Secrets From the Grave

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Secrets From the Grave Page 9

by B. L. Brunnemer

  “Can they do that?” Ethan turned to look down at me.

  I shrugged. “Theoretically…”

  “Shit,” he muttered as he took my hand. “Come on, there’s nothing we can do right now.” We moved back through the crowd.

  We were walking by a single guitarist who had just started to play a song. Ethan slowed to a stop. The melody drifting over the crowd was haunting, beautiful. The guitar soft and lilting.

  “What song is this?” I asked. The guitarist didn’t sing any lines, he just continued to play to the swaying crowd.

  “Tu Me Cambiaste la Vida,” he answered, moving behind me and sliding his arms around my waist. I stiffened, surprised. Then a lungful of spicy cologne had me relaxing against him.

  “Do you know the words?” I asked, my voice breathy.

  He rested his cheek against my hair, his lips brushed my ear as he began to sing to me in Spanish. My breath caught in my chest as heat rolled through me. His voice was soft, smoky and low, a whisper in my ear that had me closing my eyes. I didn’t understand the words but the way he sang to me, I didn’t need to know. The way his voice caressed the words sent my heart racing. His tone, the notes, it all shined through. Everything else fell away, my worry, fears. All there was, was Ethan’s singing and the guitar playing. His voice rose and fell, moving through my heart. I knew, in my heart, what kind of song it was. And he was singing it to me. I floated with his arms around me, his voice in my ear, his body heat wrapping around me as my own begged for more of it. I opened my eyes and turned my head to look up at him. His chocolate eyes full of warmth, his lips barely a breath from mine. Longing flowed through me. The memory of our kiss making my breath catch. His gaze stayed locked on mine as he raised his hand to stroke my jaw with his fingertips. He lowered his head, coming closer. His breath tickled my lips. The final notes played. The crowd broke out into applause bringing the world back with a crash. We both pulled away from each other to clap with the rest of the crowd.

  I swallowed hard, my heart in my throat. Did he have feelings for me too? No, no way. That kiss in the Veil was a fluke. He thought he was going to die, that’s all. As the guitarist moved into another song, I peeked up at him.

  He licked his lips then slid his hand along my lower back to my other hip. The heat of his palm was burning through my clothes.

  I took a breath for courage and looked up at him.

  His eyes met mine. “Lexie, I have to tell you something-” Our phones rang. I pulled mine out of my pocket while he answered his.

  “Yeah?” I said, half paying attention.

  “Red, we’re talking about ordering in. Are you guys coming back for dinner?” Isaac asked in my ear.

  “Yeah, we’ll head back now.” I hung up and looked up at him.

  “Um, we should go back,” Ethan said as if nothing had happened only he wouldn’t look at me.

  “Yeah,” I muttered, my face burning.

  We walked down the street toward where we could grab a taxi. We were only a third of the way down the block when I noticed we had company. Tank top guy from yesterday, in yet another tank top. He turned in time to catch me watching him.

  “We’ve got a tail,” I said.

  Ethan moved around me, putting himself between me and tank top guy. He took my hand and began walking faster.

  Tank top guy, knowing he’d been spotted, started toward us.

  Ethan squeezed my hand then loosened his grip. “Run, Lexie.”

  “Hell no,” I whispered.

  “Do it,” he hissed. But it didn’t matter. Tank top man met us on the corner.

  "Greetings from the Witches Council."

  Chapter 6

  July 12th, Thursday Evening

  "I’m sorry, who?" I asked, acting confused.

  His eyes narrowed on me. “Don’t bother playing stupid.”

  “Look, pal.” Ethan’s loud voice drew the attention of the crowd around us. “All we know is that you’re following my sixteen-year-old girlfriend. So, back the fuck off.” Ethan moved me ahead of him while glaring at tank top guy.

  I bit back a laugh as we hurried through the crowd while several men and a woman stepped between us and tank top man.

  “That should slow him down.” Ethan smirked as we hurried to the end of the street.

  “I’m not sixteen,” I pointed out.

