Hitta's Tea Maker 2

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Hitta's Tea Maker 2 Page 7

by Edwina Fort

  I don’t know, maybe I was being fanciful, but that’s what I think happened to the gym. How else can you explain why so many were dead and we were still alive?

  I’m sure the government, if there was still a government, had figured out what happened, but since the blast had killed everything electronic, they had no way of communicating with the people, not even by radio. The only information we have about anything is what we get from other travelers. And who knows what could be trusted on a grapevine so large?

  The sound of the gentle humming coming from a sewing machine drew me out of my thoughts. I would recognize that tune anywhere, having heard it aplenty from Greatie. It was a sound that always caused my heart to swell with joy.

  I looked around to see if anybody else was hearing it. When no one looked away from what they were doing, the joy I felt grew. I eased out from under my sleeping daughter, carefully placing my sweater underneath her head to serve as a pillow.

  “I’m going to go for a little stroll, I’ll be right back.” I told a very pregnant Carmen and Mr. Alessandro, who were sitting in front of the fire not too far from our tent.

  Carmen just nodded, not looking away from the fire. No doubt she was worried about the safety of her unborn child, whose due date was drawing near. Mr. Alessandro, bless his heart, managed to make her feel better by always seeming to have a little treat for her to snack on to keep her pregnant hunger tamed.

  “Don’t travel too far, bella,” the little Italian chef muttered giving me a warm smile. “Dinner will be ready soon and I don’t want your husband to be angry when he and his men get back and find you gone.”

  Quite used to everyone going out of their way to stay in Hitta’s good graces, I just nodded and assured him that I’d make it back before the fellas.

  The place Hitta had found for us to pitch our tents was surrounded by a small group of trees that would serve to hide us from anyone who may be passing on the highway. I followed the sound of the sewing machine until I reached a little clearing.

  Sitting at the foot of the hill was a very tiny one-room house, but the warm candlelight that came from it beckoned me. With a smile on my face, I hurried to the door already knowing who was behind it. I lifted my hand to knock, but Greatie’s voice came to me before my fingers touched the wood.

  “Come in, chile.”

  Twisting the knob, I opened the door, but I was taken aback. Inside the house was huge! Frowning, I stepped back out unto the little porch and leaned over the rail to look around back to make sure my eyes had not played tricks on me. Yep, on the outside, it was still a one-room shack.

  What the world?!


  I walked back inside closing the door behind me. The sound of the sewing machine came floating down a long hallway.

  “We’re back here, chile!” Greatie’s voice came from that direction.

  I walked past a massive kitchen and started down the hall. To the right and left of me were many doors, but I knew the one that I was supposed to go in because it was the only open door and the golden light that spilled from it was beckoning.

  “There you are,” Greatie greeted me as soon as I reached the opening. She was not alone.

  The golden light came from the most magnificent sewing machine I’d ever seen. It was so mesmerizing it didn’t look as if it was made by the hands of man. It was the color of pure copper, but on it had been carved beautiful swirls that looked a lot like vines. So spellbound was I by it that it took me a while to notice the lovely woman operating it. The same golden light that shined from within the sewing machine spilled from her eyes.

  Greatie gestured for me to come closer. “Come on in, daughter.”

  As I slowly walked in, my eyes were drawn back to the woman operating the machine. She looked like she could be related to Greatie and me, but where our skin was dark, hers was the color of amber.

  “This here is your cousin, Brooklyn. She’s one of my daughters like you.”

  I could definitely see that, but I wondered if Brooklyn was real. Not only was she amazingly beautiful and her eyes shined the golden light, the garment she was sewing went into the machine a tattered rag but came out a masterpiece made of pure gold.

  “What is she making?”

  “Armor,” Greatie said leaning over Brooklyn’s shoulder to check her work. She pointed at something for the woman to correct, speaking quietly to her.

  “Armor for what?” I asked stepping closer to get a better look at it.

  I’ve never seen anything like it. Gently I lifted one of the sleeves and the golden material wrapped itself around my fingers; I inhaled when a sudden burst of strength shot up my arm. Startled, I dropped it stepping away from it.

  Brooklyn lifted her head then and her bright gaze fell on me, at least I think she was looking at me, it was hard to tell because where her eyes should be, there was just light. One side of her mouth lifted in a grin before she went back to her task.

  Greatie picked up the garment Brooklyn completed and after inspecting it one last time, put it on a hanger. She opened a door that led to a closet that was longer than the hall I’d just walked down and amazingly, hanging on two racks on both sides of the closet were many more suits of armor just like the one she held in her hand.

  “This armor is for the coming battle,” she told me after hanging it on one of the racks and closing the door.

  “What battle?”

  She smiled as she headed to a little table that had a tea set on it. I nearly drooled when I saw it. It had been so long since I had a cup of tea. Greatie gestured for me to take a seat and she didn’t have to tell me twice.

  “The battle between good and evil. The Ancient of Days warriors will be arrayed in clean gold,” she continued as she poured me a cup of steaming hot elderberry tea.

  I lifted the beautiful cup to my nose and just inhaled.

