Ravishing Raine

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Ravishing Raine Page 7

by Bonnie Rose Leigh

  “Lean down and lift your bottom, baby.”

  Raine looked over her shoulder, watched Ryker pour lube into his hand before coating his cock with the thick liquid that would make it easier to take him in her anus. With Jakob deep inside her, she did as he asked, lowering her torso to his and lifting her bottom toward Ryker.

  When Ryker’s hands gripped her hips, a shiver of apprehension worked its way down her spine. As she felt Ryker’s fingers press against her anus, she stiffened, just couldn’t help herself.

  “Relax, baby. If it hurts too much, we’ll stop.”

  Worrying her bottom lip with her teeth, Raine warily nodded. “Promise?” she asked, though she felt confident that she could trust him, trust them all not to hurt her, despite the fact she hadn’t known them long.

  As one finger entered her bottom then two, slowly stretching her to take her mate’s cock, Raine soon found herself rocking against Ryker’s fingers. When she could slide easily against the thrust of three of his fingers, she knew it wouldn’t be long before Ryker mounted her from behind. Before she could fixate on that, the bed dipped as Drayven approached from the side, his cock held in his hands. She knew without being told what they wanted—to become a true foursome. Drayven taking her mouth while Jakob took her pussy and Ryker fucked her ass.

  Swirling her tongue over the head of Drayven’s cock, she probed the tiny, weeping opening, searching for the little beads of pre-cum already spilling from his erection. When she gripped his testicles in her hand and gave it a steady squeeze as she took his cock as deep in her throat as possible, Drayven’s hand dove into her hair, gripping it in his fist like the reins of a horse. With his cock lodged in her throat, Jakob’s in her pussy and Ryker’s pressing against the star of her ass, for the first time in her life, Raine felt complete—almost. She needed something more. Needed to do something more. Letting instinct guide her, she closed her eyes, allowing her men to direct her. Slowly, ever so slowly, Ryker pressed against her bottom until the thick head of his cock was lodged in her rectum. Raine gasped as the burn spread. A single tear leaked from the corner of her eye as Ryker continued to surge slowly but surely inside her bottom, one agonizing inch at a time. By the time his balls were resting against her bottom, she felt so tight and full, she wasn’t sure she wouldn’t explode from the pressure.

  Raine shook, trying her best to sit still while she adjusted to the feeling of having two men inside her at the same time. Three, actually, she corrected when Drayven thrust forward, his cock lodging down her throat. With all three of her men buried inside her, an overwhelming surge of emotion washed over her. It wasn’t all hers either but a combination of all four of them, flowing from one to the other to the other, the pleasure expanding and growing as she could practically feel the bond forging in their minds. The mate bond that would forever bind the four of them together. Ecstasy like she’d never imagined flowed over and through her. When Jakob thrust into her, Ryker retreated, and when Ryker surged forward, Jakob retreated. Through it all, Drayven fucked her mouth at his own pace, one quickening with every stroke. Soon, she couldn’t keep up with the rhythm and trusted her men to take control. They didn’t disappoint, taking her higher than she ever imagined possible. When Drayven’s cock seemed to grow harder and thicker, almost pulsating in her mouth, she knew he was close to coming. Something told her that when one came, they all would. They wouldn’t be able to keep themselves from drowning in the pleasure.

  As one, the three men stopped then surged inside her together. Drayven down her throat, Jakob deep in her pussy and Ryker hilted into her ass and as one, they all came, releasing their seed inside her fertile body. As Jakob’s seed flooded her womb and Ryker’s her ass, her own orgasm tore through her body. The pleasure bombarded all of them, taking them up and over. Flashes of light flared behind her closed eyes as she did her best to remain conscious. No matter how hard it was, she needed to do something first, before tumbling into unconsciousness. She needed to mark her men. Leaning down, Raine pressed her lips against Jakob’s chest, biting down just above his heart. She hoped by marking her mates there, they’d understand what she wasn’t yet ready to put into words.

  After licking his wound closed, she turned toward Drayven who sat next to them, taking deep, panting breaths as though he’d run a marathon. Leaning forward, she once again pressed her lips against one of her mate’s chest and bit down, marking him above his heart. Once again, she licked the wound clean.