  “You look barely sixteen when you don’t have makeup on.” He chuckled. “The younger the better in this case. I would have said fourteen if it wouldn’t have made me look like a perv.”

  We were getting in a cab when I spotted tank top man striding toward us and the other taxis. We climbed in and told the driver to hurry. Ethan gave the hotel address while I pulled out my phone.

  Alexis: We’ve got a tail.

  It wasn’t long for I got a response.

  Tough Guy: Where?

  Alexis: Following us toward the hotel from Frenchmen St. How do we lose him?

  Miles: You don’t. You come straight here.

  I showed the text to Ethan, he scoffed.

  Alexis: That will tell him exactly where we are staying.

  Asher: Getting you two back safe is more important. We can always change hotels, we can’t replace the two of you.

  I chewed the corner of my lip as the driver turned a corner.

  Alexis: Okay, but on one condition.

  Isaac: What?

  Alexis: Zeke stays upstairs.

  Miles: Agreed.

  Isaac: Might be a good idea to hang out in the lobby for a bit, Red. He’s pissed.

  I rolled my eyes and tucked my phone into my pocket.

  "We're going straight there?" Ethan asked. I nodded. He clenched then unclenched his jaw.

  With all the tourists on Bourbon street, the driver had to let us out a couple of blocks away. It was a tense walk, we were both taut as a guitar string until we reached our street. I glanced over our shoulders in time to spot tank top guy getting out of a cab.

  “He’s still following,” I muttered. Ethan took my hand and we jogged.

  By the time we reached the hotel we were both sweating bullets. Miles was just inside the door, his arms crossed over his chest, his fingers tapping on his arm. We didn't hesitate, we ran inside and skidded to a stop. Miles stayed put. Tank top man reached the door. Miles blocked it.

  Miles's posture was straight, his eyes cold as he stared at the council's man. He didn't say a word, until a man in a security uniform went to him.

  "This is the man harassing them," Miles announced before he stepped back.

  "Sir, what business do you have with our underage guests?" The tall guard demanded.

  Miles turned and came toward us, the icy look still on his face. "Upstairs, they'll take care of him for now."

  Ethan and I didn't even argue. We headed for the elevator.

  “If you come near our guests again, we'll make sure you are taken in for harassing minors." The guard informed our follower.

  When we got into the room, Zeke was pacing. His face was pale as he examined me and Ethan.

  “Are you two okay?” Asher asked, getting to his feet.

  “Yeah, we’re fine.” I took a breath and explained everything that happened on our way home.

  "You talked to your tail." Zeke’s face was pale, his eyes bright. His hand shook as it ran through his hair.

  “Deep breaths.” Miles’ voice was calm. “The tail talked to them.”

  Zeke closed his eyes and shook his head. “These guys are following us. And now they know where we are.” His voice was hard, but still controlled. As if he was biting back the need to yell. He crossed his arms over his chest and took another deep breath. “I think we need to leave.” Zeke seemed almost… calm. His clenching and unclenching jaw told me otherwise.

  “Why?” I asked carefully.

  His glowing eyes met mine. “Because they are escalating. They were following, and now they’re talking to you. This could get dangerous.”

  "Legally, they can't touch me-"
br />   "Yeah, because everyone follows laws. Laws are never broken," he shot back. He stopped, closed his eyes and took several deep breaths. Holy shit… Zeke was trying to stay calm and reasonable. But I had to be honest.

  “I can’t go home yet,” I told him.

  Zeke took several deep breaths before turning and walking out onto the balcony.

  Everyone stared at the closed French doors as Zeke went to the railing and leaned against it.

  “Did that just happen?” Isaac asked, turning to Miles. “Did Zeke really just not yell?”

  “Yeah.” The guys answered in unison.

  Miles adjusted his glasses. “He’s been working on it.”

  I walked toward the doors and watched Zeke hang his head and take several more deep breaths. “How often is he seeing his shrink?”

  “A couple of times a week,” Miles admitted.

  I turned to meet his eyes. “A week? What’s going on?”

  Miles began to tap his leg. “I’m not sure.”

