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Twisted War

Page 10

by Danielle James

  “I want Chloe,” I said to no one in particular. She was in my arms in a matter of seconds. That’s when everything came into focus. A paramedic finished wrapping my hand and another closed the doors on the ambulance after securing a stretcher inside. I’m guessing that was Jada they had in there. Emmanuel stood to my right shouting out orders and Xavier was on my left talking with Dempsey and more paramedics.

  Chloe was quiet as she clung to me and I stroked her soft hair. Slowly pain seeped into my hand it felt like fire was spreading though my knuckles. Jesus it hurt.

  “Can somebody call Dr. Epps?” I heard Xavier say.

  “Yeah, I’m on it,” Emmanuel said with his phone to his ear.

  “Can somebody get me some fucking pain killers?” I asked in a daze. Xavier grabbed my face gently and looked into my eyes.

  “Camilla, can you hear me?” His brow furrowed as he flitted over my face.

  “Yes. I can hear you.” I kissed Chloe’s head and noticed a blanket was wrapped around my shoulders. I saw one ambulance and three paramedics but no police. “No police?” I frowned.

  “No,” Emmanuel said sternly. “If I get the police involved right now it’ll be a fucking mess. Let me handle this, okay?”

  “He’s got it under control,” Xavier whispered against my hair. I nodded and looked around again. I saw my uncle leaning against the building, smoking a cigarette. I tried to wave to him but my entire left arm felt sore. How hard did I hit her ass? Shit.

  “Hey, how’s my little MMA fighter?” Wolf rustled Chloe’s curls and nudged me with his shoulder.

  “Seriously?” Xavier frowned.

  “What? Clearly she takes after me. I think she did a better job on old girl than I did on you though.” Xavier flipped him off and he shrugged. “Just saying. You’re already back to your normal pretty boy self. No worries.” He was right though. Besides a fading scar on his cheek, Xavier looked normal again.

  “Wait, how bad is the bitch’s face?” I blurted. Xavier, Wolf and Emmanuel all exchanged uneasy looks.

  “She’s fucked up,” Wolf laughed and patted me on the back. “Her nose is fucking gone.” Emmanuel shot him a warning look and he backed off. That’s when I heard the helicopter blades chopping through the air. I looked up and saw it landing on the roof.

  “She needs to be air lifted,” Emmanuel told me. I watched as the paramedics worked to get her strapped in and lifted up to the helicopter. Not one iota of guilt coursed through me as I watched them fly her away. “Camilla, if she doesn’t survive do you know how much damage control I’m gonna have to do?” Emmanuel growled at me in a quiet voice.

  “Oh,” Was all I could manage to say. Tires screeched in the distance and a car door slammed.

  “Good, Alexander is here.” Emmanuel said with a huff. “You need to get her to snap out it.” He barked at Alexander. When he came into view our eyes locked.

  “Hi Camilla.” He sat on my other side and waved at Chloe. She managed a small wave then buried her face in my shirt. “How do you feel?”

  “Out of it,” I said softly. “I feel like I’m walking through fucking fog.”

  “Why don’t you give Chloe to her dad? I wanna talk to you okay?”

  “Okay,” I handed her to Xavier and followed Alexander back inside of the church. We sat in the pews and I just stared straight ahead.

  “Hey, look at me,” Alexander said, waving his hand in front of my face. I focused on him for a minute, long enough to see the concern in his eyes. “Camilla, you really hurt Jada. Do you remember?”

  “She put her hands on Chloe.” I felt a spark of anger at my core. It was the first time I’d felt anything since I cracked into Jada’s face.

  “Okay. Can you tell me about it?” He asked. I shook my head as I remembered seeing bruises on my child. “You know what? I think you’re a wonderful mother. I think you’re doing everything in your power not to be Dana.” I looked up at him and nodded. He was right. “You’re not your mother. You’re Camilla. You make your own mistakes and you’re living your own life.” He placed his hand on my shoulder and I felt my eyes stinging.

  “She left a bruise on Chloe’s arm. I just…I don’t know what the fuck happened. I flipped out. I just wanted to kill her,” I stammered. Alexander hugged me tight and let me cry on his shoulder. He tilted my chin up so I was looking in his eyes. They felt so familiar I could have looked at them forever.