  Slowly, Ryker withdrew from her bottom and padded away before she had the chance to mark him as well. Jakob took the opportunity to lift her off his softening cock and spooning her, her back to his chest. Pulling her hair to the side, Jakob nuzzled the back of her neck, then bit down, marking her as his mate. A sense of fulfillment washed through her and she knew, once Ryker returned and she marked him as her mate, the circle between them would be complete. No one would ever take her men from her, or her from her men. Raine smiled and when Ryker slipped into bed beside them, cleaning her bottom and pussy with so much care, she almost cried. Once finished, Ryker tossed the cloth onto the floor, then pulled her into his arms. She nuzzled his chest, found the spot right above his beating heart and bit down, making the final mating mark joining their small pride as one. Before she could even lick his wound clean, darkness swamped her mind and she blissfully tumbled into unconsciousness, a smile of complete satisfaction still plastered on her face.


  Three days later…

  When the call came in, she looked at her mates and nodded. They’d expected this, knew that it was only a matter of time before he’d strike another of her family members. Ever since she’d searched the ruins of the hardware store and found his last note, they knew he would stop settling for scaring her and go directly after her. What he wanted her for, she didn’t really know. Nothing in his notes made that clear. She hoped to never get close enough to ask him. With the house so heavily warded, the Demon Lord couldn’t enter, so the only way he could get to her was if she left its protection. Placing the phone’s handset on the table, she pressed the speaker button on the telephone so they all could hear what the dispatcher had to say.

  “Where’s the fire at?” she asked Ruth Dunbar, a vampire and the night dispatcher for both the fire department and sheriff’s office.

  “It’s Nolan Gas Station, Chief”

  Even though they’d expected this, anger surged through her, making her as bloodthirsty for revenge as any of her mates or brothers.

  “I’ll be right there, Ruth. Call the Ransom and Castleview Fire Departments and ask for reinforcements.”

  “Will do, Chief, and I’m awful sorry about all the fires those arsonists are starting, destroying your family’s businesses.”

  “Thanks, Ruth. At least all my brothers have been spared their lives. I know for a fact that Evan is home from work this week taking a much-needed vacation. He even closed the garage this week for the first time since he opened it ten years ago.”

  Knowing Ruth would keep her on the phone if she let her, Raine thanked the dispatcher for calling her and quickly disconnected the call.

  Jakob gripped her shoulder, looked deep into her eyes as though searching for something. He must have seen what he needed, because he dropped his hand and looked at his brothers. “Everyone, gather your gear. Full vests and I want you all loaded down with knives and guns. We’ll all walk out of this alive. Except for the Demon Lord. He won’t live to see dawn,” Jakob vowed even as he opened the desk drawer and pulled a 9mm pistol and holster out. Strapping the holster around Raine’s thigh, he looked up at her and smiled. “Your brothers told us you can handle just about any handgun, but you preferred the Glock. This is one I purchased just for you, to defend yourself with when you’re out on your own or heading into a dangerous situation, even if we’re at your side.”

  Raine smiled, ran her hand through Jakob’s black hair. Now that they were bonded, she could feel the very real fear her mate felt at the thought of something happe
ning to her. All her mates feared for her safety, but they didn’t use it to guilt her into staying home. Knowing they believed her to be equal in their relationship, well, it made the fact that she had three mates when she’d long thought she’d have none, a true blessing. No other men would have fit her so perfectly and she woke every day since their mating thanking the Goddess for leading Drayven, Ryker and Jakob to Serenity. “Thanks for the gift. It means the world to me that you trust me to fight by your side and not cower behind closed and locked doors.”

  “Think nothing of it. We do trust you, but that doesn’t mean you’ll walk one step without one of us nearby. This is a trap we’re walking into. You know it and we know it.”