  “Do you know why I called you here?” she asked as she took the seat across from me before pouring herself a cup of tea.

  I shook my head as I took my first sip, closing my eyes for a moment to just cherish the taste. I was aware that I was dreaming, but this tea tasted amazingly real.

  “When you awaken, the Slayer is going to ask you to marry him.”

  I frowned. “But we’re already married.”

  She nodded. “Yes, in the spiritual world you and he are already one, but it needs to take place on the physical plain as well. I know that you love him, child, and that you will agree to marry him in a heartbeat. It’s just that…” Her words died off as she frowned down into her cup, thinking on how best to tell me what was on her mind.

  “It’s just that he’s not the man we pray he will eventually become, and if I could, I would have prolonged your meeting each other until then.” She stirred her tea. “However, that was not the Heavenly Father’s will, and here we are. Very soon, he’s going to break your heart beloved. Do you remember when I warned you in your kitchen?”

  A knowing look came over my face as I waved away her concern. “Yes, but no worries, we got over that little hiccup. It was just a misunderstanding.”

  She shook her head. “It wasn’t that little hiccup that I came to warn you about that day. It is the storm that’s heading your way. The enemy has set his sights on you two, and it will stop at nothing in trying to destroy the seed before it grows.”

  Holding up her hand, she gestured toward the closet. “Your man and the son you carry in your womb have been called by the Ancient of Days to wear this armor. The enemy’s job is to make sure many of those suits remain empty, as many as he possibly can. For it is written, many are called but only a few chosen.”

  “If you can’t learn to forgive your man for the pain he is soon to cause you, it will destroy him. He will give up and not even try to fight. He will never become the man you see out there.” She gestured toward the front of the house. “He will never become the man your son need him to be.”

  Her voice became very faint as I recognized the signs of
me waking up.

  “Wait, Greatie! Forgive him for what? Tell me!” She just smiled as she, my cousin, the sewing machine, and the room began to fade.

  Brooklyn looked up from her work. “It’s okay, cuz.” Her voice sounded so far away I could barely hear her. “I will help you. You just come and see me, and I will help you.” And then they were gone.

  I cried out as my safety left taking the heat with it, plunging me into the cold darkness. Clutching desperately for it, I came awake to see Hitta getting up from the bed.

  “Where are you going?” I clutched at the sheet reaching for him…needing him.

  It took me a moment to grasp what was real and what was the dream. The more I took in my environment the more the dream faded from my memory.

  Hitta slid on his underwear and tank top before stepping into his jeans. Without buttoning them, he sat back down facing me. My bed that was just full-sized, dipped under his massive frame, causing me to slide toward him a bit.

  “We need to talk.”

  I could tell by the tone in his voice the time had come for me to tell him everything. Sitting up I rested my back against the headboard and after wrapping the sheet around my naked body, drew up my legs tucking my toes under his thigh.

  It looked like the sun was just now beginning to set, which meant I’d been asleep for a few hours. Goodness, I’d been so tired I don’t even remember falling asleep. The sound of Jessie’s laughter came through my closed door from the living room. Wonder how long they’ve been back.

  My dream had faded completely from my mind as I tried to think of the best way to explain to Hitta that my stepfather was a creep.

  “I’m sorry you got thrown in jail,” I muttered, rubbing my finger idly over his rough knuckles.

  He shrugged. “It ain’t the first time.”

  My startled gaze came up to his. “You’ve been in jail before?”

  “Don’t try to change the subject.”


  “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you I was coming to California.”

  “Yeah, let’s explore that for a second.” His anger was back big time. “I was worried to death about you, shawty! You had a nigga tearing them streets up looking for you. And where do I find you? Chilling on the f**king beach!”

  I was now rubbing his arm. “Okay, I know that looks bad. But there is a reason why I left.”

  He shook his head. “There ain’t no reason that can justify that sh*t! You my lady, you don’t just bounce without telling me! That sh*t was irresponsible!”

  Let me tell y’all something. If I didn’t know for a fact that he would never hurt me, the way his nostrils flared and his teeth bared would be intimidating as hell. I’d seen some of his old fights where he wore a very similar look while the ref told them the rules before each fight.

  No way I would stand and fight him with that look in his eye. The look he was giving me right now wasn’t that bad, but still very daunting.

  “I know it was, but I had to do it to protect Jessie.”

  The frown grew on his face. “Protect her from what?”

  “More like from who.” I chewed on my bottom lip, praying he didn’t look at me differently after I told him this. “My foster dad…Stan.”

  “Why did you need to protect her from him?”

  Oh boy! Oh boy! Here we go!

  After taking a deep breath, I dove in and told him everything, all about how Stan used to touch me inappropriately and about the times I’d come awake to find him trying to get in the bed with me.

  “I learned how to sleep with one eye open, which wasn’t that hard to do thanks to my nightmares.” Chuckling, I pulled his big hand into my lap, just needing to have his strength close.

  “Until you came along, sleep was my enemy.”