  “Shit,” Ethan muttered. “That was… weird.”

  Zeke pulled out his phone and called someone. He moved away from the railing to sit on the patio couch.

  “Let’s order some dinner, by the time it’s here he should have calmed down.” Miles announced. The others gathered around the coffee table to decide on what to order from room service. I stayed by the door watching Zeke’s tense shoulders as he talked on the phone.

  “Lexie? What would you like for dinner?” Miles called, getting my attention.

  “Oh, just… whatever. I’m not picky,” I answered, still watching Zeke.

  The guys ordered and started watching a movie. Eventually, Claire joined us and the movie changed to something she’d enjoy.

  To be honest, I wasn’t really paying attention. My eyes stayed on Zeke’s shoulders. Eventually, they relaxed, then awhile later he hung up. I gave him a few more minutes before I went out to join him on the couch. I sat next to him with my back against the arm, and my knees drawn up to my chest. He took a deep breath then turned to me. Those ice blue eyes met mine.

  “Are you okay?”

  He nodded slowly. “It’s taking everything I have not to make everyone pack and leave.”

  “I know.” I swallowed hard. “Thank you.”

  He sighed, his eyes ran over me then back to mine. “I can’t convince you to leave, can I?”

  “You can try but it won't work.” I kept my voice quiet.

  "It's not safe here. Not just for you, but the guys. If they learn we have the Sight..." He took another deep breath as he leaned forward bracing his elbows on his legs.


  He turned his head; the struggle was clear in his eyes.

  "Do you understand how important this is to me?" I asked. "This is my chance to understand what I am. The only chance I might ever have."

  His eyes softened. "I know. It's just... with the council here, and the ghosts going crazy..."

  "The ghosts can't hurt me anymore," I reminded him, keeping my voice soft. "And I know there's a chance the Witches Council won't follow the laws but..." I swallowed hard. "I need to know more about what I am, what I can do, what... to expect. It's like I've been feeling my way in the dark and I finally found the fucking light switch. I can’t give up this chance."

  “It’s dangerous here, Baby,” he said in a low rasp. “Something bad is going to happen, I can feel it.”

  I met his eyes. “I know it’s a risk, Tough Guy.”

  “But you still want to stay?”

  “I have to,” I admitted.

  He closed his eyes and hung his head again. “I can’t make your choices for you. I’m only responsible for mine. I can’t control everything, only what I do. I can ask, I can’t demand or boss anyone around.” His voice was low and strained.

  I waited patiently for him to deal with his own issues.

  He opened his eyes and turned to me. “You need to stay, so… We’ll do everything we can to keep everyone safe from these people.”

  “Thank you for understanding,” I said in a soft voice.

  He nodded, then his eyes turned serious. “Not only will you not go off alone, but you’ll let us know where you are and you’ll keep us updated. You hear me?” His jaw clenched and unclenched. “I mean... please?”

  “I hear ya.” I gave him a small smile.

  His shoulders relaxed. “One down, five to go.”

  I eyed his face again. “You aren’t sleeping again.”

  "Not lately," he admitted, rubbing his eyes with one hand.

  "Why not?"

  “Nightmares,” he muttered under his breath.

  "Want to talk about it?” I tried again. Zeke wasn't the easiest person to get to talk but I was a pain in the ass when I wanted to know something.

  "Maybe later." He straightened to his full height. "I'm going to head down to the gym."

  When he was gone I took a deep breath and let it out slowly. There was someone else I needed to talk to. The sun was starting to set as I dialed then sat down on one of the patio couches.

  "Hello." Louis's voice was clear over the line.

  "The council is stepping up their game." I didn't beat around the bush. "One of my tails tried to recruit me."

  Louis cursed in, what I’m sure was French. "What happened?"

  I gave him a summary, leaving out our family discussion.

  "He said council?" he asked again.

  "Yeah." I kept my voice low. "I don't know if these guys are going to play by the rules. He almost walked right into our hotel."

  The silence was thick.

  "That's disturbing," he admitted. "Alright, you may want to leave town tonight."