  Nodding, Raine looked first at Ryker, then Drayven before meeting Jakob’s gaze again. Taking a deep breath, she uttered what had been in her heart since the first night they’d spent together. Had it only been three days? It seemed so much longer, a lifetime already. “Before we leave, I wanted to tell each of you, all of you, that I love you. I know you can feel it through the mating bond, but I know you need the words, too. I should have told you days ago, but…” She shrugged, letting her voice trail off. She didn’t really know why she hadn’t told them, especially since they’d all told her time and again in the last couple days what was in their hearts. She felt bad about holding back the words now and somehow, she’d have to make that up to them.

  As soon as the words tumbled from her lips, Drayven laughed and picked her up in his arms, twirling her around in a circle. Ryker and Jakob wrapped their arms around her when Drayven finally came to a stop, squishing her between her mates in a huge hug.

  “Sweeter words were never uttered,” Ryker whispered against her ear.

  “Thank you for telling us, Raine, though I wish we had time to show you just how much those words mean to us. But that will have to wait,” Jakob murmured, his hand running through her long, brown curls. His amber eyes twinkled, heat and hunger filling them, something she’d seen often while they’d stayed inside the house for the last three days, easing her heat and strengthening the bond between them.

  Just thinking about her heat made her press her hand against her tummy. The heat had already started to ease off, more than likely because she’d already conceived though it was too early for a pregnancy test. She had no doubt that they’d already been blessed with her first litter, but she couldn’t stay home no matter how much she wanted and she couldn’t tell the brothers about the possible pregnancy either or they’d force her to remain at home. It would seem suspicious to the Demon Lord and they couldn’t afford to make him wary. She had to do everything like she normally would. She’d been at every fire since she’d taken office six months ago. Today couldn’t be any different, not if they wanted to finally rid the town of the monster terrorizing it.

  Within minutes, all four of them were loaded with weapons, some visible, some not. While Raine drove her own vehicle to the fire, Drayven would be crouched in the rear seat, out of sight while Jakob followed closely behind in his SUV. Ryker would take point in his vehicle, the three vehicles creating a sort of motorcade to the fire. What the Demon Lord didn’t know about would be all the others shadowing the vehicles, shifters and vamps taking to the trees along the side of the road, hidden in the brush and forests. If Jakob was right, the Demon Lord would try to attack them either to or from the gas station.

  Swallowing her fear, Raine straightened her spine and walked out the door of her home, a home she’d grown to love in the three days she’d lived there. A home she couldn’t wait to return to, to raise her family in. Sliding behind the wheel of her car, she took a deep breath and turned the ignition. After one last deep breath, she put the car in gear and followed Ryker down the long, curving driveway. Nerves were making her edgy. What if something happened to her mates? None of them were invincible. They weren’t immortal like a vampire and didn’t have magic flowing through the blood in their veins like the fae that made killing them nearly impossible. They could all too easily be hurt and she’d be responsible.

  Don’t worry, baby, Drayven whispered through her mind. We aren’t so easy to kill, either.

  Jakob’s voice joined Drayven’s. This isn’t the first demon we’ve faced. We know how to kill him.

  And we have more people than the Demon Lord could imagine fighting at our side, Ryker added.

  Raine felt some of the tension ease. Not all, but some. Enough so that when the motorcade reached the block in the road, a downed tree the size of an ancient redwood, she felt more annoyed and ready to get things over with. She’d make sure the fire at her brother’s gas station and garage would be put out properly and all her people were safe, her brothers unharmed and hanging out at the old family homestead situated halfway between Ransom and Serenity then return to her home, to her mates.

  As Ryker stepped out of his vehicle, Raine watched him scan the area. He tilted his head back and inhaled, searching for the Demon Lord’s scent no doubt. The woods are quiet. I can’t even hear a bird chirp, but that could be because of all our friends hiding in the trees waiting for the attack.

  Behind her, she watched Jakob exit his vehicle from her rearview mirror. Though she’d rather he stayed safely inside a vehicle she knew had been blessed, she couldn’t ask her mates to cower when she wouldn’t do so herself. Knowing they’d fight for her, fight to keep her by their side, sent another wave of happiness winging through her. They were fast becoming her very soul. Swallowing past her own fear, Raine opened her own door. She knew the Demon Lord wouldn’t show himself until she made an appearance. The least she could do was oblige. The sooner he appeared, the sooner they could all send him back to hell, this time with a one-way ticket.

