Secrets From the Grave

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Secrets From the Grave Page 4

by B. L. Brunnemer

  I set my phone down and found Zeke watching me. “The guy has some classes. It’ll be a couple of hours.”

  His gaze moved over my face before meeting mine again. “Well, you’ll have plenty of time to look at all the art you want.”

  I snorted. “Two hours or less? You have no idea how long I can wander around a museum.”

  His lips twitched as the waitress brought appetizers and pointed out which was the alligator. Everyone started nibbling as we waited for Miles. I met Isaac’s smug eyes. He grinned and shook his head. He didn’t think I’d eat it.

  “Zeke, can you pass me a piece of the alligator, please?” I asked.

  The corner of Zeke’s lips lifted as he grabbed the entire plate and held it out to me. I grabbed a piece, met Isaac’s eyes and popped it into my mouth. Zeke set the plate back down in the middle of the table. The meat was actually good. A little catfishy but still good.

  I finished my bite and smirked at Isaac. He cursed and grumbled as he reached out and picked up a tiny piece.

  “A piece of equal size or you’ll have to do it again,” Asher warned.

  Isaac cursed again before popping a bigger piece into his mouth. He was two chews in when his face scrunched up and his eyes closed. When he finished he chugged his glass of water. “Gah! How can you eat that, Red?”

  I just grinned. “Anyone else want to try?”

  “No.” Most of them answered in unison.

  Asher reached over and plucked a piece from the platter and ate it. His eyes unfocused as he chewed. “Hmm. It’s a mix of chicken and catfish, but not bad.”

  “Are you really going to eat that?” Ethan asked me.

  I shrugged. “More for me.”

  Ethan and Zeke started talking about a video game that had just come out. I turned to Asher.

  “So, how are things?” I asked, trying to break the ice. “Is Jessica getting any more speeding tickets?”

  Ethan choked on the soda he was drinking, he set his glass down and continued to cough. Zeke reached around him and smacked him on the back. When Ethan stopped coughing he eyed me.

  Asher started rubbing the back of his neck. “Uh, no. She’s eased up a bit.”

  “Good,” I said. “If she kept it up she would have lost her license.”

  He nodded and looked everywhere he could but at me. His gaze moved over my head. “Over here.” Asher waved.

  I looked down to hide my disappointment.

  “Sorry that took so long.” Miles walked around the table. I gave him a smile as he took the chair next to Asher.

  His eyes were dark as he picked up his menu. “Sorry that took so long.”

  “Everything okay at the hotel?” I asked, wondering where those shadows came from.

  “What?” he asked, his voice slightly strained.

  “You were checking all of us in.” Isn't that what he was doing?

  “Oh, yes. Everything is fine just a misunderstanding with the reservation that needed to be cleared up.” He looked past me down the table. “Did I miss lunch?”

  “We got appetizers while we waited for you,” Asher explained.

  Miles winced. “Sorry.”

  Every one opened their menus again and talked about what looked good. Trying to put Miles’s odd behavior out of my mind for now, I looked down at the menu. The words were blurry. I blinked hard and tried again. They were still blurry. I pulled the menu back until the writing was clear.


  “Yeah?” I found something that sounded good and closed my menu before I turned to him.

  He was watching me, his eyebrow raised. “Can you see al-”

  “Are we ready to order?” The waitress popped up at the end of the table with a big smile.

  When the waitress was out of earshot I turned to look down the table at my aunt. “Claire, what can you tell me about this Louis guy?”

  Claire walked around the table and took the empty seat across from me. “Well, he’s pretty nice. He knows his stuff. His father was a Necromancer, so he was raised with it. Plus, he’s lived this long.”

  “How old is he?” Isaac asked.

  Claire grinned. “He’s in his late forties.”

  My jaw dropped. Late forties? And he’s still alive? Without a ward tattoo? “Holy shit.”

  Claire nodded. “Yeah, I was impressed too.”