  “I understand,” he said. “You went into protective mode. You could have pulled back a little bit but you were doing what a lot of moms would have done.”

  “Is her nose really gone?” I asked him curiously.

  “From what Manny told me…it’s not actually gone, it’s just in her mouth.” She’s lucky Xavier pulled me off of her when he did or I’m sure she would have been pronounced dead at the scene.

  “Oh,” I said.

  “Do you feel remorseful?” He asked.

  “Not really. My hand hurts like a bitch though.” He sighed and shook his head, pulling me into him again for another hug. It felt so damn good. I wasn’t sure if it felt so good because I’d just come back to senses or if it was something else. I soaked it in though.

  Alexander stopped rubbing my shoulders and I frowned. “Don’t stop,” I said quietly. He continued rubbing my shoulders and I sighed.

  “If Manny came in here right now he’d kick my ass,” he laughed.

  “Why? It’s not like we’re fucking in the pews,” I smiled. I knew I was back to myself when I felt a throb ring through my body…and it wasn’t my hand either. I stiffened and sat up quickly, pulling away from Alexander. “Thank you,” I smiled.

  “No problem.” He pushed messy locks of hair from my face. “How are you feeling now?”

  “Better. I just really want to take Chloe and go home and eat baked ziti.” I grinned at Alexander and he tossed his head back laughing.

  “Seriously? All this shit going on and you’re thinking about food?”

  “I mean…beating a bitch’s nose into her mouth will make you hungry.” I was shocked to see Alexander laughing at that crack but it showed me he was human also, his sense of humor was just as fucked up as mine.

  “You really think Manny is letting you out of his sight tonight?” He quizzed. I frowned but honestly Alexander was right. With everything that just happened Emmanuel would want to keep his eye on Chloe and I. So would Xavier for that matter. Maybe it was best for me to just stay to my damn self. Everyone wanted to control where I went and what I did.

  It was in that moment that I made a decision to stay the fuck at home tonight. Alexander walked me back outside and all the commotion had died down. Emmanuel was still on the phone and Xavier was talking to Mary and Dempsey, filling them in. Poor Mary looked shaken to her soul. When Xavier laid eyes on me, he walked over with Chloe who was fast asleep in his arms. “Hey, are you okay now? You feel better?” He searched my eyes.

  “Yeah, I’m good. I’m just wondering what happens now.” I rubbed Chloe’s cheek gently so I didn’t wake her. Emmanuel stalked over in full Mayor mode.

  “What happens now is you go down to the police station with Dempsey. Xavier will take Chloe. You’ll give a statement.” He fired off a text and looked back up at me. “Angie will bring it by in a few minutes. You are only to speak to Chief Danvers. You understand me?” He looked furious so I was smart. I kept my mouth shut and just nodded my head. Now was the wrong time to question him. “Dempsey will get my lawyer for you and I’ll update Xavier on Jada’s condition as I’m privy. From what I can gather she has no family so that’s a good thing. I’m going to do damage control in the church…” Dempsey walked over and shook his head.

  “Manny, look I know this is your church but you need to let Xavier handle the damage control here. You’ve got enough on your plate right now.” I cringed hearing Dempsey even suggest that Emmanuel hand over control to Xavier of all people. Emmanuel’s nostrils flared like a bull ready to charge. I stepped in quickly and put my hand on his ch
est before he let out a roar and strings of curse words.

  “Emmanuel, can I talk to you?” I swept my eyes across the parking lot. “Alone?” He nodded and we walked over to his truck. We got in and I made sure the windows were rolled up. “You know Dempsey is right. Xavier needs to be in New Grace doing damage control. Everyone in there looks to him anyway. You’re the fucking Mayor. You cannot run Miami and New Grace at the same time. You’re not Superman.”

  “Camilla, you’re the reason why I’m in the middle of this shit to begin with. If you just called me, I would have handled everything with Jada.” I raised my eyebrow and folded my arms.

  “When my fucking child is hurt, I’m not going to call you, Emmanuel. I’m going to handle it because I’m her mother. I’m supposed to protect her.”

  “You know what I mean. I know you had to protect her but you went overboard Camilla. You knocked the girl’s nose into her mouth for Christ’s sake!”