  "I'm not going anywhere," I snapped. "Besides, I have some contacts of my own that should make them back off."

  "What contacts?" he asked, his voice doubtful.


  The line went quiet.

  "You know gargoyles?" he asked carefully.


  "How the hell do you know gargoyles?" His voice was surprised.

  "I'll explain later."

  He said something in, yep, it was French. "You know a lot more than you've let on."

  "I think we've both been playing it close to the chest." I wasn't going to let him get away with that one.

  "We'll have a more in-depth conversation tomorrow," he muttered. "Just stay in tonight and I’ll send you an address to meet me, around noon.”

  "See you tomorrow." I hung up. Tired, I curled my legs up and laid my head back. Today, sucked. The guys' voices were low in the living room while Claire’s was cheerful. But I couldn't seem to find the energy to get up and go back inside. I stayed put and watched the light slowly disappear from the sky.

  The street grew louder as the stars came out. My mind went blissfully blank. There was just too much that happened today. I was grateful.

  Someone stepped out onto the balcony.

  "Are you okay?" Asher asked in that rich baritone I loved.

  I opened my eyes and gave him a halfhearted smile. "Yeah, I'm just... done with today."

  He sat on the couch beside me. "Yeah, today wasn’t so easy."

  I lifted my head and looked up at the stars I could see over the buildings. "That's not it. I'm just... I don't know what's happening, I don't have a clue what I'm doing. I finally have a chance to learn what I can do and… " I shook my head. God, don’t let me fuck up.

  "No one really knows what they're doing." Asher said in a quiet voice.

  I smiled. "You mean you don't know everything and have your life planned out to the year?"

  He grinned. "I don’t even have next week planned.”

  "Really?” I asked, feeling a bit better

  He nodded. “I’m usually winging it.”

  I smiled. “So, how are things at home, really?”

  He sighed and began to talk. We talked about what was going on in our lives. Jessica was still driving him crazy, his dad was still gone, as u
sual. I told him how happy I was to not have to worry about the dead jumping me. How I felt more normal than I ever had before. We made jokes and teased each other. We fell back into our old rhythm. It was like coming home after a long vacation.

  "Lexie!" Ethan shouted, his voice furious.

  We shared a look before we got up and went to the door. Ethan strode down the hall soaked, wearing nothing but a white towel. Lines... muscles... towel low on hips... oh damn. Stop drooling before he notices! I fought to pull my eyes back to his face as he fumed. "Will you get this fucking ghost outta here?" I didn't have long to wonder what he meant. The soul of a teenage girl came through the bathroom door. Blood covered half her face from a gash at her forehead, her swim suit was covered in it.

  "Oh, come on! It was just a little peek!" The ghost smiled as she followed Ethan into the living room. Miles and Isaac came out of their room, gaping.

  Ethan turned on her. "Peek? You were fucking watching me shower!"

  The guys started laughing, I just stood there stunned. She was watching him shower... rage simmered in my gut.

  "Well, you have been single for a while." Asher pointed out.

  The ghost turned to him with a grin. "What about you, dimples?"

  Asher’s mouth drew into a tight line. A memory of Asher's bare back flashed in my mind. And the two dimples above his butt...

  "You've been watching my friends shower?" I asked as I stepped forward out of the doorway to the balcony.

  The ghost turned to me with a smile, as if she thought I'd join in on the fun. "Well, yeah."

  My temper ignited. "Who are you?"

  She perked up like a puppy, poor girl. "I'm Courtney, and your friends are really hot."

  I gave her a smile, and it wasn't my pleasant one. "Courtney, stay the hell away from my friends," I growled.

  Her smile disappeared. "I was only peeking. It's not like they mind."

  The guys scowled at her.

  I walked toward her, struggling to keep my will under control. "Just because they're guys, doesn't mean they want girls peeping on them!" I lashed out with that gold ribbon of will and wrapped it around her chest then pulled her toward me until she was practically in my face. "If you ever do that again, I'll take you to the Veil and drop your ass into the abyss and you'll be unmade. Is that fucking clear?"


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