  “My question is,” Miles lowered his voice as a waitress walked by. “Are you going to give him the ward design that Evelyn made for you?

  Thinking, I stirred my drink with my straw. “I could ask her. But I can’t give it out. She designed mine specifically for me. It might not even work for him.”

  “He might not even want it,” Claire pointed out. “He’s been doing great all his life and has a better understanding than we ever did.”

  “We’ll have to play it by ear,” I said. “So, what do you guys want to see while we’re here?” That simple question started a debate among the guys

  “There’s a Butterfly Garden and Insectarium,” Miles suggested.

  I smiled while the others groaned.

  “Bayou tour,” Zeke stated.

  “Oh, let’s do a kayak one.” Isaac grinned. “We could run into an alligator.”

  Zeke scowled at him. “As if I’d ever let one of you do that.”

  Isaac snickered. I shook my head as I listened to them. My heart grew warm as I relaxed.

  “There’s several culinary tours,” Asher added, turning to the others. I just sat there and listened with a smile.

  We were still at the restaurant when I felt it. A strange crawling sensation down my spine and over my skin. My hand went to the back of my neck as I searched the restaurant looking for its source. The only ghost inside was Claire but this was different. This… this I had never felt before.


  “I’m feeling something...” I muttered as I eyed everyone in the dining room. It was getting stronger, like fingertips moving over my skin. And not in an unpleasant way. “What the hell? Does anyone else feel that?”

  “No.” Isaac started looking around too.

  “Not a thing.” Miles turned in his chair and started looking around. That’s when I spotted him. His golden-brown skin contrasted with his white linen short sleeve button down. Khaki shorts and a pair of chucks completed the outfit. His black hair was cut close to his head, with white at the temples. He had a strong jaw and sharp clear eyes.

  “That’s him.” I knew it just as I knew my own name. He was a Necromancer.

  Claire waved and got out of the chair across from me. Velvety black eyes met mine as he moved through the tables and his step slowed.

  As he reached our table, his gaze moved to Claire. “Miss Claire, I was starting to worry if you ever made it back.” His voice rolled off his lips like molasses. Sweet and deep.

  “It was a long trek back,” Claire admitted. She gestured to me. “This is my niece.”

  “I’m Lexie.” I held my hand out to shake.

  He didn't take it; his eyes ran over me before they met mine again. “Considering the strange feeling running over my skin, I think it best that we don’t touch.”

  I dropped my hand. “Yeah, what the hell is that?”

  “I’m not sure but I’ll do some research and see if there’s any mention of it.” He eyed me again.

  “Sounds fair.” I clenched my fist as the sensation continued. It was starting to get distracting.

  “I’m Louis.” He looked down the table at the guys. “They are?”

  “My friends. They’ve been saving my ass for months. They’re also a bit protective.” I started bouncing my knee.

  “With the way the big one is glaring, I’d say so,” he stated.

  I turned. Zeke was indeed glaring. I smacked his shoulder. “Zeke, knock it off.”

  He grumbled under his breath as Louis took the seat Claire vacated.

  “Don’t mind him, he has resting glare face,” I offered. The guys chuckled and Zeke tried not to loo
k murderous.

  Louis’s gaze ran over me again, measuring. “Look, I don’t have long with that many souls outside. How old are you?”

  “Seventeen, turning eighteen in August,” I answered as I noticed the strands of beads going into the neckline of his shirt. Onyx, if I had to guess.

  He shook his head. “How have you made it this long?”

  “Luck. Salt, beads, and herbs,” I answered quickly. I wasn't about to tell him about my tattoo until I knew him a bit more. “How about you?”

  “I was lucky, my father was alive to raise me. The family also kept records.” He pulled an envelope out of a cargo pocket of his shorts. He set it in front of me. “Here, this should get you started. It’s basic but all I had time to put together. You can email me any questions you have.” His eyes met mine. “Now, leave town tonight.”

  Leave town? I couldn’t fucking believe this.

  “That’s not what we talked about!” Claire shouted, water glasses rattled on the table.