  “So? She’s lucky she’s still alive. And you don’t get to talk to me about taking shit too far. You’re the king of taking shit too far! You need to learn how to pull back and let Xavier handle shit.” I shouted at him and it made the vein in his neck pop out.

  “You need to stop talking now.” He said through gritted teeth. I sucked in a breath and stared out of the windshield. “I don’t think I’ve ever been this pissed at you before. You’re right though. I need to let Xavier handle shit on the church front. You though…I’m not done with your ass. Listen to me,” he turned to face me. “Don’t you ever do anything this rash again Camilla. This entire situation is sticky and I’m going to have to do a hell of a lot of footwork to stop this shit from hitting the news. I’m going to have to spin this so hard it makes you look like the good guy.”

  “I am the fucking good guy. She hurt Chloe!”

  “I know…I know,” he grumbled. “I’ll work on the press and Xavier will work on the church. You just make sure you memorize the statement Angie typed up.”

  “Why not just have her text it to me?” I frowned.

  “Do you really have to ask that question? I don’t need a fucking trail Camilla.”

  “Oh, sorry,” I muttered. I was really feeling drained and my hand was sore as hell. I just wanted to get everything over with so I could lie down and eat. “Look, after I give my statement, I’m going home with Chloe.” I told him it still felt like I was asking permission though. Emmanuel eyed me for a few seconds and grunted.

  “You’re going home? By yourself?” He chuckled. “Yeah, okay Camilla. I’ll have your uncle bring you and Chloe to the house.”

  “No you won’t. I said I’m going home.” I said trying not to fly off the handle. I know our rhythm by now and it always ends up in angry sex when I go off on him.

  “You put Xavier out, right?” He asked. I rolled my eyes and nodded. I swear the man had surveillance set up around my house.

  “Yes. I did. Thought you’d be happy,” I muttered.

  “I mean yes, and no. If I’m not able to protect you I know he will. He might be a fucking arrogant asshole but he will protect you and Chloe.”

  “He’s just like you!” I squeaked tossing my hands up.

  “I suppose. I don’t like the idea of you being alone though.”

  “Why? I’m not the one that just got their face reconstructed.”

  “Because the media isn’t secured yet and they’re fucking vultures.” He blew out a breath and glared at me. His coffee eyes were boring into me like they always did.

  “Look, how about this…I’ll call Xavier if I need anything. I’ll call you if I need anything. Shit, you seem to know all the codes to get into the house anyway.”

  “I’d feel better if Xavier took Chloe tonight.” He said running a hand over his face. He must have been tired too.

  “Okay, that will work,” I agreed. Emmanuel grumbled and bitched for a few more minutes but once he was settled down he kissed my forehead and told me he loved me. “I know you do,” I smirked.

  “I swear if it weren’t so twisted I’d marry your crazy ass.” I saw that familiar flicker in his eyes and I chewed on the inside of my cheek.

  “You need to stop,” I warned. “We’re in the parking lot.”

  “What? I didn’t even say anything bad.”

  “You’re thinking it,” I replied quietly.

  “Thinking what? About how I wanna devour your pussy right now with everybody standing back there? Or maybe I’m thinking about how wet your pussy is getting.” He leaned over and I could feel his lips brush against my ear.

  “See?” I inhaled and shook my head. The urge to fuck him was so strong!

  “I know but you know what you do to me Camilla.” He ran his finger up and down my forearm and I wondered how the fuck he made something so simple seem so dirty and why was it turning me on?

  We jumped apart when Angela knocked on his tinted window. Thank you Jesus. I’ve never hopped out of a vehicle so fast before. I took the statement, read over it and tried to commit it to memory.

  I had to tell the captain how Jada attacked Chloe and that I was defending her. The statement was worded to sound like I walked in on Chloe being harmed because if I told them I knew full well what I planned to do I’d be right next to my dad in prison.

  For once, I was glad Emmanuel had every body in his pocket. It made for a smooth process at the police station and the captain told me I wouldn’t even see the inside of a court room.


  Chapter Thirteen


  I was shocked when Camilla called me to come over and make dinner. I thought Manny would surely have her under his watch the entire night. She had to compromise a bit, but at least she stood up for herself. I was proud of her.

