the table to grab my head and kiss me. I felt his plump lips on mine as he gently tugged on my hair. He had one hand on the back of my head with the other gently placed on my neck. I loved feeling dominated by him and I wanted to burst out of my dress. James reached his tongue out to meet mine and our mouths glided together perfectly in sync. It was the best first kiss I had ever had with anyone. I was impressed at the way he moved his tongue and conducted my own body to work with his. James pulled his face away from mine and gently kissed me on the forehead.

  “I’m sorry to get carried away Jasmine, it’s just…. I want you so bad.”

  “Don’t ever apologize for that again mister. Wanna get out of here or what?”

  I immediately rose out of my chair and winked at him.

  “Come on Mr. Serious. Let’s get out of here!”

  James got out of his chair, threw a large tip on the table and grabbed me by the hand. We walked alongside each other on the beach and told each other our life stories. I told him about how hard it was growing up in an all white school and he told me the issues he had making friends as a child. I tried to pay attention to what he was saying but there was a large sexual tension between us. I wanted to just push him down onto the sand, rip his clothes off and stick his cock in my mouth. He let go of my hand and slyly moved his hand to my rounded ass. As we continued to walk, the sun had almost disappeared but I wasn’t prepared for our date to be over quite yet. I spotted an alcove in the rocks about 100 metres away and realized that this could be the perfect place to be together – intimately.

  “Hey look! There’s a cave over there! Wanna check it out with me?” I said.

  “Anything for you babe.”

  I looked at him and bit my lip.

  “Race you there then!”

  I took off my stilettos and began to run childishly towards the alcove. I could feel my panties sticking to my scarlet red dress and I couldn’t wait to take it off. Better yet, I couldn’t wait for James to show me what I’ve been so eagerly waiting to see.

  I beat him to the alcove and sat down on the sand with my toes in the water. I hugged my arms to my legs to show off the silhouette of my back and gently rested my head on my knees looking in his direction. James came shortly after and ran straight towards me. Rather than stopping, he ran directly in front of me and pushed me to the ground gliding his body against mine.

  “Is this what you wanted baby girl?” He said in a raspy voice.

  Even the sound of James saying those words made me almost cum instantly.

  “Show me what you got big boy.” I responded and as I grabbed his neck and lured him in for another lo
ng kiss.

  I slowly unbuttoned his shirt, keeping my eyes open to watch the show as I kissed him. With each button that came undone, it was like a gift. His body was just as sculpted and beautiful as I had been expecting. After I freed the last button I put my hand on his pecks and slowly lowered my hand to his rock hard abs. He began to kiss and suck on my neck and I could feel an orgasm coming. He nibbled on my ear and moved my curly hair behind my ear. I looked up to gaze at the stars and realized we couldn’t have picked a more perfect moment. With the waves at our feet, lying on the sand, and gazing at the stars it was like we had found heaven on earth together. From my neck, James moved down to my shoulder blade and with his teeth, gently removed the straps of my dress. I wasn’t wearing a bra that night, and he moved the dress down past my tits. With one hand, he cupped my breast and circled his tongue around my nipple. I felt a sensation of ecstasy shoot up my spine as I melted into his embrace. My nipples became hard and I arched my back to meet his body against mine. He slid his other hand in between our bodies down to my pussy and I felt myself shake with pleasure. He began to circle his finger around my pearl again and plunged another finger deep inside of me. He reached up to massage my g-spot and my eyes rolled into the back of my head. I shifted my hips down while arching my back more and his fingers plunged even further into my crevice. He kissed me across my chest and began to suck on my other nipple as he continued to finger me. I could feel the build up and I wrapped my arms around his neck holding him as close as I could to my body as I climaxed.


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