  “I’m not fucking going anywhere,” I bit out in a hushed voice. “You’re the only Necro alive that I’ve ever met, you’ve already lived past anyone in my family. Did you really think I’m just going to walk away from this chance?”

  He sighed and ran his hand down his face then met my eyes. “Honestly, I wish you had come a few weeks ago.”

  I raised an eyebrow. “Why?”

  “Have you ever heard of the Witches Council?” he asked, his voice tired.

  I sat up straighter. “Yeah, they’re supposed be policing magic users but there are some loop holes so you don’t have to listen to them.”

  He nodded as the waitress came to the table. He ordered a large café au lait to go before turning back to us. “Well, some of their representatives are in town trying to ‘recruit’ the magic users here.”

  “Recruit?” Asher asked as he leaned forward.

  “They’re trying to force us to join them and be under their thumb,” he explained. “No one here wants that and has told them so. They haven’t taken it well.”

  “What did they do?” Miles asked as he leaned forward on his arms.

  “To sum up, you’ve walked into a tense situation,” he announced. The waitress arrived with his coffee. He paid her and told her to keep the change. When she was gone he turned back to us and rested his arms on the table. “The council witches are getting frustrated that the supernaturals in the area aren't jumping on board."

  "You're expecting the situation to deteriorate?" Miles asked before I could.

  “Unfortunately, yes," he said before taking a sip of his coffee then meeting my gaze. "But that's not the only problem in the city."

  "The dead," I stated.

  He nodded. "Something is wrong. The dead can't move on and there's energy everywhere. Ghosts are picking it up as I'm sure you've noticed."

  I nodded. "Yeah, they're picking it up and using it to leave their haunting grounds."

  "Exactly, it's rotting them out." He looked down the table to look out the large window. "The ghosts in New Orleans have been wreaking havoc around the city. It's at the point it's getting dangerous for anyone sensitive to the dead. So, watch yourself."

  “Hold on, what's going on with the council?" Zeke demanded.

  Louis eyed him before answering. "Right now, nothing. They're still trying to convince us to join them. But considering that Necros and other supernatural species don't do well when the council is in charge, we're continuing to say no."

  “Shit,” I bit out as I began to rub my temples.

  Zeke started cursing under his breath.

  “What do you mean ‘supernaturals don’t do well with the council?’” I asked.

  “I mean they’re never heard from again,” he said, looking back to me. “Now, you should be safe. You’re seventeen and you don’t live here. If you are insisting on staying, and are approached, tell them that. Then tell them you’re here to learn how to control your abilities. But offer them no other information.”

  "If you can't guarantee that..." Zeke turned to Miles. “We’re going home now.”

  I tried to remember to be patient. "Zeke..."

  "No," he growled as he turned back to me.

  “Ezekiel,” Miles said in a quiet voice as he met Zeke’s gaze. They seemed to have some silent communication that I couldn’t understand before Zeke turned away, his jaw clenching and unclenching.

  “All of you should be safe. Going after normals is against the laws," Louis announced. “As is going after minors."

  Zeke muttered curses under his breath.

  “They have the Sight,” I corrected. “And Miles is eighteen and Zeke’s about to be.”

  His gaze shot to them. “All of you?”

  The guys nodded.

  “It’s a long story,” Miles hedged.

  Louis shook his head. “Then I don’t have time now to hear it.” He pulled out his phone. “Give me your information, I’ll text you an address to meet tomorrow around noon. We’ll go over some things then.” I gave him my number.

  He added it to his contacts, got to his feet then turned to me again. “Since you’re insisting on staying, just stay aware. Stay together and you should be fine.” He hurried out of the restaurant and through the crowd.

  I let out a deep breath. Zeke was tense next to me.

  I turned to look up at him and smiled a big smile. “Who wants dessert?”


  * * *

  After a half an hour of Miles and Lexie reasoning with me, I finally calmed down. It took everyone agreeing to stay in pairs, but I calmed down. Mostly.

