Barbarian Beast Bitches of the Badlands

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Barbarian Beast Bitches of the Badlands Page 3

by Carlton Mellick III

  “Kockwick was able to re-attach it. I’m not sure if it works though.”

  “Let me see. . .” Apple opened a small hatch on the lower half of his body. “I hope your penis isn’t solar-powered as well. I’d hate to never be able to have sex at night again.”

  Sam covered the opening of the hatch before she could look into it. “I don’t think you should be messing around with it. It was only just reattached.”

  “Don’t worry so much.” She pried his fingers away. Although he was larger than Apple, her wolf genes gave her the strength of three men his size, so he couldn’t keep her hands away from him.

  She reached into the compartment and grabbed his penis, then stroked it until it was erect. It was only able to stick halfway out of the compartment.

  “This is going to be problematic,” she said.

  “No, it’s fine,” he said. “You shouldn’t be having sex anymore anyway. You’re already too wolf-like.”

  “I’m far less wolf-like than all the other girls out there,” she said. “I still have a long way to go before I need to stop.”

  “You need to stop now,” he said. “I think you’re addicted to sex.”

  “I’m not addicted,” she said. “I don’t need to have sex every single day.”

  “Then let’s not have sex today.”

  “But I want to have sex today.”

  “See what I mean?”

  “But we have to have celebratory sex for finally leaving the walled city,” she said, rubbing her hip against him. “And to celebrate you coming back to life after I thought you were dead.”

  “I don’t want to.”

  This behavior angered Apple. It wasn’t the way it used to be. She realized that because of her wolf features, Sam must have been getting less attracted to her. The Asian-eyes that originally attracted him were now yellow and beast-like. He no longer worshipped her like a goddess; she could no longer manipulate him into doing whatever she wanted him to do.

  But then she remembered that he was now her property. He had to do whatever she wanted him to do. It was illegal for him to refuse.

  Apple continued to stimulate him. It was a tight squeeze fitting her hand inside of the crotch compartment, but she was able to keep him hard.

  “I said no,” Sam said.

  “What are you going to do?” she said. “You don’t have any legs anymore. It’s not like you can run away.”

  She smiled. It was supposed to be flirtatious and sexy, but the idea of being helpless was not erotic to Sam. He squirmed on the ground as she stroked the shaft down to the stitches.

  “Don’t break it off,” he said.

  Apple took that as an acknowledgement of submission and removed her underwear. She lifted her skirt and squatted down on top of him. The head of his penis slipped inside, but Apple found it incredibly uncomfortable to have his metal frame against her pelvic bone. Not only that, but the engine on his waist made it very difficult for her to move around on top of him.

  “I don’t like it,” he said, his face cringing as if being inside of her was agony.

  “Shut up.” Apple was frustrated with the bad sex she was having. Not only did it hurt, but it was annoying that his penis wouldn’t go inside of her very far and that every time she moved it slipped out and she had to figure out how to get it back in. The last straw came when his penis became flaccid, due to the discomfort, and shrank back into the crotch compartment.

  “Damn it,” Apple yelled.

  She wasn’t just pissed that they couldn’t have sex, she was pissed that she might never be able to have sex with him ever again. She wondered if it would have just been better had he died on the road back there.

  Sam tried to lift himself up, but Apple pushed him back on the ground and then pulled her crotch up his torso until his chin was between her thighs.

  “You’ll have to use your tongue,” she said.

  This shocked Sam. They had never had oral sex before, because it was incredibly taboo in the walled city. Since you could only get a permit to have sex for procreation, all other ways of giving a female an orgasm were completely unthinkable.

  Before he could say anything, Apple put his face under her skirt and caressed his mouth with her soft vaginal lips until he gave into what she wanted. He opened his mouth and let her inside. Apple could tell he didn’t know what to do, because he just kissed it as if the slippery folds were just another mouth. At first she thought it was awkward, but once he got into it his lips and tongue moved deeply and passionately against her. It was a romantic kind of kiss, like the kisses he would give her when they first fell in love.