  No sooner had she stepped outside the car, the winds picked up. Leaves and twigs swirled through the air. All around her, the air grew thick, smelling foul as though a corpse lay nearby, rotting from the sun’s heat. Before long, seconds really, a low, menacing growl echoed, seemingly coming from every direction as though vicious wolves ready to tear the foursome limb from limb surrounded them. No matter what the Demon Lord thought, she wouldn’t let his theatrics terrify her. She trusted her mates, trusted that they made sure they had plenty of people to take this bastard down. Reaching down, she unlatched the closure to her thigh holster, pulled out her Glock, and searched the darkened woods. With her superior eyesight, she could see almost as well at night as she could during the day. Lions did the majority of their hunting at night. Tonight, she and her mates would be hunting demon instead of deer.

  Minutes passed. The wind blew harder and harder, plastering their clothes to their skin. Before long, branches and small tree limbs broke off the trees, leaves and dirt battered their faces making visibility difficulty. He’d attack soon. She felt it in her gut. The wind raged and howled, then as sudden as it started, it stopped, leaving complete silence in its wake.

  Thumbing the safety off her gun, she scanned her surroundings, turning in a circle as she looked for their enemy. She felt him approach before she actually saw him. In fact, at first, she thought it was just one of Serenity’s citizens, one who was out there to fight by her side. But that quickly changed when he raised his hands and two fireballs shot through the air, heading straight toward her two visible mates, Jakob and Ryker. Crouched inside the car, Drayven should be even now using the scope on his sniper rifle to lock onto their nemesis. As the fireball heading toward Jakob roared over her head, Raine dropped to her knees, lined up her shot and fired six shots dead center of the Demon Lord’s chest. She knew that regular bullets wouldn’t do anything to really stop the Demon Lord, but they figured he’d probably possess a shifter since their town had only a few vamps. The silver bullets should at least slow him down some and that’s what they were counting on. Slowing the bastard down long enough for their reinforcements to do their work.

  From the woods, shifters of every type started to converge on the Demon Lord. Everything from bears to wolves, lions to tigers, stalked the Demon Lord. Even
Raine’s eyes widened at the number of Serenity’s citizens present. When a group of at least two dozen fae flashed into the road and created a circle around the Demon Lord, her jaw about hit the ground. The fae were not known for volunteering their help to lesser paranormals and they considered anyone not fae a lesser being. Joining their hands, the fae tossed back their heads and started chanting in a language she’d never heard before. It must be their native language.

  Enraged, the Demon Lord called up more and more fireballs, tossing them at the fae surrounding him, but they just hit an invisible wall and sizzled out. The fae grew louder and louder and the Demon Lord began to quake, his entire body shuddering and jerking as though a mob were attacking him. The wind whirled and whirled, this time racing around the fae, embracing them. Around and around the wind circled the magic wielders, until it entered the circle. She could see what looked like a tornado pick the Demon Lord up. The wind wrapped around him tighter and tighter like a boa constrictor squeezing the life out of its prey.

  Harder and harder, the wind squeezed. It howled and raged, the continuous rumble grew louder and louder. Tucking her gun back into her holster, Raine covered her ears, the sound of the wind so piercing it made her eardrums hurt with pressure she could feel pressing inside her ear canal. Then the sound of the wind suddenly stopped and the wind apparently rushed through the Demon Lord’s open mouth and tore him apart from the inside out. Pieces of the Demon Lord flew in every direction, some no bigger than a dime, before disintegrating into ash. But still the fae continued to chant. This time, Jakob and Ryker, Drayven and the other Hunters present, Ben and Trevor Marcum, Derek Moretti and Quinn Donovan, Chance Mercer and Noah Andrews, Damon Santiago and Antonio Grazioso all joined the fae, their voices meshing seamlessly with the others to banish the Demon Lord. With so much magic present, fae, shifter and vamp alike, the Demon Lord had no chance to look for a new host. With an eerie, high-pitched scream and a sudden pop, even the spirit of the Demon Lord disappeared, unable to combat the strength of the magic surrounding him.


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