  We sat in her living room after polishing off our second helping of baked ziti drinking more red wine. Camilla was resting her feet in my lap and instinctively my hands began to massage them. She had a very trying day so I know she needed it.

  “Ugh, Alexander you’re so good to me.” She groaned. Her head was hanging over the arm of the couch and she was swinging her long ponytail back and forth like a kid. “Your hands are so strong, Jesus that feels good.” She let out a satisfied moan and I pretended not to hear but it bounced around in my head for a few seconds longer than it should have.

  “What are we watching tonight?” I asked her, trying to change the topic. She lifted her head up and scanned the TV with narrowed eyes.

  “I don’t know. Let’s watch a movie.” She scrolled through listings with the remote. “Nightmare on Elm Street is on! The first one!” She sounded so excited I couldn’t help but laugh. “What? You don’t like horror?” She frowned.

  “It’s actually my favorite genre. You just got so excited, it was…cute.” She smiled and blushed a little before pulling her feet out of my grasp to tuck them underneath herself. “A Nightmare on Elm Street, premiered in 1984 and directed by Wes Craven, master of horror…or at least in my opinion,” I shrugged.

  “Um, he’s abso-fucking-lutely the master of horror,” Camilla said with one brow raised and her arms folded.

  We watched the classic movie together and I noticed how she inched closer to me every so often until her side was pressed against me. My arm was spread across the back of the couch but by the end of the movie she’d tugged my hand down so that it was draped around her. I could have moved it away but…I liked it there. It had been so long since I felt a woman next to me that I wanted to drink it in. The sweet way she smelled, how warm she was against me. At one point I intertwined my fingers with hers and I saw the apples of her cheeks rise just slightly in a smile.

  “Okay, you wanna go home now don’t you? I’ve held you hostage for long enough.” Camilla arched her back and before my eyes traveled down too far I looked at my watch. It was midnight on the nose.

  “I mean…”

  “You wanna stay?” She brightened as if she could read my mind. I did want to stay but it would get me in a world of trouble ev
en if I did nothing but sit next to Camilla on the couch.

  “I do, but I shouldn’t. You know that.” I stood up and she let out a whine. I looked into her green eyes and I could easily see how Manny fell so hard for her. She was gorgeous.

  “You’re right. I know I’m fucking with the whole doctor/patient shit.” She waved her hand in the air and started clearing the wine bottle and glasses from the coffee table. My head was buzzing slightly from the wine and I found myself staring at her. She caught me and sucked in a breath. “Are we like…friends?” She asked me.

  “Yes, Camilla. We’re friends,” I nodded. “Is that okay? I mean I like being your friend. You’re pretty cool.”

  “Am I pretty or am I cool?” She teased. “I’m playing Alexander…you don’t have to answer that.” I wasn’t going to answer it I knew better.

  “I’ll help you with cleaning up.” I told her. I started putting the food away while Camilla loaded the dishwasher. “Why don’t you go sit down? Let me handle everything.” I looked at her bandaged hand and sighed. “How long are you going to have to be bandaged up?” I asked her.

  “I need to have it looked at in a few days and re-bandaged. My skin has to grow back.”

  “Damn Camilla, how hard were you hitting her?”

  “I don’t fucking know. I just know my knuckles are shredded and there’s a spot with no skin.” She seemed annoyed talking about it so I backed off. “Thank you, Alexander.”

  “For what?” I rubbed the back of my neck and looked to her for a response.

  “For being there. You’ve been a really good friend and I appreciate that. You could have just told me I was your patient and drew the line there but you didn’t.” Her heartfelt words tugged at me and I had to busy myself with cleaning the kitchen so I didn’t focus on them. Normally I’m all about focusing on emotions and how they make you feel but in this instance, it wasn’t a very smart thing to do.

  “You don’t have to thank me for being your friend Camilla.”

  “I feel like I do. I’ve only had one friend and since she’s away at school I just kinda bounce between Emmanuel and Xavier. They’re both so damn extreme that I don’t have any middle ground.” I listened to her and fought the urge to take notes. She was working through her own issues though and I found it intriguing. “You feel like middle ground,” she told me.


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