  I stepped out of the restaurant and instantly started sweating again. Fuck. What was with this fucking humidity? It was like walking through a wet blanket all the time.

  Lexie headed for one of the artist’s display on the fence surrounding Jackson Square.

  “Lexie…” This wasn’t a good idea. A big crowd, fucking council witches in town…

  Lexie turned and continued walking backward. “You guys promised.”

  Claire moved up beside Miles.

  I growled wordlessly as we followed her to the first set up. I kept looking around, trying to keep an eye out for anything strange. Well, besides the dead. Ghosts were fucking everywhere, and sometimes they were hard to pick out from the living. Yeah, some were in dated clothes you could just see and know but others... Lexie always somehow knew which were which but the rest of us were catching on, though Miles was still struggling. The rest of us could figure it out after a minute or so.

  Lexie made a small squeal, I turned back to find her showing Ethan a small print in plastic. Her face was glowing, she even had her big happy smile on. Something inside me settled. She hadn’t gotten this excited since she got the wards and that wasn’t really excited, that was more like deep relief.

  As Lexie talked with the artist, she began gesturing wildly. I tore my eyes off her and checked on the others. Ethan was looking through more prints while Isaac, Miles and Asher stood near me. All of us were watching her enjoy herself. I turned back to watch as she pointed at a section of a painting and asked how the artist got that particular color.

  “Do you still want to leave?” Miles asked without really asking. As if he already knew my answer. Hell, he probably did.

  “No. She’s...” I shook my head. She had never been able to leave the house without having to worry about the dead. She’s never had a carefree day in her life. Neither one of us have but... she can now. And I wanted that for her. “Let’s keep an eye on the crowd.”

  “We will,” Miles assured me.

  We followed her from artist to artist. I kept trying to pay attention to what was going on around us but her voice was distracting. Trying to stop listening so I could focus, I kept track of all of them and the crowd.

  “Miles! Check this out!” Lexie all but shouted. I gave up trying not to watch her. She was standing in front of an oil painting of a squid. It was pretty cool to be honest. Miles reached her and loo
ked at it. She said something about Nemo. The fish? What? Miles chuckled. She shrugged then moved on.

  Everyone followed her except Miles, he hung back. I grumbled under my breath. He was probably going to buy her the damn painting. I checked to see her looking through the prints before heading back. I found him talking to the artist of the squid painting

  “Thank you,” Miles said as he tucked a piece of paper into his wallet.

  “Miles.” It was all I had to say.

  His ears turned pink as he tucked his wallet into his back pocket. “Don’t say a word.”

  “She’s not going to like that you bought it for her,” I warned him as we moved to catch up to the others.

  “Her birthday is next month and it’s small enough to fit on the wall with her other prints,” Miles countered, his voice growing cold. He wanted me off the topic. “Besides, I got the print not the painting.”

  “Good call.” Yeah, that she’d be okay with. We walked to catch up with the others.

  We slowly made our way around the square as Lexie geeked out over the art. It was cute. God, I hate that word but the damn word fit. She continued to glow and enjoy herself until we reached where we started again.

  Three hours later, she turned around, her face red and cringing. “I did it again, didn’t I?”

  The others chuckled.

  “Don’t worry about it, Beautiful,” Ethan said. “You were having too much fun showing your art nerd side.”

  She smiled and shrugged, not bothering to deny it.

  “Come on, let’s go get settled in at the hotel,” I announced. No one argued as Miles led the way. Lexie ended up behind me; her fingers slipped into my belt loop. I reached back, took her hand and stepped to the side so she could pass me. “Stay between me and Isaac.” I wanted her where I could see her and everyone else.

  “Worry-wort.” She grinned up at me making my heart slam. Why was she so… She passed me, her fingers slipped from mine. I clenched my fist as my fingers tingled. Being around her like this, without touching her, without holding her... it was getting to me. We needed to have that talk on this trip, it was time. My decision made, I refocused on watching the crowd around us.


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