  But once she was getting close to orgasm, Apple could hear him whimpering under her skirt. Her legs were constricting tighter and tighter against the sides of his head. When she came, her thighs squeezed together so hard that it was as if she was trying to pop his skull. Her body changed around him: her thigh muscles flexing, growing against his face; her fur grew thicker on her arms and shoulders; her teeth and claws extended. Then she leaned her forehead against the tree in front of them.

  She kept him under her skirt while she regained her breath, holding his mouth closed with her weight. She could tell he didn’t find the experience very enjoyable, and she didn’t want to hear him complain about it.

  Apple carried Sam back to camp. On the way, she ran into Bunny and Skunky. They were in a tree, groping each other, and sniffing each other’s necks. From the angle at which they were sitting, Apple could tell that the two wolf girls were watching her as she forced Sam to give her oral sex. Embarrassed by knowing this fact, Apple decided not to make eye contact with them, even though they were watching her, giggling.

  “I thought Kockwick told you not to feed him,” Bunny said.

  Skunky laughed and pulled her girlfriend closer.

  Apple kept walking.

  When they got back to camp, Apple noticed Kockwick reclined against a rock rubbing her eyes. Talon was resting beside her. The metal creature was now dead, dissected, lying in a pan by the fire.

  After putting Sam to bed in one of the less bloody tents, Apple asked, “Did you learn anything about it?”

  Kockwick fidgeted with the gears on her helmet. “A little. I don’t know if the creature is what has modified the behavior of our big sisters, but I have learned that it was born in salt water. Our big sisters must have been at the coast when they became infected by the creatures, so that’s where we’re going next.”

  “The coast?”

  “The ocean.”

  “I’ve never been to the ocean before,” Apple said.

  “Neither have any of us.”

  By the tone of Kockwick’s voice, it sounded like she did not like the idea of going to the coast one single bit.

  The wolf girls decided to get out of camp early, once they heard the sound of engines in the forest. Talon could tell they were Outlanders, most likely checking in with their missing party. Based on the trail they had been following, the Warriors concluded that the giant wolves were headed back to the coast. Since they knew this was the case, they had decided to travel by road rather than trekking through the woods. It would take less time and they might even be able to catch up to them.

  Apple was riding with Skunky and Wax again, the sub-machinegun in her lap. Skunky kept giving her a weird look as they drove down the bumpy street. It was almost as if the skunk girl had just realized that she found Apple rather attractive.

  “I liked how you treated your man last night,” Skunky said. “You really showed him whose property he is.”

  “Thanks. . .” Apple didn’t know what else to say.

  “I once owned a man but then he stabbed me and got away.”

  Apple thought she was joking until she spread her black fur to show off the scar.

  Then Skunky said, “Since then I’ve been off of guys.”

  “That’s why you’re with Bunny now?”

  Skunky’s face lit up. It took her a bit to get the dumb smile off of her fac
e so she could talk about it.

  “I love her so much.”

  “She seems to love you, too.”

  “She didn’t always love me. When we first met, she hated me. She used to pick on me and beat me up.”

  “Why’d she do that?”

  “Because she hates weak people.”

  Skunky went on to tell Apple about how she fell in love with Bunny. It was the day she was exiled from the walled city and accepted as a member of the Warriors. Skunky was called Aya then. She was hardly a wolf girl, she only had the eyes and teeth. She was a large breasted pretty girl who wasn’t used to the harsh, laborious lifestyle of a Warrior. She would stay back with the sick and pregnant women when the tribe went on raids. She would wear dresses and complain about the dirty living conditions.

  Bunny, who was known as Malice at the time, teased her mercilessly. The first day they met, Aya was instantly attracted to Malice, even after she called her worthless for not being able to fire a weapon, then tripped her into the mud. From that moment on, Aya wanted to earn her respect. She tried to be one of Talon’s motorcycle knights, but failed the test. For failing, Malice held her down and clawed deep gashes into her palms so that she couldn’t ride motorcycles anymore. If Aya would have told anyone what she had done, Malice would have been punished, but Aya kept it a secret. She believed the punishment was fair.