  I don’t know how he knew, but right then he reached out, putting one arm underneath my legs and the other around my back lifting me in his arms. He then took the spot I’d been sitting in, resting his back against the headboard while holding me in the safety of his arms.

  Dear God, thank you so much for the safety of his arms…

  “What else?”

  I continued to tell him how Westly used to protect me from Stan while he was there and about the huge fights they used to have.

  “Several times, the police had to come to the house. Of course, that was all bad publicity for Doctor Stanly. It wasn’t quite the look he and Diana were shooting for. So, in order to keep West calm, he tapered off on some of the assaults. He stopped coming in my bedroom and outright touching me inappropriately, but he would do things like walk past me and rub against me or sit too close to me.”

  I shivered. “I hated his touch, I hated everything about him. The day I left that house wasn’t soon enough.”

  Hitta tightened his arms around me, pulling me closer. I rested my head on his chest.

  “I know that I’m luckier than most kids that end up in the system. Outside of dealing with Stan, I had everything I wanted, lived in a really nice home, went to a great school, had awesome friends. I know there are children that are abused worse than me. I know that having Westly there was a blessing from God. But I still can’t—” My voice broke as tears burned the back of my eyes.

  “Naw, shawty, nobody deserve to have to fight off a pervert. To have to sleep with one eye open. You can’t get used to that sh*t!”

  The rage in his voice made me turn in his arms to face him. “Hitta, you have to promise me you won’t get tangled up with Stan. He doesn’t play fair and he has a lot of powerful friends that can make your life hectic.”

  He didn’t look at all worried. Goodness, men and their stupid pride! I just wanted to shake him.

  “He threatened to take Jessie from me.”

  He exhaled nodding his head. “Yeah, I know. We heard about Trina.”

  “You have? Oh my God! Was it on the news?”

  He shook his head. “Naw, word came to Wayne.”

  I frowned, confused. “It did?”

  “Man, sh*t. Don’t even ask me how he find out the sh*t he find out…he got his ways, I guess.”

  I nodded. That made sense. Wayne did have a way of being in the know in Chicago.

  “He also found out Stanly had looked into trying to get custody of Jessie.”

  “Oh my God!” I was now digging my nails in his arms. “He said, if I didn’t stay away from you, he was going to file. Oh my God, Hitta! I can’t let that happen! If he—”

  “Calm down, shawty! No way that sh*t happening! I told you…you mine. I take care of mine. Wayne and my lawyer already got the ball rolling in the other direction.”

  His words knocked the wind clean out of my sails. “What?! Really?! How?!”

  “They’ve filed for you so that you can get custody of lil mama.”

  Joy exploded in my heart. I was so excited that I came to my knees and was now sitting on them between his spread legs facing him.

  “That is wonderful!”

  But then a horrible thought crossed my mind. “But what about Stan? He’s going to try and fight it! No judge will grant custody to a twenty-two-year-old woman over a seasoned, well-established doctor.”

  Hitta grinned then, reminding me of the cat that had just discovered a piece of meat. “He will if that twenty-two-year-old was married to a retired professional boxer, who now runs a very successful gym and who’s assistant is the only son of the wealthiest black man in Chicago.”

  My mouth dropped open.




  Did Hitta just ask me to marry him?

  I pulled my braids back behind my ear. “What did you say?” My words were barely over a whisper.

  One side of his mouth was still lifted in a grin. “You heard me.”

  I shook my head. “No, I swear I didn’t… say it again.”

  He reached into his pants pocket and came out with a little black satin bag. It was so small that his big hands looked strange opening the little str
ings. My mouth dropped again when he pulled a diamond ring out of it.

  Little Bag…

  Huge Diamond…

  He picked up my hand that was now shaking like crazy and slid the beautiful ring on it.

  “Will you be my wife?”

  Speechless, I lifted my hand so that I could make sure what I was seeing was really happening. Hitta must have taken my shock as hesitation because he started speaking really fast.

  “This way, the judge will more than likely grant you custody. It will look good that you’re married and—”

  I brought my other hand to his lips cutting off his words. I couldn’t hear them anyway. I hadn’t gotten past—

  “You want me to be your wife?”

  A look of longing came into his eyes as he searched mine. “More than anything in the world, Teacup.”

  A squeal escaped my lips as I threw myself into his arms. Over the last week, I’d worried myself sick with the possibilities that he may not want me anymore or that after he found out about Stan, he would think I was some kind of freak.

  And here he was asking to marry me!


  Little shy, hobo dressing me!

  “Yes!” I cried.

  He clutched my shoulders pulling me back so that he could look at me, the smile on his face matched mine. “Yeah?”

  I nodded. “Yeah!”

  He grabbed me underneath my arms and lifted me so that he could plant one of those drugging kisses on my already well-kissed lips.

  I let the sheet drop offering him my breasts that I knew were his favorite things to play with (his words) as I wrapped my arms around his neck, deepening the kiss.

  He tore his lips away. However, when his gaze fell to my swollen peaks, a moan escaped his throat.

  “Damn, shawty, as much as I want to take those beauties in my mouth, we ain’t got time, you need to get dressed so that we can go.”


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