  Then Aya wanted to impress Malice by capturing a man and keeping him as her property, because Malice had four male slaves and judged the worth of other Warriors by the number of slaves they kept. Although Malice showed her a bit of respect for capturing a man, she quickly took that respect back once the male stabbed Aya in the side and escaped. Malice laughed at her when it happened, not the least bit surprised that she couldn’t control her property.

  Aya then decided that it was her lack of wolf DNA that caused her to be so weak, so she began giving herself orgasms to become more animalistic and fierce. But all it did was give Malice some extra hair to pull on when she was in a bullying mood.

  One day, the mutants attacked their camp. The entire tribe was caught off guard as they slept. The mutants came in with nets and clubs, capturing women and clubbing them unconscious. When Malice ran out of her tent, she slammed into Aya and tripped. Aya tried to help her up, but the fallen wolf girl was pissed off and punched her as hard as she could in the stomach. Aya toppled over, curled up on the ground, watching as Malice ran off into battle.

  Revving up her chainsaw boomerang, Malice was in ecstasy for another fight. Although most of the wolf women were shocked to be attacked in the night, Malice was pleasantly surprised. She used her boomerang as a sword and slashed through multi-armed men, decapitating them, cutting off their legs and leaving them crippled on the ground. A disease-skinned mutant flung a net over her, but she just cut through it and sliced him in half.

  Then Malice saw the leader of the mutants. He was a tall muscled man with an enormous hamburger-shaped head. He carried a shotgun in each hand, two bullet belts across his chest. When Malice threw her boomerang at him, the mutant leader casually shot it out of the air, knocking it back into the trees. Three nets came down on her from different directions, then five large mutants dropped on her to hold her down. Malice spit and hissed at the mutant leader. He walked away from her, as if she wasn’t even worth killing by his hand.

  When Aya saw the cruel bully whom she loved being dragged away by the mutant men, she panicked. She couldn’t allow Malice to be taken from her life before she was able to prove her worth. Aya picked up a machine gun from a mutant’s severed arm and chased after them. Since she knew she was a lousy shot, she decided to get so close to them that there was no way she could possibly miss. She ran up behind them and emptied the rifle into their backs. All five of the men fell before they could turn around.

  Tangled in the netting, Malice looked up at her in shock. She had no idea Aya had it in her. She never would have guessed that the woman she bullied so much would risk her life to come to her rescue. Aya smiled at her and Malice found herself smiling back.

  Then a mutant on a motorcycle rode by, sweeping Aya up in a net and dragging her away. By that time, Talon had entered the fight and mutants were dropping by the dozens. The mutant leader sounded the retreat and his men quickly fled, taking the women they had captured with them. Although the Warriors were ordered not to follow, Malice didn’t care. She had to save the woman who had saved her, mostly so that she could ask her why she had bothered to save her life. She grabbed her boomerang from the trees and ran toward the sound of the motorcycle.

  Malice tried revving the boomerang, but the chainsaw mechanism wasn’t working. When she got the mutant motorcycle rider in her sights, she tossed it at him. The boomerang hit him hard, but didn’t cut him, bouncing off the back of his head. The force was enough to throw him from his bike.

  Once on the ground, Malice pounced on top of him, clawing at his face and chest until he rolled over, covering his face with his hands. Then Malice got off of him, picked up the boomerang from where it had landed, and slammed it down into his head repeatedly until she bludgeoned him to death. Then hit him a few more times.

  When she pulled Aya—all scrapped and bloody from being dragged through the ground—out of the net, she opened her mouth to ask her why she had saved her life. But before any words could come out, Aya wrapped her arms around her and passionately kissed her open lips.

  Malice found herself kissing her back, and at that moment she realized that one of the main reasons she used to pick on Aya so mercilessly was because she was also attracted to her. Before, Malice hated the fact that she was attracted to somebody who was so weak. She didn’t realize that bravery and determination was another kind of strength.

  From that moment on, they were a couple. They loved each other more intensely than any of the other wolf girls could possibly understand. When they saw Hyena make her modifications to become a hyena, they decided they wanted to do the same. Malice became Bunny, because Aya thought that she should express her cuddly loveable side more. And Aya became Bat Girl, because she thought being a bat would make her seem more fearsome and tough. Unfortunately, her modifications didn’t make her look like a bat, they made her look exactly like a skunk. So Bat Girl became Skunky.

  And, from that day on, Skunky and Bunny were known throughout the tribe as an inseparable pair.

  Ahead of them, coming head-on, five Outlander vehicles barreled toward them. The Warriors, never willing to back down from a fight, charged forward with weapons blazing.

  Once they came closer to the attackers, Apple could see that the vehicles were not fully intact. They were ripped apart with claw marks down their hoods. They had missing doors and torn-open roofs. Some trucks were covered in blood; others were smoking and ready to break down.

  Talon noticed it, too.

  “They’re not attacking,” she yelled. “They’re retreating.”

  “Retreating from what?” Skunky asked.

  The Outlanders fired as they charged forward, as if they were hoping to fire a hole through the pack in order to drive through. Then Apple could see what they were running from: a mammoth red wolf. It was so large that it could barely fit on the road, as large as two semi-trucks side-by-side. It was like a red tidal wave crashing toward them, knocking down trees and crushing asphalt as it went.

  “That’s her,” Skunky said. “That’s Baal.”

  The beast had flaming red eyes and teeth as large as people. It had squirming silver hairs standing up along its back as it ran. The wolf snagged one of the Outlander’s vehicles, thrashed it around in its mouth like a chew-toy, tossed it over its head, and then continued on after the next one.

  “Into the forest,” Talon yelled.

  The three motorcycles roared off into the woods. Skunky was about to follow them until she noticed the bullets shattering Kockwick’s windshield and piercing her torso. Kockwick’s head fell to the steering wheel, landing on the horn. The horn blared as Skunky looked into the safety of t
he woods, then back at Kockwick’s vehicle.

  On the roof, Wax continued firing at all the vehicles getting closer and closer to them. Apple saw Sam’s face in the next dune-buggy, staring at her with a look of panic as he tried to revive Kockwick. The mechanic was still alive, her head rolling against her shoulders, just barely conscious.

  “Do something,” Apple yelled at Skunky.

  “Get us the hell out of here!” Wax yelled down at them, trying to do the best she could to take out the oncoming vehicles.

  Skunky looked back to the woods one more time before she decided to help Kockwick. She slammed on the gas and rammed the back of her dune buggy into the front of the other. She held the gas down, slowly shoving the other car off the road. The oncoming vehicles were getting closer. Apple heard a yelp from above as a bullet pierced Wax’s shoulder. The vehicles came closer. Blood leaked down the front windshield from the gunner’s seat, but Wax kept on firing.

  Only a few yards away from impact, Skunky drove both buggies into the dirt. The Outlander vehicles passed, missing them by mere inches. Then Baal passed them. The great red beast encompassed their entire field of vision as it went by. It was so large that all Apple could really make out was a furry mass with car-sized paws. Both Skunky and Apple held their breath as it passed by. It didn’t stop for them, continuing after the larger, more appealing meal.

  Apple looked off the side of the road and realized they had just nearly backed both dune buggies over a cliff.

  “Oh crap,” Apple said. “You nearly killed us.”

  Skunky’s mouth dropped wide open as she looked at the steepness of the hill. “Yeah, that would have been bad!”

  Then she looked at Apple and laughed with a wide open mouth. “Instead of saving Kockwick and your boyfriend I would have pushed them off a cliff!” Skunky laughed even harder.

  As she laughed, Apple looked through the window over the skunk girl’s shoulder. A large black figure was speeding toward them. Skunky stopped laughing when she saw the fear in Apple’s eyes. By the time she turned around, it was too late. A large black beta wolf rammed into Skunky’s vehicle, knocking it away from the other car, right over the side of the cliff.


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